
  1. says

    If it weren’t for the fact that it would probably destroy them (?) it’d be interesting to run one of these through a table saw into 1/2″ slices, then arrange and glue them to a backing board. …

    Have you ever done any marbling? I did a bit last year and managed to make a large number of grey swirly book flyleaf pages (I was experimenting with bookbinding at the time) If you look on youtube at “water paint” there is some insanely neat stuff. One thing that excites me is making acrylic paint films on water then wrapping them around fingernails, or whatever.

  2. says


    Have you ever done any marbling? I did a bit last year and managed to make a large number of grey swirly book flyleaf pages (I was experimenting with bookbinding at the time) If you look on youtube at “water paint” there is some insanely neat stuff. One thing that excites me is making acrylic paint films on water then wrapping them around fingernails, or whatever.

    I have not. Water paint sounds intriguing, I’ll look that up. Thanks!

  3. says

    “Water painting nails” is a pretty cool search on youtube.
    “Water painting guitar” is kind of mind blowing
    The turkish technique for marbling is called “Ebru” -- if you search for ebru-making videos some of them are pretty mind-blowing. I always wanted to find a good ebru artist, set up some lights, and shoot ultra dense video suitable for adding dark trance music to…

  4. says

    Ice Swimmer:

    The second picture is a pelargonium.

    :D This one definitely reads floral to me, both ways.

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