What does it tell us when terrible people abandon Trump and back Clinton?

As a result of Donald Trump winning the Republican nomination and his subsequent behavior and pronouncements, we are seeing a great deal of uncertainty amongst Republicans on what to do, with over one hundred of them signing a letter calling on the party to abandon Trump. The Los Angeles Times has published a list of traditionally Republican supporters under various shades of support: those actively campaigning for Trump, those issuing a clear endorsement of Trump but not campaigning, those saying they support ‘the party nominee’ but won’t be campaigning, those wavering or backing Trump with caveats, those not saying they will vote for Trump but saying they definitely will not vote for Hillary Clinton, those who are staying quiet altogether, those who reject both Trump and Clinton, those who reject Trump but are not backing Clinton, and those who have rejected Trump and are voting for Clinton.
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A fascinating day of Test cricket ahead

The fourth day’s play in the third and final Test match between Australia and Sri Lanka being played in Colombo has ended, with the game poised for a fascinating final day that contains all the strategy and tactics that Test cricket aficionados live for. Although the outcome of the rubber has been decided with Sri Lanka winning the first two Tests, each team is highly motivated to win the third, Australia to avoid the humiliation of a clean sweep at the hands of a low-ranked team and risk losing their top-ranked status, and Sri Lanka to enjoy the taste of sweeping the top-ranked Test team. So you could be sure that neither team would be phoning it in.
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When the bully becomes the bullied

The contortions that spokespersons for Donald Trump have to go through in order to explain away his controversial statements can be quite comical in the way that they brutalize language. For example, Katrina Pierson, when questioned by Fox News about Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, called the practice of presidential candidates releasing their tax returns a ‘novelty tradition’. Even the Fox News host seemed bemused by calling something that had been going on since the 1970s a novelty.
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Why time seems to travel faster for older people

It is a cliché that older people seem to think that time goes by faster than younger people. Christian Yates reviews the various theories that purport to explain this.

This apparently accelerated time travel is not a result of filling our adult lives with grown-up responsibilities and worries. Research does in fact seem to show that perceived time moves more quickly for older people making our lives feel busy and rushed.

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