WI recall: let the pains begin

Odin and Internet willing (Speaking of which, don’t we need a patron saint of the Internet or a web god of some kind?) I will be posting results from the Wisconsin recall election this evening, at least until it becomes clear who is winning. Until then some background:

GNews) — The vote will bring to a conclusion more than a year of turmoil after Walker pushed through a bill stripping workers of collective bargaining rights in an effort to fix a hole in the state budget. Polls have shown Walker, just 17 months into his term, with a small lead over Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett after a campaign that’s shattered state spending records and further divided an already polarized state. Both candidates worked in a flurry of last-minute stops in the campaign’s final days, all too aware that turnout will be critical.

Think of the glaring teatard inconsistency here: because nothing says small government conservatism and love of constitutional freedom quite like making it illegal for citizens to assemble and negotiate with the government on wages or benefits.


  1. raven says

    How about Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, knowledge and weaving.

    Minerva (Etruscan: Menrva) was the Roman goddess whom Romans from the 2nd century BC onwards equated with the Greek goddess Athena. She was the virgin

    goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic.[1]

    She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually named as the “owl of Minerva”,[2] which symbolizes her ties to wisdom.

    A big part of the internet is the World Wide Web (WWW) which is what spiders weave.

  2. Gregory in Seattle says

    While Minerva, as goddess of spinning and weaving, might relate her to the Internet, her primary sphere was the mind. Seeing all the mindless drivel on the Internet, I don’t think she would be appropriate.

    Athene was more a goddess of battle and strategy, for all that she absorbed aspects of virginity and domesticity in later Classical myth: she tried to bribe Paris with military glory and honor. Homer has some very stirring images of Athene Glaukopis (“bright eyed Athena”) striding across the battlefield of Illium. In the Odyssey, she helps Odysseus during his ten year journey home, reflecting the realities of trying to find information on Google.

    I would go with Athene over Minerva any day.

  3. Skip White says

    Don’t you know, government workers aren’t citizens! They are parasites who suckle at the collective teat of the taxpayers! Nevermind that they pay taxes on their income, or that they also use that income to pay for goods and services just like everyone else. If you bought into those notions, next you’d be calling them human beings! Besides, the right of the taxpayer to not have to pay taxes trumps all other rights.

  4. says

    I fulfilled my civic duty by voting for Barrett this morning. It will be up to the rest of the state as a whole to follow suit and tilt it back to sanity.

    In related news, Google has been feeding me nothing but Walker campaign banner ads on FTB lately. Fie.

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