This is the message a school sends to parents. It’s a Christian school, so it’s substandard bad education, and packed with the baggage of a wicked ideology, but that doesn’t excuse it.
The day before Easter, Pastor Matt Baker of the Trinity Christian Academy in Lake Worth, Florida, emailed the school community to inform them that he was canceling Autism Awareness Week because “the teachings and actions of my Jesus are fully able to do all that this program intends to achieve and so much more.”
“Anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic,” he declared, as first reported by WPTV.
Baker wanted to make sure there was no room for doubt regarding his edict.
“Let me repeat myself just so I am not quoted out of context: any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period.”
Go to your hell, Matt Baker. Is my identity as a husband and father also demonic? Is everyone who is not a Christian also demonic? Can you demonstrate the existence of demons at all?
Here’s another example of a Christian pastor in Missouri demonizing autistic kids. At least this one got compelled to resign.
Matt Baker is still poisoning minds.
I don’t know why these “schools” are allowed to exist.