Hate culture

Muslim fanatics hate almost everybody. They hate Jews, Christians, Hindus, Pagans, Atheists and many other communities. They even hate Muslims. If they happen to be Sunnis, they hate Shi’ites , Ahmadiyyas, Baha’is etc. They hate Buddhists too. In Bangladesh, Muslims and Buddhists usually live together peacefully. But Muslims get already angry with Buddhists this year because Buddhists in Myanmar tortured Myanmar’s minority Rohingya Muslims. When Hindus in India demolished an Indian mosque in 1992, Muslim fanatics in Bangladesh demolished the houses and temples of Bangladesh’s minority Hindus. Quite a weird revenge! [Read more…]

The holy virus

A new SARS-like virus is as mysterious as Allah. The virus is definitely a holy virus, as it appeared in Saudi Arabia, Allah’s own land, the holy land. Allah made His messenger born in the holy land. He also advised everyone to recite the Quran, His own holy book in nothing but Arabic, the holy language.
The scientists now are saying that the virus in the holy land has come from holy bats, holy camels and holy goats. [Read more…]

God’s soldiers!

Unfortunately, the films critical of Islam are by the people who do not know how to make films, and they are often extreme-right-wing-anti-Islam or just anti-Islam-Christian-fanatics. Submission by Theo Van Gogh, Fitna by Geert Wilders and Innocence of Muslims by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. All these films are bad-taste-low-standard-films. Some film-makers dance with all-religions-are-good-only-Islam-is-bad song. Good films but very critical of Islam could have been made by creative, visionary, talented film-makers who have rational logical mind and scientific outlook. Unfortunately not a single good film based on authentic Islamic history has ever been made. I have been waiting for decades to watch an Islamic version of ‘Life of Brian.’ Where are our Pythons?

Islamists are bad, film makers are also bad. Islamists say they do not want freedom, they want Islam. But they want freedom to destroy and burn down everything. They believe they are allowed to commit barbaric acts in the name of their imaginary god.

Bad film-makers have the right to make bad films. But no one has the right to take away the life or property of another. God’s law forgives god’s soldiers, but our law must not.

We do not need a male to get pregnant.

Virgin Mary story is a myth. But virgin-snake-mom story is real. Pit vipers reproduced without a male.

We know that only captive species can reproduce. The process is called facultative Parthenogenesis. Parthenogenesis is a process in which the females produce eggs that can develop without fertilization. Recently captive domestic chicken, pythons, sharks, komodo dragons, lizards, and birds reproduced with no sex involved. It can happen in aphids, bees and ants. It is extremely rare that a normally sexual vertebrate reproduce asexually. Now that virgin births have been discovered in wild vertebrates, we can assume reproducing without the need for a male may not be so rare in the animal kingdom. Offspring only have their mother’s genetic material; no male contribution is required. It is amazing to see sexual vertebrates switched from sexual to asexual reproduction.

Kaguya the mouse does not have a father. Kaguya has two parents of the same sex. Cells were used from two different female mice and combined them to make a single unique animal, there was no problem of genomic imprinting. Not only a mouse, a female shark got pregnant on her own, no male was required.

Humans are mammals and sexual vertebrates. Will human females be able to reproduce with no male or no sex? Parthenogenetic reproduction can happen in human females. But do we have to produce only females because we do not have Y choromosome? Not necessarily if someone is a genetic mosaic whose body is built of a mixture of cells of two or more different genotypes! Yes, then we may even reproduce a male without a male.