Google fiber, next stop, Austin, Texas?

Rumors flying, nothing official, but …

No one’s sure where Google Fiber will arrive next, but the Internet is abuzz about a press conference on Tuesday, April 9 during which Google may announce that the service is headed to Austin, Texas

Why is this so cool? Mainly, because I live in Austin. And G-fiber is roughly 100 times faster than high-speed broadband, which is the maddening, clunky network that I battle with every day, and sometimes lose to, trying to post here. Better video explanation below the fold. [Read more…]

They don’t call them killer bees for nothing

hands                        Image by John Livingston, professional video grapher, used with permission.

I was helping a friend with some chores yesterday when I felt the first sting. Within a minute I’d been stung another 10 times at least. One of the good things about being a science geek is knowing what might be going on before others do and what was going on was clear as day: these bees were swarming, they were probably Africanized.

I screamed a warning to him to get in the car immediately. I was wearing scotch guarded jeans and a hoodie, he only had shorts and a T, so I practically shoved him toward safety using my body like a lineman protecting the quarterback . Nevertheless, in the 20 foot run it took us to the to the truck I was stung at least fifty more times — they followed us like creatures from a horror movie, a few somehow got through the vents and cracks in the closed SUV and flew around inside! I was using my hands to cover my face on the mad dash so that’s where most of the stings were. But a few of these plucky little bastards managed to get through my jeans and elsewhere. The local area hospital didn’t want to give me adrenaline unless I showed signs of anaphylaxis; it enables clotting and I’m a recently minted heart patient on blood thinners.

Well, apparently I’m not allergic to bee stings as I was released the next day. BTW, if you think that right hand looks bad in the photo, it was the size of a cantaloupe for most of the night.

A time for renewal & a question for regs

Ed Brayton brought up an interesting discussion last month, would any of you prefer a subscription option which would eliminate ads? These fees are usually calculated so that they generate the same revenue as the ads would for a regular reader anyway, it’s just a matter of personal choice.

Speaking of revenue, I’m in much better shape than I was a few weeks ago when dozens of readers saved my ass. But if anyone feels like dropping a small gift into my paypal account on this holiday weekend, or if you feel the same about any other bloggers here, there should now be a donate button in the margins. My direct address for PalPay is my email address, darksydothemoon domain A-O-L. Again, I’m in fine shape and in no dire need, but if someone does want to drop a dime, I won’t accept anything over $10.03 cents (The .03 is FtB’s signature meaning it’s atheist money).

Rejoice ye Lagomorphs, your day of atonement has arrived!

As the waning gibbous moons races toward the western horizon and dawns break east, a brief period of mass hysteria will grip Christendom the world over tomorrow, in fact it has already begun. Zombie resurrection may be the center of ancient ceremony, but here in the hallowed chambers of Godless HQ, we know what’s really important: family, food, and easter eggs! On the later there lays two intertwined tales, one with tails, one without, and a story of love right down to the flowers and sweets.

It begins a long time ago in this galaxy, but back then it was far, far away. If you could travel back to that time and place, about 150 million years, you’d be well advised to watch where you step! Saurian monsters abound, hungry eyes watch from ambush. With all that to worry about, it would be easy to miss the most important new organism to arise in ages, standing low amid the tangled ferns and towering conifers. [Read more…]

Question for serious runners and crazy body nazis

After getting the news two days ago that my heart checked out superb after having a massive MI a couple of months earlier, that indeed there appeared to be no damage (Although that has yet to be confirmed with further testing) I guess I got pumped up. I managed, on a treadmill, to beat my old record on a mile of 5:27 by a few seconds. I’m still overweight for a serious runner, jogging/running this hard is very new to me (The upside? I have no impact issues). I weigh just over 160 and that’s at only 5’8″, but I think there’s potential. I have a big set of lungs and the doc says as hearts go, mine is large — not enlarged, just big for someone my size. Plus I’m certain I can lose another 20 – 25 lbs by early to midsummer.

Assuming everything tests out OK in my next follow up in 60 days … my question for the runners among you: how realistic would it be to train to break 5 minutes and if that’s even in the realm of possibility, what would be the safest or smartest way to go about doing that? [Read more…]

The rupture of the plaque

The video above gives you basic understanding of the complex and morbidly fascinating pathology of arterial deposition and the role played by inflammation. But there’s more, as explained to be my cardiologist yesterday: substances such as a nicotine and other drugs, or even a good scare can lead to what’s called a plaque rupture and once that happens the next stop on the line a few moment down the road can include sudden cardiac arrest. [Read more…]