It’s an anniversary!

Ten years ago today, the Lancet issued a formal retraction of Andrew Wakefield’s notorious bogus paper claiming a link between MMR vaccinations and autism. The paper was wrong, it was shoddily done, and the work hasn’t been replicated.

Ever since, Wakefield has been living in shame, no one treats him as an authority anymore, and of course no one would claim that vaccines cause autism anymore.


  1. davidc1 says

    “Ever since, Wakefield has been living in shame, no one treats him as an authority anymore, and of course no one would claim that vaccines cause autism anymore.”
    Sarcasm i trust ? If i ever met someone who says vaccines are dangerous ,i would ask them why are there no cases of Polio in the western world ,and those parts of the world where people are not murdered for offering vaccines .

  2. jrkrideau says

    I believe poor Mr. Wakefield may be down to his last yacht soon.

    And I imagine the Somali community are singing his praises these days.

  3. says

    @3 Matt G
    Especially not me because I’m just old enough to have been vaccinated for it. LOL. Even if someone were to resurrect it as a bio-weapon I’m good. Suck it millennials.