Here is a random collection of cartoons, jokes, and puns for the holiday. [Read more…]
Here is a random collection of cartoons, jokes, and puns for the holiday. [Read more…]
One of the benefits of being a modern pundit is that there is no price to be paid whatsoever for being totally wrong. Let me be clear that there is nothing bad about being wrong. After all, when you are predicting any outcome that is not certain, there is always the possibility, however carefully you do your analysis, of the actual outcome being one that is not the most likely, one that lies in the tail of the probability distribution. [Read more…]
I was once getting my hair cut and listened to the conversation my barber was having with a friend seated nearby. They were recounting a terribly complicated story of something that seemingly happened to a common friend of theirs. Towards the end I said that I was sorry to hear about their friend’s terrible plight when they laughed and said that they had been discussing their favorite TV soap opera. But they were really invested in it and the way they talked about it was as if those characters were part of their lives. [Read more…]
Within the last half-century, it seems to have become a tradition in American politics for the losing party in a presidential election to distance itself from their candidate. But the vehemence with which Mitt Romney is being urged to leave the stage has been quite remarkable. [Read more…]
Jon Stewart looks at the whining by Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg following Mitt Romney’s defeat at how immigrants are destroying ‘traditional’ America. Stewart marvels at not only their lack of self-awareness but also their ignorance of history. [Read more…]
Despite some hopes by Republicans that they had managed to close the gender gap, in the final analysis women voted for Obama by a margin of 55-44%. Since women as a whole made up 53% of the voters, this gap has to be of considerable concern to the GOP. [Read more…]
Before and after the election we saw plenty of business owners whining about how the re-election of Barack Obama would sound the death knell for business and would require them to shut down their businesses or fire people or make them part-time so as to not have to provide them with health care benefits. [Read more…]
Forget yesterday’s weeping icon. The case of the Satanic toaster that was reported back in 1984 is far more impressive. [Read more…]
Fox News had a terrible night on Tuesday, as the realization slowly sank in that the hermetically sealed world in which they lived, where everyone hated Barack Obama and were just waiting for the chance to throw him and his Muslim-socialist ways out the door, had been breached, and the harsh winds of reality entered and chilled them to the bone. Needless to say, The Daily Show was not going to let them forget it. [Read more…]
The very first law that Barack Obama signed after he was sworn in in 2009 was the Lilly Ledbetter Act, named after the woman who sued her employer after she discovered that her male colleagues had for years been getting paid much more than her for the same work. [Read more…]