Yesterday, I strolled through Cornucopia Days in Kent, Washington, which was mostly huge numbers of booths selling interesting food, and was filled with an impressively diverse collection of attendees. I had to take a photo of this one sad and lonely booth on the fringe, though.
I think they mean Individual Freedom
(If you’re a wealthy white man), Parental Rights
(the right to force women to be a parent, and the right to abuse your children), Human Dignity
(under the thumb of an imaginary Christian god), Public Safety
(more guns, more cops), Fiscal Responsibility
(says the party that runs up tremendous deficits whenever in power by granting tax exemptions to the rich), Government Accountability
(conservatives recently declared their president/king free of all accountability). Every word they wrote is a lie, but that’s what they believe their party is about, as it does the reverse.
No, I didn’t talk to them. I had better things to do.