My wife just interrupted me and told me I had to go to the store for various items. Very well then; I also have to throw dinner together, so maybe I’ll get a special treat or two.
The recipe looks fairly straightforward, although they don’t list the ingredients. It looks like green onion, garlic, peppers, cooking oil — I’ve got all that already — oh, is that Haplopelma? I’m fresh out. I wonder if they have any in stock in a small rural midwestern grocery store, or if I’m going to have to go to Cambodia to pick up some?
I’ll probably have to fix something else for Mary’s dinner, since I don’t think I can zip to Phnom Penh and back in time for my other evening plans (gonna check out Alita: Battle Angel at the Morris Theater). It’s too bad, I’d really like to try that sometime.
And here I thought you were breeding spiders for science, not agriculture.
Many tarantula genera are going through pretty big taxonomic revisions so I think this eaten species that used to be called Haplopelma albostriatum is now Cyriopagopus albostriatus?
I feel kind of iffy about large amounts of such slow-growing spiders being eaten. It’s fine if it were small groups of humans eating them and the spiders could still reproduce enough. But IIRC this spider eating only became normal due to politically caused famines in the 20th century. I am worried that the Haplopelma/Cyriopagopus/whatever cannot survive the current rate of being eaten. Capitalism even kills tarantulas. :(
I’m breeding spiders for revenge. This is great incentive.
I hear you about all the taxonomic upheaval. I’ve been struggling with the chaos myself.
One of my friends called Alita: Battle Angel “the best American live action adaptation of a manga.”
I asked them if they’d ever heard of damning by faint praise.
But apparently it actually is supposed to be good. I wanted to go see it this week but the local theater only offered a matinee showing for the 3D, which I try to avoid due to difficulty wearing 3D glasses over my regular glasses.
As far as eating spiders goes, I would be fine eating one as long as it’s not endangered or anything.
Well, around here, it would be almost impossible get the spiders. I think I’ll stick with the local grasshoppers.
And where did she get that shiny a wok?
Knew very little about Alita: Battle Angel before seeing it – have now seen it twice and am planning on going back again…
(One hardly has to try)
seriously, it doesn’t bother anyone to watch those spiders being cooked alive?
I’ve got an irrational aversion to spiders, so I don’t think I could manage that unless I’m really hungry. And even then, I don’t think I could manage it whole, I’d have to break it into chunks, or possibly grind it into paste. Like I said, irrational…
I saw some other video of people cooking large spiders (not sure where, SE Asia?), and I think they were roasting them on skewers and breaking open the legs and eating the meat inside, someone said it was pretty similar to crab, which makes sense.
If you do see Alita: Battle Angel, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, and hope you put up a post about it. I love the source material, and am pretty happy with this as an adaptation. I’m not going to say it’s a great movie or anything, but it’s about 3/4 action/fight scenes, and I thought it had some pretty cool visuals.
I see a lot of buzz on Youtube especially about how, apparently, the SJWs all hate Alita (since I’m a fan of the source material I watched a lot of reviews, so now videos like “NPC Media Wants Alita To Fail Because It Doesn’t Fit Their Narrative” are in my suggestions). I follow a lot of feminist Youtubers, and weirdly, what I see from them in regards to Alita is… nothing. What I see here is… support for the movie? Feels like manufactured outrage, and it would be nice to see you comment on it. Also, there’s some very weird rivalry with Captain Marvel, not sure what that’s about.
Historically in northern Europe, nobody ate the local small freshwater crayfish. They were seen like some weird little water devils. Then the crayfish became an upper-class fashion, and then the middle class developed a tradition of “crayfish parties” where crayfish are ritually eaten between schnapps like a great delicacy. The critters are quite expensive because of scarcity, and the cheaper imported alternatives (different species, farmed, frozen) are dismissed as poor and “inauthentic” substitute.
Maybe tomorrow night then?
If I understood the video well, the spiders were drowned first. Not very friendly either.