To be fair, there are way too many atheists ogling Hitler’s butt, too.
Pierce R. Butlersays
The meme-maker chose that black-&-white image with a sharp eye for irony.
It is now 2025. We’ve seen and know what happened in the 1930’s (Germany & taly esp) and how it ended and what damage it did and how stupid and wrong it was.
Yet still we have nazis. People – including the world’s richest and one of its strangest and least decent men – still find nazism appealinga dn worth falling to?
For .. pities.. sake!
If Jesus returned to earth, the MAGA crowd would be the first ones in line to crucify him all over again.
Akira MacKenziesays
Oh please When was this magical era when Christians WEREN’T being willfully-ignorant, genocidal, misogynistic, tyrannical bigots?
Akira MacKenziesays
Edit: Oh please!
Easy, Akira. When there were only a handful of them early on, they were ignorant, misogynistic bigots, but they didn’t have the numbers or power yet to be tyrannical and genocidal.
freeline @ #4
Well, duh! Biblical jesus is portrayed as being liberal and woke. Very, very woke. Caring about the poor and down-trodden is, by far, the worst sin of which the MAGAts can not abide. The adorations today are focused on right-wing jesus and his BFF, Donald.
Akira, I think there are Christians here and there whose religion makes them better people, but not enough to justify Christianity itself. Christianity helped my father stop drinking. Wilbur Wilberforce did in fact invoke Christianity as a reason to abolish slavery, while not mentioning that Paul condoned slavery in the New Testament. As with anything else, you can find authority within Christianity for pretty much any position you want to take.
But at this time and place, Christianity has pretty much moved into the fascist or fascist-friendly camp. I grew up evangelical and despite being an atheist (and openly gay) for the past 40 years I’ve maintained friendly relationships with some of them. But the past couple of years have taught me that they’ve largely been nice to me because they lacked political power. Now that they have political power, they are not my friends. If push comes to shove, they’ll be only too happy to help load me onto a train.
Continental Dividesays
The guy in that photo wants both. And he can have both with little friction or fear. Any effective opposition has to grasp that.
Excellent observation, the bright colorful halo laden Jesus being transposed by the dark ugly Hitler. They are in extreme opposition to one another, but the Christians want both. The logical mind can only sigh.
The meme would by funny if the truth behind it didn’t exist.
Not sure we can say anything about “Christians” as a whole that we couldn’t say about most human groups. They are very diverse in their behaviors. There have been many stinkers, but some Christians have been and are pacifists. Some Christians have contributed to liberalism and humanism, science and the pursuit of truth. I know some Christians and they are decent people. They don’t approve of a lot of what is done in the name of Christianity any more than we do.
Fools. They can’t even tell that Trump lied to them, let alone the bible. And… as far as I know, Jesus wasn’t a nationalist, or even white, assuming he existed at all. Apparently, your social ties tell you what is real. Would evangelicals believe their nonsense, if it wasn’t pounded into their heads every Sunday morning?
John Wattssays
An old friend of mine lives in Maine, not far from the Canadian border. He’s not wealthy. Every month when his social security check comes he goes grocery shopping in Canada because it’s 1/3 cheaper than here (don’t ask me why.) He’s been doing this for years. This time, when he crossed back into the states, he was hassled by the U.S. custom agents. They demanded to know why he was giving money to Canadians. He didn’t feel obligated to answer that stupid question, but he felt intimidated. They let him back in with his Canadian loot, but this sticks with him. What about next month?
Is it now a crime to shop in Canada? Is Canada now our enemy?
The amazing thing is this all happened in under two weeks. It just goes to show how quickly people can go from decent to Brownshirts.
@John Watts:
I used to know someone who worked for Canada Customs and Immigration.
One thing he said that has long since stuck with me is that ‘border guard’ is basically the entry level position for someone working in Immigration. It’s the Immigration version of a ‘retail job’, where you’re bored most of the time, and have to deal with entitled people throwing tantrums somewhat regularly. (That said, it’s also basically a ‘beat cop’ job where it’s possible to make someone else’s life hell if you really want to; you just can’t do it too often or you hold up the lines. So, retail worker where the managers don’t care about customer complaints as long as their bosses don’t complain about not making metrics.)
Based on the conversations I had, pretty much everybody tries to get away from the front-line border guard position as quickly as they can, working up the promotion ladder so they can get better-paying positions with better benefits.
This means that most border guards, especially at the smaller out-of-the-way crossings, are either relatively new, or unable to get promoted for whatever reason.
And that, needless to say, informs a good chunk of the ‘experience’ of regular border crossings.
The religious right, by their own admission, had one job: to warn us when the Antichrist arrives. Then a weird-looking orange-skinned thug rode down an escalator. He went down a checklist. Pride? Check. Wrath? Check. Envy? Check. Avarice? Check. Gluttony? Check. Lust? Check. Sloth? Check. How anti-Christian of him.
Having committed all of the Seven Deadly Sins, he then proceeded to summon the Four Horsemen. Conquest, i.e. Oppression? Ask any Hispanic, or any Black, or any woman, or anyone of alternate gender, or the sick, or the poor. Famine? He’s working on that, with his economy-tanking tariffs and his terrorizing farm workers. Prices will rise, and the poor will go hungry. Plague? Covid proved that he’s pro-plague. War? He has targeted Panama, Greenland, Canada, and now Gaza.
You would think that self-righteous moral entrepreneurs like the religious right would hasten to call such a freak the Antichrist. But no, they’re in his cult. Perhaps we should add a verse to Revelations, one in which the Antichrist seduces pious hypocrites with false promises.
I am reluctant and embarrassed to say all this, for I do not take St. John’s bad trip literally. But the religious right does. It seems that Trump read Revelations, along with Mein Kampf, not as warnings but as instruction manuals.
I speculate that the religious right is practicing “proselytizing by counter-example”: that is, being such vile wretches that they make even skeptics like myself admire the virtues that they violate.
Or they could substitute Stalin (also a famous mustache!)… frankly, for either the “girlfriend” or the “momentary attraction.” (So, too, with Leopold II…)
Bekenstein Boundsays
But no, they’re in his cult. Perhaps we should add a verse to Revelations, one in which the Antichrist seduces pious hypocrites with false promises.
That is already in there, actually, or a passage sometimes interpreted as such. Rev 13:11-13:
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Eh. That can’t possibly be someone from 2000 years or so ago predicting that Trump would somehow recover from the seemingly mortal political wounds of 2020, and would be backed by a man who massively funded his comeback campaign while also having one of his more spectacular rocket launch failures “maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” on January 16, 2025. Surely? Certainly Musk now seems to be “exercising all the power” of the presidency, and then some, usurping also powers the Constitution relegates to Congress.
Or maybe it’s just possible to make any sufficiently vague prophecy fit nearly any events.
It’s long been popular for Protestants to interpret that passage as referring to whichever Catholic Pope was in office at the time, at any rate.
The evangelicals are undergoing their own Stanford Experiment. And they are failing.
Bekenstein Bound:
Not quite what I had in mind. How about this:
And lo, I beheld another beast ride down a descending staircase; and he was as orange as a citron, and his hair was like unto thin-spun sugar, and he spoke only lies, in the voice of a whining cur.
And he loved nought but wealth and power; not his children, nor his many wives, nor his mistresses, nor his allies, nor his worshipers, nor even himself, for his love was poison, and his word was worth its weight in gold.
And though he committed all seven of the deadly sins, and though he summoned the four horsemen, and though all knew him mad and wicked, still he seduced pious hypocrites to worship him as a Savior.
#5 thank you for the concise statement of fact. By definition the religion as always been about power despite preaching, but not following, about love one another and do unto others etc.
Yes there are Xtians who actually try and follow the original tenets but they don’t have a voice. Nor do they want a voice.
John Moralessays
Mark 12:17 (NKJV): And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at Him.
To be fair, there are way too many atheists ogling Hitler’s butt, too.
The meme-maker chose that black-&-white image with a sharp eye for irony.
It is now 2025. We’ve seen and know what happened in the 1930’s (Germany & taly esp) and how it ended and what damage it did and how stupid and wrong it was.
Yet still we have nazis. People – including the world’s richest and one of its strangest and least decent men – still find nazism appealinga dn worth falling to?
For .. pities.. sake!
If Jesus returned to earth, the MAGA crowd would be the first ones in line to crucify him all over again.
Oh please When was this magical era when Christians WEREN’T being willfully-ignorant, genocidal, misogynistic, tyrannical bigots?
Edit: Oh please!
Easy, Akira. When there were only a handful of them early on, they were ignorant, misogynistic bigots, but they didn’t have the numbers or power yet to be tyrannical and genocidal.
freeline @ #4
Well, duh! Biblical jesus is portrayed as being liberal and woke. Very, very woke. Caring about the poor and down-trodden is, by far, the worst sin of which the MAGAts can not abide. The adorations today are focused on right-wing jesus and his BFF, Donald.
Akira, I think there are Christians here and there whose religion makes them better people, but not enough to justify Christianity itself. Christianity helped my father stop drinking. Wilbur Wilberforce did in fact invoke Christianity as a reason to abolish slavery, while not mentioning that Paul condoned slavery in the New Testament. As with anything else, you can find authority within Christianity for pretty much any position you want to take.
But at this time and place, Christianity has pretty much moved into the fascist or fascist-friendly camp. I grew up evangelical and despite being an atheist (and openly gay) for the past 40 years I’ve maintained friendly relationships with some of them. But the past couple of years have taught me that they’ve largely been nice to me because they lacked political power. Now that they have political power, they are not my friends. If push comes to shove, they’ll be only too happy to help load me onto a train.
The guy in that photo wants both. And he can have both with little friction or fear. Any effective opposition has to grasp that.
On this topic, I recommend the second-best writer on the Internet, Fred Clark (for example: on this topic.
This breaks the spirit of the original meme, in which the girl whom the guy is ogling looks remarkably similar to his existing girlfriend.
#11: that’s still true here.
@#2 – Pierce R. Butler
Excellent observation, the bright colorful halo laden Jesus being transposed by the dark ugly Hitler. They are in extreme opposition to one another, but the Christians want both. The logical mind can only sigh.
The meme would by funny if the truth behind it didn’t exist.
Not sure we can say anything about “Christians” as a whole that we couldn’t say about most human groups. They are very diverse in their behaviors. There have been many stinkers, but some Christians have been and are pacifists. Some Christians have contributed to liberalism and humanism, science and the pursuit of truth. I know some Christians and they are decent people. They don’t approve of a lot of what is done in the name of Christianity any more than we do.
Fools. They can’t even tell that Trump lied to them, let alone the bible. And… as far as I know, Jesus wasn’t a nationalist, or even white, assuming he existed at all. Apparently, your social ties tell you what is real. Would evangelicals believe their nonsense, if it wasn’t pounded into their heads every Sunday morning?
An old friend of mine lives in Maine, not far from the Canadian border. He’s not wealthy. Every month when his social security check comes he goes grocery shopping in Canada because it’s 1/3 cheaper than here (don’t ask me why.) He’s been doing this for years. This time, when he crossed back into the states, he was hassled by the U.S. custom agents. They demanded to know why he was giving money to Canadians. He didn’t feel obligated to answer that stupid question, but he felt intimidated. They let him back in with his Canadian loot, but this sticks with him. What about next month?
Is it now a crime to shop in Canada? Is Canada now our enemy?
The amazing thing is this all happened in under two weeks. It just goes to show how quickly people can go from decent to Brownshirts.
@John Watts:
I used to know someone who worked for Canada Customs and Immigration.
One thing he said that has long since stuck with me is that ‘border guard’ is basically the entry level position for someone working in Immigration. It’s the Immigration version of a ‘retail job’, where you’re bored most of the time, and have to deal with entitled people throwing tantrums somewhat regularly. (That said, it’s also basically a ‘beat cop’ job where it’s possible to make someone else’s life hell if you really want to; you just can’t do it too often or you hold up the lines. So, retail worker where the managers don’t care about customer complaints as long as their bosses don’t complain about not making metrics.)
Based on the conversations I had, pretty much everybody tries to get away from the front-line border guard position as quickly as they can, working up the promotion ladder so they can get better-paying positions with better benefits.
This means that most border guards, especially at the smaller out-of-the-way crossings, are either relatively new, or unable to get promoted for whatever reason.
And that, needless to say, informs a good chunk of the ‘experience’ of regular border crossings.
The religious right, by their own admission, had one job: to warn us when the Antichrist arrives. Then a weird-looking orange-skinned thug rode down an escalator. He went down a checklist. Pride? Check. Wrath? Check. Envy? Check. Avarice? Check. Gluttony? Check. Lust? Check. Sloth? Check. How anti-Christian of him.
Having committed all of the Seven Deadly Sins, he then proceeded to summon the Four Horsemen. Conquest, i.e. Oppression? Ask any Hispanic, or any Black, or any woman, or anyone of alternate gender, or the sick, or the poor. Famine? He’s working on that, with his economy-tanking tariffs and his terrorizing farm workers. Prices will rise, and the poor will go hungry. Plague? Covid proved that he’s pro-plague. War? He has targeted Panama, Greenland, Canada, and now Gaza.
You would think that self-righteous moral entrepreneurs like the religious right would hasten to call such a freak the Antichrist. But no, they’re in his cult. Perhaps we should add a verse to Revelations, one in which the Antichrist seduces pious hypocrites with false promises.
I am reluctant and embarrassed to say all this, for I do not take St. John’s bad trip literally. But the religious right does. It seems that Trump read Revelations, along with Mein Kampf, not as warnings but as instruction manuals.
I speculate that the religious right is practicing “proselytizing by counter-example”: that is, being such vile wretches that they make even skeptics like myself admire the virtues that they violate.
You could also caption it Christian Zionists but that would be “antisemitic”.
Or they could substitute Stalin (also a famous mustache!)… frankly, for either the “girlfriend” or the “momentary attraction.” (So, too, with Leopold II…)
That is already in there, actually, or a passage sometimes interpreted as such. Rev 13:11-13:
Eh. That can’t possibly be someone from 2000 years or so ago predicting that Trump would somehow recover from the seemingly mortal political wounds of 2020, and would be backed by a man who massively funded his comeback campaign while also having one of his more spectacular rocket launch failures “maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” on January 16, 2025. Surely? Certainly Musk now seems to be “exercising all the power” of the presidency, and then some, usurping also powers the Constitution relegates to Congress.
Or maybe it’s just possible to make any sufficiently vague prophecy fit nearly any events.
It’s long been popular for Protestants to interpret that passage as referring to whichever Catholic Pope was in office at the time, at any rate.
The evangelicals are undergoing their own Stanford Experiment. And they are failing.
Bekenstein Bound:
Not quite what I had in mind. How about this:
And lo, I beheld another beast ride down a descending staircase; and he was as orange as a citron, and his hair was like unto thin-spun sugar, and he spoke only lies, in the voice of a whining cur.
And he loved nought but wealth and power; not his children, nor his many wives, nor his mistresses, nor his allies, nor his worshipers, nor even himself, for his love was poison, and his word was worth its weight in gold.
And though he committed all seven of the deadly sins, and though he summoned the four horsemen, and though all knew him mad and wicked, still he seduced pious hypocrites to worship him as a Savior.
#5 thank you for the concise statement of fact. By definition the religion as always been about power despite preaching, but not following, about love one another and do unto others etc.
Yes there are Xtians who actually try and follow the original tenets but they don’t have a voice. Nor do they want a voice.
Mark 12:17 (NKJV):
(Different Kaiser, but same sentiment)
“To be fair, there are way too many atheists ogling Hitler’s butt, too.”
Like the increasingly vile Jerry Coyne.