Our plans for Godless domination of all space and time continue apace. Exceeeelent! Today I’m happy to announce several new, talented bloggers. Although new here is relative, some of these guys and gals have been writing great stuff and doing important work on behalf of sanity and reality for years.
Dana Hunter at En Tequila Es Verdad is a science blogger, SF writer, complete geology addict, Gnu Atheist, and owner of a – excuse me, owned by a homicidal felid.
Al Stefanelli owns and operates A Voice of Reason, he is a veteran journalist and bravely serves as the Georgia State Director for American Atheists, Inc.
Russel Glasser at The Atheist Experience is a fourth generation atheist and both his parents are physicists, gotta love that!
Ian Cromwell of the Cromunist Manifesto is a polymorph and long-time observer of race and race issues. His interests, at least blog-wise, focus on bringing anti-racism into the fold of skeptic thought.
JT Eberhard blogging at What Would JT Do? is a young rabble-rouser who serves the Secular Student Alliance and contributes to Atheism Resource.
Justin Griffith at Rock Beyond Belief is, praise no one and pass the ammunition, an atheist soldier serving his country and serving as Military Director for American Atheists.
Kylie Sturgess at Token Skeptic is a busy skeptic. She also hosts a podcast, and regularly writes for numerous publications including CSICOP’s Curiouser and Curiouser online column.
Head on over to their website and give them a warm skeptical welcome … which I guess would be something like “OK, I’m listening, what-do-ya got?
Thank you! :)
We have a plan so cunning we could put a tail on it and call it a weasel. ;-) Thanks for the welcomes! Happy to be a part o’ taking over the world wi’ ye!