Haunted dreams and guest bloggers

I should probably quit smoking. And please, before anyone jumps into comments with their former-smoker zeal and personal horror stories, you cannot scare me anymore than the Terrie the Smoker ad already has, she scares me plenty. That poor, incredibly brave gal’s rasping voice now haunts my dreams and swims in my blood. Other than that, I’m looking straight down the barrel of another insanely long day in the middle of another insanely long week. Hopefully I can grab a few minutes and find some tidbits to post in between crises.

Speaking of time management and lack thereof, are any of you regs interested in guest blogging for this site? I haven’t worked out the details or even thought much about it, but it’s probably time to tap some of the talent around these parts.

Long week, open thread

It was a long week, made longer by the family of nocturnal elephants that seems to have moved in above me, only these few peaceful, precious hours early in the morning are my own these days. I need calm blue ocean. Ahhhh, yes, thank you Mr. Cross. Consider this an open thread.

Comment Issues

I think I got most of it. It turns out a few readers’ comments got hung up in a spam file. I believe I found most of them and approved those users. Feel free to email me if you still have issues starting tomorrow morning.

No one is banned: let’s get giggy with it

I’ve received two emails from readers over the last few days saying they can’t comment elsewhere on FTB nor on this site. My guess is this is yet another in the endless series of obscure technical glitches plaguing this medium, having something to do with the fact that we use computers, computers suck beyond words by themselves, and add to that they have to try to operate on an Internet well into the process of being utterly ruined by thieves, scammers and spammers.

I apologize for any frustration this may have caused. FWIW I have not messed with comment permissions or banned anyone, ever. And I’ll see what I can find out about this. For now, let’s get techy with it! [Read more…]

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! One Day Only!

Here’s a Sunday special for FreeThinkers, because I’m especially busy this Sunday: Do you have a website/blog whatever? If so list the url in the comments below and I’ll be sure and bookmark it for future links and throw a blurb to it up here on the front page, above the fold, over the next few weeks and maybe sooner. This offer is extended to all sites including religious and/or conservative sites — although you may not like the commenters that show up on your religious and/or conservative site if it gets linked anywhere on FTB — with the exception of real whackos like Klan or terrorist sites and the like. Cute Billy Joel meets World of Warcraft video made by some friends of mine below the fold. [Read more…]

And we’re back!

FreeThoughtBlogs was down for the last few hours to facilitate a server transfer. Visitors are growing in number so fast we needed more power to keep up! So that’s a good thing, we are most pleased and grateful. Service could be intermittent today as performance is tweaked. I’m going to use the time to get some reading done, good old-fashioned traditional books. But if anything interesting pops up that could change.

This thing of ours

I want to thank all of you who helped make October the best month ever for Zingularity and a huge success for FreeThoughtBlogs. Zingularity recorded just shy of 80,000 page views, a 50% increase over last month. FreeThoughtBlogs came in just under 5 million hits. I can’t think of any other site in the last two years that has had that kind of blockbuster start followed by almost exponentiual growth. It suggests to me we are building a solid brand and, best of all, that there’s a real appetite for healthy skepticism and legit science.