Wouldn’t you know it, this thread would lapse just before Trump was kicked out of office. I wonder if the new thread will be as lively without the Orange Cheeto around to focus our anger? I think Joe might provide some prompting, at least.
Lynna is your curator. Type furiously!
According to the French Covid-19 track-and-trace app, ICU occupnacy across the whole of France is 100% (in my area it’s c.115%), with just over 5000 Covid-19 patients in ICU, which I recall (from memory) as being the most-ever Covid-19 patients. President Macron will be giving an address tonight. What he will say is currently unclear, but from the Grauniad’s current live pandemic blog:
What is still not being mentioned is the “V”-word; as in a serious vaccination drive. (Total vaccinations is now c.8m, three months after vaccinations started.
Guardian – “‘Deeply cynical’ No 10 report criticises use of ‘institutional racism'”:
Here’s a link to the March 31 Guardian (support the Guardian if you can!) coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
Guardian – “Myanmar: US orders diplomats to leave as coup spurs ethnic tensions”:
I don’t know that “spurs ethnic tensions” is accurate – it sounds more like the military is spurring ethnic unity.
Guardian – “‘Fake’ Twitter users rush to Amazon’s defense over unions and working conditions”:
More at the link.
Guardian world liveblog:
The man who attacked a 65-year-old Asian woman on the street in Manhattan while security guards did nothing has been arrested.
“The police charged Brandon Elliot, 38, with felony assault as a hate crime. Mr. Elliot was released from prison in 2019 and was on lifetime parole after he was convicted of fatally stabbing his mother in 2002, the police said.”
CNN – “Two US Capitol Police officers sue Trump and say he should be held responsible for January 6 attack”:
This is awesome.
Protect Democracy – “Jessica Denson Wins Major Victory Over Trump Campaign”:
In related news – CNN – “Judge allows Summer Zervos’ defamation lawsuit against Trump to proceed now that he’s out of office”:
Delta, after some time, is now coming out against the Georgia voter-suppression bill.
“Here is @Delta memo from CEO on Georgia voting bill: ‘I need to make it crystal clear that the final bill is unacceptable… The entire rationale for this bill was based on a lie: that there was widespread voter fraud in Georgia in the 2020 elections. This is simply not true’.”
“Breaking: @navalny says he will go on hunger strike until prison officials allow him to get medical attention for worsening health condition.”
Not too l0ng ago, I did someting I haven’t done since sometime last year (October?) — go out for a draft beer. Earlier I’d visited a local specialist beer bar and ordered multiple bottles to take home. Whilst there, I noticed they were also selling some draft beers for immediate — albeit off-premises — quaffing.
I got a selection of nice bottles, and a thirst for a draft… so later, after doing all my shopping for the day(? week?) wandered out to get a draft… at a different bar (partly because they were closer, and partly to “spread the money” around, so-to-speak). Whilst it’s not quite the fastest I’ve ever consumed a pint — fastest was at a one-off(?) reunion gig of the legendary Moving Hearts band in Dublin (not the very very good lineup with Christy Moore, but the very good instrumental lineup) where, after ordering my pint, I discovered they weren’t allowing drinks in the concert room (in Dublin!), and the concert was starting in something like 5 minutes, so a Very Quick Quaffing on an entire pint… — this afternoon’s pint was amazingly fast… feck, that was good ! (So was sitting outside in the sunshine, alongside the Old Harbour in the village.)
New York Times:
Republican shenanigans:
Follow-up to comment 496 from SC, and other comments in the previous chapter of this thread:
Guardian world liveblog:
I have questions.
Josh Marshall:
In 294 on the previous page, I wrote that Finnish government was pushing a bizarrely complicated (yet not very strict) emergency law to restrict people’s movement in the most disease-ridden areas.
Now, the parliament’s constitutional committee has found the much-hyped proposal flatly unconstitutional, because it’s unnecessarily restrictive and complicated for its purpose (stopping private gatherings), yet vague in its practical details. Some parts of it (like mask mandate in public indoor spaces) will be likely transferred into a new proposal that will again take weeks to process.
Meanwhile, infections have stopped rising, but remain unacceptably high, and may very well continue rising once the public alarm over the recent surge wears off. More restrictions are needed, and preferably sooner rather than later.
Amid flurry of anti-trans bills, President Biden makes it clear he stands with the queer community
Aiyiyiyi, such ugliness.
New York just legalized marijuana
New York is the 15th state to legalize marijuana.
Of course. All the best people flock together.
Wonkette: “Hope Y’all Are Sitting Down: Jim Jordan Is On Team Matt Gaetz!”
Meanwhile, Gaetz’s staff posted today that his office in Washington D.C. “seeks Interns.”
“Biden Details $2 Trillion Plan to Rebuild Infrastructure and Reshape the Economy”
NY Times link
The president will begin selling his proposal on Wednesday, saying it would fix 20,000 miles of roads and 10,000 bridges, while also addressing climate change and racial inequities, and raising corporate taxes.
Documents Show Trump Officials Skirted Rules To Reward Politically Connected And Untested Firms With Huge Pandemic Contracts
House Democrats investigating the COVID-19 response say Trump adviser Peter Navarro pressured agencies to award deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Grifters and fraudsters.
Follow-up to my@500(previous page), French President Macron has now apparently finished speaking. (I didn’t watch.) According to France to widen Covid-19 lockdown measures to others parts of the country, says Macron:
Guardian world liveblog:
As I said yesterday, watching the Derek Chauvin trial is really rough.
Guardian world liveblog:
SC@27, Referring to French President Macron, “Dipshit.”
(standing ovation)

David Corn in MoJo – “Why a Protest Leader in Myanmar Is Reluctantly Giving Up Nonviolence and Preparing for Combat.”
“For those keeping track, two of the doctors who treated Alexey Navalny for poisoning in August 2020 have died. A third has quit his job. Seems like the clean-up operation is continuing apace….”
Democracy Now! – “Bloody Crackdown in Burma Since Feb. 1 Military Coup Kills 500+ Amid Resistance from Youth, Women”:
Guardian world liveblog:
From NBC’s trial liveblog:
Video at the link.
Update to #11 – late breaking dam: “EXCLUSIVE: Coca-Cola CEO says the restrictive Georgia voting law is ‘unacceptable…it is a step backward…’
Quincey also says ‘this legislation is wrong, and needs to be remedied, and we will continue to advocate for it both in private and in now even more clearly in public'”
“Microsoft, which is building a major corporate hub in Atlanta, weighs in: ‘… It’s not only right but essential for the business community to stand together in opposition to the harmful provisions and other similar legislation that may be considered elsewhere’.”
Rachel had on AOC, who was saying that instead of 2.2 trillion infrastructure bill, it should be ten trillion. She made a good case. I’ll post available segments in the morning.
Guardian – “Brazil: calls grow for removal of ‘coup-mongering’ Bolsonaro as crisis builds”:
Here’s a link to the April 1 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
“The biggest differences between talking to Trump voters pre-2020 election and post-2020 election are 1) Way more folks watching Newmax and OANN (‘Fox has gone too far left’), and 2) Hear a lot more people talking positively about Q’anon.”
This Politico article about Trump’s inner circle shows it as very cultish.
AOC Talking to Rachel Maddow about infrastructure.
Pfizer vaccine good for at least 6 months and against some variants.
Guardian world liveblog:
Vox – “Fox News has become a jobs program for some Trump family members and ex-staffers”:
Sorry – left out this paragraph @ #45:
Oh, Canada.
“Is it just me or are we all really really excited about the possibility of more trains?”
Super excited.
“Would it refresh your recollection to review a copy of the transcript?” is such an odd question.
Secretary Pete Buttigieg:
Wisconsin Supreme Court Declares Governor’s Mask Mandate Is ‘Unlawful’
MATT NAHAM Mar 31st, 2021
Opinion and Dissent
From the Brennan Center for Justice:
SC @45 and 46, I guess we knew they would all end up there. It’s like a garbage dump. Former Trump administration people, and Trump’s relatives, can all play hosts on Fox News.
Here’s a discussion of a Republican governor’s appearance on Fox News network:
Voting in Georgia is no picnic.
Georgia Legislators Advance Bill Making Standing in Line to Vote Over 30 Minutes a “Loitering” Crime Subject to Imprisonment
April 1, 2021
Republicans in the Georgia state legislature are looking for ways to punish corporations whose leaders have criticized Georgia’s voter-suppression laws:
Apple CEO Joins Growing Number Of Corporations Condemning Voting Restrictions
Josh Marshall: “Gaetz Saga Manages to Get More Absurd”
Drought in California:
tomh @ #54,
Wonkette: “OK, Who’s Writing The Matt Gaetz Screenplay, Because This Sh*t Is WILD”
Oh, so that’s where the claim that there are photos of Gaetz involved in sexual activity of minors comes from. Before, we just thought Gaetz was denying a charge no one had made … and denying it on Fox news … which seemed … unwise.
Wonkette: Texas Senate Votes To Punish Wind, Solar For Blackouts Caused By Coal, Oil, Nuclear
COVID update: on March 31 there were 68,162 new cases. The change in new cases when viewed over a 14-day period is up 17%. Yes, that’s +17%.
Atlantic – “The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man”:
Much more atl. “The current score in the competition between non-senior pandemic deaths and conclusive vaccine deaths is 100,000–0.”
Chris Hayes on the American Relief Plan:
The New York Times, commenting on President Biden’s infrastructure plan:
“Market forces” failed to prevent death and catastrophic power outages in Texas recently. Government action is needed.
Steve Benen:
Yes. I agree. Things are changing. Attitudes are changing.
Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Hangs With GOP Big Shots At Border Rally
Follow-up to comment 65.
Comments posted by readers of the TPM article:
Johnny Enlow Claims (RWW edits in {curly braces}): Will Soon Reveal the 2020 Election Was an Elaborate
Lynn@65,66 and BLF@67, when did every Republican except Mitt and Lisa become Alex Jones’ drunk uncle.
snarkrates@68, When Uncle Ooognahno refused to climb down out of the tree,
(roughly translated, “bipedalism is a saber toothed tiger conspiracy to eat us all, stay in the trees you two-legged antiapes!”).re blf @67: Anyone who has actually seen the latest stimulus checks knows for a fact that the signature is ABSOLUTELY NOT that of The Orange Shitgibbon. Biden’s name is also not on the check. It looks like Vona L. Robinson or something similar. Those cultists just can’t keep themselves from making shit up.
johnson catman @ #70:
That’s who it is. She’s a Treasury official.
johnson catman@70, Yeah, I’m aware neither President Biden’s signature nor hair furor’s swastikure is on the third round stimulus cheques. What I didn’t know — until looking to see who Vona Robinson is (she’s “an official with the Treasury Department’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service”, 10 Myths About Stimulus Checks) — is that expats like me are also eligible for the stimulus cheques (see link).
Can I swap the cheque for a full vaccination, please ?
Re #47 above – LOL.
“can’t emphasize enough, if you don’t think you can afford an obamacare plan, or you already are paying for one, go to healthcare[dot]gov on april 1 and check out what you qualify for. new programs, new subsidies, even for higher incomes. typical families could save thousands
if you collect UI for any week in calendar year 2021, you get a special of discounts, you can basically get a free plan ($0 premium) with no deductible.”
The Helium Bagpipe (video) (warning: Contains bagpipes), when a nurse — the Phantom Piper, Jane Espie, is an NHS nurse in Scotland — craics (in a good way) under the strain…
Tweet o’ the day.
Humor/satire from Andy Borowitz:
New Yorker link
Bits and pieces of news:
NBC News:
NBC News:
This is day four of the trial.
And a new challenge for European countries that are currently struggling to control the coronavirus pandemic, and struggling to vaccinate their people.
Associated Press:
NBC News:
Here’s a link to the April 2 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
Here’s a link to yesterday’s NBC Chauvin trial liveblog, which offers a helpful summary of events. Today will be a half day. If I understand correctly, the police chief might be testifying today for the prosecution.
Rebecca Solnit in the Guardian – “There’s another pandemic under our noses, and it kills 8.7m people a year”:
Géraldine Schwarz in the Guardian – “What researching my family’s Nazi history taught me about how to approach the past”:
Guardian – “‘Trans kids are not new’: a historian on the long record of youth transitioning in America”:
In related news from the Guardian, “New laws fuelling ‘increasing hostility’ and anti-LGBTQ violence in Uzbekistan.”
Last Guardian link for the day (I think!) (support them if you can!) – “Dire situation in North Korea drives ‘collective exit’ of diplomats”:
Much more atl. “Dire” sounds appropriate.
Text quoted by SC in comment 83: “rightwing white supremacist evangelicals.” Yikes, what a scary phrase. That really lets you know what trans kids may face in terms of harassment or lack of care.
Also this: “In some ways trans healthcare is analogous to reproductive rights and abortion.” Yes, quite true.
McConnell’s partisan vow on infrastructure bill has a silver lining
Democrats can proceed with their infrastructure plan, knowing the GOP is sitting out the debate.
Job growth soared in March, exceeding optimistic expectations
Remember when Trump told us that the economy would collapse if he lost … not true.
Allegations against the GOP’s Matt Gaetz become even more serious
Gaetz was already facing accusations of possibly having violated federal sex trafficking laws. The story has now advanced in a dramatic new direction.
Hank Kunneman Says Christians Must Continue to Trust the ‘Prophets’ Who Guaranteed Trump’s Reelection (RWW edits in {curly braces}):
No Federal Taxes for Dozens of Big, Profitable Companies
By Patricia Cohen
April 2, 2021
The dumbest lawyer not named Orly Taitz or Larry Klayman (or Lin Wood or Sidney Powell) is at it again, again, albeit this time he’s spouting nonsense which will get people killed, Liberty Counsel’s Matt Staver Peddles Anti-Vaccine Conspiracy Theories on New TV Show:
Reports: Gaetz Caught On Surveillance Vid With Alleged Sex Trafficker Sifting Through IDs
Matt Gaetz’s Communications Director, Luke Ball, has just resigned.
Guess his steaks weren’t cooked to a cinder or had insufficient tomato ketchup, Italian restaurant owner mistakenly sanctioned by Trump:
The Grauniad does not explain who the “Bazzoni” the sanctions were aimed at is. Teh hair furor dalekocrazy’s press release of 19th Jan, Treasury Targets Venezuelan Oil Sector Sanctions Evasion Network asserts:
That Saab character, based on Ye Pfffft! of All Knowledge, seems like a real piece of work. He’s apparently in detention(? house arrest?) in Cape Verde since June 2020, and is now awaiting extradition to the States. And, apparently, “On 29 December [2020], Nicolás Maduro appointed Alex Saab as ambassador to the African Union, seeking to send Saab to Ethiopia and to prevent his extradition.”
Follow-up to comment 92:
Text posted by readers of the TPM article.
QAnon Community Outraged by Matt Gaetz Sex Trafficking Investigation… Except for the Wrong Reason:
JFC: “Christ has called me” Former Sec. of State Pompeo Suspends 2024 Presidential Bid Activities
Biden holds first call with Ukrainian president amid Russian buildup
The conversation follows at least three high-level calls between the U.S. and Ukraine this week.
“Senior officer rejects Chauvin’s ‘totally unnecessary’ use of force against George Floyd”
Washington Post link
Lynna, OM@98,
It’s an April fool – see the attribuion to “Associated April Press 2021” at the bottom of the article!
There’s an incident at the Capitol, which is on lockdown. It looks like a car hit two Capitol police officers and slammed into a barrier close to the building. The police and the driver have been taken to the hospital. I don’t know if the driver was shot.
Free to speak is his mind, Boehner says some GOP reps were ‘morons’
Yep. I’ve noted that before. Republicans just do not want to do the work.
KG @101, oh, FFS. Thanks for alerting me! Sheesh.
NBC is livetweeting the event at the Capitol.
TPM’s live thread of the incident at the Capitol is helpful.
“Multiple outlets are reporting that at least one person has been shot. The Washington Post is reporting that the person is the suspect.”
CNN is reporting that the driver might have been brandishing a knife.
Virginia, the Old Confederacy’s Heart, Becomes a Voting Rights Bastion
By Reid J. Epstein and Nick Corasaniti
April 2, 2021
Mask-wearing chocolate bunnies (and other amusing / tempting images), France’s ‘essential’ chocolate sellers ring in second Easter under lockdown:
Indeed. Accidental landings of tired, lost, or overloaded church bells are not unknown, and you can hear their frantic flapping as they pass overhead. Albeit they do leave behind tasty droppings…
Over at Mano Singham’s here at FtB, commentator sonofrojblake points out Matt Gaetz looks like Max Headroom (except for the hair colour), The bizarre Matt Gaetz story.
@blf 110
I see Bevis of Bevis and Butthead asking someone “pull my finger”.
Not sure if it’s been mentioned in this series of threads, but in teh NKofE (N.Korea of Europe†, also known as teh “U”K), a report on racial discrimination was recently published by the so-called “government”. It is so bad it’s being described as teh “U”K’s version of hair furor’s infamous “1776 report”, Historian David Olusoga joins academic criticism of No 10’s race report (Grauniad edits in {curly braces}):
Professor Olusoga is scathing (see link embedded above):
Very hair furorian.
From memory, “institutional racism” in the police was one of the main conclusions of the inquiry into Stephen Lawrence’s murder and the indifferent, bungled, police investigation and prosecution (the murders were not convicted).
Leaving the smoking ruins of the report, back to the original Grauniad article:
† Both N.Koreas are self-isolated nuclear-armed regimes run by a small, paranoid, kleptomatic heredity elite.
MLB pulls All-Star Game out of Georgia over voting reform law
Sadly, it’s been corrected, Road typo stops Italian town in tracks and lightens lockdown:
Image at the link. No comennt form Tpyos.
@SC #73
Thanks, I needed that… hadn’t had a really good laugh in weeks!
(By the way, I have stayed in at least one of those camps – I think it was a Four Points. The continental breakfast sucked, but my wife and I made it out alive, somehow…)
NBC News:
Former President Obama:
Yeah, Kemp and the other Republicans do not have a leg to stand on here.
Trump ‘Accidentally’ Sanctioned Random Italian Restaurant
Josh Marshall:
I don’t think Trump succeed in this promotion of a boycott of baseball, among other things:
NYT details how the Trump campaign scammed supporters into making ‘unwitting’ donations
Qanon is half right.
Some conspiracy theories have claimed a huge number of victims.
What they don’t get right is who.
Qanon are the criminal perpetrators, not the solution.
“She was convinced Mr. Hallett had joined a cabal of government Satanists to steal her children.”
This woman killed a guy based on a made up fantasy.
raven @124, yep. Violence based on made up stuff. Sounds very QAnon, and also sounds very trumpian. It’s all of a piece. And now we have state legislators passing voter-restriction laws based on lies about fraud in the 2020 election. I am so fucking weary of all the lies.
Speaking of those voter-suppression laws: CEA Chair Defends MLB’s Decision To Relocate Game Over Opposition To GA Law
Tracking Matt Gaetz
Follow-up to comment 126.
Posted by readers of the TPM article:
COVAX program leader hopes to have vaccines to over 100 countries in next few weeks
Coronavirus update, USA:
Cases: 30.6 million
Deaths: 554,302
Hospitalized: 41,518
Over the past week, there has been an average of 65,191 cases per day, an increase of 19 percent from the average two weeks earlier.
Michigan is adding cases at a higher rate than any other state. As of Friday, the six metro areas with the country’s worst outbreaks were in Michigan.
Desperately seeking attention — and getting some (including this comment) but not as presumably intended, Who needs Twitter? Trump wishes happy Easter to :
† It’s hair furor — automatic
, except by accident or when he’s correct(-ish) for plausible reasons (mostly, stuck clock syndrome). Possible sincerity would be an added and totally unexpected bonus.This was made(?) / released at end-November last year, but I just stumbled across it, 2020 Portrayed by Lord of The Rings (video). Do not, however, read the comments.
From The Guardian (see blf at 130):
Sounds familiar, and seasonally appropriate.
“Yeshua Ben Yosef is reportedly alive and preparing to take over the world from his secret hideout in a non-material realm, after being executed for trying to incite the Jews into an uprising against Roman Empire.
He has also organized a campaign group that presents a politically sanitized version of the agenda he briefly argued before his death, while alleging that his excellent postmortem health was confirmed in several appearances and personal greetings before his retreat from material reality.
But Ben Yosef has also said he may not need to ever come back in flesh to rule as King of Jews, because his devoted followers are perfectly capable of spinning his half-remembered speeches into a rousing platform that governs said followers’ entire lives”
Guardian – “Netanyahu in court as Israel’s lawmakers mull over his political fate”:
Guardian – “Turkish ex-admirals arrested over criticism of Erdoğan’s ‘crazy’ canal scheme”:
Lynna @ #122, I remember Josh Marshall posting screenshots and TPM doing articles about those fundraising efforts. IIRC, it started with constant claims about “matching” funds but with no source provided. The percentage of “matched” donations kept growing, and then late in the campaign what was described as a “matched” donation was really a recurring payment by the donor that they went to great lengths to obscure. It seemed totally fraudulent at the time.
raven @ #124, QAnon Anonymous did an episode about that case: “Episode 118: The Tragic Tale of Neely Blanchard.” Sad and disturbing.
Guardian – “‘Allergic reaction to US religious right’ fueling decline of religion, experts say”:
More atl.
Here’s a link to the April 5 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
The Guardian has full reports on both of these stories.
Ben Collins:
Clip from the HBO documentary in which Watkins evidently slips up (I haven’t seen it so can’t speak to the context) at the link.
Here’s NBC’s Chauvin-trial liveblog for today.
From there:
Today’s testimony will begin shortly.
Entertaining TPM article from last August – “A Journey Through Donald Trump’s Small-Dollar Fundraising Drive, In Ten Easy Steps.”
I haven’t found the pieces about the fake matches being used to describe obscured recurring payments by the same donor, but I seem to recall that this is what happened later in the campaign.
lumipuna@132, Laughs… well done !
Unrelated, a follow-up of sorts to me@131, but not really political, Soviet TV version of Lord of the Rings rediscovered after 30 years:
I just watched the entire thing. Two points that summary omits: There is one sequence of scenes which are well-done, the Ringwraiths (Nazgûl) on their horses searching for Frodo and company. Horses and riders menacingly moving through snowy forests is a Russian specialty, and it shows here, those scenes are much better shot that anything else. Also (probably related to “look[s] more like a theatre production than a feature-length film” point), many of the most dramatic action scenes in the Peter Jackson movie are notable by their absence. No dramatic escape across the Brandywine; the attacks on Bree, on Weathertop, and the rescue by Glorfindel are only hinted-at; etc. The fight in Moria is shown (with “ludicrous” special effects), but no Balrog nor the “You shall not pass!” stand of Gandalf; etc.
And, of course, it’s all in Russian. Lots of dialogue heavy-scenes (presumably all the obviously minuscule budget allowed for), with only a handful of words I caught (I don’t speak Russian); e.g., “Mordor”, “Gandalf”, and “Sam”, and once I worked out how they were being pronounced, “Frodo” and a few others, all noticeably largely untranslated proper names. (I’m not certain, such are the production values, but Legolas may be played by a woman.)
More at the Grauniad (including a short video excerpt), but — until a later correction? — not the actual links:
● Part 1, Хранители | Часть 1 | Телеспектакль по мотивам повести Д.Р.Р.Толкиена (“Keepers | Part 1 | Teleplay based on the novel by D.R.R. Tolkien”, says Generalissimo Google (DRR Tolkien?)).
● Part 2, Хранители | Часть 2 | Телеспектакль по мотивам повести Д.Р.Р.Толкиена.
As the Grauniad points out, the Tom Bombadil scenes from the book are in this adaption.
@136 Yet Donald Trump was probably the least religious president ever. He never had to show how religious he was. I don’t ever recall him attending church regularly (did he even go once in a while?) while president. It just goes to show that it’s not how religious one is, it’s how well one’s values correlate with the white conservatives who are losing their prominence in society. Such disgusting hypocrisy. That’s one of the main reasons I left the Southern Baptist church when I was in college and have never even thought about going back to it or joining any other organized religion.
redwood@142, “[D]id [hair furor] even go [to church] once in a while?”
On one occasion he had peaceful protestors violently removed so he could march over to a nearby church and hold a bible upside down.
As to what the question is presumably asking, did he ever attend a service whilst occupying Wacko House, I also have no idea / recollection.
As quoted in @130:
Eh? He grabs all the money he can, lies constantly and even when there is no discernible reason, grabs all the money he can, has magical beliefs (e.g., hydroxychloroquine, drinking disinfectant, &tc) and is prone to conspiratorial / magical thinking, grabs all the money he can, expects total obedience and yet more money, is authoritarian and bigoted, still needs more money, &tc — all very Very xian. Seems to me has a rather “good” understanding of the practicalities, if an exceptionally warped implementation of those practicalities.
SC @135, you’re right about the “matching funds” aspect of Trump’s bogus fundraising efforts. I had forgotten about that. “Matching funds” usually means that a deep-pocketed donor has agreed to match individual donations dollar for dollar. In some of Trump’s fundraising efforts they claimed that an individual’s donation would be matched at a rate of 825 percent.
And that’s just one example. It’s obviously a lie. And who believes that Trump would actually contribute any of his own money?
Thanks for reminding me of that particular aspect of the scam. So egregious.
From Trump himself at the time:
Guardian – “Haiti has no Covid vaccine doses as violence looms larger than pandemic”:
GOP tries to oppose Biden’s plan without opposing infrastructure
Chuck Todd should stop interviewing Republicans like Wicker. Todd never holds them to account when they offer contradictory or unbelievable statements.
McConnell picks the wrong fight, questions Biden’s ‘mandate’
“Trump sees those who put their faith in him as suckers to be fleeced.”
When will Trump’s supporters learn that Trump sees them as suckers to be fleeced?
Josh Marshall:
Mitch McConnell is so strange.
McConnell Rants That Businesses Are ‘Bullying’ America By Criticizing GA GOP’s Voting Restrictions
What “serious consequences” is Mitch threatening?
Comments posted by readers of the article:
Republican voters have been (are being) duped again—this time regarding the attack on the Capitol.
Cartoon: Arguments against vaccination
“You Need Water to Live”: Pete Buttigieg Explains Infrastructure to Republicans
Yeah, that makes sense: “Supreme Court declines to hear Alex Jones appeal in Sandy Hook case.”
First case of India’s ‘double mutant’ COVID-19 variant found in San Francisco Bay Area
Many corporate giants (once again) paid no federal income taxes
Major businesses aren’t even paying the 21% corporate rate that exists on paper. Republican officials believe the proper response to this is indifference.
NBC trial liveblog:
Guardian world liveblog:
SC @159, I agree with what Joyce Vance said. Chief Arrandondo was a great witness.
In other news: “Former Gaetz Aide Holds Bizarre Presser To Disavow Any Knowledge Of Alleged Wrongdoing”
Nelson’s conclusion is bullshit, although the part about Gaetz seeking the spotlight is true.
Chris Geidner:
Yellen calls on rich nations to boost COVID-19 aid, vaccines for developing countries
Follow-up to comment 158.
Oh, no. Manchin says he won’t support corporate tax hike to 28 percent
A detail from the murder trial of Derek Chauvin:
Brazil has become South America’s superspreader event.
Washington Post link
I hope Ellis is being warned that continuing this could result in her account being suspended.
Oh, FFS.
It seems like Justice Thomas wants to guarantee the spread of disinformation.
Politico link
From today’s DN! headlines:
Feels strange to watch a cop’s defense attorney cross-examining the police chief.
NBC trial liveblog:
Re #138: “My personal takeaway from the HBO QAnon doc is just how bad Jim and Ron Watkins are at lying to your face, but that same shamelessness is incredibly effective when laundered through social media and a network of collaborators.”
Once again, the WSJ has an unhinged editorial, this time explaining to Dr Fauci what does and doesn’t work, Dr Fauci, Tear Off These Masks (paywalled, so the following excerpt is truncated):
Facepalm. Covid-19 is not analogous to the seasonal influenza. And it is much more infectious.
No. Just, no.
Oh for feck’s sake! The 85% is based on decades of experience, etc. Etc. Etc. Absolutely fecking brain-dead.
Tweet o’ the day.
From blf’s link @ #173:
For the love of fuck. (Who’s this by, anyway?)
Masking and social distancing pretty much eliminated the flu in the US this year (as I predicted!). So in addition to saving lives from COVID they saved all of the lives that would have been lost to the flu, just for the record.
Yes, it’s now recently decreased to still more than four times worse than the average worst flu season, even with significant measures still in place and increasing numbers of vaccinations.
Even if this were fully true, what is this absolutely insane need to jump precipitously to a risky action on the basis of a trend rather than on the basis of the current situation?
As blf points out, these aren’t analogous, for a number of reasons. But also, again, when the numbers are low enough and vaccine coverage high enough, which will hopefully happen in the next two months (with the spread of variants and stupidity as ever-present complicating factors), and when the evidence is sufficiently in on whether masks are needed for vaccinated people, then yes, then we should adjust our thinking based on those conditions and that knowledge. Not today based on conjecture and wishful thinking.
Nonsense. He said 75-85%. Children over 12 will likely be able to be vaccinated by the end of the summer, and all except the youngest children by the end of the year or early next year (and all of these are in trials and moving more quickly than had earlier been predicted). And it’s plain that neither Fauci nor any of the experts is saying that population immunity has to be reached before any measures can be relaxed; they’re adjusting the guidelines to the existing situation and risk profile as they go.
The current figures:
% of Total Population
At Least One Dose: 32.4%
Fully Vaccinated: 18.8%
% of Population 18+ Years of Age
At Least One Dose: 40.2%
Fully Vaccinated: 23.2%
% of Population 65+ Years of Age
At Least One Dose: 75.2%
Fully Vaccinated: 54.9%
Almost 208 million doses have been delivered, and the US is now vaccinating at a clip of several million people a day.
This whole mindset is astonishing to me: look at how things are going, see them gradually moving in the right direction but with dangers still looming, and recommend against expert advice taking premature steps that put lives at risk and could jeopardize the progress being made.
Humor/satire from Andy Borowitz:
New Yorker link
NBC News:
Guardian world liveblog:
Cartoon: The Republican symbol
Prosecutors indicate they’re nearing cooperation with Oath Keeper charged in Capitol assault
Senate parliamentarian to let Democrats bypass GOP filibuster on two more bills
Technical, Senate process details … but it may end up being crucial if Democrats want to get bills passed in the Senate.
John Fraher, Bloomberg (minus flag and syringe emojis):
redwood @ #142, and among the most genuinely and openly religious US politicians are Biden and Pelosi. And of the two most recently elected Democratic Senators, one’s literally a Baptist pastor.
This is very well done. (Apologies to people in most other countries. :()
Here’s a link to the April 6 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
Guardian – “Wanted lists published in Myanmar as junta extends crackdown”:
Here’s a separate link to Myat Noe Aye’s brave tweet featured in the article @ #187.
Via the #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar hashtag: “‘Zarganar, famous comedian, was arrested this morning (6 April) in Tamwe township, Yangon by Junta at his home’ local media reports”
Guardian – “Alexei Navalny ‘seriously ill’ on prison sick ward, says lawyer”:
“One of the best penal colonies in Russia” is quite a phrase. It’s the Harvard of Russian prison camps! People would kill to get in!
Guardian – “EU and UK pledge backing to Ukraine after Russian military buildup”:
Guardian world liveblog:
Update to #186 – this is exhausting:
SC@175, Thanks for the additional details on the stoopidity of the WSJ editorial @171 ! From memory, it was unsigned, which — also from memory — is the WSJ’s usual policy.
blf @ #194, oh! I somehow missed where you said it was an editorial and was thinking it was an oped.
Wow. I really shouldn’t be surprised by WSJ editorials but I still am.
Not at all political, but amusing, Dog interrupts live weather report from Moscow (video). Only the microphone was harmed in the making of this video.
First Dog on the Moon in the Grauniad, A vaccine rollout is complex — it requires special magic fridges and people who know what they are doing (comic): “his is why we have asked the states to do it and also why we are now blaming them for it going off the rails”. Slightly Ozland-specific, but generally understandable, and with tweeks, applicable to many many other places, some of which are even real countries.
AP – “Vaccine skepticism runs deep among white evangelicals in US”:
Guardian world liveblog:
From today’s DN! headlines:
Texas to ban government-mandated ‘vaccine passports’
By Erin Cunningham and Marisa Iati
April 6, 2021
Note:The Washington Post is providing this information about the coronavirus for free. For more free coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, sign up for our Coronavirus Updates newsletter where all stories are free to read.
Atlanta Journal news:
The number of sports drawing Republicans’ ire keeps growing
A political party picking a series of public fights with professional baseball, football, and basketball leagues seems unwise.
Why it matters that Schumer got the procedural news he wanted to hear
Given the state of the Senate, when doors that appeared closed are suddenly open, it’s extremely encouraging.
Facing campaign scam allegations, Trump’s response has a big flaw
Given an opportunity to defend his efforts to rip off his own backers, Trump couldn’t think of anything persuasive.
Josh Marshall:
Key Figure In Gaetz’s Iranian Alibi Denies Extortion Attempt
Posted by readers of the article:
Matt Gaetz’s staffers were sending videos of his outrageous behavior to other Republican officials
‘Chauvin knew what he was doing’: Police chief doubles down on his stance of what happened to Floyd
Greg Gutfeld has a new hilarious [NOT] evening comedy show “Gutfeld!” that airs on Fox News.
Video snippets are available at the link.
On the filibuster’s future, Arizona’s [Senator Krysten] Sinema makes a flawed case
What should happen when Republican senators are asked to “change their behavior,” and they respond, “No”?
Follow-up to me@94 and Lynna@119, There were two Italian businesses sanctioned by hair furor’s dalekocracy because their owner’s name happened to match that of a individual alleged to be deeply involved in selling of Venezuelan-origin crude oil. One, a restaurant owner, got the matter cleared up quickly. The other, a graphics designer, whilst also taken off the sanctions list, is not very happy, Italian business owner to sue US Treasury over blacklist error:
The restaurant owner also wants an apology.
Repeating some bits from blf at 173, quoting an editorial from WSJ, on giving up pandemic precautions:
I see a curious focus on masks in particular – starting from the headline of the quoted editorial. Masking is certainly something that seems to preoccupy many people’s minds, and hence makes for good clickbait journalism, here in Finland as well as in English-speaking world.
Recently, I’ve started seeing some official-ish advice (from US sources) along the line of “If you’re fully vaccinated, you can resume normal social life*, but you still need to wear a mask”. This advice seems to assume that masking is “easy” compared to other pandemic precautions, and therefore something people can still continue when they don’t have sufficient reason or motivation to keep up the full set any more, but there’s still need for some caution**.
I think this depends on individual circumstances. Many people apparently find masking rather uncomfortable (or sometimes near impossible), others not so much. Also, different people have rather different ideas of what constitutes “normal social life”, and how easy it is to continue to avoid extensive mingling with people. I guess there’s a need for public health messaging to be simple and short, and therefore it tends to be simplistic and one-size-fits-all. OTOH, there needs apparently needs to be a different one-size-fits-all model for vaccinated people, if only to encourage vaccine takeup.
*This also seems to assume that various social venues in your area are more or less open-as-normally, so resuming normal social life is effectively up to your own choice based on recommendations, risk assessment and responsibility.
**There’s also the practical issue, as noted in the editorial, that “immunity is invisible” and some venues mandate masking for all. It seems like any discrimination based on vaccination status will be politically more or less impossible in the US.
Excerpts from a longer article by Mallory Pickett, writing for The New Yorker:
New Yorker link
In the article, the personal stories of Swedes who lost relatives to Covid, and some who suffered from the disease themselves, are told. The details are telling. With all the schools open, with no masking and very little testing going on, a high school student sneezed in a nurse’s face. That was the start of a long, difficult, disease-ridden time for the nurse. She is still suffering effects many months later.
The glaring flaw in the GOP’s new talking point on Georgia voting
The idea that that Colorado and Georgia are effectively the same in imposing voting restrictions is demonstrably ridiculous.
President Biden moved up the deadline for states to make all adults eligible for a coronavirus vaccine to April 19.
In other news: Gaetz Fundraises Off Of Alleged Sex Trafficking Investigation
What additional fuckery is this?
Gaetz Will Speak At Trump Doral For Summit Hosted By Jan. 6 Rally Planners
In good news, the CDC announced that almost 80 percent of teachers and childcare workers in the USA have gotten at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose.
Masks in Schools
April 5, 2021
Gaetz sought blanket pardon from Trump White House
More from The New York Times
Quoted in Lynna’s #218:
Well, it is a group formed to support a sexual predator! And here’s its founder Amy Kremer at a rally for Roy Moore.
From the event site (the tab inexplicably features a pink pump): “The Save America Summit is for MEN & Women…” The “Special Guests” so far include 9 women (among them Amy and Kylie Jane Kremer) and 16 men.
The PR person (also “Special Guest”) is Chris Barron. After the Arkansas General Assembly voted yesterday to override Gov. Hutchinson’s veto of their anti-trans bill, he tweeted: “Why vote Republican if all you get is Asa Hutchinson?” Barron was the organizer of LGBT for Trump.
Guardian – “Brazil’s coronavirus death toll passes 4,000 a day for first time”:
George Monbiot in the Guardian – “Seaspiracy shows why we must treat fish not as seafood, but as wildlife”:
Here’s a link to the April 7 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
A key detail in the corporate tax debate: the GOP’s cut didn’t work
Republicans and private-sector opponents of Biden’s plan are demanding the preservation of a corporate tax break that failed.
Oh, FFS.
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics prove to be surprisingly lucrative
Greene raised “a staggering sum of money.”
Fox News takes a big step toward painting Capitol insurrectionists as heroes and patriots
Gaetz sought a blanket pardon for indictments not yet made, on crimes every Republican knew about
JPMorgan Secretly Emailed the Trump Administration About Bailing Out the Oil Industry
The bank has promised big action on climate—but it still wants to finance fossil fuels.
There’s a lot of in-depth detail in the article, and it would be difficult to provide excerpts.
The emails in question basically show that JPMorgan requested changes to government lending programs, including the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, so that fossil fuel industries could be bailed out.
JPMorgan expected then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin (Trump’s lackey) to use his broad powers to adjust the terms of the lending as he saw fit to benefit oil and gas companies.
Trump claims Gaetz ‘never asked me for a pardon’
Reminds one of Trump exonerating Putin by pointing out that Putin strongly denied all charges.
Biden administration to restore millions in aid to Palestinians
Bits and pieces of news:
Holy shit, this is the actual pre-checked box on the NRCC site right now (I checked):
MS GOP Elections Official Clutches Pearls Over ‘Woke’ Students Being ‘Forced’ To Vote
Yesterday’s tweet o’ the day.
Politico – “The congressman and his wingman.”
Lynna @ #231, exactly:
SC @236, “wow” indeed. They can’t really mask what they are saying and what they are doing: perpetuating and justifying myths of white superiority … and then using supposed white superiority to justify suppressing the voting rights of non-whites.
And it is exactly the same argument they used in the past.
SC @239, Ha! Thanks for that. That’s a good list.
Guardian world liveblog:
More from the Guardian world liveblog:
Trump blasts Georgia’s new voting law (but for the wrong reason)
Voting-rights advocates abhor Georgia’s new voter-suppression law. So does Donald Trump, but for a very different reason.
Trump is such an ill-informed asshole.
TPM – “GA Rep. Who Was Arrested For Knocking On Kemp’s Door Will Not Be Prosecuted”:
Trump quoted in Lynna’s #243:
Like, what the actual fuck?
A bit of good news:
Life on the minimum wage
Guardian world liveblog:
Follow-up to SC @236.
Wonkette: “National Review Guy, 2014: Why Not Hang Abortion-Havers? Same Guy, 2021: Is Voting Even Good?”
Wonkette: “Don’t Think John Boehner Likes That Loser Trump Guy Very Much”
Wonkette: “Voters Sure Do Love Biden, Democrats’ Radical ‘Don’t Let Us Starve’ Agenda”
NBC – “N.C. bill would ban treatment for trans people under 21”:
What kind of fuckery is this:
Biden plan recognizes care economy is integral to infrastructure, and public agrees
Quoted in Lynna’s #249:
The North had almost twice the population of the South, and around a third of the Southern population were enslaved people.
“The conservative governor of South Carolina is claiming his state’s ‘constitutional sovereignty’ is threatened by a civil rights measure at the federal level?
Hmm. That sounds vaguely familiar….”
Tweet o’ the day.
Guardian world liveblog:
SC @258, that’s good news!
In other “news” here is nice hit of humor/satire from Andy Borowitz:
New Yorker link
“Myanmar celebrity model arrested as military targets public figures”:
“Myanmar’s ambassador to UK locked out of embassy ‘by deputy’”:
Guardian – “Among the Covid sceptics: ‘We are being manipulated, without a shadow of a doubt’.”
Here’s a link to the April 8 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
Also from the Guardian – “What do I need to know about the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine?”
NBC – “Leaders call for calm after night of ‘serious’ violence in Northern Ireland”:
Much more atl.
Ashley Feinberg – “What exactly is Trump doing at Mar-a-Lago all day?”
Guardian world liveblog:
“RNC has a similar message on unchecking the box to double your donation: ‘The Dems want you to uncheck this box and abandon President Trump, but we know you won’t!’…”
I can’t get over this. The reason people are on these pages to begin with is that they’re donating money, in an off-year, to a party that’s doing fuck-all for them, and they’re telling them that if they don’t give double what they’d planned they’re “abandoning” Trump and if they don’t make it recurring they’re a “DEFECTOR” who’s “sided with the Dems.” For donating to Republicans! The gall of it!
“Bill Barr’s law firm won’t rehire him.
Mike Pompeo can’t find a corporate gig.
Headhunters don’t see any interest for Elaine Chao.
And no Trump Cabinet officials from the final quarter of his term have been picked to join S&P 500 boards.
Oh well….”
WaPo link atl.
Science – “‘A hostile environment.’ Brazilian scientists face rising attacks from Bolsonaro’s regime”:
Much more atl.
Partial update to #268 – “Inbox: FOX News Media has signed former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as a contributor”
TPM – “Investigators Are Examining Gaetz Bahamas Trip As Part Of Sex Trafficking Probe”:
@264, OMG, Trump is living in a place where his cult followers cheer him and applaud everywhere he goes. And, no matter how obviously sweaty and gross he is from golfing, he gets to stand next to the bride celebrating her wedding at Mar-a-Lago. This is very disturbing.
Bits and pieces of news:
It’s good to see a potentially good candidate declare he is running in the U.S. senate race in North Carolina.
Leading Georgia Republican concedes voting law is based on a lie
Georgia’s Republican lieutenant governor conceded the state’s new voter-suppression law was fueled by “10 weeks of misinformation” from Team Trump.
The biggest flaw in the GOP’s case against the Iran nuclear deal
Why the new ACA open-enrollment totals matter
“So this is what it looks like when the people in charge of ‘Obamacare’ want to enroll as many people as possible.”
Good news!
Josh Marshall:
Parents of additional 61 separated children have been located, advocates say in new court filing
Breathing expert estimates half of Chauvin’s weight was on Floyd’s neck
Tucker Carlson Thwarted Once Again By Google Machine, Dictionaries
Tucker Carlson equated “equity” with “garbage.”
“Biden calls gun violence in the U.S. an ‘epidemic’ and ‘embarrassment’ as he announces executive orders to tighten restrictions.”
Washington Post link
Lynna @ #279, Tobin’s testimony has been very powerful. Just before the lunch break, he shot down two other defense claims. From the Guardian trial liveblog (which I didn’t know existed, but of course it does):
CNN – “Matt Gaetz associate likely to strike plea deal, attorneys say”:
SC @282, thanks for that additional information. The defense is currently trying to sow doubt about Tobin’s testimony, in part by asking leading questions. In my opinion, this effort is not going well. Tobin is an expert and Chauvin’s lawyer is irritating.
I agree with this. Also, if you correct for the gratuitous stupidity it’s not a bad reason: “Please get vaccinated so our […] Governor will have [fewer] reasons for […] restrictions!”
Boca Raton GOP Club Will Feature Proud Boys Leader Tarrio As Dinner Speaker
Yes, that’s the “Boca Raton Regional Republican Club.”
Posted by readers of the article:
Florida sues Biden administration over cruise restrictions
Quoted in Lynna’s #286:
From Luke Mogelson’s great New Yorker piece from January, “Among the Insurrectionists”:
Lynna@291, I visited two bakeries today, one for bread and another for tonight’s dessert. And I live next to the southern border — which is actually a few kilometres offshore — so, yeah, Vice President Kamela Harris is definitely slacking off, visiting only one bakery far away from French, I mean Latin American, bakery treats. Proof, proof, is I haven’t been slapped by a wet fish wielding fox “anchor”.
blf @293. I’m jealous. I’m still keeping my grocery-buying expeditions to a minimum. I’ll feel safer after I get my second Covid vaccine shot. I could use some bread and some dessert!
In other news, here’s some humor/satire from Andy Borowitz:
New Yorker link
Bits and pieces of news:
Josh Marshall:
That’s a failure that I was hoping would go the other way.
Lynna@294, Jealous? Jealous? I’m still waiting to be eligible for a vaccination, and we’re under lockdown (lite), and I mispronounced génépy in the wine shop today! And yer jealous? I mean, the bread is just the usual French stuff (great), and the dessert was poached pears in chocolate (great (but a bit too sweet)), and the génépy is nice, along with the vin the shopkeeper recommended… Jealous, pfffft!!!1!
Follow-up to @293 / @294 / @297, What being desperate for “some bread and some dessert” leads to… Giant lizard climbs shelves of Thai supermarket in search of food (video): “A giant monitor lizard climbs up a fully-stacked wall unit at a supermarket on the outskirts of Bangkok, unperturbed by the falling cartons and packages it dislodges as it searches for footholds, then appears to rest on the top shelf, watched by staff and customers. According to reports the 6ft-long reptile emerged from a nearby canal and ran into the 7-Eleven store. Police arrived with reptile handlers to snare the creature, which is believed to have struggled to find food outside, following months of dry weather, which has led to canals and lakes drying up”. No Lynnas were harmed in the making of this video.
blf, okay, that made me smile. I understand your point of view. I’ll take the poached pears in chocolate.
Regarding 298, I haven’t started climbing to the top shelf in grocery stores and then resting … at least not yet. However, being a petite woman, I do sometimes step on a bottom shelf to reach items on the highest shelf. I realize this is not safe. I will keep an eye out for the Lynna handlers that may come to snare me.
In other news, the hole in which Matt Gaetz is trapped just keeps getting deeper.
Gaetz paid accused sex trafficker, who later sent same amount of cash to teen girls
Yeah, Gaetz never paid for sex. He just may have paid his buddy Greenberg, who then paid the girls to have sex with Gaetz. It looks like that, but we don’t have all the details and this story may change … again.
Odd source, believable story:
Prince Philip has died. He was 99.
“Belfast: police use water cannon on rioters in seventh night of unrest.”
“Italian PM calls Erdoğan ‘a dictator’ after Ursula von der Leyen chair snub.”
“US anti-abortion groups shift focus to voting restrictions.”
Here’s a link to the April 9 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From their summary:
re SC @304: The republicans will use any and all means of cheating to win a race.
The Guardian had a link labelled “Prince Philip dies – latest updates”. I’m afraid my immediate thought was that this should be an easy one to write:
Guardian world liveblog:
KG @ #306, LOL.
@SC #285 Some good responses to Molly Jong-Fast there. My favourite:
(As an aside, yes, Falwell’s a despicable hate-monger; I get it. Can people please just cut out all the fat-shaming, now? It has absolutely zilch to do with him being a despicable hate-monger.)
Republican-led states secretly spending huge sums on execution drugs:
Guardian world liveblog:
quotetheunquote@309, I’m not quite sure why you set that response in what I call
, but whatever…I followed the #GetVaccinatedToOwnTheLibs tag, hoping for some good jokes or snarky comments. Amusingly (and usefully!) it had a header from the French health agency saying (in translation), “Know the facts. To learn and understand vaccines and vaccinations, visit the government’s reference site. https://vaccination-info-service.fr/ […]”. No jokes or snarky comments (at both links), indeed not much content at all, unfortunately (at the tag!).
CNN – “Federal prosecutors get the green light to start offering plea deals to Capitol riot defendants, attorneys say”:
France 24 – “UN special envoy to step up Myanmar diplomatic effort as death toll surpasses 600”:
I’ve seen higher estimates of the number of people killed in Bago.
Also: “JUST IN: #Myanmar state TV announces that the famous couple, academy award-winning film actor and actress; Pyay Ti Oo and Eaindra Kyaw Zin got arrested today at their house in #Yangon as they were supporting #CivilDisobedienceMovement against the junta….” (I believe this is a national academy award.)
US anti-abortion groups shift focus to voting restrictions:
I’ve opted to not set those Cuccinelli quotes as
because what he is quoted as saying seems very plausible. Appalling, but probably correct.blf @315, a friend of mine posted a reminded on his Facebook page for people to get vaccinated. The comments following that post immediately filled up with anti-vaccine propaganda. One comment even claimed that, “My sister died from a vaccine.” Sheesh.
In other news, that didn’t take long. Back to skullduggery as usual.
After Jan. 6 halt, corporate money starts reaching the GOP again
Remember when several corporations responded to the Jan. 6 attack by halting their political contributions?
From today’s DN! headlines:
Why the House Republicans’ plan to fight climate change matters
Doing the opposite of what’s right: GOP reps ease gun restrictions in several states following shootings
France24 interviews Dr Fauci… nothing especial, albeit with a few carefully-phrased pointed comments about the EU’s vaccination efforts, Dr Anthony Fauci on Covid-19: ‘We encourage people to get vaccinated’ (video). A snippet from the accompanying summary:
Matt Gaetz under new pressure to resign following new revelations
Before last night, the grand total of GOP lawmakers calling for the Florida congressman’s ouster was zero. That’s no longer the case.
A summary: Matt Gaetz did not pay for sex using Venmo for the transaction. He paid Greenberg … who paid for sex using Venmo to transfer Gaetz’s funds to very, very young women.
Amazon has won a historic warehouse union election. But the battle is not over.
The union says it will challenge the results over alleged illegal behavior.
Trump officials celebrated efforts to change CDC reports on coronavirus, emails show.
Washington Post link
Political appointees also tried to blunt scientific findings they deemed unfavorable to Trump, according to new documents from House probe.
Coronavirus update:
Washington Post link
Rep. Matt Gaetz issued a statement yesterday that was supposedly written by women working in his office, praising the congressman and rejecting the allegations surrounding him. The statement was not signed by any women.
Excerpts from the statement:
Yeah, that does sound like Matt Gaetz and/or his publicist wrote that.
Lynna@324, Paul Alexander. Again. Quite some time ago, about when wannabe-dalek Michael Caputo resigned from hair furor’s HHS, I noted Alexander was the dangerous one, not due to his expertise (he doesn’t have any (at least none which is either relevant or verified)), but his procedural attempts and possible ability to neuter / suppress the CDC, etc., guidelines / reports, etc.
In 5-2 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court keeps thousands of voters on the rolls
Patrick Marley Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
@blf #312
Just a formatting thing, to distinguish it from my text.
NBC – “Team Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson? Vaccine rivalries are taking over TikTok.”
I’m Team Moderna (halfway)!
From the latest Guardian world liveblog summary:
(Support the Guardian if you can!)
: : Republican politician taunts police after wrong-way chase
The one thing that makes Trump’s Rubio endorsement remarkable
Trump expects people to believe Rubio exonerated him in the Russia scandal. Even by Trump standards, that’s spectacularly untrue.
Biden creates commission to examine ‘reforming’ Supreme Court
For the Biden White House, expanding the Supreme Court and imposing term limits on justices will be on the table for a new commission.
quotetheunquote@329 (on the use of what I call
): “Just a formatting thing, to distinguish it from my text.”Ah. May I suggest
, e.g.:Just a suggestion.
Manchin elevates Trump’s Big Lie in defending the filibuster. Clyburn would like a word
This is a good decision, and a good first step.
Pentagon orders new screening procedures to weed out extremists
The “immediate steps” ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin include new plans to track veterans who join militant groups.
Tom Horn Says an Asteroid Will Strike Earth in 2029, Unleashing an ‘Alien Virus’ That Will Give Rise to the Antichrist:
I assume this asteroid will strike in Lower Tadfield, where Adam Young resides.
GOP lawmakers block Biden assistance to Palestinians
Expect Fox News and other rightwing media outlets to characterize aid to Palestinians as aid to terrorists.
The argument from the rightwing:
Texas … cruel to poor people … again.
This could be the start of some good news for public lands in Utah:
Wonkette: “Laura Loomer Gonna Get Holocaust Tattoo Because Twitter Ban Is The Holocaust”
Biden pressed to label foreign hate groups ‘terrorists’:
Rep. Veronica Escobar says Stephen Miller should be locked up for ‘heinous human rights violations’
House Ethics Committee opens probe into Gaetz
Wonkette: “Ammon Bundy Gets Big Dumb Self Arrested Twice In Two Hours”
Lynna@326: “Rep. Matt Gaetz issued a statement yesterday that was supposedly written by women working in his office,…”
Now, let us suppose that Matt Gaetz ushered a woman of negotiable affection into his office, and that she was there to perform services for Rep. Gaetz. Technically, that would be a woman working in his office, would it not?
Paul Krugman: “Why Was Trump’s Signature Policy Such a Flop?”
The abject failure surprised even the critics.
New York Time link
Rachel Maddows opening monologue was her getting a J&J vaccine despite of her fear of needles. Nice rant. I’ll post if available.
She will also look into the Michigan situation, with a surge in cases and the Governor asking for more vaccines. Makes me worried about my sister, who last I knew was on a waiting list to be vaccinated.
PSA: NASA/JPL has scheduled Sunday night for the first hop attempt of Ingenuity, the first aircraft (a small helicopter) to fly on another planet.
Re my #350 Link to NASA about Perseverance/Ingenuity.
By an odd coincidence, I believe that’s the date Ray Kurzweil has pencilled in for the Singularity! Maybe the Singularity willl save us from the Asteroid, or the Asteroid will save us from the Singularity.
Actually, Horn’s scenario sounds like the basis for a nice SF novel – but the guy with the unique natural immunity would just be some ordinary Joe, identified by one set of crazies as the Messiah and by another as the Antichrist, leading to a nuclear war.
Rachel’s rant on getting vaccinated.
Supreme Court strikes another pandemic-related restriction on religious services
By Robert Barnes
April 10, 2021
Follow-up to tomh’s comment 354.
Text from the dissent:
Wow. That’s a definitive argument.
Clarence and Virginia Thomas have an impressively corrupt activist/judge scheme going
“MyPillow guy says he’s hired investigators to find out why he can’t get on Fox News anymore.”
A follow-up to Lynna’s follow-up @ 355, from the WaPo article.
Follow-up to comment 341.
Washington Post link
tom @358:
OMFG, that is so telling. The Supreme Court is so fucked up.
Completely non-political, albeit a follow-up of sorts to the discussion about “bread and desserts” above… Today I proved, once again, I cannot bake. I’d done my usual thing, which is to buy some bananas, eat a few, forget about the rest, and then eventually find them. This time, however, they were still intact and fly-less, albeit too ripe (for my tastes). So I decided to try and make something approximating banana bread, and succeeded — it is approximately bread, and contains bananas.
As usual, I didn’t follow the recipe exactly (which is probably the reason I cannot seem to bake), and improvised / “adjusted”. Main problem, I suspect, is the dough wound up too liquid (the mildly deranged penguin says the problem is I used ingredients other than cheese). After baking, it was very much like a undercooked USAian-style pancake. Sampling it, it did have a rather good taste, but needs more roasting… or something. So it’s back now in the oven (still without any cheese, she complains) to either explode, be incinerated, or — possibly — become a slightly-better approximation. Approximation to what remains to be seen… !
(I also got to play with the bread dough gimzo for my food processor for the first time ever. Seemed to work quite well… might try the next time I make intentional pancakes? Easier to do (albeit more fussy to clean), but perhaps more awkward to adjust as-it-mixes (i.e., by eye) to get the consistency correct?)
Ah, Tucker Carlson speaks out again. He is so fucking bonkers.
Tucker Carlson claims anyone but a white male will ‘crash’ a plane as a pilot
Why does Tucker think that merit is not considered when hiring women and people of color? Is Tucker’s brain damaged? And why doesn’t he take into account the all-important “training” that United Airlines emphasized?
Tucker should be banned from using any version of the word “woke.”
Video of Tucker Carlson being racist, willfully ignorant, and simultaneously stupid is available at the link.
Millions of people watch Tucker on Fox News. He is reducing the overall intelligence of humans on planet earth.
Michigan is fighting both a spike in COVID-19 cases, and a continued resistance to effective action
I doubt that this apocalyptical scenario will be limited to Michigan.
Follow-up to comment 363.
In July 2020, Tucker Carlson Tonight broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history, garnering an average nightly audience of 4.33 million viewers. (According Google.)
Lynna@361, Among a long long list of woman pilots, there are the WW ][ WASPs:
The British had a similar programme (e.g., Mary Ellis, Who Flew British Spitfires in World War II, Dies at 101 (2018)). That article points out that at the time, the British were spouting the same-ish sort of nonsense:
A very good friend of mine is a licensed pilot (not commercial), and (was?) a member of the Air National Guard. She is also a fencer (sabre). If dueling were legal, I know who I’d bet-on to win (or actually show up)…
OK, if Xtians are allowed to gather in large numbers for religious services, are us secularists allowed to refuse to have dealings with them given the very rational supposition that they pose a greater danger to others than do secularists?
‘Dumb Son Of A [B-word]’: Trump Continues Bashing McConnell For Insufficient Loyalty
Trump does not realize that he is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
Follow-up to comment 367.
Posted by readers of the article:
Insurrectionist experiences ‘shock’ over being held with people accused of ‘inner city crimes’
Moscow Mitch had his chance. He could have dealt a knockout punch to Darth Cheeto and left him martyred but marginalized. As it stands, he’s left Trump the de facto head of the party and himself marginalized.
Wonkette: “Virginia Cops Not Even Sure Black Army Lives Matter”
snark rates @370, I agree.
In other news, it’s anti-education time in Arkansas:
A discussion of qualified immunity for police officers:
NASA/JPL has postponed the first flight of Ingenuity until not earlier than April 14 for further checks.
Senate Filibuster Is the Only Thing Protecting US From Demonic Evil, Claim Tony Perkins and Jim Garlow:
France to ban some domestic flights where train available:
blf @ #338, I love how Horn gets to the real danger. An asteroid is going to strike the earth, but that’s not the problem. It will carry an alien microorganism hosting a virus that will have “tens of millions of people…dying by the hour,” but that’s not the problem. An effective vaccine will be produced, and there we have a problem.
This was a week ago, but is still inadvisable to watch whilst hungry, National Carbonara Day: Chefs reveal secrets to Italy’s most cherished pasta dish (video): “April 6 is National Carbonara Day in Italy, a day dedicated to the world-famous mix of pasta, eggs, cheese and pig cheeks. FRANCE 24’s reporters visit some locals chefs in Rome who reveal the secret to making the mouth-watering meal.”
A tidbit from the video I didn’t know: The dish, in its modern form, apparently dates from WW ][, and is frequently credited to being a result of the liberation (especially the USAian troops). One theory is that, at the time, most eggs and bacon were supplied by the troops / States, and the dish is a result (the only other ingredients being, as the video points out, (dried) pasta and cheese). Based on some admittedly quick searching, no-one knows for sure, there are other hypotheses, but it seems most likely the dish existed in some (variant) forms beforehand, with its popularity — perhaps originally out of necessity — a result of the liberation.
Tommy Robinson [Stephen Yaxley-Lennon] asked wealthy US backers to help him claim asylum:
Here’s a link to the April 12 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
It’s worth noting that India is far larger than Brazil. Brazil is 16th highest in the world in deaths per million population (1,653) and India is 119th (122). (The UK is 13th and the US 14th, but the situation in Brazil is horrific and it looks likely that it will soon overtake them.)
They’re basically giving Trump participation trophies to try to placate him now. (Trump is wearing The Outfit shown @ #265 above.)
Mehdi Hasan:
Video atl.
NBC – “‘White Lives Matter’ rallies flop as hardly anyone shows up”:
Julia Davis: “The rhetoric coming out of the Kremlin is eerily reminiscent of what’s been said prior to the annexation of Crimea….”
Update to #314 above – BBC – “Myanmar coup: ‘Dozens killed’ in military crackdown in Bago”:
Guardian world liveblog:
Tucker Carlson: call for Fox News to fire host after anti-immigration tirade:
That word — disemfranchised — does not mean what teh loon implies. Nor are voters being
.AP – “‘Clear the Capitol,’ Pence pleaded, timeline of riot shows”:
More atl.
Photos are available at the link.
The RNC paid Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort more than $100,000 for the Saturday evening event.
Cartoon: Revenge of the stupidverse
Guardian world liveblog:
Text quoted by SC in comment 393:
Emphasis is mine.
Of people 65+, 79% have had at least one dose and 62% are fully vaccinated.
Blinken, NATO chief discuss ‘immediate need’ for Russia to cease ‘aggressive’ military buildup
Shayan Sardarizadeh, BBC:
Screenshots atl.
The “natural-born citizen” ceiling
The Capitol rioters’ apologists are still eligible to be president — and immigrant lawmakers who fought to hold Trump accountable are not.
Lynna@399, Quotes “[a natural-born citizen was] either born on US territory or, if born abroad, the child of at least one US citizen.”
I am so happy the quoted article got it correct. As someone who fits into that rarer category of being a natural-born US citizen despite being indisputably born in another country, I keep running into people misstating the (admittedly fuzzy) definition (and sometimes then asserting bullshite conclusions). I probably have a case of “someone’s wrong on teh internet” about it…
One useful thing, b.t.w., about the rule for Presidents, is it means Henry Kissinger could never become President.
blf @400, thanks for adding your personal experience. In my opinion, Ted Lieu would make a good president.
In other news: “The Nashua GOP Invited Gaetz To Keynote Its Annual Fundraiser. Then The Allegations Hit”
Posted by readers of the article:
An update on more accessible voting, (as opposed to the usual news of Republican-controlled states trying to make voting more difficult):
From a new Politico article about Greenberg/Gaetz, re the (then) teenager involved:
Maybe they could leave her alone entirely, for the same reason. They’ve already started unnecessarily revealing more information about her.
Mike Lindell, pillow magnate, and bigger purveyor of Trump’s Big Lie than Trump himself, says that he is creating MyStore as a competitor to Amazon.
Ethics panel upholds metal detector fines totaling $15K against Rep. Clyde
Vice – “This QAnon-Loving ‘Stop the Steal’ Leader Wants to Be Arizona’s Next Secretary of State”:
Much more atl. “Before the election, he was best known for his failed attempts to end capital gains taxes on gold coins, which drew praise from Ron Paul” – perfect.
“@navalny has lost 50 pounds in the 84 days he has been in prison. He is now on day 13 of his hunger strike in protest of being denied access to a doctor. Prison officials are now threatening to force feed him.”
Guardian world liveblog:
Some podcast recommendations:
QAA – “Episode 134: Ali Alexander & Stop The Steal feat Luke O’Brien”:
QAA – “Episode 136: Into The Storm feat Cullen Hoback”:
Fever Dreams – “He Was Partners With ‘QAnon.’ Now He Wants Them Arrested”:
More podcasts:
Know Your Enemy – “KYE Film Club: A Lost Cause (w/ Jesse Brenneman)”:
Conspirituality – “46: Back to the Vax (w/Lydia Greene & Heather Simpson)”:
(This interview begins around an hour and 18 minutes in.)
Decoding the Gurus – “Special Episode: Sam Harris & Meditation is all you need”:
It’s very good, though I think far too generous.
Here’s a companion read – “Sam Harris Is Right About Things Because He Likes to Meditate”:
(The concept of transcendence already makes me angry, and then there’s the way Harris deploys it here… I’ve also seen enough of him to suspect that he takes refuge in this stuff because at some level he understands that his arguments can’t cut it on the field of ideas and evidence.)
One more podcast:
Maintenance Phase – “Dr. Oz”:
I’m linking to the main page rather than the specific episode (which is easy to find there) because I’ve listened to a few of the others (The Biggest Loser, Moon Juice,…) and they were entertaining and informative.
In the Guardian:
“This is a moment to mark the Elizabethan era, and ask what Britain has become.”
“Belarus culture workers need our support after detention of Tatsiana Hatsura-Yavorskaya.”
Guardian – “BBC’s Prince Philip coverage breaks UK TV complaints record”:
Guardian – “US unions not fazed by Amazon setback and vow to keep up the organizing fight”:
Much more atl.
Here’s a link to the April 13 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
Guardian – “Peru faces polarizing presidential runoff as teacher takes voters by surprise”:
State Department press release:
“#BREAKING: The Centers for Disease Control are recommending a ‘pause’ in using the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine while reports of potentially dangerous blood clots are investigated.”
A bit more, from the Guardian world liveblog:
“Fox News correspondent: ‘When you have something like an accidental discharge people aren’t going to say that it’s justified and they are still going to default to the belief that black lives matter, and they think that black people are treated somehow otherwise’.”
Video clip atl.
Michael Harriot:
Although the Grauniad’s headline possibly suggests some snarking, the contents of the article suggest the Minister did the sensible thing (and there is no snarking), Austria’s health minister resigns due to ‘overwork’ during Covid pandemic:
Which makes the (older) Dr Fauci even more amazing.
Mississippi Free Press – “‘Darn’ Tootin’ It Is!’: Gov. Tate Reeves Again Declares Confederate Heritage Month, SCV Says.”
Too much to excerpt.
Yesterday’s tweet o’ the day.
“Carteret County in coastal North Carolina is discontinuing a mass vaccination clinic because of a decline in appointments scheduled through its call center. Fewer than a quarter of residents have been vaccinated.”
Update to blf’s #388 above – CNN – “Fox has no problem with Tucker Carlson’s ‘replacement theory’ remarks, says Lachlan Murdoch”:
Guardian world liveblog:
Bits and pieces of news:
The policies and the agenda of the Republican Party are at odds with working-class interests.
Cornyn aims low with latest ‘question’ about Biden’s presidency
While trying to make Joe Biden look bad, John Cornyn managed to make himself look worse.
Biden to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11
The move will likely prompt the Taliban to renew attacks on American forces there, which have largely halted since the February 2020 agreement.
Oh, FFS!
Oregon Secessionist Gets Meeting With Idaho Legislators On Goofball Plan For ‘Greater Idaho’
A map of the proposed “Greater Idaho” is available at the link.
Doktor Zoom is a regular contributor to Wonkette.
Senate GOP trio targets Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption
Whatever one thinks of the MLB’s antitrust exemption, Republicans’ retributive tactics are tough to defend.
Revenge, plotted by all the best people.
The mayor of Brooklyn Center is doing a press conference. The officer who shot Daunte Wright has resigned. The police chief has also resigned, which is good – really didn’t care for his press briefing yesterday. The acting chief appears to be a more placid, even-keeled guy, so he might be a decent choice.
The people asking questions at the Brooklyn Center press briefing are doing an outstanding job.
I think the Brooklyn Center press conference is still going on. The subsequent answers from the acting chief didn’t exactly inspire confidence, but the mayor appears deeply committed.
CBS – “Biden administration to lift abortion pill restriction amid pandemic”:
SC @440, I agree, the Mayor sounded committed and intelligent. On the other hand, he has only been in the job for about a minute, so a lot of work is ahead of him.
Some additional details:
Looking toward the midterm elections, Democrats are analyzing past elections and making plans. Democrats have thin margins in both the House and Senate, so they are going to have work hard if they don’t want to lose to Republicans.
Follow-up to comment 443.
Posted by readers of the article:
The death of the Big Lie?
Bits and pieces of news:
Lovely photo at the link.
Guardian (support the Guardian if you can!) – “‘A tsunami of cases’: desperation as Covid second wave batters India”:
Here’s a link to the April 14 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
Also in the Guardian, “Sweden has highest new Covid cases per person in Europe.”
From yesterday’s DN! headlines:
The global threats hearing in the Senate Intelligence Committee is today at 10 ET (on C-SPAN 3 if not cable news).
From a CBS report on the threats assessment, released yesterday:
Julie K. Brown:
Sorry – there’s a Miami Herald link at the link @ #453.
Guardian world liveblog:
Josh Marshall:
Follow-up to SC @451.
A few more details:
It’s generally not a good sign when federal agents reportedly execute a search warrant and “seize” a congressman’s smart phone.
‘The Right to an Abortion Before Viability Is Not Absolute’: In Loss for Planned Parenthood, Divided Federal Appeals Court Allows Ohio’s Down Syndrome Abortion Ban
JERRY LAMBE Apr 13th, 2021
More on the decision from ReligionClause blog:
6th Circuit Judges Debate Eugenics In Yesterday’s Abortion Decision
Wow. So that’s what it takes for a police officer to stop a fellow police officer from doing something wrong.
Tampa Bay Times:
Images are available at the link.
And, there’s this:
Update on the murder trial of Derek Chauvin:
More at the link.
Follow-up to comments 281, 363, 365, 388 (elf) and 482.
In my comment 463, “(elf)” is supposed to be “(blf)” … autocorrect can be a curse.
Lynna@464, On
elfblf: Does that mean I have to put away the pointy ears and blade similar to Sting ?Kim Potter, who shot and killed Daunte Wright, has been arrested and is being charged with second-degree manslaughter.
blf @465, oh, heavens no. Please keep both the pointy ears and the sword.
SC @466, so glad to hear that she has been arrested. The charge of second-degree manslaughter sounds about right. I saw from other sources that the court/hearing notice sent to Daunte Wright had been sent to the wrong address. No wonder he never received it. The misdemeanor warrant, and a fine he was supposed to pay, seems to be connected to the missed court date/hearing. There was, really, no good reason to arrest him.
The biggest flaw in McConnell’s case against the Biden agenda
If McConnell were right, and Biden were pushing a “totally left-wing” agenda that “no one voted for,” why isn’t the president losing public support?
Republicans Use Confirmation Hearing For Key DOJ Nom To Defend State Voting Restrictions
The national debate over state voting limits shaped Kristen Clarke’s confirmation hearing.
Lynna@457, Whew! The blade has been faintly glowing for some time now, possibly because of Orcs but perhaps more probably because of nazis, both the local & French infestation, and hair furor & his dalekocrazy across the pond. I don’t have a Mithril shirt, so modern-day nazis — who can be held off with a milkshake (glowing blade providing a very effective backup) — tend towards a annoyance. (Not quite just an annoyance, yet, unfortunately!) Orcs, however, who aren’t bothered by a milkshake, are distinctly more threatening, if seemingly rarer (provided one avoids bridges (Illinois nazi occupied ones excepted)).
Tom Gauld in the Grauniad On the bookshop cat’s view of the pandemic (cartoon). Not unlike my own reaction, albeit the piles of penguin feathers and empty bottles are missing…
Humor/satire from Andy Borowitz:
New Yorker link
NBC News:
Washington Post:
South Dakota’s Republican governor wants asylum-seekers to know they’re really, really not welcome. Link
Here are some responses from Twitter users:
Jen Psaki is a master at handling factually inaccurate questions:
Here’s a link to the April 15 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
Have curfews helped? Is there research on this?
Guardian – “Biden to unveil Russia sanctions over SolarWinds hack and election meddling”:
The arrests/abductions of celebrities and activists in Myanmar continue: a singer named Po Po; an actor, U Zin Wine; and an activist leader, Wai Moe Naing, among others.
Reuters – “Myanmar security forces arrest prominent leader of anti-coup campaign”:
8-minute video atl.
Chauvin isn’t going to testify. They’re talking now about the prosecution calling a rebuttal witness.
So they just had a long discussion about Dr. Tobin returning to testify as a rebuttal witness. Evidently last night after Dr. Fouler’s weird suggestion that carbon monoxide from the car exhaust might have been a significant factor in George Floyd’s death, Dr. Baker from the Hennepin County ME’s office called the prosecutors to say there were CO blood readings showing his level was in the normal range which somehow never made their way to the prosecutors.
The judge isn’t allowing that in, which does seem fair (also precludes that major issue on appeal). He is allowing Tobin to return to point out that Floyd’s blood oxygenation was 98%; since this is inversely related to CO content, he would have necessarily had a CO reading within the normal range, which I believe is less than 2%. He can also testify on some other narrow matters related to heart inflammation and the relevant research.
But the judge stated outright that if Tobin even hinted at the previously unknown CO reading it would be a mistrial. So the prosecution would be taking a risk recalling Dr. Tobin, both on that front and because the CO idea is pretty manifestly stupid and Fouler had no evidentiary basis for it. As they were successful in driving this home on cross-examination yesterday, bringing their best expert back to rebut the claims risks legitimizing the idea in the minds of the jurors. On the other hand, if they don’t rebut, some of the jurors could see it as plausible. They have to decide in the next few minutes, because the defense has concluded.
They’re recalling Dr. Tobin.
Why Biden’s overwhelming support from Dem voters matters
Biden has managed to pull off a polling feat Trump felt the need to lie about.
He’s testifying. I’m nervous.
GOP senator: Upgrading schools shouldn’t count as ‘infrastructure’
“New Sanctions On Manafort Deputy Suggest Deeper Role Of Russian Intel In 2016”
OK. He’s done on the direct examination. Phew. I’ll relax when the cross-examination is over.
Follow-up to SC @482.
Wonkette: Matt Gaetz Venmo History Shows Cash For ‘Love Hotel,’ Total Lack Of Judgment
Mario Murillo Says God Will Destroy America to Save It From Democrats:
Ah… a hungry lion. What was it lions ate in Ancient Rome?
Both sides have now rested their case in the Chauvin trial. Closing arguments will be on Monday, and then the jury will deliberate. They’ll be sequestered during deliberations. The judge told them to “pack for long and hope for short.” He also said they’ll be provided a computer with a large monitor containing all of the evidence from the trial so they don’t have to keep asking to see or hear evidence again and going back and forth to the courtroom to do so. That’s a great improvement.
Team Trump Launches : With Paula White Leading
Much more usefully, I’m making Bœuf Bourguignon tonight, and the smell is irresistible…! Even the mildly deranged penguin is being driven crazy — more than usual — despite the dish not containing any cheese at all (albeit it does have MUSHROOMS!).
Tweet o’ the day.
SC#496 Amen!
Marie Claire – “Exclusive: First Large-Scale Telemedicine Abortion Service Launches in U.S.”
SC @496, that’s a great tweet-thread presentation. Aaron Rupar really highlighted how obnoxious Jim Jordan was when he was questioning Dr. Fauci. Jordan was wrong, loud and obnoxious! Plus, he interrupted Fauci too often. Sheesh.
blf @495, ah, Bœuf Bourguignon! Wish we could all show up at your place and join in.
blf @495, yes, Steve Benen is absolutely correct.
In other news, I got my second shot of the Moderna vaccine today. I finally feel like I’m well on my way to surviving the pandemic.