I’m going to have to renegotiate my contract » « UMM is hiring a biologist Friday Cephalopod: Will there be a sleepover? They’re already in their pajamas. The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a new exhibit of the Striped Pyjama Squid. Guess what they look like? Adorable. That’s what they look like. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet I’m going to have to renegotiate my contract » « UMM is hiring a biologist
moarscienceplz says 5 February 2016 at 11:02 am Actually, yes, there will be a sleepover. MBA members get to spend the night about once a month sleeping under their favorite exhibit.
nahuati says 5 February 2016 at 11:19 am I’m glad they will have sleepovers. Sounds like fun! Striped pyjama squid are so cute, and they have adorable babies too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f544jyhJ4so In the video above, you can see the squid eggs and babies.
Blondin says 5 February 2016 at 2:11 pm Ooh, ooh, ooh. I know this one! They developed stripes to avoid predators.
Cuttlefish says 5 February 2016 at 6:15 pm Why are striped pajama squid so cute? Because they are cuttlefish, actually.
Jaws says 5 February 2016 at 7:51 pm This brings an entirely new perspective to “sleeps with the fishes.”
Awwwww, cutie pie.
Actually, yes, there will be a sleepover. MBA members get to spend the night about once a month sleeping under their favorite exhibit.
I’m glad they will have sleepovers. Sounds like fun!
Striped pyjama squid are so cute, and they have adorable babies too.
In the video above, you can see the squid eggs and babies.
Ooh, ooh, ooh. I know this one!
They developed stripes to avoid predators.
I just want to hug it.
Why are striped pajama squid so cute?
Because they are cuttlefish, actually.
This brings an entirely new perspective to “sleeps with the fishes.”