A woman in Florida (of course!) was asked by a Walgreens store employee to wear a mask but simply walked past. When another female customer, who happens to be a Muslim, told her that an employee was talking to her, she let loose an incredibly ugly and racist tirade. She then made the classic maneuver that identifies her as a Karen by calling the police and saying that she is the victim under threat. You should watch the video to the end when the tables are turned on her when the police do not take her side and her swagger disappears to be replaced by whimpering.
“I have friends that are Muslim.”
Yes, of course you do, ma’am. That was pretty clear when, moments earlier, you were saying “no, they’re not humans; they’re Muslims,” who should “go back to Palestine,” that she’s an “ugly bitch,” and it’s “no wonder people hate you.”
But still, you should probably save these public displays of affection toward your Muslim friends for a more appropriate place and time. You know? It’s just that, well, next time you’re in the mood, maybe it would be better to call the cops on your Muslim friends at Target, say, or possibly Sears.
Using someone else’s name as a slur to describe this type of offensive person distracts from the story.
I am sure that she lets her Muslim “friends” use her bathroom at her home, right?
Then she reports them for robbery, drug trafficking, obscenity, censorship, defamation, corrupting the youth, multiple violations of 7 USC §8313 & 9 CFR §98.36(a)(2)(ii) as well as 33 USC §§409 & 411, false imprisonment, extortion, bribery, double-dipping, and treason.
Her Muslims friends are still quite friendly to her though. Go figure.
@ 2 file thirteen
It’s an archetype. No one thinks people are bad just because they’re called Karen.
Now Bob on the other hand, is a completely different matter! 😉
This one went viral in Australia back in July (Bunnings is a large Australian hardware/DIY chain):
It was close to the peak of the worst period of Covid-19 infection in the country, in Melbourne, the centre of that outbreak.
The woman filmed her own interaction with store staff, and posted it on social media. She appears to have started filming before any store staff spoke to her. She sounds a bit sovereign citizen “my right as a living woman”, and anyway, almost everything she says to the staff is wrong. The staff keep their cool amazingly well.
She also seems to have posted a video of her refusing to wear a mask at a post office (the video repeats some of the Bunnings footage before getting to the post office part).
But watch to the end. The last bit is the best 😉
1. Not really.
2. Yeah, they do. Look at the post title. This specific woman, in short, is indeed being called a Karen, so one knows she will be bad even without accessing the content (which I haven’t).
(Anyway, I’ve been noted the problem on every post featuring this nasty neologism, and Mano clearly is being a Mano about it. Some people just don’t see the problem with using a common given name as an slur)
“No one thinks people are bad just because they’re called Karen”
“being called a Karen”
See, you’ve scuppered your point right there. You are obtusely refusing to understand the difference between
(a) being called Karen, i.e. having that as your given name and
(b) being called A Karen, I. e. being criticised for acting in an entitled and racist way.
Little words make a big difference. Notice the difference here, for instance:
“The studio cut of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil is bollocks.”
“The Gilliam cut of Brazil is the bollocks.”.
You presumably think I don’t like either of them?
sonofrojblake, fine, you have no problem using a common given name as a pejorative, because it’s generally distinguishable from the proper noun.
(But sure, for you, someone named Karen is not a Karen unless they’re white and show entitled behaviour)
@sonofrojblake #9
If you want to call an “entitled and racist woman” a “karen” (new sexist word, lowercase k) that’s one thing. But “Karen” is a person’s name. Perhaps you should follow up your preposition lecture with one on capitalisation.
What concerns me is that I’m inevitably eventually going to encounter some dickhead countering like with like, eg. defining a “Mustafa” as a muslim* terrorist, and if I give in to this argument about it being ok to describe someone as a “Karen”, then I won’t be able to put the dickhead in their place without becoming a hypocrite. Is keeping “Karen”, the new term, worth that?
*and since I brought up the subject of capitalisation in this comment I should point out that spelling “muslim” this way is deliberate on my part; I don’t think any religions or religious deserve to be capitalised. Ymmv
Just say “racist white woman”.. Or maybe just white woman?
There are some instances of family names that are used to denote characteristics, behaviours or actions, like quisling, chauvinism, bowdlerise and boycott. They are generally lower case.
Given names, less so. I can’t think of any, apart from the one under discussion.
Hmmm. Just thought of one: “wally” in British English.
Sharon. Becky. Chad. Billybob. Tarquin. All given names I’ve heard used as pejoratives.
The worst one is of course “Joey”,although you’d need to be around 50 and British to get that one.
The issue, I think, is minority and oppression. Referring to big goofy white guys as Chads isn’t oppressing them (or other people called Chad). Referring to entitled racist white women as Karen’s isn’t oppressing them (or other people called Karen).
Referring to Muslims or people with cerebral palsy by a generic name absolutely is oppressive AND IS INTENDED TO BE.
Therein lies the difference, as if anyone reading this wasn’t already perfectly well aware.
“Just my Bill, an ordinary guy…” — Oscar Hammerstein II (from Showboat)
John, Mark…
And Richard of course…
Well, I personally don’t much like to see “Karen” used as an insult; it was my little sister’s name. I realize, of course, that it isn’t intended as any insult to her memory—but I still find it unpleasant to see.
And yet “don’t be a dick” is ok.
A commissioned officer (usually a green lieutenant) is called a “Rupert” in the Brit army. As in “don’t let the new Rupert get killed”.
The librul newspapers keep nagging about the 500,000 “dead”, but no one writes about the *true* victims, the millions that have their freedom restricted by oppressive “rules” .
Out of curiosity, I looked for the name of the woman in the video, hoping for she did not happen to be named Karen. According to Newsweek, her name is Luba Bozanich (assuming the video captions are accurate, she says she is “from the [sic] Ukraine”). None of this really matters, though. What is of concern, however, is that she is a licensed clinical social worker, according to Newsweek.
*hoping she did not happen to be named . . .
Herbert, as in “spotty little…”.
Mick, which counts as an actual racist slur, just for contrast.
Actually the list of given names used pejoratively is quite extensive,when you start thinking about it.
“Mano” isn’t on it though….
Post-Fawlty Tower, Manuel could be though…
I was listening to a podcast the other night, one of those “true crime” podcast about murders and missing persons and so forth, and one of the people mentioned -- a co-worker of the missing person -- was named Debbie Seaman. And I said to my wife, “can you imagine the teasing you’d get at school if your name was Debbie Seaman?!”
There are worse names to have than Karen is what I’m sayin’.
(No offence to any readers whose surname is Seaman. You have my commiserations.)
You’d certainly need some spunk to resist such teasing.
One problem I have with white people calling others Karen is it is too easy for them to ignore their own behavior and act in the exact same way.
Damn. No wonder people make fun of lefties. We spend half the comment thread arguing not about the awful, amazing video but about the evil of using a name as a meme.
bmiller, no worries. Let’s fix that.
Care to start the argument about the video? I’ll respond.
And now we have Dementia Karen