Morning Joe gets his ass kicked

This might have made a great Netroots Nation 2012 party theme if it had happened sooner. Yesterday morning MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough was whining about a piece in the NYT about Romney’s wealth and his recent multimillion dollar makeover of a beach mansion. The conservative commentator immediately went into the all too familiar rightwing persecution mode [Read more…]

Goddess of love and beauty caught between a rock and a bright place

And by beauty we mean 700 °F pressure cooker topped with clouds of boiling sulfuric acid. Nevertheless, Venus is the brightest object in the night sky after the moon and the occasional visiting comet or even rarer nova, and the closest planet to earth. Later today it will make a rare transit between the earth and the sun the likes of which will not happen for another century: [Read more…]

Macro economics for dummies

A buddy of mine really freaked me out the other day when he demonstrated he’d bought into the Austerians hook, line, and sinker. I. e., that the way out of a recession is gut government spending. During the discussion he threw out “I took macro economics, I know how it works.” I didn’t argue with him because, one, I love the guy to death, he and his wife are some of the most decent compassionate people I’ve ever known, and two, I judged it would have been pointless. But if I was going to try to argue on those terms, here’s how it might go … [Read more…]

Take my apartment complex, please …

I’m in Austin these days and I got a little, teeny, tiny studio apartment. It’s claustrophobic small, but that’s all I need thanks to the insane hours required to survive on my horrific Great Recession pay rate. Things were fine for the first year. But a few months ago the complex was sold to a company based out of California called Greystar. My experience since ranks right up there with an unmedicated root canal. [Read more…]