Check it for dino dna!

Which explains why the find below is so itneresting to paleontologists and kids alike!

DiscMag— An insect trapped in amber, perfectly preserved for millions of years: the image is familiar to fans of Jurassic Park, but in fact, few insects got stuck in sticky tree resin until about 130 million years ago—long after the Jurassic period ended. That’s when trees first began to produce enough of it to ensnare flies and mites.

Or so paleontologists believed. Three newly discovered bugs in amber may force a revision of that timeline. As a new study reports in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, these specimens are 230 million years old.

 That would be at the end of the Permian (Or in the earliet days of the Triassic). Which is when a lot of itnersting and possibly violent things happened. But even if it were a mosquito that had gorged herself on vertebrate blood, odds are it wouldn’t be a dino. Their ancestors had barely come to exist! But there were a lot of other really interesting critters back then, starting with the fierce-looking sail-backed Dimetrodon and ending with the adorable cuddly little cynodonts. We should clone one.


  1. wholething says

    the adorable cuddly little cynodonts. We should clone one.

    Don’t feed it after midnight or it will evolve into a Cynognathus.

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