More on that all-male panel about women in comics, because it’s so absurd / grotesque / annoying. Jin Zhao reports:
“This is happening at #DCC2015. Let’s see how this ALL MALE panel about women in comics goes #noneofthismakesanysense,” an attendee, Christy, tweeted.
As the panel proceeded, she tweeted that the all male panel gave a “lecture” on early female characters in comics “in relation to men.” At some point, one of the panelist said “because girls get bored with comics easily,” she tweeted.
Comics are more of a guy thing.
Then there was the “it’s a historical panel” defense.
Comic Alliance‘s Janelle Asselin argued that the defense was a weak one.
“There are a lot of problems to unpack here, with probably the worst being that a convention representative thinks it’s okay to have only men speaking for and about women simply because a panel wasn’t about current women in comics, diversity, or bias,” she wrote.
Asselin also pointed out that it was written in the description of the panel that introducing attendees to women attending the convention was on its agenda, which an all-male panel failed to do.
Also at least one of the “respected academics” was maybe…not so much.
At the same time, the organizers “neglected to invite the foremost authority on the history of women in comics, Trina Robbins, despite the fact that she was a guest of the convention.” wrote Asselin.
Oh. Um…
Oh, I get it! This panel wasn’t about making comics more attractive to female readers, or more welcoming to female artists, or anything controversial like that. It’s a “old guys prattle on about what comics were like when they were kids” panel. Maybe they can talk about their old Lionel train sets next year.
@1: Did they complain that comic book covers don’t relate to the content any more?
Gee, I wonder why?
(Fantastic Four #12, 1963)
@1 moarscienceplz:
My father gave Shadowling the train set I remember going around the xmas tree when I was younger. Do you know how much those things are worth now?