Jordan B. Peterson has found his people — the evangelical protestant theocrats at that institution of miseducation, Liberty University.
Two days ago at Liberty University. Everyone was overwhelmingly welcoming. Quite a change from the reception at most institutions of higher education
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) April 2, 2019
I wonder what he thought of their Creation Studies department or their doctrinal statement?
We affirm that all things were created by God. Angels were created as ministering agents, though some, under the leadership of Satan, fell from their sinless state to become agents of evil. The universe was created in six historical days and is continuously sustained by God; thus it both reflects His glory and reveals His truth. Human beings were directly created, not evolved, in the very image of God. As reasoning moral agents, they are responsible under God for understanding and governing themselves and the world.
A self-proclaimed evolutionary biologist like Dr Peterson ought to find that at least a little troubling.
I suspect that Peterson follows the Winston Zeddemore school of credulity:
“If there’s a steady paycheck in it, I’ll believe anything you say.”
That’s because they have standards, Jordie.
They also only have limited sanitary facilities.
Also, isn’t part of his shtick that social hierarchies are natural? For a person like me, my problem with that is it’s an illogical argument. (Just because something is natural doesn’t make it good.) But they’re rejecting his premise outright. You’d think that should bother him.
But I think we darn well know that he worked backwards, starting with his conclusion (whatever it may be) and then found premises to support it and so he’s not really bothered by this because it’s the conclusion he values, not the process in which one reached it.
The more that guy opens his mouth the more he reveals himself as the doofus he’s been all along.
Something about “revealing true colors” comes to mind.
Now let’s see if we can get some equally warm welcomes at Liberty for evolutionary scientists, LGBTQ+ activists, feminists, Democratic Socialists, pro-choice doctors, or dancers.
Every time I see a picture of Jordles, or really of ANY of the IDWiots, all I can hear is that Charlie Puth song… “You just want attention…”
If Cambridge Divinity won’t have you, there’s always the fucking loons down the block.
Hope for us all.
Fixed it.
Evangelicals? That’s a strange choice for such a devout Catholic, even one who is struggling so hard to make his Catholicism fit into reality.
hard to believe your legitimately puzzled by the alliance. just the other day you made a video about peterson’s campaigns against some canadian trans politician. liberty is the same school whose president (falwell) endorsed trump during the campaign. clearly the school can swallow something “bad” like politicians affairs or humanism when it politically aligns with other things
@Chris Capoccia
I agree; it is hard to believe. That’s why I chose to interpret the post’s title as facetious.
I’m loving all the Peterson acolytes in that Twitter thread un-ironically celebrating Liberty University as a bastion of intellectual and academic freedom.
“Peterson acolytes ” (alt-right0
“it is only free speech when I get to say what I want and everyone else has to shut up”
uncle frogy
From “evolutionary psychologist” to “Evangelical psychologist” in one easy step!
I was just suggesting, the other day, that it might not be too difficult to get Jordan Peterson an endowed chair at Liberty U.
I wonder what the U of T trustees are thinking at the moment? Four or five million Cdn? Possibly cheap at the price.
This is no surprise.
I’ve been saying for a long time that Jordan Peterson has taken his rightful place on the far right wingnut edge of the lunatic fringes.
He’s in there with Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, any number of fundie xian televangelists, and Fox NoNews hosts.
He isn’t even trying to pretend to be an academic any more.
He isn’t even trying to pretend to be coherent or right any more either.
Probably what I’m thinking. In reverse.
Peterson is just a conperson and a routine hate merchant.
Why do we even let people like him and Gavin McInnes (Proud Boys leader) into our (USA) country.
We have our own problems with our own right wingnut extremists and terrorists.
U. of Toronto is probably desperately hoping he stays in the USA.
Jordan has found his home. The place where he fits in. Where the Patriarchy is securely in control, and everyone wants to live in Leave It To Beaver.
[Two Buttons meme]
Alt-right atheists’ contempt for creationism as the only problem caused by religion
Jordan Peterson’s love for Liberty U
They use “evolve” as a transitive verb instead of an intransitive one. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that bad grammar accompanies bad science.
Of course it was overwhelmingly welcoming, students there aren’t allowed to be unwelcoming towards whatever right-wing propagandists get an invite, despite its name Liberty University is one of the most authoritarian administrations in the goddamn continent.
You’d think a frozen peach warrior like Jordan would have a problem with that, but I guess that would require right-wingers’ stance on free speech to not be transparently hypocritical.
(To clarify: by “administrations,” I meant specifically university administrations)
The ‘quite a change’ Jordan is they were told to be nice, like good little robots. Isn’t that the opposite of your philosophy.
Not Peterson! He wants to live in Leave it to Lobster.
More interesting to me is what Liberty U thought of Peterson. His evo-psych woo-woo doesn’t really fit with their six-24-hour-days-a-few-thousand-years-ago thing. But, strangely, Lobsterdoc got a warm welcome. It’s almost like both religious fundamentalism and lobstrology are simply rationalizations for supporting reactionary and authoritarian policies.
No, wait, it’s exactly like that.
This is the guy that Dawkins felt compelled to write a letter to the editor in support of. Man…I remember a time when Dawkins would have eaten this guy for lunch.
I suspect he would even now, if they didn’t share the same choice and irrational prejudices. No schism yet in the He Man Woman Hater’s Club (Fake Geek Guy Edition).