Boy Scouts edging towards doing the right thing

One of the hallmarks of how change occurs in religious organizations is that it is done very slowly, by a series of small steps. We see that happening with the Boy Scouts of America. They have been getting a beating about their hostile attitude towards gay members and leaders, with people and businesses withdrawing their financial support, always a bad sign for organizations like that. [Read more…]

Finally, a public acknowledgment of US torture practices

A new bipartisan commission reports on what many of us knew for a long time but some in the media chose to ignore, that the US was systematically and massively practicing torture at the same time that top government officials from president Bush on down were denying that they were doing so and claiming high moral reasons, that it went against our values and so on. [Read more…]

The Higgs Story-Part 15: Producing the Higgs

It is time to turn to the issue of how to produce the Higgs particle. Particles that are too short-lived to be found in nature have to be produced in the laboratory. What one does is to use Einstein’s famous relation E=mc2. If one has energy large enough, one can in principle produce any particle in the lab. The larger the mass of the desired particle, the larger the energy required. The way the particle is produced is by accelerating easily obtainable stable particles (i.e., those that do not decay quickly into other particles) like protons and electrons (and their anti-particles) and then colliding them with each other so that their energy of motion is converted into mass energy of the new particle. (For previous posts in this series, click on the Higgs folder just below the blog post title.) [Read more…]

Why the ‘stupid party’ will stay stupid

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, who is one of the many Republicans with presidential ambitions, made a splash earlier this year by saying that the Republican party had to stop being the ‘stupid party’, saying things that made them look hateful and ridiculous in the eyes of the electorate. He was referring to the statements about rape made by Republican senate candidates Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock in 2012 that transformed likely wins into defeats. [Read more…]

The phony scare about the debt exposed

Debt cutting frenzy has been rampant across North America and Europe, with ‘everyone’ (i.e., politicians, elite media, and the oligarchs) arguing that if the deficits are not reduced by cutting spending on social services, countries risk ruin. This phony consensus has been driven by pseudo-grassroots campaigns like ‘Fix the Debt’ and the Simpson-Bowles ‘Catfood Commission’, while standing in the shadows and pushing this agenda is billionaire Pete Peterson who has poured half a billion dollars into trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social programs. [Read more…]