Bill Maher, nevermore

I never watched Oprah, because she was a gullible woo-artist; I don’t watch Dr Oz, because he’s quack; and now all I can say is fuck Bill Maher, because he’s a crank on so many things. On his latest show, he surrounded himself with Marianne Williamson, a “spiritual teacher” and proponent of prayer, Amy Holmes, a news announcer for The Blaze (Glenn Beck’s spinoff), and some guy who didn’t say much, and he went off on a grand tour of kook talk, confident that his panelists wouldn’t disagree with him. Watch. Be embarrased for him.

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They’re made of PEOPLE!

I can’t really recommend this long article about MRAs. It’s not awful, but it seems determined to demonstrate something no one had questioned: “golly, not all MRAs are neckbearded trolls. They’re humans too!” OK, I know and agree; there are circumstances in which anyone could have a civilized conversation with them…which the author proceeds to do, talking to a random MRA named Max in Chicago, and also calling up Paul Elam and Roosh, and in every case doing his very best to put them in a good light, while not easing up on their awful opinions.

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Kristan Hawkins at UMM

Because I like pain, last night I attended a lecture brought in by the campus Republicans: “The Ugly Truth about Abortion: How It Does More Than Just Kill Babies”, by Kristan Hawkins, the head of Students for Life of America, and a recent transplant to Minnesota…so I guess we’ll be hearing more noise from her in the near future. Lucky us.

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Comma is on an itty-bitty rampage!

Regular readers know that lately one “Terry Dean, Nemmers”, or as I call him, “Comma”, has been on a crusade to get me in trouble — he’s been lashing out at anyone in any way in contact with me to tell his tale of woe. Which is kind of weird, since I’ve never met the guy, and his complaint mainly seems to be that the campus police haven’t given him a sample of my handwriting because he has these vague suspicions that I defaced a dozen copies of a free campus newspaper.

The world moves more slowly out here in Lake Wobegon, and especially in January and February, we have to make our own entertainment, you know.

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A papal conundrum

Uh-oh. The Pope has just grossly insulted my beliefs.

I believe you have a right to criticize anything — I go further and think you have an obligation to criticize.

I also believe that violence is never the answer, and that the proper response to words is more words, not flinging punches.

But look at what this pope is saying, violating what I hold dear.

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