Looking for some hot neutron on neutron action?

A simulated collision at the LHC

And by hot I mean zillions of electron-volts:

Looking for the Higgs boson? Try your Android phone. The most powerful particle accelerator in the world now has its very own app, free for download for anyone interested in cutting-edge physics. The app, created by scientists at Oxford University and approved by the European Organization for Nuclear Research aka CERN, offers Android users a peek into the research going on at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), including a live feed into what particles are being smashed at any given moment. The imagery is shown with computer-generated 3D models that users can move to see any angle, and the app offers a tutorial for physics newbies to decipher the things they’re seeing. According the Android Market, users have already downloaded the app more 10,000 times.

We are the 99%

Map created with BatchGeo

It’s not often we get to see a truly grassroots movement form and grow before our eyes, but that’s exactly what may be happening with the Occupy Wall Street protest that began in the Big Apple. The map above shows the extent of planned protests all over America:

The movement known as “Occupy Wall Street” has spread far beyond its starting point in lower Manhattan. CBS News correspondent Bigad Shaban reports that it now has offshoots in 25 cities nationwide, and political leaders from both sides are weighing in. From D.C. to Alabama to Portland, demonstrators protest everything from corporate greed to joblessness to economic inequality.

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Herman Cain is just like Moses

Presidential long shot Herman Cain doesn’t just have supernatural deities in his corner, he’s also “just like” another Biblical celebrity:

Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, told the Christian Broadcasting Network that God has been behind him since he decided to run for the White House.”I felt like Moses when God said I want you to go into Egypt and lead my people out. Moses resisted. I resisted,” Cain said in the interview.

Yes, a multimillionaire being asked for details on the economy or foreign policy by adoring voters and friendly media is exactly like being tortured and abandoned in a desert with no food or water. Anyone can see the eerie similarity. ::eyeroll::

Crab Nebula is charged up

One of the coolest objects for backyard astronomy is the Crab Nebula, shown above. High energy detectors have found its more than pretty: the nebula is firing off lots high energy gamma-rays:

Using the Very Energetic Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS), a group of international astrophysicists spotted gamma rays with energies exceeding 100 billion electron-volts emitted from the fast spinning Crab Pulsar supernova that was discovered in 1968. “If you asked theorists a year ago whether we would see gamma-ray pulses this energetic, almost all of them would have said, ‘No.’ There’s just no theory that can account for what we’ve found,” said corresponding author Martin Schroedter of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

That’s a lot of energy, but a freshly minted, rapidly rotating neutron star like the pulsar at the center of the Crab Nebula has a lot of energy to work with. Just a baseball sized meteor falling to the surface in that enormous gravity well would hit with the energy of a small nova. I’m sure scientists will come up with some fascinating explanations for the gamma rays soon.

Herman Cain unmasks super criminal Obama

The casual observer might think that years of deregulation pushed by Republicans allowed giant financial institutions to play Russian Roulette with the economy, that decades of tax cuts pushed by Republicans for the rich left our national savings account badly overdrawn and unable to cope with the consequences of massive unemployment, or that Republicans would enrage We the People by forcing us to cover trillions in business losses while profits were kept by the same priveleged few who created the mess. That just goes to show that you, sir or madame, are no Herman Cain!

“Wall Street didn’t create Obama’s policies … You can demonstrate all you want on Wall Street, the problem is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

This is just the tip of the iceberg and we owe Cain for pointing it out. Obama may be the most brilliant criminal genuis in history, just consider a few of the amazing jobs the right-wing assures us he has pulled off successfully …
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Willard Romney’s Mormon problem

The old joke among religious scholars is that so-called mainstream religions are just successful cults. But yesterday, according to Texas Governor Rick Perry’s pastor of choice Robert Jeffress, the definition was broadened:

Jeffress, who endorsed Perry and introduced him at the Values Voter Summit, claimed that one of the reasons who he’s opposed to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is because Mormonism is a “cult,” although he said he never discussed that issue with Perry.

The problem with Romney isn’t his religion, at least not with a majority of voters. The problem is he’s a Mormon running for pastor-in-chief in a primary dominated by fundamentalist Protestant and Catholic voters. [Read more…]

Website issues

We apologize for the intermittent slow loading speeds on the FtB site today. Our tech staff is working on tweaking the servers and we expect things to be back to normal any moment. In the meantime feel free to blame PZ Myers, or possibly Bill Gates, your choice.

I could really use a surrogate right about now

Speaking of the coming singularity, this article reminded me of something, but at first I wasn’t sure what:

in a series of experiments at Duke University Medical Center, researchers fitted two monkeys with electrodes in their brains and trained them to move a virtual arm across a computer screen to grab virtual objects and “feel” their different textures — all using only their brains. It’s the first demonstration of what the researchers call a brain-machine-brain interface (BMBI).

Then I placed it: the opening scene in Surrogates, where researchers had hooked up a living primate to a robotic arm. At age 50 I could already make great use of a nice athletic, near indestructible artificial body. How about you?

Of comet water and stardust

Ice crystals coming off of Comet 103P/Hartley

The idea that the atoms in our body were cooked in the cores of massive stars that ultimately blew their starry guts out has already fascinated me. Now, astronomers have added a related celestial twist: the water making up earth’s ancient oceans, some of which resides inside our present day bodies, probably came from a special group of comets which normally wander lazily around the edge of the solar system:

Earth-like water has been discovered in the small oddball comet Hartley 2, which the Deep Impact/EPOXI spacecraft flew by in November 2010. This comet originated in the disk-shaped Kuiper belt, a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune, suggesting this is ultimately where much of Earth’s water came from.

What does earth-like water mean? [Read more…]