Proposed site redesign

Since I changed my profile photo, the ideas for radical revision of the site have come pouring in. Here’s a possible new logo:

What do you think? I thought it was keen, until I read all the new speculation about why I was kicked out of a movie theater. Oh, no!

In the same freakishly weird spirit, here’s a new poll for you to crash: it asks what your favorite marine animal is, and the choices are otter, squid, blowfish, and “land animals are far superior”. You know what to do.

A temporary palliative

So you’re pining away for ERV, hoping either that her site will be restored or that she’ll bring her new site up quickly. Don’t sit there weeping and wailing, she’ll be back online soon enough. Cheer up and laugh! Here are a few links to help you out.

You feel better already.

Ground your irony meters before reading

Paul Verhoeven is making a movie that claims Mary, the mother of Jesus, was raped by a Roman soldier. There is no historical evidence for Jesus, let alone the nature of his conception, so this is pure fictional speculation, from a director known more for over-the-top, superficial flamboyance than historical accuracy — expect a crotch shot of Mary, and lots of silicon breasts in the shower scene.

But of course Bill Donohue is outraged.

“Here we go again with idle speculation grounded in absolutely nothing,” Donohue told “He has no empirical evidence to support his claim, which is why they say ‘may have.'”

Hmmm. A lack of empirical evidence and a grounding in mere speculation has never stopped the Catholic church before…