A scene from the inauguration:
Some elections are important, some are not. But this one, this one really mattered and I just want to say thank you for making it happen…
then a bold unmistakeable Nazi salute.
Don’t try to tell me that was a slip of the entire goddamn right arm. That was a massive call out to the American fascist community. He knew what he was doing.
John Watts says
“Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. Our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous, and free.”
— Trump inaugural address
Is this a plagiarized quote from Hitler circa 1930?
Dennis K says
And that’s it. The US of A, such as it was, is done. It’s over. Congratulations, you no-vote fucks. May you all rot under the bridge along with the rest of your destitute, lice-ridden, moral peers.
John Morales says
Dennis K, that sounds awfully like despair.
Me, I reckon the USA is stronger than that.
The pendulum will swing again.
CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says
Dr. Strangelove did it better.
StevoR says
Thankyou Vicar, beholder, Jill Stein, West and rest of the Putriuty Disunity mob and thsoe who couldn;’t be borhered voting to save the USoA from actiual fuckiung nazis. .You evil guillible tools might deserve this Trumopuan Fascist era world you’ve inflicted on us but ratuional, humane good people unlike you do NOT.
YOU put Trump iand hiscrew of unspeakably evil fascist billionairesd theives and crooks in charge. To think you probly even feel smug about it..
EigenSprocketUK says
There’s an awful lot of people who by now have waaay too much to lose unless the swinging pendulum is shoved good and hard permanently off its pivot before four years are up.
They can’t take the risk; they have less than four years to make sure they are never voted out again, and that they have a suitable puppet to pardon, stay, and obstruct on their behalfs.
Yes, that’s despair.
Bekenstein Bound says
UNCLE SAM, b. 1776, aged 249, passed today of complications from a wound inflicted in 1980 by R. Reagan. Sam is survived by mother Britain, brother Australia, and sisters Canada and New Zealand. May he rest in peace, after his zombified corpse is dismembered, hopefully before it can bite any future victims.
chrislawson says
Last time it took 70-85 million lives to swing that pendulum back, with 83% on the Allied side.
timgueguen says
The ADL has made fools of themselves by publicly stating that it was just “an awkward gesture during a moment of enthusiasm.” An “awkward gesture” he did twice.
timgueguen says
Oops, that should have been “in a moment of enthusiasm.”
fentex says
A person could (quite feebly) claim the first was a kind of “And away to the stars we go!” gesture – in reference to his space plans, but the second? No, that makes it clear, unambiguously, he was sieg heiling.
But calling it Nazi… well… fun fact; before the 1930’s every kid in the U.S was encouraged to perform this salute while reciting a pledge of allegiance (before the Nazi’s sent it into disrepute) ‘cos it was sorta Roman and the U.S fancied itself successor to the Roman Empire.
By the way, sieg heil literally translates to “Hail the victor!” I wouldn’t be surprised to see people shortly claiming that’s all it “innocently” meant!
Akira MacKenzie says
@ 9
If the last year has shown us anything, it’s that the ADL thinks they are the arbiters of what is and isn’t antisemitism. Since Trump is going to let the Israeli’s run their own Holocaust, they are cool with whatever he or his cronies do.