This week, Donald Trump took advantage of the recess in his trial for paying hush money to a porn star by gracing the state of Minnesota with his presence. He’s also in the state for the Republican fundraiser. It was an opportunity for him to belch out lots of lies.
Former President Donald Trump is again falsely claiming he won Minnesota in the 2020 election while describing the state as “out of control,” attacking Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and suggesting Minneapolis would have “burned down to the ground” that same year if not for him.
In the Alpha News interview, Trump railed against Biden as the “worst president in the history of our country” and called his withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan “the most embarrassing day in the history of our country.”Trump claimed without evidence that many immigrants who cross the border illegally come from “prisons, mental institutions and terrorists.” Additionally, he said, “You’re going to have to have mass deportations. The country can’t stand it, the country can’t handle it.”
Asked about anti-police sentiments, Trump said “you have to give them back their respect and dignity.” Then he shifted his comments toward Minnesota and Minneapolis, specifically.
“If I didn’t let things happen a certain way, you would have had Minneapolis — this would have burned down to the ground. It was terrible what they were doing. You look at what happened during that time, and we were very — I got awards for saving certain areas and saving certain towns because your politicians didn’t want to act. They were unwilling to act,” Trump said.
Meanwhile, Mitt Romney (remember that loser?) is opining on what should be done with Trump: he should have been pardoned for everything, so that he got less attention, and so Biden would look like a gracious big dog.
During an interview on Wednesday with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, Romney said that President Joe Biden should have “immediately pardoned” Trump from federal charges, and that Biden also “made an enormous error” by not pushing New York prosecutors to drop their charges against Trump in the hush money case.
“He should have fought like crazy to keep this prosecution from going forward,” Romney said. “It was a win-win for Donald Trump.”
That’s the kind of strategy a rich guy who thinks the law doesn’t apply to the wealthy would advocate.
The law should apply equally to everyone, and you shouldn’t get a pass on criminal acts because they’re rich and powerful and it gives other rich and powerful people the opportunity to practice noblesse oblige. Romney looks at this situation and has decided it’s an excuse for class solidarity among the aristocracy. No wonder he’s a loser.
Say, didn’t Biden use basically the same withdrawal plan from Afghanistan that DT’s people came up with? The hypocrisy never stops.
The withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was started by Donald Trump, when he was still in office.
Trump was also the one who withdrew almost all of our troops from Afghanistan.
If the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is a US disaster, Trump would get most of the blame.
It would have embolden him to do worse.
Also, why do ‘moderate’ Republican have this obsession with getting Democrats to do their bidding. Is it because you can’t talk to your fellow right-wing Republicans, is it because their bat-shit insane. Is it because they’re so batshit insane that if they were in a life boat they’d start cutting hull planks for BBQ kindling?
@ gijoel : Yes.
Jim Wright of the Stonekettle Station blog who has releavnt expertise and lived experience here has this :
Source :
Well worth reading in full and I strongly recommend ^.
I am neither an American nor a lawyer, but doesn’t the provision of a pardon require that the pardonee admit and accept their crimes in full, in order for the entire matter to be put behind everyone involved? A Christian would presumably style it as confession, repentance and forgiveness.
Whoops — hit Post too soon!
Assuming I’ve not misunderstood the requirements for a pardon, can anyone see Donald Trump ever honestly admitting to all his federal crimes? He’d never stop crowing forever after about the conspiracy against him, the bigliest injustices, the rigged ballots, etc, etc. What world is Romney living in?
I keep hearing Rmoney described as a “reasonable Republican.” Only in contrast to froth-spewing lunatics like Empty G or Boebert. He is just as bad as the worst of them though.
The ask for criticism was simply marketing bitcoin and garnering attention. This way, he was able to expose more folks to his speech.
Rich: when someone is pardoned before he’s even tried once, let alone exhausted all appeals, that’s obstruction of justice, plain and simple, whether or not he confesses or expresses any remorse or apology.
Also, Mutt Romney is an idiot if he really thinks pardoning Trump would have been a win for anyone outside Trump’s orbit. The first thing he’d do is assert that he was pardoned because everyone, even Crooked Joe Biden, knew all along he’d never done anything wrong. And the whole attention-hogging shitshow would continue unhindered anyway.
Trump lost Minnesota in 2020 by 7% points. Now, that’s a LOT closer than I’d like it to be, but not “contestable” close. That’s “Go the hell away” numbers.
I was just listening to MPR on my way to pick up lunch. the republican convention started. they were interviewing republicans. nothing new for them to say. drugs, immigration, inflation, the trial is a sham etc.
then i had a thought. if they are so sure the charges of all the lawsuits against trump are a sham. then why don’t they all call for the speedy resolution for all the trials? get trump cleared before the election.
because they know the charges are not, umm, trumped up. he is guilty. and they are supporting a felon to run for the highest office.
so much for “tough on crime”
Who is this we you speak of? The R side is solely responsible for not Impeaching him after he suppressed the Mueller reports findings of collusion with Russia, or after he literally instigated a riot and sent his raving mob to attack Congress.
@Raging Bee #10:
That’s what I thought. Either Romney is incapable of thinking things through or he let some random drivel spew from his mouth when someone held a mic in front of him. Definitely the sign of a seasoned politician.
I do remember his vote for impeachment, excusing it in front of his Republican colleagues by saying that taking the oath at the start of proceedings had reminded him of his duty to the Constitution and his god. Obviously that’s not something that bothered any of the others in his party, not when power was at stake. It’s telling that so many of them felt that they had to follow the lead of the reality-deniers, not having the courage to make a stand and try to flush the stain of Trump from their party. It could only ever go downhill from there.
45 got only 45% of the vote in Minnesota in 2020, essentially unchanged from 2016. What kind of voter fraud scheme can be elaborate enough to swing the popular vote by 5%?
Two of the biggest mistakes we’ve made in our history:
1) not prosecuting for treason every member of the Confederacy’s government and every Confederate officer with a star or more; and
2) pardoning Nixon.