A heretic, an adulterer, and a fanatic are running neck and neck in southern primaries

Call it the Return of Gingrich, or possibly the Santorum Surge, then again it could be Romney’s long predicted Knock-out Punch. You can call it anything you want, because all three GOP hopefuls are clustered tightly within a few points of one another in a new poll on the eve of the Mississippi and Alabama primaries tomorrow:

Romney 31 Gingrich 30 Santorum 29 Paul 8

Gingrich 33 Romney 31 Santorum 27 Paul 7

One of the interesting items in this particular poll are the results when Gingrich is removed. In both states in pushes Santorum over Romney, but not by as much as you might think. Three points in both cases, or 43 to 40 in Alabama and 41 to 38 in Mississippi.


  1. StevoR says

    Go the adulterer!

    Gingrich is a horribly flawed individual with some pretty nasty policies but he beats the fanatic Santorum that is named santorum and the flip-floppy-who-the-hell-is he-really heretic Mittens hands down to me.

    Oh &, yes, I want my moonbase dangnabbit!

  2. The Lorax says

    And Obama wins the Republican primary once again.

    Seriously. With THIS much contention between the Republican candidates, how does the GOP plan on finding one person that can unite them? The only thing they can hope for is to beef up the “Not Obama” rhetoric, and run an entire election campaign on that. Which, clearly, they can.

  3. d cwilson says

    Even though we’ve had 20+ debates, I doubt most Americans could name the policy positions of any of these three candidates on any national issue. The GOP has ceased to be a party with any policy platform other than who can tear down Pres. Obama the fastest.

  4. says

    Not sure Tre, but taking Gingrich out didn’t boost Santorum as much as I would have thought, so maybe it wouldn’t help Newt as much as we think if Frothy bailed. Bet it would help some though.

  5. says

    Give the man a gold star for the best news headline of the day! Although it does sound like the opening line of groaner sort of joke. Come to think of it the Repub prez wannabes pretty much are a groaner joke.

  6. roggg says

    I’m cheering for frothy. I want to turn this crazy train up to 11 and watch it crash. Not every day you get to witness life going all “reduction ad absurdum” before your very eyes.

  7. den1s says

    Frothy wants it to be made illegal for anyone running for president to use a teleprompter at any time. What a dufus.

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