Christmas shopping?

One of the small disadvantages of academia is that we get hopelessly busy just before Christmas, which makes squeezing in the gift shopping difficult. I’m probably not even going to step into a store until sometime around the end of next week. That’s why you have to appreciate these online gift suggestions. I’m leaning towards the Televangelists’ Rapture Early-Warning System as a universally useful gift for my family members of all faiths. Even the atheists should like the half-hour warning before the Rapture so they can rapidly convert!

Report from the Cephalopod Appreciation Society

Hey, somebody went to the Cephalopod Appreciation Society show in Seattle — and Tikistitch came back with pictures! I love the idea of suede squid draped decoratively about the house, but at $2500 each they are a little bit out of my price range.

She has also discovered a Japanese fashion doll with a pet Cthulhu. It sounds neat, but ewww. The Chtulhu figure is cute and cuddly, but the doll…that noseless face, the tiny mouth that can only be good for sucking up fluids, the huge insectoid eyes taking up half her face. <shudder> It would give me nightmares.

Porcine vengeance

You really don’t want to know what goes on inside a slaughterhouse. That way, you’d never hear about toxic pig brain mist.

In a rapid-fire process that is noisy, smelly and bloody, severed pigs’ heads are cut up at the head table at a rate of more than 1,100 an hour. Workers slice off the cheek and snout meat, then insert a nozzle in the head and blast air inside until the light pink mush that is the brain tissue squirts out from the base of the skull.

This is in the news right now because Minnesota slaughterhouse workers are coming down with an autoimmune disease, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), that is thought to be caused by the exposure to all the brain matter flying around in those environments. Exposure to the antigens in the pig nervous tissue is triggering the workers’ immune systems to attack their own nerves.

I’m swearing off pig brains forevermore, I promise.

(via Yet Another Web Site)

Ebullient Octopusmas!

This is some tree:


An important point of clarification. Some have objected to the diversity of terms used for this holiday: Cephalopodmas, Squidmas, Cuttlemas, Cthulhumas, Octopusmas, Nautilmas, etc. Do not be intolerant! This is a thoroughly ecumenical, non-sectarian holiday, and we gladly embrace all of our molluscan brethren. You can just call it ‘podmas for short.