Phyllis Schlafly. Christ, I thought she was dead. I was in my teens when Ms. Schlafly was fighting ERA tooth and nail. She was a nightmarish dinosaur back then, and I see absolutely nothing has changed.
As delegates at the Republican National Convention approved a platform banning women from combat, restricting a woman’s right to an abortion in cases of rape or incest, and without any mention of equal pay or paid family leave, Phyllis Schlafly looked on with a huge smile.
But Schlafly, whose group Eagle Forum successfully defeated the ERA, said Clinton’s plans are an insult to women and that it is “ridiculous” to think she would help women get ahead.
“Women don’t need anything special,” she said. “Women need a free country just like men.”
That disgusting party and candidate you’re so happily embracing don’t want a free country. Well, perhaps a free country, so to speak, for white males who happen to be Christian. Outside of that, what they want more resembles a concentration camp for the rest of us.
Schlafly, agreeing with her party’s platform, said that a national policy on paid leave is “not what we want at all.”
“We’ve got very generous family leave right now,” she said. “I do think the support of the children is the responsibility of the husband, not the employer.”
Right, because that has worked so very fucking well. Jesus Christ, what is it with these morons who refuse to advance one bloody centimeter? Oh, no, let’s never ever look at countries 10 times more functional and progressive than ours, and take an example. That would be unamerikkkan or something.
Of all the pro-women policies Clinton is endorsing, however, Schlafly took the most issue with the Democratic Party’s support for women in combat. The GOP platform calls for reinstating the ban, which was lifted in December by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. Clinton supported that decision and has said women should be allowed to make their own decisions about whether or not they engage in combat.
“The worst thing she’s doing is calling for the drafting of women,” Schlafly said. “It’s terrible because once you go in the army, you go where you’re told, and women are not suitable for combat and can’t do combat as well as men. It’s endangering the survival of our country to pretend that women can engage in military combat like men.”
Oh, the survival of our country depends on keeping women out of combat? What in the fuckety fuck would you know about combat, Ms. Schlafly? I already know where Ms. Schlafly wants women – back in the kitchen, with their mouths shut, pretending they don’t have any brain at all. Fuck you, and Fuck off, Phyllis.
ThinkProgress has the full story. I think I’ll just wander off for a moment and scream.
What family leave? I was under the impression that there’s no actual parental leave in the USoA… not by law, at any rate.
I’m sure she’s lived the typical life of the uneducated kitchen wife-and-mother, to know how it all works so well. :P
In the US it’s called “getting fired” when a woman gets pregnant. Just a matter of different terminology.
Reactionary minorities confuse me.
Oh no, that wasn’t suitable for Phyllis. She’s a lawyer, one of those evil career women.
Oooooooh. Well, I guess that works well. :/
Evilness incarnate, apparently.
I’m always so confused by women who take advantage of all women’s rights but work to
preserveregress the public to some weird antediluvian picture of womanly duty. Like, don’t they realize that they would never have the platform they do if they actually got what they wanted…? (But I guess that’s on the following generations, not them, haha, they got theirs!!!) What’s going on, reactionary minorities?Phyllis’s son, Andy, is the mega-asshole who founded Conservapedia.
Ahhhh, that assfly. Suddenly it makes slightly more sense, insofar as Conservapedians can make sense.
If Schlafly really believes what she says, why is she talking in public and not being silent when men are around?
sez rq @5: “I’m always so confused by women who take advantage of all women’s rights but work to preserve regress the public to some weird antediluvian picture of womanly duty.”
I’m not. Two words: “house negro”. Schlafly is of course not black, but the whole individual member of oppressed minority sucks up to oppressing majority for personal benefits dynamic is so there.