In more cheerful news, Milo Yiannopoulos has fired his lawyer and will represent himself in his suit against Simon & Schuster. It’s gonna be great!
In more cheerful news, Milo Yiannopoulos has fired his lawyer and will represent himself in his suit against Simon & Schuster. It’s gonna be great!
He was an indefatigable kind of guy, always reliable and calm and disciplined in his criticisms of creationism. Now this long-time contributor to the Panda’s Thumb has died. He’s going to be missed.
In case you’ve only known him through his writings, his last name was pronounced like “Hoppy”.
My brother Jim just had to remind me of a fishing trip we took in our youth, when my father took all of us out on a charter boat out of Westport, and my sister Caryn got seasick and puked in her hat, and my dad caught a big ol’ 40 pound king salmon, it was a marvelous outing, many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!
Anyway, he only wrote to tell me that the boat we were on, the Nyoda, is in the news.
Bold said the port will pay Global Diving and Salvage $80,000 to remove them, 90% of that will be reimbursed by the state’s Derelict vessel removal program. “The owners of both vessels have abandoned them and the port has ceased both. The vessels were offered for bid at [a] public auction, however, no bids were received.”
Once they are removed it’s not likely that either boat will see the water again. Bold continued, “Both have deteriorated hulls and are leaking. The port, as the marina operator, is responsible for removal and disposal.”
Dang. That boat could be a metaphor for me.
Oregon just made it legal to have self-service gas stations. Much of the rest of the country is probably simply surprised that there was anywhere where you had to have a service station attendant pump gas for you. A few Oregonians are freaking out at the change.
“I don’t even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian…..I say NO THANKS! I don’t want to smell like gasoline!” one woman wrote in a comment on a survey the new station posted Dec. 29.
You put the nozzle in the hole and you squeeze the handle. You’re welcome!
Of course, I have some special expertise here. When I was a kid, my dad worked at a gas station — just a gas station, no mini-mart, just a bay where you could get your oil changed or tires rotated, with a row of pumps out front, and I’d help out on weekends. You’d pull up, roll your window down, and I’d come running out with a chipper smile, and you’d tell me what you’d want — “fill ‘er up with $5 worth of premium!”, which, actually, would be enough to fill up a big tank — and I’d ask “Check your oil? Wash your windshield?”. I guess it was convenient for drivers to have someone tend to your iron chariot for you, but it was kind of soul-deadening for the attendant. Also, it was just required that we do that stuff, it’s not as if anyone ever tipped you for great window-washing or oil-checking.
I don’t think anyone should mourn the loss of jobs, or the rise of old people dousing themselves with gasoline. The former: those are lousy jobs. The latter: what kind of klutz are you? Also, everyone in Oregon who has driven out of state is totally familiar with self-service.
Although, I have to say, here in Minnesota in January I wouldn’t mind if could sit in the car and have someone else stand out there in the bitter cold and fierce winds and fumble with cold metal. But then that would be an even crappier job for someone than what I experienced in temperate Washington state.
Woke up to find our car battery was dead, which required fumbling about with a jumpstarter in -30°C conditions. If you find some shattered, brittle shards of frozen fingers lying about, those are mine.
BoingBoing has a good summary of yesterday’s lethal swatting incident. It’s a messy and really stupid story, so I’ll give my even more abbreviated summary:
Party 1 (going by some dumbass pseudonym) gets into a dumbass argument about a video game with Party 2 (another dumbass pseudonym). Party 1 dares Party 2 to swat him, and sends him an address of another, innocent party. Party 2 then asks Party 3 (dumbass pseudonym, you get the drill) to phone in a kidnapping/murder story to the police, because he has a history of pulling dumbass stunts like that. Cops roll up to innocent house, innocent, unarmed man answers, dumbass cop murders him on the spot.
Parties 1, 2, and 3 are all accomplices in murder, and deserve lots of jail time. Trigger happy cop is an incompetent who must at least be fired, but also deserves jail time, as does the entire police force that fosters this kind of hyper-violent form of ‘peace-keeping’.
Actual predictions: Party 3 is such a flagrant ass that he’s going to get a long sentence. Parties 1 and 2 will get slapped, but probably not as much as they deserve. Trigger-happy cop will get a paid vacation and the respect and honor of his fellow thugs. Players of violent video games will continue to be dumbasses, and violent video game publishers will make more profits selling games to dumbasses. And the world will continue to spin about its axis.
Innocent man will still be dead.
I’ve been experimenting with making YouTube videos (I’ll put up another one this weekend!), in part because it’s a fun challenge, but also because I’m constantly horrified by how atheism is represented in that medium. I expect creationists to be nattering dinglebats, but when atheists come along and be raging assholes, it’s always disappointing. In the last few days, an unpleasant example has shown up in the comments to this video.
SwolllenGoat: why do you disable ratings like some creotard?
I ignored him for a bit — that “tard” construction is a pretty good indicator that he wasn’t worth engaging — but I’ll tell you why.
Ratings systems are evil. Old timers may recall I mentioned them as an option on blog comments some time back, and most of you were horrified at the idea. All it does is foster tribalism, and then the stupid little stars become a tool for factions to anonymously snipe at one another.
I’ve seen it on YouTube. The ratings on YouTube videos are often useless — they’re only used for virtue signaling by one group or another. When we did some FtB videos a while back, it was obvious, since we’d have these hour-long videos, and within minutes of putting them up, the anti-SJW kiddie campers were clicking madly to downrate them. So I don’t use them.
I didn’t feel like explaining that to this guy, so I gave him a short answer.
PZ Myers: Because of people like you.
You know he wasn’t going to be satisfied.
SwolllenGoat: what kind of person am i?
I ignored him.
I did look at his YouTube page, though, and the “related channels” for this guy include Atheism-Is-Unstoppable:
Devon Tracey, or Atheism-is-Unstoppable (channel name) is a moderately popular YouTube atheist. Most of his content consists of Anti-SJW/Regressive screeds common amongst YouTube atheists. Occasionally this manifests itself in extreme rhetoric, which can sometimes be argued to be mildly racist, and is occasionally too much even for TheAmazingAtheist. He is also notorious for blocking people who disagree with him and for doxxing a couple of those he didn’t like. Due to these antics, many YouTube atheists, even those who share his general views, have denounced him.
And Bearing:
Bearing, or Patrick Connolly, is an Australian anti-feminist who, after failing as a musician, actually thought it would be a good idea to quit his dayjob as a real estate agent in order to focus on his next scam on how to get money without working: a shit YouTube ‘career’. Which basically, in traditional Aussie fashion, consists of nothing more than calling people cunts while producing the anti-sjw community’s equivalent of low-effort clickbait.
Hard pass. Case in point why YouTube atheists have such a shitty reputation.
But he was persistent.
SwolllenGoat: C’mon PZ
What ‘kind of person am I?
Why so butthurt when I pointed out you’ve disabled ratings just like one of those sad creationist dipshits?
Maybe you should block me next?
Shut down the comments entirely?
You know whats funny?
Answers in Fucking Genesis does not disable ratings,and they are flat out retarded
YOU do disable em
How things change…………….
That a clear demonstration of exactly the kind of person I want to just fuck off. So I thanked him for being so obvious.
PZ Myers: Thank you for answering your own question so effectively.
Now the fun begins. He starts raging at me. Note: he posted this while thinking I had blocked him. I don’t quite understand why he’d bother if he thought he was blocked, or how he reconciled the fact that all of his comments appeared on the video with his martyr complex, but he did go scurrying off to use an alternative login to get past his imaginary ban.
SwolllenGoat’s AudioBook Archive: Bwaaaahaaaaahaaaa
You sad little man
You blocked me for daring to ask a question
C’mon PZ
Tell us
What ‘kind of person am I?
Why so butthurt when I pointed out you’ve disabled ratings just like one of those sad creationist dipshits?
Maybe you should shut down the comments entirely?
You know whats funny?
Answers in Fucking Genesis does not disable ratings,and they are flat out retarded
YOU do disable em
How things change…………….
He typed it twice in two accounts, to be sure!
SwolllenGoat: Im sure that made some sort of sense to you,inside yer head,before you typed it
Rest assured it makes no actual sense,eh?
So,come on,what kind of person am I?
The question asking kind?
The atheist kind?
The liberal kind?
You have ratings disabled like some garden variety creotard because of atheist liberals who ask questions?
I remember the good old days of YT…………back when we atheist types would mock creotards because they disabled ratings and closed comments sections,or blocked users and whatnot
LOOK at yourself PZ
You are them
How sad
I don’t know. I might end up disabling comments if this is the kind of irrational atheist dork who’s going to show up and posture like an ass. I’ll keep ’em open for at least the next few videos, though.
It’s unfortunate that these gomers are unable to LOOK at themselves.
Who is that artist clinging to my bedroom ceiling?
She does exactly this — although I don’t know if she has the malicious grin. Also, she does drag all the blankets to her side, so that I wake up at 3am wondering why the front half of my body is currently frozen solid.
You may recall the scandal: Yiannopoulos got a $250,000 advance from Simon & Schuster, which was then cancelled after it was revealed that Yiannopoulos was saying all these nice things about pedophilia. Yiannopoulos then turned around and is suing Simon & Schuster for $10 million over that cancellation, which is probably a terrible mistake for him, because the publisher’s defense is that it was a very bad book, unsuitable for publication, and that it wasn’t just his endorsement of pedophilia that got him canned.
To that end, their defense in the lawsuit was to include the entire draft of the text, with the editor’s comments. They’re hilarious. You can tell the editor hated the book. Some of the highlights are included in this twitter thread.
I didn’t read the manuscript. Just the comments. They’re…amazing. Even better than the excerpts in the filing.
And a pretty good summary of the book I imagine.
— Sarah Mei (@sarahmei) December 28, 2017
Apparently, you can download the whole thing via the New York county clerk’s website, where it is filed. I didn’t, because goddamn, Milo’s 15 minutes are totally up.