North Carolina Republican lawmakers vowed to defy a federal order to repeal or stop enforcing a controversial anti-LGBT law.
The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday found the law violated the federal Civil Rights Act and Title IX, and officials ordered lawmakers to comply with those laws by next week or risk billions of dollars in federal education funding.
But House Speaker Tim Moore indicated Thursday that he and his fellow Republicans had no intention of meeting the federally mandated deadline, reported The News & Observer.
“We will take no action by Monday,” Moore said. “That deadline will come and go. We don’t ever want to lose any money, but we’re not going to get bullied by the Obama administration to take action prior to Monday’s date. That’s not how this works.”
One of their fellow Republicans, state Rep. Mark Walker, sniffed that Bruce Springsteen was a “bully” after the rock legend canceled a concert appearance over HB2.
“Bruce is known to be on the radical left,” Walker said. “He’s got every right to be so, but I consider this a bully tactic. It’s like when a kid gets upset and says he’s going to take his ball and go home.”
Aaaaand just what it is you all are doing? Mandating bigotry into law certainly seems like serious bullying to me.
The Christian Action League of North Carolina — one of the primary backers of the controversial law — offered a scenery-chewing statement urging GOP lawmakers to disobey the Obama administration:
“At the hands of his henchmen in the U.S. Department of Justice, King Obama, has delivered his message of intimidation to the state of North Carolina.
“The Administration has taken it upon itself to declare “sex” in Title VII and Title IX includes “sexual orientation” and “gender Identity.” This interpretation goes far beyond the language adopted and intended by Congress. Nevertheless, the Great Pontiff of Political Correctness holds the educational futures of our state’s children hostage, while dangling the money bags of federal funds over their heads, demanding in exchange North Carolina bow to the madness of obliterating male and female distinctives – something foundational to every society in human history.
“The battle over North Carolina’s common sense law, HB 2, has national significance. Must every state, more specifically, 28 other states, with laws similar to our own be forced to sacrifice their fundamental right to privacy and safety when using a restroom, locker room, or shower? That is the question of the hour.
“If this doesn’t make people righteously indignant, then our culture has lost any capacity for real moral outrage. We deserve exactly what we’ll get – confusion and chaos. Either truth is something evidential and verifiable or it’s purely subjective and determined wholly in the eye of the beholder.
“It is imperative the Governor and state lawmakers remain strong and fight the advancement of this misguided agenda. No federal law, approved by the people’s Representatives in Congress requires North Carolina comply with the Obama Administration’s demands.”
-Dr. Mark Creech
Well, male and female ‘distinctives’ are certainly foundational when it comes to misogyny, patriarchy, and every day sexism. They certainly do provide a framework for intolerance and remaining close-minded. All of which are great reasons to obliterate them. (As if it were possible to obliterate them. Christians do love being melodramatic.)
(CNN)- North Carolina will meet a Monday deadline to respond to the U.S. Justice Department about the state’s transgender bathroom law, Gov. Pat McCrory said Thursday.
“We’re reviewing (the Justice Department letter) and we hope to have a response in the very near future.” he said, according to CNN affiliate WNCN.
When asked if the state will respond before Monday’s deadline set by the Justice Department, McCrory answered in the affirmative.
“Definitely,” he said. “We’ll have a response by Monday.”
The worst part is that the rich asshats pushing these laws are not going to be the ones suffering from public education cuts. We can only hope the NC voters correctly place blame on their policymakers, rather than accept the loss of their schooling and blame it on the Queer communities.
“States” don’t have a right to privacy, fundamental or otherwise. So how about you say who you really mean here, you cowardly bullies?
Spot on. Who cares if you know or don’t know a person’s gender? Confusion and chaos? For whom? Not for me. I am not a fan of boxes. And the whole “safety” thing really grates me when I have lost one trans friend to a beating and two others to suicide. Were they safe?
I have several awesome friends in North Carolina and they are freaking out about this.
At first I thought “Isn’t that my hero, le pouf célèbre, Russell T. Davies? Writer of “Queer As Folk”, saviour of “Doctor Who” and the man who has single-handedly done more than anyone else over the last decade and more to normalise and celebrate the presence of other-than-straight people in UK popular culture? What’s he done now?”
Amusingly ironic that I should mistake a massive homophobe for him in particular. Seriously, were these guys separated at birth, or what?
So, according to them
I wonder if they consider 3d magic eye pictures deeply immoral?
As a side note, I’d like to point out that they’re only one good meal away from ISIS. The underlining ideology is the same -- anything confusing, not even something that against their belief, just anything confusing, is an outrageous evil.
IMSHO, of course the NC GOP doesn’t care about the loss of federal education dollars. It only serves to further their agenda to gut “underperforming” public schools and turn them into privately managed, for-profit charters.
What has made people righteously indignant are the bigoted republican legislators pushing their regressive policies onto the citizens of the state. But they, and McCrory, won’t admit that they were wrong. They would rather let people in the state suffer the consequences caused by their republican thick-headedness. And then, they will do their best victim-blaming to people who are trying to assure equal rights, just as McCrory has already done.
North Carolina made it to the German children’s news.
They did quite a good job at explaining what trans people are and why that law is shitty.
Obama Derangement Syndrome.