We have another of those really long-running threads, focused on the problem of race in America, and particularly the issues highlighted by events in Ferguson, Missouri. There’s no shortage of material, and it keeps going and going, hampered only by the limitation of the blog medium: in particular, that I automatically shut down all discussion threads after 3 months, to block spam. That’s not enough time!
So here’s another semi-open thread — talk about America’s race problem. Forever, or until it’s fixed.
Pteryxx says
A discussion about the 2014 book Mass Incarceration On Trial by Jonathan Simon. Newsweek link (originally from Reason dot com): The Unconstitutional Horrors of Prison Overcrowding
rq says
From Tashiliciously Shirked‘s link, above:
So basically, because the parents had issues communicating with their child, everyone else is at fault. The poor daughter, I hope she gets some answers from someone, and grows up far less close-minded than her parents.
rq says
Also, the CBC on Starbucks: Starbucks baristas stop writing #RaceTogether on cups. There’s a few links to the beginning of the campaign within, but nothing we haven’t already seen on this thread.
rq says
I guess some comments came out of moderation?
Pteryxx says
I guess so – I would’ve picked a better topic if I knew that post would end up at #1, oops.
Post #500 of the previous page: (link)
Start of the previous page 1: (link)
and my transcript and image descriptions of Ronald Wimberley’s comic essay “Lighten Up” surfaced at #489 here: (link)
rq says
Variety of stuff.
Category Entertainment up first, but really it’ll be a mix of all the things.
Fact Matters: Why Does The Media Insist On Calling Suge Knight A Rapper?! Suge Knight is on trial for mowing down several people with his car, and he has gone so far as to have himself declared blind to escape consequences. Anyway, not the point:
That’s the point.
Snoop Dogg Developing HBO Drama About 1980s Los Angeles
I love the picture used in the article – remind me again, though, how many main actors of colour with wealth and power can be found in Game of Thrones?
This is a touch old, a couple of days, but the bar outside of which Martese Johnson was so brutally arrested released a statement, which is here: Trinity Irish Pub Releases Statement on Wednesday’s Incident
A long statement, but detailed. And presents an account of the incident pretty much the polar opposite of the police report.
Good for her, but did she really have to?
Mo’ne Davis Forgives Baseball Player Over Insult Asks College to Reinstate Him
I hope the school does not reinstate him. Does not.
And I’m with @JamilahLemieux re: Mo’Ne Davis. Black folk, especially black women, are always expected to forgive white male trauma.
rq says
Video: Ferguson demonstrators throw bottles at police
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Offers Landlords $1,000 For Housing Homeless Families
Here’s the Madame Noire link: NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Offers Landlords $1,000 For Housing Homeless Families
The library in Ferguson offered a place for children and adults to go in the summer during the worst of the protests. Scott Bonner awarded the Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced with Adversity.
Well, congratulations!!!
Ferguson shooting suspect confessed on hidden camera, warrant reveals
So it wasn’t an official confession?
Battered Ferguson Taps Into Crowdfunding
Good luck to them!
rq says
Upcoming Ferguson town hall with the DOJ is open to public but banning all media ;
I’m at #BeyondFerguson panel discussion. Already filling up despite a half hour until it begins. Good lineup includes @MsPackyetti + @deray.
“Community” graffiti next to a traffic tickets and felonies office. Yes I’m in #Ferguson
In support of Martese Johnson, and people using the #NotJustUVA hashtag on twitter.
President Obama Weighs In On Racist Fraternity Chant “On Any Given Day Somebody Is Doing Something Stupid”
Interlude: Space. I just love that it is a black woman speaking for NASA here. Vanessa Wyche
And there’s video at the link, too.
rq says
Protest continues in New York. I know sometimes it feels like ‘just another protest’, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that it is still going on. And it’s not just New York, I just get more posts from New York, is all. Anyway.
#PeoplesMonday for #RekiaBoyd & all women victimized by cops has begun in #GrandCentral NYC. #VoicesOfTheUnheard ;
Many gathered to hear reading of facts of #RekiaBoyd’s murder in #GrandCentral. #BlackLivesMatter #VoicesOfTheUnheard ;
#PeoplesMonday has taken over the streets for #RekiaBoyd & all womem victimized by cops. #BlackLivesMatter.;
#PeoplesMonday shutting down @UrbanOutfitters in protest of the noose t-shirt. #BlackLivesMatter #VoicesOfTheUnheard ;
#PeoplesMonday shutting down @Starbucks to read facts about police killings. #Every28Hours #RaceTogether.;
#PeoplesMonday shutting down Times Square for #RekiaBoyd & all women victimized by cops. #VoicesOfTheUnheard.
I also like how the protest group in New York focusses on the deaths less well-known.
rq says
Meet the NAACP history makers, for 2015:
Here’s five of them, of whom you may recognize a couple:
Martese Johnson Expected to Enter Not Guilty Pleas, I should hope so!
Video at the link, plus a couple of press releases from the police and Martese’s lawyer.
This is sort of opposite to those wanting to keep all video of police from the public.Cops in Colorado Could Soon Face $15,000 Fines if they Try to Stop People from Filming
Here’s a few shots from the hearing for former officer Manney, shooter of Dontre Hamilton.
Manney has been permanently terminated from MPD. #NoJusticeNoCompromise #JusticeforDontre #BlackLivesMatter
‘There’s no other appropriate sanction. His incompetence led to a chain of events that led to a death.’ -Chief Flynn #DoBetterMKE
Flynn on recommending permanent discharge of Manney: ‘A man is dead. The degree of harm is about as significant as it could possibly be.
Sounds like someone is making a good decision out there.
rq says
San Diego police body camera report: Fewer complaints, less use of force
Sounds like there’s more to it: FBI bringing in ‘profilers’ on the Otis Byrd hanging case
Florida, for a moment: Investigation reveals that four Florida officers filmed KKK video, texting about ‘killing n*ggers’
You can actually read their exchanges at the link, if you feel like it. I don’t feel like citing them here. :P
Issues in Philadelphia? Noooo. Philadelphia Police Department needs reforms, Justice Department finds
And Mother Jones on the same: Philadelphia Cops Shoot and Kill People at Six Times the Rate of the NYPD
Key findings with graphs at the link.
MO lawmakers introduce bill to prevent food stamp recipients from buying fish (among other things), because the gods forbid those poor people try and enjoy themselves once in a while, right???
rq says
#BeyondFerguson: 7 Quotes from Deray Mckesson
See link for more, and that blog seems to have several other good entries, including this one: #BlackLivesMatter: Top Stories You Should Read, which in turn has several excellent links to follow.
this week @Rap Sessions sits down w/ activists who have inspired a generation @TefPoe @Nettaaaaaaaa @brownblaze
Dontre Hamilton Shooting: Fired Milwaukee Cop Won’t Get His Job Back
rq says
NYC Commissioner’s Ancestors Were Slaves Of Benedict Cumberbatch’s Family.
That’s from an interview in 2007. Note bolded part. I would say that his family being where it is, is a result of profiting from the slave trade, so no, he can’t just absolve himself of the past like that. Good for him for not hiding his name, though.
Here’s a call for support:
Smh I grew up out there! RT 1x, the text attached reads as follows:
It’s by a Qiana S. Futrell on Facebook.
rq says
Evening news.
I feel like this belongs here, too: George Takei’s Legacy Project
More at the link.
You have to read it to believe it. Have a bingo card handy. Ferguson and Benghazi’s troubling parallels
Pause: And how instrumental was the deep-seated racism within the Ferguson PD in Darren Wilson stopping Michael Brown on the street in the first place? The author treats these things like two separate events. To continue:
Yes, black-on-black crime is a problem. But so is the disproportionate dying of unarmed black people at the hands of white people and law enforcement officers. And not just dying. The author at the end admits that he doesn’t believe racism to be gone, but he also “also believe[s] that distorting the facts can impede progress. The dead of anywhere — Ferguson or Benghazi — do matter. And so does the truth.”
Event tonight: Can #media & local communities work together to heal the #RacialDivide? WATCH LIVE: The Aspen Institute Community Dialogue on Healing the Racial Divide, with a livestream link.
More information on the panels, etc., at the link, but here’s a quick look at one: @timjeby #RacialDivide session #Ferguson with @SuzanneMalveaux, Don Marsh, @deray & @GilbertBailon.
West coast. SFPD Shut Down by Protesters Chained to the Gates After Police Murder Innocent Man
rq says
Starbucks pulls plug on race talks; now what? Soledad O’Brien weighs in.
I submitted a request for Nixon’s text messages from early August. Apparently Nixon’s office does not have them. Documents attached.
100 Days of Learning: Ferguson Commission Report, in pdf. What they’ve learned, and some ideas on how change needs to happen. The facts are pretty depressing.
Possibly everyone on FB has seen the ‘Humans of New York’ initiative, which posts random strangers with short quotes or bits of information. Here’s Humans of St. Louis, same idea.
What is it with retailers? The Strange Story Of H&M’s Fake Racist White Power Metal Bands
(Formatting weird because BuzzFeed.)
Well, I’m confused – do they mean to show how white supremacist metal music can be? Or is this a stab at all those labels using hip-hop culture? As the article says at the very end, “Confused yet?”
rq says
TW for suicide!!! Young transgender activist Blake Brockington mourned
Because all black lives matter. Going to let that one stand alone in comment.
rq says
1 in 13 African-American Adults Prohibited From Voting in the United States
Another city compared to NYC, comes out for the worse. Chicago’s Stop-And-Frisk Rate Four Times New York At Its Worst, ACLU Says
Seriously, you can’t make this shit up. You can’t. George Zimmerman: Obama Turned Americans Against Me
Fuck you, Zimmerman.
Cleveland and Brandon Jones: Another black teen killed by Cleveland police as mother asks: ‘Why? What happened?’
More at the link.
Note: no one is saying he was right in robbing the store. They’re saying he shouldn’t have been shot dead like that.
rq says
Ha. Hear the boys in blue whine. Want to hear Chicago cops whining about being outed as #StopAndFrist racists?[link redacted to the end] & the comments – About that “Profiling” . Not going to quote any of it, suffice it to say, it leaks privilege and denial all over the screen.
Pteryxx says
quoting that WaPo opinionated fool from rq’s #14:
Know what might help reduce the black-on-black murder rate (not that it’s anything but a disingenuous derail)? If black victims, black witnesses, and black people who don’t feel safe in their communities were able to call on the police for help and trust them to show up and do their jobs instead of arresting and/or shooting whoever crosses their path, including the people who needed the help in the first place. These are not unrelated issues. Sheesh.
rq says
This is a general article: State bills would limit access to police body cam videos
I have an article for this. Following investigation by .@KMOV, Charles Kirksey is no longer municipal court judge in Normandy & Bellerieve Acres. Judge: “no comment.” Those are municipalities near STL.
Anthony Hill was a veteran with bipolar disorder. And got killed by police for it. Atlanta Police Shooting Victim Tried to Follow ‘Sensible’ Path
St. Ann reserve officer accused in crash quits, blames drinking on Ferguson, chief says
There’s resources for that, I’m sure. Not alcohol. And – a lie-detector test? Really? How dated is this department?
Beyond Henke/Mudd, 3 #Ferguson cops have discreetly quit the PD. 9 more actively looking for other employment. Don’t let the door hit ya. So maybe some change at the lower level is happening, too. Just worried that these people will be rehired at different police forces.
Missouri attorney general drops eight municipalities from Macks Creek lawsuit
So from 13 to 5. That seems like a major difference.
rq says
Ferguson to appoint interim city manager –
Ah, so that was the Amnesty AGM this weekend! With all the tweets about racism found within Amnesty structure. Here’s their statement on the weekend: Statement from Amnesty International USA Board Chair Ann Burroughs and Executive Director Steven Hawkins following this weekend’s Annual General Meeting in Brooklyn
It has been mentioned that the statement doesn’t really address the concerns raised by people over the weekend.
Ferguson Town Hall w DOJ happening this Thursday, 6PM @Flo Valley! Be there to discuss quality policing.
Cops shoot woman’s autistic son in the face, get a settlement worth $3 million more than hers. That’s not a typo.
Honestly, I’ll give them discrimination, since no white officer should be returned to field duty after shooting an unarmed person either, but 2 fucking million each – seriously?
Beware the Black Twitter? No One Is Safe From Black Twitter. Not Even Black People.
Examples of both at the link!
rq says
Chicago, for justice for torture victims: Call Finance Committee Members on March 25
List of alderpeople at the link.
Grab a drink before reading the headline. More from George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman compares his ideals to Anne Frank’s, blames Obama for woes. We got the Obama woes yesterday, but the Anne Frank ideals – that’s new.
I commend his mental fortuity in going forth so well from murdering an unarmed teenager. Truly stunning.
This is from April 2014, on fast food workers fighting for a higher minimum wage. The Minimum Wage Worker Strikes Back.
More at the link. Apparently little has changed in the intervening year.
What If Sarah Palin Were a Brain Surgeon?
There’s quite a bit more at the link. None of it particularly encouraging.
Albert Einstein in 1946 speaking of white supremacy and racism towards black people,and I quote the very end: “Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.”
If prisoners can work for companies while incarcerated, why not when they are out and trying to restart their life? #WSUJustice @nvlevy
Relatedly, Protesters, former inmates want the St. Louis workhouse to close
That seems to excuse a lot, if you read the stories of those who came out of there at the start of the article.
rq says
Man accused of driving Maserati toward police fatally shot
But the stories already contradict:
Witness: Man in Maserati was not driving at police when they shot him dead
No text at the site, just video.
rq says
Some twitter commentary:
#NicholasThomas. 25. Killed by police in Smyrna, GA today.
There were 4 Cobb County officers and 3 Smyrna police involved in the killing of #NicholasThomas today. 7 officers. America.
The police were serving #NicholasThomas a warrant and then killed him — they “feared for their lives.” He wasn’t driving towards them.
And note how every news article prominently notes that #NicholasThomas was driving a Maserati. That is intentional, it functions here.
And there are no bullets in the windshield. But the police claim they shot him as he drove towards them. #NicholasThomas
Freaking parking tickets. Serving warrant for parking tickets. They kill this 24 yr old for parking tickets.
rq says
RAW INTERVIEW: Mother of man shot, killed by police speaks, again – just video!
Kendrick Lamar Played A Surprise Concert On A Reebok Flatbed Truck Last Night
Things intersect. Transgender homecoming king Blake Brockington dies from apparent suicide
Police no longer believe #OtisByrd, a man found hanging in a tree in Mississippi, committed suicide. They are ‘investigating’ a lynching.
Guess what colour she is: EXCLUSIVE: L.I. woman says psych ward doctors believed she was delusional for insisting Obama follows her on Twitter
The whole situation is terrifying.
Ah, and Nicholas Thomas – you thought he was a good kind of guy? Think again! Man shot dead by police had history of assaulting cops. YES, the victim-blaming is strong.
More at the link. It is unclear whether Nicholas drove at the officers, or whether he was backing up towards the officers. But did the officers shoot too soon? Oh yes.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Well, and I’d like to see details on that 2004 conviction before I’m willing to say it’s a pattern: anyone wanna give odds on whether he actually “drove at officers” back then, given how often that is accused without grounds by police? We keep seeing them SAY it happened, when nonpolice witnesses say it didn’t.
The Mellow Monkey says
Police Chained Martese Johnson’s Feet the Night of His Arrest.
Heart-breaking picture of Martese Johnson in chains at the link.
Pteryxx says
He was wearing green and everything. *headshake*
Linked from TMM’s #27:
Here’s Johnson’s piece about dogwhistling the myth of the Perfect Victim and “I go to UVA”: NBC
Pteryxx says
Why women of color often won’t go to the police after being sexually assaulted: Guardian
That’s important because as cities and campuses examine their handling of sexual assaults, they often assume survivors should or must report to police.
Plenty of links in the article. One to Jezebel in 2014: When You’re a Black Woman, You’re Never Good Enough to Be a Victim
That led me to this 2012 piece in Forbes:
Pteryxx says
and Oklahoma approving a bill to execute prisoners by nitrogen gas hypoxia (!) without any debate: Guardian:
rq says
Pteryxx @30
That’s almost as bad as reintroducing the firing squad. I think that was Utah?
@11AliveNews And police who murdered #NicholasThomas had history of violence against people of color. What’s your point? #blacklivesmatter
Yes, they’re going after his reputation. As many have mentioned on twitter, it’s 2015.
In 2014, #NicholasThomas was apprehended alive.
50 years ago today, 25,000 complete five-day march from Selma to Montgomery for voting rights .
There used to be a Confederate flag flying over the Alabama capitol. SPLC changed that: Holmes v. Hunt
There’s a new website up, called shutdownthecourts.com. First information up: Ferguson is Just the Start —
We Need Change in All the Municipal Courts, worth following.
More information on events and actions at the link!
rq says
Canadians, here’s one for you:
Trudeau says our racist past haunts our present. He’s right.
Police behaving like police: Dozens protest rough arrest of man by Inkster police
A racist pro-lifer compared abortion to slavery, but I’m looking for something to be offended about. Yeah, that happened on twitter. … Yeah. Black people’s oppression just gets co-opted right and left, eh? Lynching for animal rights, slavery for abortion… Fuck that shit.
A white man getting a hairstyle associated with African hair makes him “hard” (ie aggressive). What racist bullshit. An ad for Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart’s new movie, Get Hard. Apparently a tasteless comedy about life in prison? Woo.
Black Woman Locked In Psych Ward For 8 Days Because Cops Couldn’t Believe She’s A Businesswoman. That’s the same story above. And yes, they charged her for the stay. Hey, luxuries like personalized psych care don’t come cheap, whether you need it or not.
I hope she wins her suit.
rq says
Just going to put this here and then do the rest later.
Oklahoma student who led racist chant to meet black leaders
The lawyer for the group also made sure to emphasize that the students who were expelled actually left the university first. I guess this is that difference between someone being fired and them writing a resignation, huh?
Anyway, some commentary, incl. some quotes from the press conference. Take note, future politicians, this is how you become a media darling.
Only in America does white privilege allow you to sing about hanging black folk & then go on an apology tour meeting civil rights leaders.
I am legit stunned at the arrogance of this former SAE member to go around apologizing to famous black folk. Stunned. What a power demonstration.
This SAE kid should be in anti-racism trainings coupled with trainings on white supremacy and dominant culture dynamics. Apology tour? Nah.
Like, I’m literally speechless as he reads this statement about how the SAE kid is sorry at a PRESS CONFERENCE. People also noted how the black leaders are standing behind him like an obedient line of subordinates.
“Who you saw in that video is not who I am, is not who I was raised to be.” – SAE chanter Levi at the press conference WHO WAS IT, THEN, LEVI, huh??? WHO WAS IT?
(more next comment – this
kidyoung man says a lot of silly stuff)rq says
“From this point forward, I will be the leader who I should’ve been on that bus.” – SAE kid Levi
It is unreal that this SAE chanter kid is having a press conference about how HE has been impacted. I mean, c’mon.
This SAE kid has had some intense media coaching. America.
“If I ever see racism in any form, I believe I now have the courage and meaning behind those words to refute that behavior.” – SAE kid
He also said “I’m not here to talk about what happened on that bus, I’m here to apologize for what I did.” Spot the omission. :P Okay, Other updates later, but this was just outrageous enough for my morning.
That, and this: Unarmed Floyd Dent, beaten by Michigan police. This is American policing. Graphic. Labelled Rodney King 2015 by twitter. (Article on the protests above in comment 32.)
Here’s HuffPo on it, too: ‘I’m Lucky To Be Living’: Video Shows Cops Brutally Beating Unarmed Black Man In Michigan
Can you imagine how terrified he must have been in that situation – a chokehold? And so he bit the officer – and got even worse for it. Yes, I’m glad he’s alive.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
rq @32:
Tangentially related to the above, here’s an Addicting Info article in response to an angry tirade against men who take offense by right wing loon Steven Crowder (and here’s my response).
rq says
Interlude: Sports! Black Women Sweep the NCAA D1 Swimming Championship
Well done!
An exoneration happens every three days in America. What this really says about our justice system – that it’s deeply flawed?
A few other tidbits, esp. about the deep-seated racism of the system, at the link.
Join me in asking @GovJayNixon to appoint an African American as the next State Auditor. Petition link: Make History by Appointing the First African-American Statewide Elected Official as Missouri Auditor!
Trouble is, I read about Ben Carson, and I think, being African-American can’t be the only criterion…
U.S. Cops Continue to Kill the Mentally Ill in Large Numbers, Especially in NYC, While Effective Approaches Are Ignored
How the whitest city in America appears through the eyes of its black residents
Video at the link.
rq says
Current speaker defines racial healing, implicit bias, and structural racism. Ferguson Commission.
Current speaker at the Ferguson Commission discussed racial equity.
(See slides attached.)
Thursday, March 26th. 6-8pm. Flo Valley. DOJ Town Hall Meeting.
UVA Students Push To Remove Virginia ABC Agents’ Ability To Arrest People
In reference to the article above on people exonerated – Man freed after 19 years for murder sues Baltimore police
rq says
Sort of tangential, but possibly related: Elite Colleges Are Now Destroying Admissions Records
Class Bigotry at Washington University in St. Louis: A Resignation
There’s a note to readers at the end:
More from post-racial Americaaaa! Texas A&M Corpus Christi Student Threatened With Lynching
Ferguson Commission Meeting. Forgot to put that in previous comment – people attend these meetings! Yay!
First George Zimmerman says he’s like Anne Frank. Now Ted Cruz says he’s like Galileo. Next: Slobodan Milošević says he’s like Joan Baez. Can’t wait.
Lauryn Hill’s Album ‘The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill’ Is Being Entered Into the Library of Congress
rq says
Worse than Rodney King. Shocking dash cam video shows suburban Detroit police brutally beating man. Floyd Dent.
I have tweets about that officer.
At the root of the brutal beating of #FloydDent is one man. Perpetually violent and corrupt. William (Bill) “Robocop” Melendez. Dig deeper.
This is William Melendez. The officer who nearly killed #FloydDent. Read this.
More on Officer William Melendez. He has killed unarmed people before. Planted evidence. Threatened witnesses.
Beyond being absolutely preposterous, #FloydDent passed every drug test they gave him. Worked at Ford for 37 years. Never arrested once.
Full of sketchiness. #Robocop @ShaunKing That man has made a lot of headlines.
rq says
Nebraska senator compares police to ISIS, says he’d shoot a cop. And now I’m confused – some have compared Ferguson protestors to ISIS, now the cops… which is it???? :P
Audio at the link, but I especially love this part of the article:
So… he’s been ignored by media until he says something violent against the status quo. Nice one there, media.
Journalist penalized for participating in marches: KSDK silent on newsroom aide who helmed Ferguson marches
Florissant, St. Louis County face new civil rights lawsuit. Another one!
Miami: LOOK: Outside the Miami Gardens City Commission Meeting: “Welcome to Suspect City: Cops show up, body counts go UP”
1,100 names demanding the release of the video and audio involving the shooting death of Lavall Hall. Fl. St. 406.136
Soledad O’Brien on Starbucks and race: ‘It’s okay to ask and it’s okay to answer’
Interview follows at the article.
rq says
Va. Gov. Orders Retraining for ABC Police
I’m not sure what the entire conversation here was, but: @GreatDismal Apologies, you were right. I had no idea that legalized slavery was in the confederate constitution. Just putting that out there.
Yesterday Pteryxx had an article on gas chambers, and I mentioned Utah. Here’s more on the firing squad: Utah brings back the firing squad, so how does it work?
Okay, I find the whole discussion pretty disgusting, but scroll back to this part: “The gunmen are chosen from a pool of volunteer officers, with priority given to those from the area where the crime happened.” How is that impartial execution of justice, if they leave the execution wide open for retributive shooting? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Standoff. Protest, a history. Photo of a crowd of white-clothed Klan members facing a crowd of black protestors.
Here’s one for contrast, #CrimingWhileWhite. Christian family band who sang about End Times arrested after deadly gunfight in Arizona Walmart parking lot. Wanna guess how many of them are dead by police?
That’s right. None.
Black girls’ sexual burden: Why Mo’ne Davis was really called a “slut”
rq says
Your Guide to the Worst Anti-Racism Campaign Ever, via Skepchick.
The Interim Chief of the Ferguson PD’s first public comments are that protestors are abusing the police and that we aren’t peaceful. Sounds like a great start.
Transparency! Accountability!! Repercussions!!! No. Arizona Legislature Passes Bill to Keep Cops’ Names Secret After They Shoot Civilians
Protesters want 2 Inkster police officers fired after video shows them beating motorist – that’s the least that should happen.
Might be a repost.
“This is what happens to black men in America” – Henry Louis Gates Jr., Harvard Scholar @notjustuva #NotJustUVa Story from 2009. Gates was a Harvard professor arrested at his own home because he couldn’t get the lock open.
Feedback from last meeting about what stands in the way of racial reconciliation in #stl #STLForward . List includes: no space for healing, fragmentation and segregation, history and institutional policy, need for power within black community.
rq says
A new study suggests people have a hard time believing black and Latina women are scientists
This may be a repost, too, but worth a reread.
Black America Is Just 72 Percent Equal To White America. In Some Areas, The Inequality Is Worse Than That. Almost as equal as women!
Link to the full report: here.
NYPD Commissioner To Privacy Advocates: ‘Get A Life’. Stay classy, Bratton.
Racial bias, cronyism tearing apart N.J. National Guard, senior officers allege
Crisis, no crisis – who the hell knows, right? More:
And even more at the link.
rq says
Here’s some stuff I picked up from Tony:
Two pdfs – Seeing Black: Race, Crime, and Visual Processing, which is a rather frightening study about law enforcement officers and perceptions of race in determining is someone is a suspect or not:
How News Outlets Help Convince You That Most Criminals Are Black. Read this.
And this: Editor For Top Industry Publication Says There Is Too Much Diversity On TV. I didn’t know too much diversity was a hting.
More on Ferguson courts, Fleece Force: How Police And Courts Around Ferguson Bully Residents And Collect Millions, from Ryan J Reilly.
Lots of stuff in the skipped parts.
Freshman at Roosevelt sues city schools for directive to take online classes
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Remember John Crawford, III? The African-American man who was gunned down in Walmart by trigger happy racially biased cops? His father and the family lawyer viewed the surveillance footage from Walmart. Guess what? It doesn’t line up with the police report:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Man arrested and jailed for swearing during a 911 call. He was mad that police wouldn’t perform a courtesy check on his mother, who was ill. She was later found dead.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ernie Chambers, the longest running Senator in Nebraska compared USAmerican police forces to ISIS:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Police chief in Louisiana proposes ordinance to ban saggy pants :
No word yet on how saggy pants has an effect on a community.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
This story is amusing to a degree, but it’s emblematic of a deeper problem among police officers.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Geez, the Freethought Project has a *lot* of interesting stories to post. Here’s another one. It’s about good cops.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Trans activist CeCe McDonald- “There is no such thing as prison reform”:
rq says
Here’s what got left behind yesterday before I went to work:
World’s Greatest Leaders, by Fortune magazine.
Which is the thing about media: they have picked their ‘leaders’, ignoring all the others working hard behind the scenes. Also, I hope everyone who’s “looking for leadership in ferguson” knows that there THOUSANDS of leaders right in STL.
Also, Comey of the FBI has made the list. Which is not as white and male as it could be.
Cops at work: Suit: Detroit sergeant seen on video planting evidence.
Outside groups making big push in Ferguson election
*sigh* Study: Women with Natural Hair Have Low Self-Esteem. Can we not chalk it up to the hair as such, necessarily?
Here’s the order of dismissal in the case concerning teargassing of that restaurant in Ferguson: Templeton et al. vs. Sam Dotson, Chief of Police, et al. Does this mean there’s a settlement?
rq says
Grand jury: Terrebonne Parish deputy will not stand trial in teen’s fatal shooting
Reflections on Ferguson: Boots on the Ground by Talal Ahmad. It’s from last November, before the Grand Jury decision, but worth a re-read.
Closure Of Private Prison Forces Texas County To Plug Financial Gap
There’s something really, really, really wrong with that picture.
Former Cardinals player punched at St. Louis County gas station after racial slur
Boxergate: It’s time to play the blame game
Skipped a lot at the link, it’s fascinating reading. And by ‘fascinating’ I also mean ‘gross and disgusting’.
Her’es an idea: Tell Missouri @GovJayNixon to investigate the role of race in St Louis death penalty cases.
rq says
I haven’t posted people posting art for a while. Here’s some! by @cbabibayoc, seen at Sweet Art STL.
why we fight by @cbabibayoc, seen at Sweet Art STL.
my dad. (at @SweetArtSTL)
Had hope that focus on St Louis would lead to pragmatic change, especially for most vulnerable. Instead, back-slapping and blame-dodging.
Too often black leaders are selected by white leaders. The black community should select its own leaders. But participation is critical.
Prosecutor: Brooklyn, Ill., police mishandled evidence and towed cars for profit. This is like everywhere – look in your own backyards. :(
rq says
S.F. jail inmates forced to fight, public defender says
This Friday at @HowardU Founders Library Browsing Room, 1-3 p.m. : August Wilson and “The Ground on Which I Stand.”
Cops shown violently beating black man during traffic stop
John Legend On Common’s Racism Comments: ‘It’s Not Enough To Extend The Hand’
Atlanta’s Jay Williams (34 children with 17 women) gets own OWN reality show.
Just… wow.
rq says
Ferguson activists face harassment:
IMPORTANT: Threats & extortion for being for being an activist, related to information I released today. http://tapeacall.com/aam8uxk9n9
I was rattled & didn’t get the recording started quickly enough, first part of call way worse. Kept them talking for evidence.
Caller identified as retired LEO. I released information this morning, because I have been in fear for my safety. I am going dark.
Here’s her twitter timeline, which I encourage you to read, as she appears to be targeted for raising questions like: So, why is the registered mailing address for Jay Nixon’s former assistant, Nixon’s fundraiser & the Darren Wilson Trust all the same?
There’s more on that at her timeline.
rq says
Last night was a DOJ town hall meeting.
Ferguson City Council Candidate and Protestor @Bob_Hudgins is here at the DOJ meeting. And so are @Patricialicious and @search4swag.
The DOJ lead here said that if the City of Ferguson chooses not to work cooperatively, then the DOJ will have to take them to court.
And no, I don’t see any officials from the City of Ferguson here at the DOJ meeting.
There are 7 DOJ staffers here in suits on the stage. They’re going to answer questions. I’m confused about tonight’s goal.
Question: Will the DOJ focus on other municipalities? DOJ reply: We believe that if Ferguson changes, other municipalities will change.
Q: Why was the report issued so quickly? DOJ: We worked really hard to complete this report. We know it’s hard for communities to wait.
rq says
A protestor highlights the diversity of the DOJ panel: 2 black men, 1 Latina, 1 Indian man, 1 Asian man, 1 white woman, 1 white man.
And here is the DOJ Panel. (The rule is no streaming, not no pictures, FYI.)
“This was not a few bad apples. This was a systemic and pervasive problem across the police department.” – DOJ lead
Q: Is the DOJ report reflective of the entire dept or a few officers? DOJ: If it was a few officers it wouldn’t be a pattern & practice.
The I Love Ferguson crowd wants all non-residents removed from the DOJ meeting.
Then they worked in groups and I don’t know how it ended.
rq says
Faces from Ferguson: Johnetta Elzie. Also an old read, but worth re-reading.
This from her: “This conference is for, about and by women and queer & trans folks of color” #COV4
Wow, @incitenews did training with the staff on transphobia before the #COV4 conference.
Good work going on.
Black unemployment in Missouri, Illinois, among highest
Black Woman Faces Lynching Charges Following Police Altercation. Say that again?
Building Movements Without Shedding Differences: Alicia Garza of #BlackLivesMatter
Video interview at the link, incl. a transcript!
A lot more at the link. (Bolding is the interviewer.)
rq says
St. Louis Police, Ferguson Protesters Agree To Tear Gas Ban – that’s the settlement I alluded to above.
This. Is. Hip. Hop. Rakim, @M1deadprez, Anika Tillery, Stic.man on panel panel moderated by @afroblew. #CalU #Rakim
Angela. Ella. Odette. Zora. Rad American Women A-Z by Miriam Klein Stahl.
Corvallis home built by freed slaves added to historic registry
They should fix it up and make it a museum or something. That’s the kind of history that needs to get out more.
“Dressing down” is only a status symbol for the elite
I also wonder how saggy pants fit into that scenario, and our perceived notions of respect, authority and intelligence related to those saggy pants.
Neat: Rep. John Lewis will deliver the commencement address at Hampton University.
rq says
olice settle lawsuit over tear gas use during Ferguson protests
Prosecutors Proceed With Case Against Student Beaten by Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Cops as Agency Comes Under Heavy Scrutiny –
WHAT??? They’re going to bring a case against him??? HOLY SHIT.
There’s more on Virginia ABC misconduct at the link. This is just par for the course in their books, I suppose, but… wow. The arrogance and spite.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Federal grand jury indicts Alabama cop who paralyzed Indian man with body slam.
rq says
Sorry about the hole in commenting, folks. I went to see a ballet at the opera last night and got sideswiped and run off the road by a surprise migraine. The lesson here: don’t go to the ballet.
Here’s a finish to yesterday’s leftovers and then some more, eventually.
Michigan Cops Had Perfectly Good Reason For Beating Up Unarmed Black Guy, Probably
This one is interesting. Confessions of a #FormerBlackFriend
In reference to the Germanwings plane crash: What does it take for a white person to be called a “murderer” or a “terrorist” by the media? So far, it seems Holocaust is the only thing.
While the media demonizes black murder victims to justify their deaths, it canonizes, humanizes and, makes excuses for white killers.
rq says
More commentary:
It is truly fascinating to watch this radical humanization of Lubitz occur at the expense of the white lives he took. That is incredible.
To be a white criminal is to be always eligible for redemption, is to be a candidate for an ever-present grace.
A function of white supremacy is not only the centering of whiteness but a swift re-framing of white criminals as victims vs perpetrators.
To be black and criminal is to experience a radical dehumanization — the crime is a result of an innate flaw, a defect in one’s personhood.
To be white and criminal is to still receive the benefit of a radical humanization — the crime is a result of an illness, a disorder.
rq says
Irrelevant to anything: The Obamas Are Seriously Considering Moving To New York City. I don’t know why but I find it funny. Not in a ‘why would they kind of way’ but that it’s actually an article in the ‘news’.
The headline sounds a bit worse than it actually is: Arizona Legislature Passes Bill to Keep Cops’ Names Secret After They Shoot Civilians – but not a lot:
8 Black Panther Party Programs That Were More Empowering Than Federal Government Programs
Two more pages and four more programs at the link! But stuff to think about.
rq says
Mike Brown question sparks MetroLink beating caught on video – not the way to get a point across.
Yeah. :/
Elvira & Refugio Nieto attend the People’s Trial of the killers of their son. #StopPoliceImpunity #Justice4AlexNieto
#stoppoliceimpunity #justice4alexnieto shut tin’ down mission police station, gettin’ loud against killer cops
The City of Ferguson is beginning to court proceedings for arrested protestors. “Resisting arrest” has become a sticking point.
Taraji P. Henson Will Host SNL in April
I know we’ve seen articles on this already, but here’s more: Black Girls Matter:
Pushed Out, Overpoliced, and Underprotected
The link includes a video.
rq says
Repost: but sort of relevant, with Indiana’s new RELIJUSS FRIDUM and calls to boycott the state – How boycotts hurt the cities they are supposed to help
. I think this can apply on a state-wide level, too, though how one boycotts a state in any meaningful way, I don’t know?
Ferguson Mayor Thinks DOJ Report Put Too Much Focus On Race. Yeah, Mayor Knowles really strikes me as the most knowledgeable type on the topic.
I think the mayor should learn a thing or two about accountability, too. But he’s seriously ignorant about racism, how it manifests, and how it works. Just wow.
Civil rights charges filed against Ole Miss student accused of putting noose on James Meredith statue
Lookit that frat culture, fine examples of manhood, all of them! Such gentlemen, such diversity and intelligence! Holy fuck, they make me sick.
Gonna be several articles laying this out, but here’s the first from Buzzfeed: University Of Oklahoma Probe Finds SAE Members Learned Racist Chant At National Event 4 Years Ago
So… not so much a local issue, I guess?
Floyd Dent, the man who was beaten by Detroit police this past week. There was talk of one of the officers involved: William Melendez, aka Robocop. And his previous troubles and misconduct in the force. Here’s more on him. Consider: this article is from 12 years ago. Ask: why is he still an officer? Why is he still an officer? In Detroit, Oversight of Police Is Welcomed
But you also have to consider the officer, see, and I bet his misconduct record is much longer than the source’s felony record. You know. Think about that, too.
rq says
Media comparison:
People are DEMANDING nuance from the media re: Lubitz. The same people didn’t demand nuance re: Mike Brown.
Y’all, the media isn’t even referring to him as a mass murderer at this point. The main story is still his depression. That’s incredible.
Y’all, Black Girl Magic open mic is going to be live! Come through. We’re at 2600 N. 14th Street in Old North St. Louis #ThatsAWord
The turnout for the first Black Girl Magic open mic is amazing. We are magical. #ThatsAWord #blackgirlmagic :)
At Duke, a black student says a white student taunted her with SAE’s racist chant – but it was just a song mistakenly sung during a drunken moment, right, no far-reaching consequences?
Looks like another conversation on race and race relations has been opened.
Body- and dashcams are all well and good. But yes, there’s accountability and the follow-up that is necessary, too. LAPD not sufficiently checking patrol car videos for officer misconduct, audit finds.
rq says
Flyers of racist Yik Yak posts appear on campus
That there’s a message to allies: your good intentions might still cause harm. Perhaps, in future, a little more thought or warning might be nice? At the very least?
And what’s the latest update re: the man arrested for the #NAACPBombing. We haven’t forgotten. Oh, right, that happened. :P
There’s Just One Problem With Photos on Food Stamp Cards – trying to prevent even more foodstamp fraud?
@TefPoe @Nettaaaaaaaa @jasiri_x doing a panel at Harvard right now. So packed. Skype feed necessary. Glad to be here. #BlackLivesMatter
“We’re actively living in a war zone.” – @TefPoe @jasiri_x @Nettaaaaaaaa @jelani9
rq says
Airport Pat-Downs Of Black Women’s Hairstyles Deemed Discriminatory. Wait, what? They did that?
Abnormalities. No comment from the TSA, or any word on sensitivity training for their officers.
UVA Names Newest Dormitory After Former Slave Couple
Ferguson grand jury wanted to make public statement, documents reveal. Where’s the FREEZE PEACH crowd on this one?
Taraji P. Henson Apologizes To Police After Video Counters Claim That Her Son Was Racially Profiled
And it’s a very nice apology, too, straightforward. I feel she was justified in overreacting, but also very decent and kind of her to apologize.
rq says
There was a shooting in Boston. Officer shot was honored for role in bombing aftermath – the officer was wounded, the suspect was killed.
Then most of the article is how darned heroic this one officer is (and yes, he’s done fantastic and helpful things!) and how the suspect killed had a (gun-related!) record, so obviously it’s okay to shoot him and indeed a heroic deed. The community was not so thrilled, however, so here’s some twitter commentary on the aftermath:
#RoxburyShooting video of police clashing with protesters, the youtube link: Roxbury shooting police conflict .
Body blockade of cops at #RoxburyShooting while body removed. Shooting at 6:40, removed at 11:20 – depends on processing of the scene, though that seems like a lot.
Tonight I watched BPD cops laugh at a grieving family trying to find out if their loved one was under the tarp. Devastating #RoxburyShooting
rq says
Tomorrow 11:30am-3pm Greater St. Mark Church 9950 Glen Owen Dr. *Dellwood, #MO #STL #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter – an event on voter mobilization, expungement of criminal record, gun safety and awareness.
How Ferguson-area courts bully residents to balance local budgets, in one video
Study: how being discriminated against and devalued affects our behavior. Now there’s a scientific study, so I guess these effects can now be considered to be real.
SAE Fraternity Members Learned Racist Song At National Leadership Event, University Finds
Learned the racist chant at a LEADERSHIP SCHOOL. Fine example you’re setting up there, SAE. Totally local problem. Wow.
Okay, here’s a good news. 29-Year-Old Jamaican Raises $6.9 Million to Launch Skincare Products For African-Americans.
#EricGarner supporters at his memorial, gathered around his youngest daughter, Legacy, on her first birthday.
rq says
Judge Calls Out Portland Police For Bogus ‘Contempt Of Cop’ Arrest/Beating
Yeah, that’s the entire article because it’s worth reading the judge’s takedown. All of it. Also, that link at the end to Popehat, that’s not bad, either!!!
Finding Hope In #MarteseJohnson And Racist SAE Videos
Survivors of the #Ayotzinapa massacre lay flowers on the ground where Mike Brown’s body was left for 4.5 hours.
Ex-University of Mississippi Student Indicted for Noose on James Meredith Statue. See also article in comments above.
The DeRay McKesson Episode from Fan Bros (audio at the link)
rq says
Here’s some humour: Six Snazzy New Ways To Be Totally Racist, Without That Horrid Racist Smell
Problem words to be replaced are: ethnic, thug, reverse-racist, single mothers, developing nation and black-on-black crime. Each concept has been given a new, inoffensive, replacement, such as ‘friends of Jamaal’ for ‘ethnic’ and ‘ruffian’ for ‘thug’ – just to keep people from realizing one is racist.
Actress Taraji Henson apologizes to Glendale police for racial profile claims Here’s her actual apology:
And here’s a recap of the cop’s actions, the kind that it would be nice to see mroe of:
So a mostly good encounter. Heck, didn’t even seem to be that hard on the officer!
Oklahoma Inquiry Traces Racist Song to National Gathering of Fraternity.
There’s no word on what that discipline meted out to frat members actually consisted of… I find that interesting, but I suppose that’s up to the frat to reveal. But I have a hard time believing it was adequate.
rq says
Snagged from Tony:
When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia
Petition: File Charges against Officers Timothy Loehmann and Officer Frank Gramback
Still needs about 3000 to make it to 25 000.
If You Think We’re Living In A Post-Racial Society, You Need To See This Chart (IMAGE)
Also, for fun: Happy 60th birthday to Ruby Bridges! via A Mighty Girl! on Facebook.
Links to books, films, documentaries and just plain more information at the link.
rq says
A bit of history in tweets:
The Tulsa “Race Riot” of 1921.
The Brady Mansion, where the mob of white citizens met to plan the attack on Black Wall Street.
Tate Brady, the founder of Tulsa, was a member of the KKK. He was a leader in the destruction of Black Wall Street.
@deray Kristallnacht is taught in every history textbook. The attack of Black Wall Street in Tulsa is relegated to a footnote. Terrible
@darkRussianchik @deray It’s worse than just whitewashing history. Anti-black violence is being deleted from the historical record.
@darkRussianchik @deray I didn’t learn about the riots in Tulsa that attacked Black Wall Street until African American studies in college.
This last I find to be a terrible omission in education. More to come.
rq says
There wasn’t a race riot in Tulsa in 1921. White people destroyed a black community. It was an act of white domestic terrorism.
There was a black-owned airport in Tulsa when Black Wall Street was in existence.
During the destruction of Black Wall Street the local law enforcement dropped bombs on the area to aid in the destruction of the strip.
The white community would not sell bricks to the residents who attempted to rebuild Black Wall Street. They made their own bricks.
Black Wall Street Destruction Damage Claims. Tulsa. To the tune of 2.7 million – at that time.
The destruction of #blackwallstreet in Tulsa left 3,000 black people dead and 600 businesses destroyed.
rq says
An article on St Louis from a couple of years ago: The view from flyover country
It’s that little bit about doing a lot with little that, I think, is most applicable to today’s activists in the city, and elsewhere.
The policing of black bodies: Racial profiling for profit and the killing of Ferguson’s Mike Brown
The video is at the link, worth a watch.
General police misbehaviour: Fire Marshall Brilliantly Shuts Down Cop Who Attempts To Violate His Rights.
The 30 Year-Old Nigerian Mobile Phone Entrepreneur Who Is Challenging Apple In Africa
This and that more at the link.
Exclusive: TSA’s Secret Behavior Checklist to Spot Terrorists – going to put it here as tangentially related. Here’s more on the list:
So what I get from the list is, basically, that everyone can be a terrorist.
Pteryxx says
Al Jazeera last July: Survivors of infamous 1921 Tulsa race riots still hope for justice
The 2000 report on the Tulsa race riot, 188 pages, is available here from okhistory.org: PDF
rq says
Awesome, innit, how they’re considering reparations when many of the actual survivors are dead or dying of old age. How considerate.
“@BlackFabulosity: Pen art is downright amazinggggggg. Portraits by Ghanaian artist @enBoski #africanart ” @deray #ART
Racist Or Nah?? Rapper M.I.A. Says Oprah Accused Her Of Being A ‘Terrorist’
Well, as they say, if you have to ask that question…
ALEC is essentially the policy arm of white supremacy. Y’all, it’s scary how intentional white supremacy is. – what’s ALEC? This: How ALEC helps conservatives and businesses turn state election wins into new laws
I skipped some section titles, but basically, ALEC is the religious fundamentalist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, etc., force that moves Republicans. Or that’s what it sounds like to me. :/
I fixed it @DailyMailCeleb – Headline #1: Idris Elba can’t be Bond because he isn’t English-English'(isn’t Bond Scottish?); Headline #2: Idris Elba can’t be Bond because he is Black. The second would be closer to what the article is actually trying to say, I bet.
rq says
Police representative says DOJ’s ‘band of marauders’ concealed truth about Ferguson shooting. Warning for Roorda ahead. (Can someone please take away his platform and give him a smaller one in a less populated space?)
Roorda makes me physically ill.
Charles Barkley Wants NCAA To Pull Final Four From Indiana Over Anti-Gay Bill. And yet he doesn’t believe racism is still a thing.
Here’s another rather belated acknowledgement of a terrible history: Confronting Past, Mississippi Town Erects Emmett Till Museum 60 Years After His Killing
Religious freedom? Remember, these folk were just “practicing their religious freedom” to intimidate, maim, and murder black folk. Religious freedom.
Harrassment in social media. #TwitterFail: Twitter’s Refusal to Handle Online Stalkers, Abusers, and Haters
Relevant to Social Justice Warriors everywhere.
rq says
How slavery and coerced labor shaped global migration in 1858
How different would that map be without slavery and forced labour? And funnily enough, that pink line heading down from northern Europe to South America? Some of that was Latvians, too – as forced labour for the current German overlord of the era (1700s or so).
Black Brunch today in two cities so far:
Atlanta: Just to be clear…all those folks who left their tables and didn’t pay for their meal…that’s illegal….soo #BlackBrunchATL
“You think people don’t hate you now?”- brunch attendee.You don’t begin to hate someone for interrupting your brunch. #BlackBrunchATL
#BlackBrunchATL is a non-violent method of disrupting white spaces. Watch how people with privilege flee the weight of their apathy. Watch.
“You’re making our guests uncomfortable”-waitress. Your silence is making our lives uncomfortable. Which side are you on? #BlackBrunchATL
Tacoma: #blackbrunchtacoma
rq says
Here’s a re-read: [FERGUSON FORWARD]
‘When I close my eyes at night, I see people running from tear gas’.
Relatedly, here’s a storify of the tweets from back in August. Why these threads even got started. August 9th – August 11th #Ferguson Coverage on Twitter.
And this is… an interesting read. A black man goes off on a white woman who says she’s “frustrated” . Here’s the woman’s view:
A black man proceeded to tell her that she was wrong:
Not saying everything said is 100% true, because obviously black women are also not monolith, but – seriously? This is the kind of strongly positive, fierce and respectful defense black women rarely receive, and it deserves to be repeated.
Checked out #BlackBrunchATL. Interesting how whites who have “Christian” in their bios condemn a movement speaking out against oppression.
@Deray’s “Black Wallstreet” and @IWashington’s “Blackness” Tweets Spark Massive, Midnight Debate. This was an interesting exchange, on blackness and identifying as black, in relation to white supremacy:
There’s more at the link, an interesting discussion that’s worth reading. It also probably makes more sense at the link, I tried to pull some of the points trying to be made.
The Black Lives Matter reading list: Books to change the world – possibly a repost, but if so, then the reading list has no doubt been updated and expanded. :)
rq says
Please follow/share @RecallKnowles15 for information regarding the recall of mayor James Knowles in #ferguson #fegusonrecall @SouthardsArt
They’re looking for signatures to recall the mayor. [/obvious] We need 2500 signatures to account for margin of error. #Ferguson #FergusonRecall
Afeni Shakur Black Activist. Imprisoned while pregnant. Acted as her own defense attorney and was acquitted. With photos. Question – is Shakur a common last name? Been seeing it pop up a lot (relatively): Assata, Tupac, now Afeni…? [/interesting]
And this makes me smile: Box Office: ‘Home’ Trumps Expectations With $54 Million Debut
Not so thrilled about the second-place movie, Get Hard (the prison one with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart… I have doubts), but Home? What with having a little black girl as lead? Yes. :)
rq says
53 yrs ago today I was released from Parchman Penitentiary after being arrested in Jackson for using “white” restroom. That’s from John Lewis, yesterday.
REPORT: New York City Television Stations Continue Disproportionate Coverage Of Black Crime – ah, so it was pointed out to them, and they still do it? Yup.
rq says
Idaho Man Charged With Felony for Posting Non-Threatening Rant Against Cop on Facebook (Updated). He is white, so I don’t know if it will amount to much, but still… seriously?
Turns out he did have the word ‘rage’ but edited it out himself (because you can do that on FB now) and they used the unedited version for the warrant. They really tried hard for this one, didn’t they? If only they put so much effort into other things.
The Racial Wealth Gap: Why A Typical White Household Has 16 Times The Wealth Of A Black One
The three main factors driving this disparity? Homeownership. Education. Labour markets.
Oooh, is this progress I see? Ferguson Chief Takes Steps Urged in Report
Apparently there is more progress to come.
Here’s a piece on religious freedom and discrimination – not directly relevant, but worth a read. Tim Cook: Pro-discrimination ‘religious freedom’ laws are dangerous
(How diverse is Apple, by the way?)
He said he would immediately start to address some of the concerns and recommendations in the Justice Department report, which recommended diversifying the department, changing ticketing practices and training officers on how to use force more appropriately.
rq says
Fascinating that 2nd biggest police brutality settlement in Denver history awards Alex Landau $800K, but @DenverPolice sees no wrongdoing.
Amadou Diallo’s murder led to songs like “Devils in a Blue Dress” and “41 Shots.” What music’s coming out of today’s movements? @deray
Here’s some from the musical front: New Tupac Music and More From the Vaults to be Released Soon
And, Jay Z launches Tidal with support from stars
Regarding Floyd Dent, in Detroit. And Detroit PD’s ability to keep a problematic employee employed. Why is Bill ‘Robocop’ Melendez still a police officer?
Pteryxx says
re John Lewis’s tweet: “53 yrs ago today I was released from Parchman Penitentiary after being arrested in Jackson for using “white” restroom.”
That was actually on July 7, 2014, when these Morning in America threads weren’t yet running (because Mike Brown was still alive). Still, Rep. Lewis’s tweet went viral then and may as well go a second round. Here’s news coverage from the time:
USA Today: Congressman’s civil rights-era mugshot goes viral on Twitter
From that Atlanta Journal-Constitution article:
and Vox linked to an 1973 interview that John Lewis gave for UNC’s Southern Oral History Program, which includes more about the Freedom Rides, his arrest and Parchman prison: (Vox link), full 1973 transcript (at UNC)
Excerpt quoted by Vox:
and some more about the Freedom Ride activity that Lewis was arrested for, excerpted by me from the 1973 interview: (page numbers removed, ellipses in brackets are mine)
Pteryxx says
further excerpt from John Lewis’s 1973 interview, just after he’s recounted being attacked on the bridge at Selma:
rq says
One more: Murder has become the primary tactic of the police to deescalate black folk. To call the police may be to invite death.
See this story: Knife-Wielding Woman Fatally Shot By Officers In Oxnard
And here: Woman Killed Officer-Involved Shooting In Oxnard Identified
Less than 20 seconds. Which isn’t a small amount of time, relaly, but it’s enough to have alternatives.
One would think.
Let’s see how liberal Daily Show fans really are when a Black host shows up – because: Trevor Noah will take over for Jon Stewart as ‘Daily Show’ host
I was rather hoping for Jessica Williams, but oh well.
Via the NY Times: Trevor Noah to Succeed Jon Stewart on ‘The Daily Show’
rq says
Also Pteryxx thanks for fact-checking that tweet and elaborating. :)
rq says
Via Mano Singham’s blog, here’s a good read: Sometimes, this is who we are:
(Link to Dowling’s article here.)
Applies to anytime anyone from an organization whose representative has made a mess of things says ‘This is not who we are’ – most directly applicable to the SAE fraternity, but also to other things, like police departments that insist there is no racism to be found within their ranks.
Oh, and here’s a Toronto Star article about that movie I’m hesitant about: Will Ferrell fearlessly goes for the hard laughs
Take note: Ferrell is a Busy (White) Man and does Good Things. Does that mean I necessarily trust him with handling these difficult topics well? Not really. Is this a well-founded opinion? Perhaps not, but it’s mine.
rq says
PZ’s own About time they noticed fits in nicely here, too.
rq says
The Beating of Floyd Dent
23-Year-Old Homeless Man Stops Rape Attempt in DC , very short story.
@deray Proud of my @USStudents family and my sisters on the frontline fighting to end school to prison pipeline #BLM
A poem: Hurricane Katrina
Hit New Orleans
So black people had to leave
They say we all Americans
So why did the media call them
Something to listen to: Sarah Kendzior: “This is an ordinary place with a series of ordinary problems, that unfortunately, are fairly severe… I think to have severe problems has now become an ordinary part of American life.”
Audio at the link.
Event: Join @sybrinafulton @nettaaaaaaaa @jelani9 & me at the University of Miami Wednesday 7pm for a convo on Race, Policing, & Social Justice.
rq says
Gosh sorry about that first blockquote previous comment. I swear I checked but I guess I forgot to remove the accidental highlighted sidebar bits that got stuck in there. :(
Dear Racists: We Don’t Owe You Our Forgiveness
Chilling: Police killed more than twice as many people as reported by US government
Quick comment on the new music streaming platform mentioned yesterday: The police are out here killing us like it’s real-life Nintendo Duck Hunt and they want us to come together around a more expensive spotify?
But I wish you the best Jay w/ #TidalForAll. I’ll remain a fan, not a subscriber. And thanks for helping w/ those I Can’t Breathe shirts.
These aren’t isolated incidents – they’re not even unique incidents to the cops who commit them. They all seem to have a history of being inappropriate police officers: Cop Who Put Eric Garner in Choke Hold Is Being Sued for Allegedly Causing a Car Accident
These cops sound expensive for the department to maintain. Wouldn’t it be more efficient…?
Putting a name to the trigger finger: Smyrna Police say Sgt. Kenneth Owens is the officer who fatally shot Nick Thomas last week during arrest. #fox5atl
rq says
In Canada, spec. Toronto area: Family and Friends Worry About Missing York Student
Any folks out there, please keep an eye out.
A few recent gems from my hate mailbox… The n-word seems to dominate.
18 yr old #ShenequeProctor found dead in cell morning after her arrest & plea for medical attention #HerDreamDeferred, will have to find more info on that.
Civil Rights Action Filed On Behalf Of Journalists Arrested During Ferguson Protests
Back in Ferguson. Just some photos.
rq says
Interlude: TV Entertainment! “The Wiz” Will Be NBC’s Next Live Televised Musical
That sounds pretty fun, though!
.@deray Did you see this? Al Sharpton has issues w/ y’all but not an outright bigot like Ben Carson. h/t @ZaidJilani Very interesting, that.
Ope, here he is again! Eric Garner chokehold cop is being sued AGAIN for causing ‘severe’ injuries to a motorist in Staten Island car crash. Includes a quick recap of other suits brought against Pantaleo.
And there was the prison guard who had the inmates fight, gladiator style. Except there’s more to that, too. Deputy in inmate fights faced 2006 complaints
They go on to mention the second person – and suddenly I’m confused, because the article identifies and pronouns both as men, yet clearly states they were… transwomen? (Though I guess the phrase ‘transsexual men transitioning into women’ isn’t exactly clear or correct either?) Or am I missing something here? :( Way to report accurately. I mean, sexual abuse is sexual abuse, but it would be nice of them to get victim-related information right.
Let’s blame some victims. America’s cops aren’t solving as many murders — here are some theories about why:
Profile of a wealthy black woman (positive reading): Why Sheryl Sandberg, Bill Bradley, and Oprah Love Mellody Hobson
And you can read the rest at the link.
rq says
Had to visit Tamir today. RIP little dude.
!!! Overwhelming response from Ferguson City Council Candidates to not disband the Ferguson Police Department #ulstl !!! In one sense I’m not surprised, but waiting for an article to appear to see their reasoning.
Mumia has been in prison my entire life for a crime evidence suggests he did not commit, while Eric Garner’s killer is at home masturbating. I had to look it up: Mumia Abu-Jamal
Much more at the link, much, much more. (He is currently in hospital.)
Gun culture is death culture. America’s Top Killing Machine (no, not the police or the justice system).
rq says
StL Argus August 28, 1925: “Tulsa Warmly Welcomes Negro Business League” Host most successful convention ever @deray. Headline declares no race friction in the city.
I’ll admit, the first time I read this headline, I read ‘Australian dads’, but that’s my problem, not the headline’s. Also, the sample photo is beyond just white – for Australians, they’re not even tan. Why are Australian ads so white?
TW for suicide. If you remember, several months ago, a rather prominent figure in St Louis politics committed suicide – Tom Schweich, it was (don’t worry, I couldn’t remember at first, either!). Anyway, an odd coincidence: Tom Schweich spokesperson Spence Jackson found dead
Another on the same: Missouri State Auditor’s Aide Dead In Apparent Suicide
February 26 -> March 30 = more than a month but okay.
This is an interesting point. Both #AnthonyHill & #MeaganHockaday were killed by officers who specialized in crisis intervention/mental health.
And have a song by Beyonce: Beyoncé – Killing My (New Song 2015) .
rq says
#NotJustUVA Connecticut College cancels classes due to racist graffiti
And to know #MeaganHockaday was killed on Friday and most of us found out through Twitter by just a few articles is terrible.
Ah, and here’s why Mumia is under discussion again – I mentioned he’s hospitalized? Apparently he’s not being allowed to see his family. Demand @MumiaAbuJamal’s family have visitation rights. Another set of numbers to call. (via @PrisonRadio) Contact info within.
TSA Will Finally Stop Searching Black Women’s Hair for No Reason
rq says
So! For further reading, You should check out the new site http://sevenscribes.com which features black voices. I love their initial pieces. Here’s the site: Seven Scribes, with currently only a few articles up, but definitely worth a bookmark.
Topics so far include: music, double mastectomy and breast cancer, natural disasters and black history, and post-modernism. Categories for (future) reading include Culture, Science & Tech, Art & Media, Politices & Business, Literature, Entertainment.
A 26-year-old MIT graduate is turning heads over his theory that income inequality is actually about housing (in 1 graph) – not going to cite anything from this, but it’s worth a thought. Even if that thought is, I doubt Housing is the only answer.
For 5 decades, STL has had a policy of “benign neglect” in north STL. That’s what created the crisis we have now. Tragic and predictable.
And the situation now: Paul McKee’s “Northside” project is the culmination of The Team Four Plan. Reduced services, lowered property values, relocation of people.
rq says
Make sure to check back for a new comment 101, I landed in moderation but it has some good stuff in it.
In Baltimore: Officials to outline major changes for school police force
@RapSessions “Race, Policing & Social Justice” 4/1 Univ of Miami w/ @SybrinaFulton @Nettaaaaaaaa @jasiri_x @jelani9
For fun: Barack Obama Talks ‘The Wire’ With David Simon
I repeat. This is why representation matters so much for these young black and brown girls. It may end up being a crappy movie, but Home, right now, has a much bigger effect.
They’ve already beat their goal, but here’s De La Soul crowdfunding their new album. Also for fun.
As introduced on Twitter, white privilege means paying $150 to be tear-gassed as part of an obstacle course (paraphrase). Tough Mudder to Use ‘Tear Gas’ in Newly Designed Obstacle Courses
I find the name offensive. Not so fun.
rq says
A distinct lack of accountability. Glenn Ford, Wrongfully Convicted And Dying Of Cancer, Denied Restitution For 30 Years On Death Row
Well, fuck.
White People’s Tears. Michelle Obama Sends Message To White Girls That They Don’t Matter
A distinct lack of self-examination and the reasons behind black girls and women needing to be told they rock, more than white girls.
Most Americans Want Their State To Make Voter Registration Easier
Take a look at this. Arrested for same crime, in newspaper white suspects get yearbook photos, black suspects get mugshots
More at the link.
I didn’t go out on August 9th w/my best friend because I was “nice” … I went because I have a deep rooted love for black people.
Because when I saw photos of Mike laying in that hot sun, I saw my friend Stephon. Stephon was killed by the police just last year.
rq says
LBJ, civil rights hero? Maybe not so much. Oh No, President Johnson Did Not Mastermind Selma Marches, Says Civil Rights Leader
Stop taking credit for everything, white people, in other words.
Getting page not found on this, but it was an article on Ben Crump being assigned to a shooting case. ANnnyway.
Powerful Short Film Challenges Beauty Ideals That Govern Skin Color
Bond reduction denied for man accused of shooting officers
Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Keep Police Names Secret After Shootings – sounds like the governor has some sense, at least.
rq says
‘Lone Ranger’ protester takes to the streets for the first time after St. Louis shooting. Not just police shootings are being protested.
Stenger splits from Better Together board
#FergusonAlternativeSpringBreak #FergusonASB work @fergusonlibrary starting now…
#FergusonAlternativeSpringBreak #FergusonASB x #Ferguson Volunteer Flower Department
#Ferguson Alternative Spring break students working in harmony w/Ferguson residents at local library @akacharleswade
Some black men at @SLU_Official prepping for their upcoming panel “Can I live” Featuring @DrShaunHarper @HipHopPrez
rq says
Obama Commutes 22 Drug Sentences, Instantly Doubling The Number Of Commutations He’s Issued
Jon Stewart’s successor, Trevor Noah, is already experiencing backlash and controversy. First, here’s an about: Here’s What You Need To Know About New “Daily Show” Host Trevor Noah – born a crime in South Africa when relationships between white and black people were illegal, speaks six languages, etc.
Is he perfect? No. People Are Mad About Trevor Noah’s Old Tweets About Women And Jews
Well, controversial is one thing. Also, the tweets are supposedly from five years ago. Is it possible he has learned in the meantime? Entirely. Does that make his previous tweets okay? Not at all. Does that invalidate him as the host of a late-night show? No.
Some say the backlash is because he’s black: #TrevorNoah backlash was so swift is because he’s a Black body critical of white supremacy.
Some choose not to carE: Listen up White Twitter – As soon as Woody Allen stops being given TV deals- I’ll have a listen at your objections to #TrevorNoah #ThatIsAll
rq says
This one here for the casual dismissal of other possible candidates to replace Jon Stewart, most notably Jessica Williams (who was mentioned as a possibility way back when Stewart said he would be leaving) – Essay: You Can’t Put Trevor Noah in a Box
More on the twitter response: Mr. Noah and the Flood
And one more from Vulture, before moving on: The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Is Already in Trouble on Twitter [Updated]. So… I guess we’ll just have to see? Though I have to say, my first excitement has been… somewhat tempered.
rq says
Charged with same crime, Iowa paper shows black suspects’ mug shots but whites get yearbook pics, same as above, different source.
Do better, media.
Whistleblower cop: Oxnard, Calif., police get gun and skull tattoos every time they shoot someone – trophy tattoos for shooting people? …
Sounds like gang signs, if you ask me.
Update on Mumia: Famed political prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal in critical condition
So his family is being allowed to see him. I guess that’s nice of the authorities?
85 years after infamous lynching, another noose stirs tension in Indiana town
Backs has apologized, of course. Very, very, very sincerely. It was a bad joke, mmkay?
Inside St Louis’s lurid crime tabloid: ‘There’s a callousness about the value of life here’
rq says
This article put up yesterday includes a reference to the last lynching in Indiana:
Here’s two articles on Cameron and the apology he received: Senate apologizes for lynchings, and To Cameron, apology over lynchings is personal. Oh, and just for the record? The apology came in 2005.
Jahi Chikwendiu, Jerry Wolford Win NPPA’s Photojournalists Of The Year – why relevant? Check out his portfolio, starting at photo 28, though to be honest, there’s lots more in there worth seeing, including a heartbreaking story about an immigrant (expat?) family broken up over a stupid law.
The Handmaid’s Tale by @MargaretAtwood [Amazon link] First ever winner of the Clarke Award in 1987, here because check out the cover, which I happen to like a lot.
rq says
Hour after we publish, local paper alerts that fire chief who made noose accepts demotion (that is, once again, referencing the story above about the noose and lynchings.
Here at #MOLeg, Sen. banned filming at committee hearing today. At #MUMcCulloch, officials ban press entirely. First Amendment is important.
Protestors arriving in front of of Hulston Hall now for Pros. Bob McCulloch’s event at Law School. #abc17 Yep, McCullogh is still being invited to speak.
Election Day chart for Ferguson and Jennings via @Crewof42. Election Day is just 7 days away.
The library is recruiting StoryCorps volunteers. Most work in May, June & July. Contact arandazzo[at]fergusonlibrary[dot]net That’s the Ferguson library, in case anyone’s interested!
Poor @TrevorNoah. If only he had been a Muslim-hating cartoonist, You’d all be tripping over each other to defend his right to offend. Which statement is not so much a defense of Noah as it is an indictment of the double-standard in who gets to offend whom.
rq says
Vineland Man Dies After Being Taken Into Police Custody Police brutality? Oh yes.
Here’s a photo-essay via Faces of the Movement, about Latosha and her soon-to-be opened business in Ferguson. Beautiful photography, and a very moving story. Lots of good thoughts and best wishes for the success of her store!!!
Columbia and Mizzou Organizations Come Together to Protest McCulloch Event at Mizzou Law School
De La Soul’s Kickstarter for New Album Surpasses Goal. Just another small blip on the positie news spectrum.
Job notice for new Ferguson Judge emphasizes focus on “quality of life” offenses (those not covered by legislative restrictions). Am I justified in thinking that that sounds a little fishy?
Also just in general: Have you checked out Athens 7 “The Black Issue” yet? #LinkInTheirBio #athensnewren #ferrarisheppard #blacklivesmatter #stopbeingfamous
#vtrails #supportisaluxury
#blackexcellence #melanin
rq says
@BLMLA and #Pasadena chapters issue statement on arrest of activist charged w/making terrorist threats and more – the link: Joint Statement from Black Lives Matter Los Angeles and Pasadena Chapters on the Arrest of Organizer Jasmine Richards
Raising money for her bail here: Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles Legal Defense.
Demand #Justice for #FloydDent Friday in #Inkster. #BLMDetroit #BlackLivesMatter Event link: via Facebook. Friday April 3, 10AM.
We’ve waited for over 8 months for the internal investigation of Officer Pantaleo who killed Eric Garner to be completed. Enough already.
rq says
Vigil now gathered at #Smyrna City Hall. #NicholasThomas #JusticeForNick
Hundreds have now gathered in #Smyrna for #JusticeForNick #NicholasThomas
“It’s not a matter of if you’re going to encounter law enforcement, but when.” #JusticeForNick #NicholasThomas
“State of District Address Ending at Lincoln Theatre” Can U tell? #ThinkMoor #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHomesMatter
As March concludes #PhillipWhite is 290th person to be killed by cop in America in 1st 90 days of 2015. #Every8Hours That’s the man who died in Vineland police custody.
Not to be confused with this Phillip White: Philip White, Cop Who Threatened Protesters With ‘Duty To Kill’ Tweet, Placed On Administrative Leave. That’s in Oakland.
rq says
Officer Bill ‘Robocop’ Melendez named in 12 brutality and corruption lawsuits, count ’em – 12!!
Four more major discrepancies at the link. But this officer is revolting and should never, ever wear a uniform again, if law enforcement wants to recoup its image.
Things don’t get better: Witness: Jersey police punched, kicked, and dog bit Phillip White’s face before he died in custody, that’s the newest one.
There’s video at the link.
Jay Z’s Streaming Music Service Makes No Economic Sense
Another Ferguson suit! Intercept Reporter Files Suit Against Ferguson Police
Bucknell University Expels 3 for Racist Radio Broadcast. It’s the same old shitty news over and over again, isn’t it.
Have a good news: This is Justin Lynch. 17yr old who broke Michael Phelps 100m butterfly record. #ChangeTheStory
rq says
‘HOME’ was predicted to bomb at gross $88M at the Box Office overall…It grossed $106M in its opening weekend. Why the low prediction, because it’s starring a black girl? Take that, assholes who believe diversity in media doesn’t matter.
Oh, before I forget, a word on Phillip White. If you listen to the video, or read the articles, one of the officers actually says that he (White) was trying to disarm him (the officer). Yet according to witnesses the guy was already cuffed at this point. The good ol’ “he reached for my gun” argument. As if that means anything after someone is already handcuffed… #PhilipWhite Honestly, these people need to come up with something new, or just stop altogether. I vote the latter.
Investigation underway after noose found on Duke campus. Of course there’s alternate explanations, but with the background racism and current upswing (in reporting? in actual events?) of racist things happening on campuseses (campi?)…
Dave Chappelle gets hit with banana peel during show; man arrested
Sounds like attempted reverse racism to me.
So, this is a new British Company, Noose & Monkey (@NooseAndMonkey_): http://www.nooseandmonkeystore.com/ Pic. via @Queen_BeeKyte: Oh, the UK is also post-racial, just so you know. Cultural differences. Whatever. Just look at the picture, it is a HORRIBLE BRAND IMAGE.
rq says
Uh… the brand ‘Noose &Monkey’? If you go to their homepage? Uses a black man as a model. Their About page: Noose & Monkey is a story of mistaken identity and disguise. During the Napoleonic wars, the crew of a French naval vessel dressed their pet monkey in an officers uniform. After being shipwrecked off Hartlepool, the monkey was discovered on the beach. The locals, assuming he was a Frenchman and therefore the enemy, hung him in the town square.
This brand looks at the the truth and the lie, the innocent and guilty, the Noose and the Monkey. Our concept is to focus on the two sides of every story and every man, and to play with twisting those sides.
Okay, which still means someone didn’t think this through – and it also sounds like a veiled ‘both sides of equal validity to every story!’. And that whole part of the story where the locals assume the monkey is the Frenchman? … Anyway.
When you are a romance writer and every single white couple gets an HEA but your POC don’t…? Yeah, that’s telling. And worth calling out. *ahem* HEA = Happily Ever After, I had to look it up. *shame*
#NotJustUVa” Noose found on Duke’s campus. Vice President of Student Affairs has sent an email to students: “ At least the email promises action and sounds horrified and shocked.
rq says
Here’s a podcast from my former university, students speaking out about diversity (or, as it were, lack thereof) on campus: Boundless Whiteness Bounded Blackness – Yusra Khogali And Sandra Hudson. A lot of student perspectives and things that I never really noticed – most students from humanities (English, History, Caribbean Studies, etc.), not many speak about being in the sciences – which probably isn’t enough to draw any conclusions, but it kind of makes a conclusion all its own.
Joye Forrest crowned first black Miss Teen Missouri U.S.A.
rq says
Maria Chappelle-Nadal & @AntonioFrench speaking on #Ferguson in #Chicago, April 4th, 9am, BJsMarket, 87th S Stony, $7 breakfast
That extended hand ain’t work eh? RT @theGrio Common no longer speaking at college graduation after police outcry over ‘A Song for Assata’ Yup, that was Common who said to extend a hand in love towards those being racist: Common no longer speaking at college graduation after police outcry over ‘A Song for Assata’
A 15 year old song. Yup. Love.
[UPDATE] Cop Who Unleashed Xenophobic Tirade On Uber Driver Is A Joint Terrorism Task Force Detective – so there you have the general attitude of these guys.
They’ve taken his badge and gun. For now.
Leave it to UVA to make racist jokes via the Cavalier Daily after everything that’s happened this year and with its history generally. More on that in a minute.
rq says
The UVA Cavalier mocks #MarteseJohnson two weeks to the day of his arrest. America. April Fool’s, eh.
The Cavalier issued an apology: An apology to our readers
“We apologize to anyone who felt hurt…” not “We apologize for being kinda stupid assholes”.
.@GovernorVA has entered closed community mtg on #MarteseJohnson at Cville’s Mt. Zion First Baptist African Church.
After an hour-long meeting with @GovernorVA on #MarteseJohnson, listen to what community leaders had to say @ 12.
‘Poor N–ger Party’ Printed on Wedding Photo-Booth Pictures: Report
And one for the WTF: Police officer forced into counseling for taking photo with Snoop Dogg
rq says
In case you were wondering, Georgia Police Have $70M Worth Of Military Surplus.
For amusement. And a feeling of security. I mean, how hard can it be to learn to drive a tank, right?
Now this one’s interesting. Coroner reclassifies Henry Glover’s death as homicide in post-Hurricane Katrina police shooting case
He fucking feared for his life from a rooftop, with the men down on the road? Well fuck.
And President Obama just signed the Slain Officer Family Support Act of 2015 into law. America.
Common Pulled From Kean University Commencement Speech After Police Complaints. Blah, blah, we don’t like his song, etc. blah blah blah.
Teen Heart Transplant Recipient Dies in Fatal Police Car Chase
American police killed more people in March (111) than the entire UK police have killed since 1900
March. There’s still April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December of this year left. And then all other years still to come.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
3 Florida prison guards exposed as members of KKK, plotted to kill black inmate
rq says
Hundreds gather for a rally outside of #Duke Chapel as the university President makes remarks about the noose found.
County Prosecutor: #PhillipWhite handcuffed when he went into “respiratory distress”, & there may be video | @deray There’s a press release attached to that tweet.
2 Fatally Shot, 12-Year-Old Boy Wounded In Hawthorne Officer-Involved Shooting
Just a random case of incompetence, if the victim asking for help was one of those actually fatally shot… by the officer supposedly helping her.
Atlanta Educators Convicted in School Cheating Scandal
20 years in prison, for cheating on school tests. Can you imagine?
Suspended for supporting the Second Amendment: SCLC suspends Georgia Chapter President for call to bear arms
Reform! Municipal court reforms include no new charges for missing court date, Missouri speaker says – so maybe less accumulative fees?
rq says
University removes Common as graduation speaker amid police outcry
Here’s another on the NYPD officer being xenophobic: Cop caught berating Uber driver in xenophobic rant is NYPD detective, police sources say (WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE IN VIDEO)
#duke students lead silent march after noose found hanging from a tree on campus #DukeNoose
This Cop Is On Trial For Firing 49 Shots At Two Unarmed Suspects. There’s a cop on trial! A recap:
To get an idea, count off 17 seconds and imagine a constant barrage of gunfire during that time. That is an extraordinarily long amount of time for something like that. To continue:
VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER FOR FIRING INTO A CAR AT PEOPLE, because shooting at people never ever kills them ever. Right? Who’da known??
Police misbehaviour:Baltimore police slow to release internal reports
For fun: The Full Transcript Of Jay Z’s Tidal Q&A At The Clive Davis Institute Of Recorded Music.
rq says
ICYMI: #TerrellBeasley was 4th man N #STL area found shot-&-burned-in-car since Sept. Turned out he was shot by SLMPD
Mexicans of African Descent Established Los Angeles on This Day in 1781 – not actually this day, but a day in September.
Learn something new everyday.
Cop Filmed Berating an Uber Driver Will Be Transferred Out of Elite Unit. I certainly hope so – an elite unit is not where you want those most prone to frustration and short tempers.
Boycott @Cosmopolitan this is downright disgusting. Article on this later, but – basically – four comparison photos, with photo on left of a black woman or other woman of colour saying “R.I.P.” (to her particular make-up style), and the photo on the right of a white woman demonstrating the new make-up style. It’s a lot more terrible than it may seem right now.
Supreme Court Tired Of White Kids Whining About Their Precious American Flag Short version – white kids and parents in a school upset over Mexican students celebrating Cinco de Mayo. And being obnoxious about it.
rq says
From FtB’s very own Dana Hunter, Even Our Police Dogs are Racist – When Their Human Handlers Are. It’s about as bad a read as it sounds.
A look back into history. 17 Times “The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air” Got Way, Way Too Real. Worth a read for a few laughs that are more than jokes.
Civil rights commission reports on STL hearing
Cops. Misbehaviour. Missouri police officer accused of throwing boy, 4, against wall. Yes.
Happy Birthday to #scifi legend Samuel Delany. (Master writer & Octavia Butler’s 1st Clarion teacher.) #Afrofuturism (Yesterday, I think.)
Okay… and… this. The meaning of this t-shirt? Our ancestors spent 98% of the last 10 million years in Africa. It’s a tweet by Dawkins. A new shirt at his internet store. “We are all Africans”, with a big red atheist A on Africans. Like what.
McCullogh is all about transparency. Public, Media Locked out of Bob McCulloch Speech at MU Law School
rq says
Ugh, The Real 125 is in moderation.
Karin Jones’ ROM exhibition “undresses” racial identity
I wish I could go.
DeRay McKesson ’07, Among Fortune’s ‘Greatest Leaders,’ To Speak on Campus April 2 – that’s at Bowdoin.
Family of Aiyana Stanley-Jones sues Detroit cop
I hope they win.
Same story Tony had above, from DailyKos: 3 members of Florida Department of Corrections found to be in KKK; arrested for murder plot
That last paragraph really puts this kind of plot into perspective – as in, it’s not an isolated case. Most likely.
Justice for Luis Rodriguez, Killed by Police Employees in Moore, Oklahoma
rq says
Cosmo Used White Models For “Gorgeous” Trends And Black Models For Trends That Needed To “Die”
Over 100 People Were Killed by Police in March. Have Police Gotten the Post-Ferguson Memo Yet?
Yesterday and day before I mentioned Mumia Abu-Jamal, whose family was not permitted to see him while in hospital. An Update on Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Condition
Gunmen kill more than 70 at university in Kenya. Let’s not keep this massacre out of public sight.
More at the link.
And just…
New York Times on the same, higher death toll. Shabab Attack on a Kenya University Kills 147, Officials Say.
The @LAPDHQ shot/killed Steven Washington. That’s his mother. Was fully autistic. Completely unarmed. Face blown off .
rq says
Just FYI, that last little bit about Steven Washington is from 2010, with the idea that this is not a new issue, not a new problem… and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.
I guess I don’t have to explain that to anyone here, at any rate.
Another old one. More of this please. Pittsburgh police chief Cameron McLay, holding sign saying “I resolve to challenge racism at work #End White Silence”.
The Petty Etiquette of Discrimination
I thought it might compare Noah with white comedians who have said terrible shit in terms of treatment, but that’s probably for another time. Annnnyway, all kinds of people are assholes. And being knowledgeable about one kind of discrimination doesn’t make one good at all of them.
Equal Justice Initiative Wins Release of Anthony Ray Hinton – that’s a good news!
More details on that lawsuit brought by Aiyana’s family: Lawsuit Alleges Police Cover-Up In Fatal Shooting Of Sleeping 7-Year-Old Aiyana Stanley-Jones
Of course, it looks better on camera.
rq says
I would justl ike to bring to your attention a case in Canada, where certain groups of people (in this case, Native Americans) have trouble getting the justice that they deserve. Cindy Gladue case sends a devastating message to Aboriginal women
That something unprecedented: they used a preserved part of Cindy Gladue’s own body as a piece of evidence. Not photos, not reports, the actual piece of her body. … And that bit about the entire jury being non-native, that… would have been the least they could have done.
US to UN Human Rights Committee: Move Along, Nothing to See Here
Well I don’t feel that the USAmerica is going to get particularly high marks this year.
Okay because we all need some laughs, here’s an example of community policing done right: Isles of Scilly Police Facebook page (accessible without logging in).
And alright, I don’t actually know if they do community policing right, but there facebook page certainly sounds like they do. And yeah, I know they’re a small force in a small community. Still.
rq says
Okay kinda rushing through these as I’m racing a train but I want to clear out the tabs before I head out – update attempts will be made, but I don’t know how reliable the new country internet is, or how many hours I will have to spend, but they will. So. I’m glad there aren’t TOO many links.
#FloydDent protest in #Inkster @takeonhate #NAN #BLMDetroit #BlackLivesMatter
The #BLMDetroit marshal team demonstrates how to #ServeAndProtect the people. #FloydDent march #Inkster
Welcome To Normandy, One Of The Many Fergusons You’ve Never Heard Of
Albany man dies after police use Taser gun in struggle. Yesterday.
Three officers, one mentally ill man and a Taser. Instant death.
Phoenix Cop Who Killed Unarmed Black Man Won’t Face Charges
Fear! For his life! Because! Fear! Instant death!
Florida Jailhouse Guards Arrested in KKK Murder Plot
rq says
Feel safe yet?
New Kansas Law Allows Residents to Carry a Concealed Gun Without Permit or Training – honestly, how do laws like that help law enforcement officers feel safer? OKay, the random carrier might feel themselves to be safer (never mind everyone around them), but now cops honestly can’t know if people are carrying guns. At all. How does that interact with their already heightened feelings of fear for black people? Do they feel more justified in that fear, with the passing of these kinds of laws? How does that work?
Oh, and yeah, carry a gun with no training. Smart move, that one. REAL SMART.
Albuquerque Cop Charged With Two Felonies After Attacking Man, Then Deleting Video Evidence – misbehaving officer.
Death of man in police custody probed
May they do a thorough job. But if you read the final paragraph of the article, don’t hold out much hope.
Rules for the Black Birdwatcher – saw this before, now video format available! Something lighthearted… yet not.
Bomb charges added against two men who allegedly wanted to blow up the Gateway Arch.
Reading through official report on police response to Boston Marathon bombing. Key takeway: self-deploying police officers made things worse.
Yeah those last two are kind of tangential, but still. There.
rq says
Chicagoans Are Stopped and Frisked by Police Even More Than New Yorkers
More at the link.
If you’re going to read one thing from here, read this. These are the racist e-mails that got 3 Ferguson police and court officials fired
Read the rest, but be warned. It’s NASTY stuff. And there are people who find it funny.
Cosmo Used Black Models for Trends That Should “Die” — And Revealed a Huge Problem. Yeah, they also tried to apologize.
Event in Denver: The Real Gangmembers Wear Badges: Take the streets against killer cops!
More info at the link.
Okay, that’s it from me for now.
bluentx says
Pardon if this is a repost:
The more things change…. oh, never mind…. :(
rq says
Going to get some posting in, yay! Though not-so-yay, not all of it is pretty. As per the usual.
bluentx – thanks for that link, wow.
US Cops Killed More People In March Than UK Cops Have Killed Since 1900. Same info, different source, still scary.
New York: “Carry one another’s burdens but each must carry their own” #solidarity #ReclaimHolyWeek #ThisIsWhatTheologyLooksLike
March heads down Broadway for #ReclaimHolyWeek in #NY carrying crosses. #BlackLivesMatter
Speaker: do y’all want 1,000 new police? Crowd: we want 1,000 new teachers! #ReclaimHolyWeek
“When black lives matter, all lives will matter!” W.8th & B’way #reclaimholyweek #blacklivesmatter
They locked the doors of the justice building to keep us out. How symbolic. #LaPietaMarch #ReclaimHolyWeek
Reclaiming religious imagery. Or something.
rq says
A Yogi in the South Side: Reaching Black Youth in Chicago With Yoga – this from the new Seven Scribes website, looks they’ll be turning out good material, too.
That is a feel-good story.
DeRay Mckesson ’07: Ferguson Social Media and the Common Good
Stop. Making. Us. Learn. New. Names. via @deray
Atlanta Dream forward Angel McCoughtry comes out on Instagram. Super-short, but also a happy read.
Shout-out to the Grauniad: @deray I love the way the @guardian delved into torture by Chicago cops like #JonBurge & #RichardZuley, unlike the American media.
Duke Student Admits to Hanging Noose; School Won’t Release Name
Not italicized part – italics mine. Media.
rq says
Idaho police shoot pregnant woman, in 15 seconds, with an AR-15 rifle – video
And yes, #JeanettaRiley was murdered by police last year. The video footage was just released.
@deray they’ll have a day long standoff with a killer with multiple guns, but shoot a pregnant woman over a knife in seconds????
Welcome to the revolutionary household of @bdoulaoblongata & I. Photo of a doormat that says ‘Come back with a warrant’. :D
Mother of #AkaiGurley speaks in front of cross for #EricGarner in City Hall Park, NYC. #BlackLivesMatter #NoNewNYPD
Father Criticizes Detroit Police For Alleged ‘Negligence’ In Son’s Traffic Stop Death
rq says
Duke: Student has admitted to hanging noose in tree
Feds Say Georgia’s Treatment of Transgender Prisoners Is Unconstitutional
All black lives matter. And guess what? They got the pronouns right in the article.
Cops being ugly: CPD investigating officer accused of breaking basketball hoop
Here’s a Full Video of The Rock Lip Syncing “Shake It Off.” God Bless America. I know that’s kind of random, but hey. Random.
Albany now: shutting down Pearl St NO JUSTICE NO PEACE DISARM THE POLICE #JusticeForDontay #BlackLivesMatter
Kendrick Lamar to Throw Out Los Angeles Dodgers’ First Pitch. Woo!
rq says
4 officers without jobs after review of NSU student’s arrest
Note use of ‘this is not who we are’ defense.
This should show the headline from April 5 1968 on the assassination of MLK.
King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Today marks the 47th anniversary of his death.
“@deray: Martin did not “just die.” He was as assassinated. He was a revolutionary.”
A Writer From The Onion Totally Destroys Patton Oswalt in This Epic Twitter Rant
Whoa wait what? Nashville Prosecutor Fired Over Female Sterilization in Plea Deals
rq says
Not just USAmerica. Brazil Clashes After Boy Shot Dead By Police
10 years old.
Saw this yesterday, but here’s the BBC with video. Alabama death row inmate freed after 30 years.
Black lives everywhere: Survivor Found 2 Days After Kenya University Attack Leaves 148 Dead
Don’t turn away, world.
Diddy is producing a series described as ‘South Park set in inner-city Detroit’
Privilege comes in many forms. Deion Sanders called out his son on Twitter for pretending to have street cred
rq says
Denied access to a white hotel, MLK & Coretta spent their wedding night at a black funeral home.
Sorry, this is kind of an appendix.
rq says
Also that article posted by bluentx above? Is great. It also speaks about the racism of the North – back in the ’60s. So no, the North isn’t less racist than the South, it has just managed not to tarnish its own image as much, somehow.
Rob Grigjanis says
rq @139: Death squads have been killing kids in Brazil for decades;
rq says
All the more reason to pay attention.
rq says
7 San Francisco officers suspended over racist texts. Can’t seem to cite, but worth a read.
Thank you, Robert Townsend…. For your integrity. #blackoutneverends – there’s a text-photo. Excerpt:
Double Dutch’s Forgotten Hip-Hop Origins
More at the link. Did not know. Double-dutch – a sport?? Wow.
2nd Cell Video of Police Interaction Ahead of NJ Man’s Death
Inadvertently. Deputy ‘inadvertently’ shoots suspect with gun, believing he was using Taser
Wait… there are 73-year-old police officers on active duty?
Also, inadvertently.
Those are two separate issues.
Not just the police. Firefighters in St. Louis County do not look like those they are trained to protect
Perhaps it’s worth examining the internal culture. More at the link.
Faces Not Forgotten at the #morningmarch #ReclaimHolyWeek
rq says
Today, we remember Maya Angelou on her birthday. Her legacy, works and mission live on in the hearts of millions.
Cosmo accused of racial bias in trends that ‘need to die’ list . And what a wonderful apology it was.
Yes. “@MillennialAU: To the #BlackChurch, we need YOU. #ReclaimHolyWeek ” Sorry I’m too tired to transcribe, there’s text attached to that tweet, Reclaiming religion, as it were.
Roorda: “Senator are you calling me a racist?” Chappelle-Nadal: “Yes, absolutely!” I wish that lady was my senator. #SheGivesNoFucks From March 13.
Teen Dies After Falling Off Roof While Fleeing Cops In The Bronx
Cradling his head, y’all.
University of South Carolina suspends student for racist pic. Universities, cradle of progressive thinking. Home of racist imagery and texts.
rq says
Three generations of Martin Luther Kings.
The Photograph That Captured the Horror of MLK’s Assassination
Go see the pictures.
Supposed to be a Beyonce video. YES ANOTHER ONE.
Anthony Ray Hinton Is Free After 30 Years Wrongfully on Death Row – read about it again. Wonder how many more are out there.
Driving around St Louis today, saw a lot of #BlackLivesMatter signs on people’s lawns. Are you seeing this in your city too?
rq says
Freed after 30 years on death row – MSNBC video.
Remember Tony Robinson? Got shot in his own home and dragged out like a dog, with blood smearing all over the front stoop. Pretty gruesome, lots of clean-up. Well. Guess who’s getting the bill, instead of the cops? Landlord Sends Man $1,200 Bill To Cleanup His Roommate’s Blood, Who Was Shot Dead By Police
He sounds like an all-round asshole, but the insensitivity of sending the bill to Robinson’s roommate…
The Martin Luther King Conspiracy
Exposed in Memphis
Long, long read with detailed information of the events surrounding the assassination of MLK Jr. Also interesting, and frightening, but long.
TSA Says It Will Stop Touching So Many Black Women’s Hair. Making the rounds at different sources.
At her husband’s funeral, Coretta Scott King requested that his last sermon be played aloud. Wow: Youtube link: Dr. King’s Funeral Service .
rq says
Millennial Activists United and LaTosha Baker presents #BlackChurch
Some from LA:
RIGHT NOW: Die in outside LA City Hall and the LA PA #rudeawakening #MLKlegacymarch #BlacknBrownLivesUnited
#rudeawakening #sclcLA #CantKillAfrica #wesaynomore @LACANetwork @FightSoulCities @Fightfor15LA @YouthJusticeLA
Today I’m tweeting from skid row in LA. Everyone sees LA as a city of wealth. Not here #rudeawakening #MLKlegacymarch
Concerning March, Ides or otherwise: The March 2015 Police Violence Report. America. In one convenient infographic.
Today in NC: we #ReclaimMLK by canvassing community members to stand with underpaid workers on 4/15! #Fightfor15
rq says
Rev. Jesse Jackson leads a March to the polls for @garcia4chicago
#Australia: Fascists of #ReclaimAustralia demo met by huge counter demo happening now in #Melbourne. #NoRoomForRacism
Mother claims police tased, beat her daughter, left her in need of surgeries
This is what happens when you march peacefully with church folk on the anniversary of MLK being assassinated
In other news, white kids are setting fires and rioting because their school’s basketball team lost. Yah, that happened.
#CallItARiot @baltimoresun Distinct lack of word “riot” in your coverage of #OhioState, despite *89* fires. #Ferguson
rq says
So there was that teenager (see link 5, comment 145) who fell off a roof in New York while being chased by cops. Here’s something ugly: the cops make fun of him, with phrases like ‘turkeys can’t fly’, ‘oh well, less paperwork’ and ‘bon voyage, birdman’.
Also, I have to learn how to do those donotlink links or whatever it is that one does to reduce traffic.
Hundreds of Kentucky fans lighting couch on fire. In ferguson, it’s rioting thugs. In Kentucky, it’s “immature fans”.
Misty Copeland. Look at something beautiful.
Baltimore: This City Could Become The Next Detroit
Very interesting. More at the link.
rq says
The Passion of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Cops arrest 31 as ‘hostile’ Kentucky fans set fires after NCAA Tournament loss to Wisconsin – note headline, language in article, and also, who made the cover photo.
.@deray Soldiers guard maj.-white Congress during the DC Riots, which spurred the ’68 CRA, after MLK’s assassination.
This day in history: a Baltimore police officer at Gay/Orleans streets in 1968 after post- #MLK assassination riots.
Human screen time of Disney PoC characters in 3 of the last 6 PoC-lead Disney films. Yup, they spend most of their time as animals.
March Against Police Terror denver,co April 4, 2015. Youtube video at the link.
rq says
Easter protests. #BlackChurch
@AmandaMichelle @akacharleswade @deray Some churches used last words of police brutality victims as texts for Good Friday.
“You don’t have to choose between faith & activism.” You really don’t. #BlackChurch action is powerful. @MillennialAU
And here are the clergy and church member who came to remove protestors at Faith Miracle. #BlackChurch
And a man just walked by, bowed his hands in prayer, and said, “Righteous. Righteous. Righteous.” The movement lives. #BlackChurch
A church member has come to speak with @keenblackgirl. She’s a supporter. #BlackChurch
The Pastor of New Cote Brilliante came to greet protestors. #BlackChurch
None of that is in particularly chronological order.
rq says
Many more staff from Friendly Temple have come to manage the protestors. This is fascinating. #BlackChurch
#GarissaAttack Sadness & rage at Chiromo mortuary @BBCAfrica #Kenya #Nairobi
Kenyans using social media to share names of #GarissaAttack victims and their dreams, their stories. #147notjustanumber
#147notjustanumber. We will name them one by one.
Here’s one: Mary Muchiri Shee, Miss Garissa University #147notjustanumber We will name them one by one. I’ll post more, hopefully I’ll get all 147.
These are the two biggest mass-murderers in Europe. Who can blame you for getting nervous around young white men?
rq says
Man Pulled Over for Window Tint Dies After Police Refuse Him Access to His Inhaler
RIP Elizabeth Nyangarora. Graduated in 2012 from St Andrews Kanga Girls High. #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
R.I.P Ruth Esiromo she was killed by the terrorists according to her boyfriend. Indeed #147notjustanumber
rq says
This is Tobias, he died in #GarissaAttack; to us he’s not a number, he’s a son, bro, friend. #147notJustANumber
Jeff Macharia #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
Doreen ‘Specialrose’ Gakii #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
7) @Maskani254: Dadly Mose #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames ”
9) @Maskani254: Faith Kendi #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
Book: White Women’s Christ and Black Women’s Jesus: Feminist Christology and Womanist Response (Brown Studies in Religion)
rq says
Here Are Some Of The Victims Of The Kenya University Massacre. Names and pictures.
Still going to post individual ones if I come across them.
Teachers facing possible decades in prison for cheating
MSNBC video.
If The Criminal Justice System Treated Other Music The Way It Treats Rap
#ReachHigher! #BlackGirlsRock, instagram photo:
Meet 50 year old Ibrahim Ali who helped Garissa students escape. With video only, no text.
#STL Cty & Deacons discuss how to handle #BlackChurch at Faith Miracle Temple #ReclaimHolyWeek #Ferguson #HappyEaster
rq says
They need more photos of her: Misty Copeland to Dance Swan Lake at DC’s Kennedy Center
Oklahoma police do not plan to review death said to be stun gun mistake . Not even a review.
Oooooh maaaaaannn… not even a review.
Memory problems? Maybe he shouldn’t be a cop. Cop ‘can’t remember’ climbing on car hood and firing last 15 shots of 137-bullet barrage that killed unarmed couple (even though his footprints were found and his colleague says they talked about it)
Usual recap of information and misremembering at the link.
Jackie Robinson on what happens when a black person stands up to protest or speak bold truth. (via @barnabaspiper)
rq says
Kenya Attack: #147NotJustaNumber Remembers the Victims of Garissa Assault. Just a bit more about those who started the hashtag.
RIP Angela ‘Ka/Jojo’ Kimata. We will name them one by one. #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames via @GhekoLishous
The painful text JANET AKINYI wrote to her boyfriend before her death at #GarissaAttack university #TheyHaveNames
Isaac Kosgey aka. Pop Lord Bushen #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
9) @Maskani254: Faith Kendi #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
“@TRENDINGKENYA: Lydia Melody Obondi #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames ~@Maskani254 ”
rq says
Tonie Wangu #147notjustanumber #TheyHaveNames
Man shot and killed by police on southwest side of Indianapolis.
No word on race, but apparently mental illness was an issue the police were unable to deal with appropriately.
Guatemalans deliberately infected with STDs sue Johns Hopkins University for $1bn. Because this shit isn’t out of a dystopian novel, it really happened.
Avoidance of responsibility, or are they really targetting the wrong people? Who knows. But if you read the article, be warned, it’s pretty horrific.
Friendly Temple: Deacons battled us to occupy the sidewalk. They eventually understood us tho. #BlackChurch #Ferguson
When Protest Comes to Your Door
Skipped a bit, worth a read, at the link.
rq says
EXCLUSIVE: As Chicago Police Kill Youth, Vast Misconduct Allegations Purged
That’s just the beginning of the article. Classifying a police shooting as ‘suicide’? Sounds like it’s nothing extraordinary for someone in cuffs to shoot themselves after being searched and found weaponless (as in other cases we’ve seen)…
Here’s another on the same: Death of 14-Year-Old Latino Killed by Chicago Police Kill Labeled ‘Suicide’
Rip Angela #147NotJustANumber @C_NyaKundiH @kenyanpundit #GarissaAttack we will name them by names
NY Student Accepted at All 8 Ivy League Schools
I hope all his dreams come true. And may the racism be far away.
New Jersey man says he was robbed by rapper DMX and his entourage at Newark gas station: police. Eh?
#CrimingWhileWhite Baby-Faced Teen Arrested for Impersonating a Cop at Ice Cream Stand. Check the language all the way through. 19, and a teen? Tamir (12) was a ‘young man’.
Reminder: 2 days till #Ferguson elections and 2 wks till the special session to pass the Civilian Oversight Board!!!
rq says
Damn you, moderation. There will be a new #160 soon!
RT @FrankGibberish: When your barber could have been a surgeon but…institutional racism.
#BlackChurch folk calling the police on non-violent black protesters. In/near St. Louis. Wake me when this nightmare ends. #ReclaimHolyWeek
Opportunity for up to 30 workers: starting today at 3pm, paying $10 an hour to canvas in wards 2 & 3. Also, looking for canvassers tomorrow!
If interested, please attend training at the Quality Inn in Hazelwood (55 Dunn Rd) from 2-3pm. Email OpHelpOrHush[at]gmail[dot]com.
Ferguson Is Having an Election, but Will Ferguson Vote?
rq says
Seen before, different source: Transgender Woman Cites Attacks and Abuse in Men’s Prison
I skipped her biography because space, but please, read it. Brave woman. And fuck the system. Just fuck it. I can’t even realiably say ‘I hope she comes out of prison as okay as possible’ because it is clear that nothing happening to her is okay in any sense of the word. Moral support, as much as that can do. :/
Whether required or not, demand for vote on new stadium is growing louder. Just a silly piece on silly people who want to spend money in silly ways when there are bigger issues than football to deal with.
#Ferguson City Council candidates to support/vote for on Tuesday:
W1: Ella Jones
W2: @Bob_Hudgins
W3: Lee Smith
#FergusonElex #JPCTumblr
From Twitter to Instagram, a different #Ferguson conversation
Details at the link, an interesting analysis of social media and how it is used. And how specific events or things become emblematic, symbols of something wider and more pervasive than just the original.
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity says its plans to pursue “all available legal action” against Rolling Stone over “reckless reporting” of UVA story. Not sure whether that is to do with sexual assault things or racist things (probably the former), but seriously, frat? Seriously?
How jailed APS teachers were cheated first by President Bush and No Child Left Behind
rq says
Autopsy confirms Zion teen shot twice in back by police. Well, fuck.
Young Life vs. Deadly Force: The Training and Racism of Police Shootings
Most of the article is about Rios, the 14-year-old about whom I posted above, shot in the back. And after, about Green. Note bits about police officers being shot by civilians. On the training itself:
That last paragraph is very interesting. Does it really inoculate officers against stress, as their superiors seem to imply? Or does it condition them to see more threat in less threatening situations, because that is the ‘better safe than sorry’ way to protect one’s life? Article wraps up with a look at police force and racism.
“We know if we empower Black Women, the whole COUNTRY lifts up.” #BlackGirlsRock
Shows like ‘Black-ish’ perpetuate racist stereotypes – do they? I’ve never seen Black-ish.
How to unpack all of that? I certainly can’t, not in great detail, but once I realized the author was seriously telling us to listen to Mr Trump, I had a lot of trouble taking any of her issues seriously. Is the show awesome? I still don’t know, still haven’t seen it, though it does seem to have the usual sexism within. Is it inaccurate or somehow racist? Maybe, though the things the author points out seem to be quite accurately taken from black people’s lives – at least, my twitter feed has seen examples of it all (I know, anecdata, hey?). Anyway, I think the most clueless person here is the author, but of course, that’s just my uneducated opinion.
white washing in magazines should be as big of a topic as them using photoshop to make people look skinnier – and this really might be, generally speaking, rather trivial, but holy shit? I knew magazines lightened skin tones and chalked it up to glam lighting, but the contrasts are nearly unbelievable.
rq says
Does the Black Church Need to Lead the Ferguson Movement?
PZ’s This is what happens when you call the cops.
@Justice4Tony march to DA’s office steps off #Justice4Tony #MadisonShootin
Protesters arrested in Valdosta simply for requesting honorary diploma for Kendrick Johnson #MARCH4KJ
In Wyoming and Texas, school truancy is prosecuted as a crime in adult courts. Kids and their parents get cuffed and hit with big fines.
The DOJ is investigating whether truancy courts in Dallas County, TX deny due process by preventing access to lawyers & imposing large fines.
rq says
#NicholasThomas case sent to GBI on Thurs, but we’re not discussing the 10-days of absolute radio silence from #Cobb authorities prior (1/3)
#KendrickJohnson marchers met by law enforcement at Lowndes High a school. @WCTV
#GarissaAttack: Lives snuffed out too soon #147notjustanumber
Binyavanga Wainaina: “Kenya is not a nation if we can’t properly memorialize each and every citizen we lose”
Peter Masinde, the first officer shot on #Garissa campus. He was 32. His wife is pregnant #147notjustanumber “
Storifying the names: #147NotJustANumber
I hope they add to it.
rq says
Veronica Syokau from Kitui. 2nd year. Loved swimming. Her mom still in shock. #147notjustanumber
Joy Chepkorir, a daughter,niece, sister and friend to many…
No, Andrew Harrison didn’t use a ‘racial slur.’ Stop insisting the ‘N-word’ is always racist.
The right’s made-up God: How bigots invented a white supremacist Jesus , another intersection of racism and religion.
A nice sentiment – though why not dispense with religion altogether? But yes, some people need it. Just don’t legislate it, please. Anywhere.
Minneapolis Officer Caught on Video Threatening Teens “Simple, if you f— with me, I’m going to break your leg before you get the chance to run.” Yup, cop with a badge talks like that to youth. Woo!
rq says
For Better or Worse, #BlackTwitter Cannot Be Denied
More at the link, of course.
And here follow several on the election in Ferguson:
Ferguson rising: A critical vote for a city at a turning point (CNN, with video).
Ferguson voters to make history in election Tuesday (USA Today, with video).
Discrimination Is Written Into the Fabric of Ferguson’s Government (ACLU commentary).
Election in Scarred Ferguson Carries Hope of ‘New Tomorrow’ (NY Times, text and video).
rq says
Teen killed in police shooting in Zion shot twice in the back: coroner
It’s just a sad thing, let’s resolve this fairly and swiftly. Whoa. Just a sad thing.
Risper Mutindi Kasyoka, 23, died in Garissa. A-student, loved gospel music, planned to start biz consulting firm
Alice Mbete Mulu, 21, died in Garissa. She wanted to be a teacher, she was great at volleyball, liked to read the Bible and storybooks (no pic)
Erick Gwaro Kombo, 22, missing from Garissa “He was a gentleman and a humble person” Loved football, Christian activities (no pic available)
Obedy Okiring Okodoi, missing from Garissa. “He was joyful, focused, wanted to achieve the highest,” a teacher to be
Leah N Wanfula, 21, missing from Garissa, 1st of 9 to go to college, popular, loved Christian activities, mathematics
R.I.P Ivy Betty Wanjiku (Shiko) 1st yr student #GarissaAttack #147NotJustANumber cc @Maskani254
Purposely sending this one to moderation, as I don’t want another tail-end appendix comment.
And I’m out for the night, see you tomorrow.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Man shoots at police with bow and arrow.
But, but, but…their lives were in danger!
Why didn’t they kill him?!
rq says
Updates tomorrow. Exhausted.
I know I won’t be on the ball, as the Ferguson election will be over and most material is about that, sorry about that. I hope y’all will survive.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
No worries rq. I think pretty much everyone reading this thread appreciates everything you do and fully understands that you need rest. We’ll survive :)
Here’s a reminder that many white people in USAmerica don’t understand what racism is.
2 white professors sue Alabama State University for racism against whites
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
This southern white honkey nails racism and white supremacy (video):
Link to his YouTube page. He has several videos that tackle racism.
rq says
Most have probably already seen this: South Carolina Officer Is Charged With Murder in Black Man’s Death
He feared for his life.
And what liars, the police.
Knocked doors in #Ferguson to vote tomorrow and stopped by the Mike Brown memorial to reminded myself why I fight.
Exclusive: Dave Chappelle Releasing Comedy Special On HBO
Kendrick Johnson Protest Leads To Arrests At Lowndes County Schools. Recap:
The reporter happens to be a black woman. Coincidence?
Minneapolis Cop To Black Teen: ‘F**k With Me, I’ll Break Your Leg’ (VIDEO). Video contains foul language – from the cop.
Norristown Area High School students stage walkout in protest of alleged racist post by school employee. Note use of ‘alleged’.
‘Look shady with hoods up’ and ‘breed like criminals’. Ayuh. Note use of ‘alleged’.
rq says
#PeoplesMonday in #GrandCentral has begun, reading facts of victims of police violence, every Mon. #BlackLivesMatter
Tonight’s #PeoplesMonday dedicated to #GilbertDrogheo, unarmed man shot & killed by ex-cop in NYC subway 1 month ago
5 facts abt #GilbertDrogheo, unarmed, shot & killed in NYC subway 1 month ago by ex-cop who still hasn’t been charged.
They do this every fucking Monday. !!!
Pressure is mounting on the PUBLIC release of the video from the night of the shooting of #lavallhall. We will keep you posted w/ details.
Ray Rice says video of him beating Janay Palmer doesn’t truly represent who he is, longs for return to NFL
But you know what? I still don’t hear any real remorse or apology or anything other than ‘Me Me Me Me!!’ Seriously. Note use of ‘this is not who we are’ argument. Can be used individually, too, it turns out.
Oscar Winner John Legend to Produce Romance Film Awwww…
rq says
Tangential but indicative: Felons barred from constructing Apple’s campus
#147notjustanumber – there was a vigil yesterday. This is just one photo.
#147notjustanumber: humanising the victims of Kenya’s Garissa attack
Here’s the google document. Doesn’t yet list all the names. The article includes some photos, too.
Oh wow. Myanmar is using Ferguson to justify its latest crackdown on protesters
The Aspen Institute Community Dialogue on Healing the Racial Divide, with video.
I have a feeling this is a repost?
rq says
York student Amina Lawal, missing for weeks, found safe.
Ferguson Faces Its Future
More at the link.
Billie Holliday, born on April 7, 1915. Today, her 100th birthday anniversary. Happy 100th, Billie (by now belated).
Ferguson’s Future Hinges On A Choice Of Histories
There’s more on each candidate at the link. Not useful for voting anymore, but useful in identifying who made it in. More on that later.
Ferguson election tests mobilization efforts
Erykah Badu Releases ‘All-Star Cast Black Western’ Film on Tidal (that new platform).
Ha, worth a look!
rq says
The man who was accidentally released from prison 88 years early.
… And just like that, they took him away again. More:
rq says
Aaargh, that was meant to be Preview! Here’s the rest of the comment:
@Starbucks CEO just told @NPR they “*started* a national dialogue” on race. Come to #Ferguson & ask these tear gassed kids who started it.
A chance for change as Ferguson votes for 3 City Council seats (just more on the election).
Judge In Tiny City Facing Lawsuit Over Its ‘Illegal’ Bail System Is Running For Ferguson City Council
There were many people that led key voter registration and GOTV efforts for today’s #FergusonElections. The movement lives.
Another test for Ferguson – more on the election. Basically a rehash of the DOJ report and why elections are important.
rq says
The Man Who Loves Ferguson (Just as It Is)
That last little bit just kills me.
More people come to canvass with @OBS_STL for today’s election. #FergusonElections
Kenya @DailyNation tribute to the victims of al-Shabaab’s horrendous Garissa University attack. #147NotJustANumber.
Innocent Ohio black man to get $1 million for spending 39 years in jail – can’t seem to cite, but it’s a good news story. Minus the 39 years spent in jail, of course. But the exoneration. More!
Video: War on Africans.
Can’t vouch for all of it, haven’t had a chance to watch it all.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ferguson election triples number of blacks on City Council:
rq says
Onwards! Going to be a lot about Walter Scott, that man shot dead at comment 173, first link. With other stuff in between, because I don’t sort.
Two black candidates win Ferguson council seats as turnout doubles. Generally speaking, good news. What the elected candidates will actually do and how they will work with the community and the PD and other things – remains to be seen.
Well, not that 29% voter turnout is great, but it’s a heckuvalot better than 12!!
Former Ferguson City Court Clerk who sent racist emails speaks out
‘This is not who I am’! ‘I was following orders’! Note bolded part. … Because being called out for spreading racist shit is just like being raped. Do better, woman. Or, you know, just fuck you and your not-even-attempted apology.
Ferguson Elects 2 Blacks to City Council, but Rejects Activist Candidates
And may they succeed.
More on the same: High voter turnout in Ferguson adds two black council members, for three total.
Here’s the election results in one easy link: St. Louis County Election Results.
rq says
South Carolina police officer charged with murder after shooting man during traffic stop
This and that else at the link. But yeah. Wow. Like a poster-child case for systemic racism in the police force gone really wrong. Oh yes, and bad apples. But just a few. :P
Note also that the article mentions he could (the officer, that is) be facing the death penalty – and he’s being charged with murder, not anything like voluntary manslaughter. I have a feeling though, that (a) these charges will be reduced by the time things go to trial (if they do) and (b) if the charges remain the same, he’ll get the lowest possible sentence. But that’s just me.
There are good cops and we need them to step forward to lead. Here is another one. #WalterScott Too few, though. Way too few.
The cop that killed Rekia Boyd was charged too. It’s been two years & that trial will start this month. Maybe.
Brother #WalterScott was a veteran of the Coast Guard.
In another case, No Civil Rights Charges in Police Shooting Death of Pace Football Player Danroy Henry
More background on the case at the link.
rq says
Dash cam video to be released in Lavall Hall fatal shooting, with video.
US DOJ confirms investigation into fatal shooting of #WalterScott, involving FBI, DOJ Civil Rights Division, US Attorney’s Office #chsnews
South Carolina police officer charged with murder in shooting of unarmed black man
One does wonder how the incident would be portrayed without the video. And it may be about power, not race, but the way the power dynamic is currently set up, it’s about race, too.
This article is a little better, as the NY Times one does the usual whitewashing: Slager, honourable service in the Coast Guard, etc.; Scott, possessor of a record, etc. While they had both, actually, served in the Coast Guard. Funny how that gets downplayed in Scott’s instance.
Woman Who also Filmed the Death of Eric Garner, Says NYPD Targeted and Beat Her
In other words, person who filmed the Scott shooting, be careful.
Just talked to Officer Slager’s neighbors. They were shocked by the news. Said he was a “nice fellow” who kept to himself. #WalterScott Of course. He was a good person who would never do such a thing. :P
#WalterScott was executed by an officer who feared for his life in North Charleston. He was shot at least 8 times in the back.
rq says
Can The Protest Movement Reform The Church?
I know we’re all about atheism here, but religion seems to be pretty central to a lot of protest (though not all of it), so I think it’s important also to see how people see the role of religion/church play out in their activism.
North Charleston officer faces murder charge after video shows him shooting man in back. Nothing new to quote, just a different source.
Dark Girls in Trauma: An Open Letter to Rashida Marie Strober
Inspired by the story within: Eff Yo Ethnicity!!! “Dark Skinned Activist” Refuses To Support Kendrick Lamar’s Music Because His Fianceé Is Too Light???
See link for picture and quote.
It’s like some people just can’t win.
For fun: William Gottlieb’s Beautiful Vintage Photographs of Jazz Legends, from Billie Holiday to Louis Armstrong
Cue awesome photos.
Leftover: Hearing a lot that many voters haven’t voted in a local election in yrs & are out today b/c of the past 7mos of protests #FergusonElections Fruits of labour and all that.
rq says
Black Woman Activist Faces Charges of ‘Lynching’ for Protest Activities
This Video Of Kanye West Rapping With His Mom Will Break Your Heart. Then again, it might not break your heart.
Derrick Wheat, Laurese Glover and Eugene Johnson spent ages 17-37 in prison for a crime they did not commit. Story: Three black men, convicted as teens, exonerated in Ohio after serving 20 years in prison
Background and video of their exoneration at the link.
S.C. police officer charged in fatal shooting. Another article.
Michael Slager: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, like: he shot Scott in the back three times; says he shot Scott because he felt threatened; he may have planted his taser near Scott; has been denied bond and may face death penalty; and has served on the Coast Guard, police officer for five years.
rq says
I should sleep now. #WalterScott Attached text reads:
Perks of being white:
NY times on the shooter vs NY times on the victim #WalterScott See attached.
Video shows S.C. cop fatally shooting black man in back. What’s nice here? They show Scott in his Coast Guard uniform, and then show Slager’s mugshot-type photo first, with a pic of him posing in uniform way down near the bottom (and that’s as a clikbait for another article). Kinda nice to see Scott portrayed so well (in photos).
Just learned that Officer Michael Slager had multiple complaints of police brutality in North Charleston before he murdered #WalterScott SURPRISE! Not.
White South Carolina policeman charged with murdering black man. Reuters is on it. They had the word ‘allegedly’ in that headline and people were (rightfully) upset over that.
rq says
Officer charged with murder after shooting man in back: What we know – what we know, what we don’t know!
More at the link.
The front page of today’s @postcourier, which has done outstanding #WalterScott coverage
Someone also compared the number of deaths of black people at the hands of police in the last year to the number of deaths of black people in 9/11 – and while the first number is the larger, it is also an indication of how few black people were present at the WTC (in whatever capacity) on that fateful day. So.
Ferguson voters elect two black candidates to city council – just one more on the election results!
Everything The Police Said About Walter Scott’s Death Before A Video Showed What Really Happened. Oh yes, let’s, let’s hear the police side!
rq says
Fantasy’s Othering Fetish, Part 1 – some light reading via Giliell.
Link to an interesting blog within.
Okorafor, Nnedi – happy birthday!
Reflecting a racial shift, 78 counties turned majority-minority since 2000
More at the link, including graphs.
“@deray: I once asked an elder, “How do we keep the movement alive?” to which the elder replied, “The police will do it for you.””
<a href="
Saad says
That is unbelievable. No shame, no sense of guilt. It’s like he just went hunting or something.
rq says
If you look at the video (the one link above shows the newspaper front page, it has a series of stills) and the cop is pulling his gun out as Scott is running away. There’s not hesitation in the movements, no pause for thought – he just goes for the gun. :/ Unclear whether the Taser was ever attempted for real. :(
rq says
Live press conference on Walter Scott.
Rally expected to last through 1030. People continue to give accounts of times felt victimized #chsnews #WalterScott
Those in attendance say “we aren’t reacting to just this incident. This goes on all the time.” #WalterScott
Jersey Cops Let K9 Maul Man to Death, Then Try to Steal the Video. This is the case of Phillip White, seen last week.
rq says
PZ’s Christ, not again and The Charleston shooting: the prequel.
Walter Scott shooting: Police officer faces murder charge in death of black man (CBC);
White officer charged with murder in shooting death of black man (Toronto Star);
Šokējoša slepkavība: ASV policists neapbruņota tumšādaina vīrieša mugurā raida astoņus šāvienus (local internet news). I read the comments on that last one.
Shouldn’t’ve. The ones that aren’t openly racist are closedly so (“Now the n*gg*rs will have reason to riot! I hope that cop’s family gets protection, else they’re all going to die, it’ll be a bloodbath! Etc.”). It’s disturbing. (a) Black people haven’t shown any inclination to riot and cause bloodbaths all over the US, even though (b) I would say they have every right to be a lot more aggressive than they are.
Fucking people are stupid.
rq says
So this is me, too: Jon Hale “I might be White and privileged but all lives matter and I can’t tolerate injustice”#WalterScott
MN student accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools – second I’ve heard of within a couple of weeks, and it is amazing, also a person of colour – and a woman!
Maybe she’ll end up at University of Minnesota. ;)
Former Cardinal Curt Ford talks about being attacked at gas station, with video.
Every Black person interested in liberation work should read Negroes With Guns by Robert F. Williams.
This is Officer Slager’s original lawyer, who quit upon seeing the video. #WalterScott The statement: Aylor No Longer Represents North Charleston Police Officer
Here’s A News Report We’d Be Reading If Walter Scott’s Killing Wasn’t On Video
Pteryxx says
via The Vicar in the Christ, not again thread. Ramsey Orta, who filmed the police killing Eric Garner and was promptly jailed on suspicious charges (see rq’s #183 on this page) feared for his life in custody:
Free Thought Project: Man Imprisoned After Filming Eric Garner’s Death, Refusing to Eat, Rat Poison Found in Jail Food
According to Twitter his family’s fundraiser raised enough for his bail ($16,000) as of yesterday. I haven’t found confirmation that he’s actually been released yet. Orta’s court case is set for May 28.
Pteryxx says
There’s the follow-up on Orta, published this morning: The Free Thought Project
Saad says
And the fact that the police immediately made up their story to release paints quite a chilling picture. I was talking about this with someone and they said, “Yeah but this time the officer’s being charged”. Well, that is SOLELY because of the indisputable video evidence, i.e. a civilian is having to do it. If that person hadn’t made this video, we know exactly what would be happening to the office right now: a paid vacation.
Pteryxx says
While remembering that Walter Scott, shot and killed by a Coast Guard veteran, was also a Coast Guard veteran himself, here’s some history on the integration of the Coast Guard. Charleston has a big Coast Guard presence and a relatively large population has served.
Coast Guard News (2007): Looking Back: A Veteran Remembers Coast Guard Desegregation
The US military’s entry on the Sea Cloud is here and Skinner’s report in his own words is here:
After his report and conclusion:
From wiki:
rq says
Saad @196
Which, of course, means nothing until there’s a conviction that isn’t overturned on appeal or technicality. And the only reason the officer is being charged is because of that horrible video, as you said. I think I did put in the tweet, upthread, where someone notes that the cop in the Rekia Boyd case got charged, too – but it’s been two years and still no trial (apparently it’s pending or something). So… ‘charged’ still means not much at all. Like that makes all those other fucking times okay or something. Like one officer once being charged is like major reparations for all the other fucking abuses black people have suffered at the hands of law enforcement.
Fuck that.
rq says
Sorry, that may have come out a little too emotionally. :/
Pteryxx says
…and I didn’t realize that Dr. Olivia Hooker, the first African-American woman in the Coast Guard, is also a survivor of the 1921 Tulsa race riots and active in the call for reparations: Fordham Professor, Coast Guard Pioneer and Civil Rights Activist Dr. Olivia J. Hooker to Receive Recognition following her 100th Birthday (from March of this year)
rq says
Here’s four on various topics from Mano Singham:
We should avoid judging how others respond to profiling <- this one is new to the thread, I had a media link and it got lost in the mix, worth a look, on black people policing each other and each other's reactions to the threat of white supremacy
Respect my authoritah!
Yet another reason to abolish the death penalty
Changing of the guard on The Daily Show
rq says
Okay. Looks like a lot of material, mostly Walter Scott but also otehr stuff (as per the usual!) and some twitterary comments on this and that.
Stuff starting from yesterday afternoon or so. Protesters in North Charleston, SC just just blocked the roadway in front of city hall. #WalterScott
Oh, here’s the law that Walter Scott supposedly broke with that broken taillight: 2012 South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 56 – Motor Vehicles
Section 56-5-4730 – Signal lamps and signal devices. Not sure how it is in the States, but ’round here it’s legal (though not advisable) to drive with a broken signal light. Officially the police can’t stop you for it, but if they stop you for any other reason, they will comment on it and remind you. How does this work in the States?
Because it came up on Twitter, here’s a few on state laws governing the filming of police:
Illinois Passes Bill That Makes It Illegal To Record The Police (actually, it’s about private conversations, though there is the worry that this could be misapplied to police interactions where one does not explicitly ask for permission to record);
Texas Bill Would Make Recording Police Illegal (if you’re unarmed, you can’t record within 25 feet of the officer; if armed, you can’t record within 100 feet – WTF?).
For Mumia: #MumiaMustLive, National Day of Action For Mumia, Milwaukee
Friday, April 10, Federal Courthouse, 517 E Wisconsin…, a pdf with more info on Mumia and demands.
rq says
Colorado proposes bill supporting photographers who record police – that one’s a bit unusual.
Shouldn’t need a bill. And doesn’t say much about what happens if the police start keeping tabs on you afterward. But it’s a start?
Loretta Lynch Now Has The Votes To Be AG, But Will McConnell Allow It?
Same shit, different source: S.C. police officer charged with murder, pretty much all video.
How video of the fatal South Carolina police shooting reignites the body camera debate
Ferguson’s government sucked, and voters just did something about it
GoFundMe rejected the campaign to support Officer Slager. #WalterScott!! Which is why it’s on IndieGoGo. And being currently reviewed (more later), but for once, good for GoFundMe. Should have done the same for the pizzeria, though.
rq says
And here is the official statement from US Senator Lindsey Graham re: #WalterScott. Thoughts and prayers, investigation, this is not who the police are.
Tape-recording laws at a glance – that’s audio, does the same apply to video? Anyway, it’s a state-by-state look at the laws, with categories consent, criminal penalties, civil suits, specific hidden camera law, and penalties for disclosing and/or publishing the information.
3 hours after #WalterScott was shot in his back in SC, an Illinois officer shot Justus Howell twice in his back. But nobody got it on camera, so everybody cares less.
I’ve been told that dashcam footage of the police encounter with #LavallHall will be released today. Info on Lavall at the link. And yes, this footage did get released. More later.
Lauderdale seeks independent review of police force, which actually sounds really sensible.
rq says
#StuartFitzgerald faces 15 years in jail accused of assaulting Deputy who threw him onto highway. Orange Co Va @wusa9 Sounds a lot like damaging state property by bleeding on police uniforms.
–> Odd. My dominant feeling re: the #WalterScott shooting is not “my God that policeman shot him in the back” but “at least someone filmed it”. <–
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Slager’s Attorney Dropped Him After Video Emerged
Whoa. Not just any woman, either – apparently a decorated veteran. Officer Investigated After Video Shows Him Beating a 9-Month Pregnant Woman
Photos and video at the link.
And wow. I mean, I understand removing children from unsafe environments, and that sometimes this must occur quickly, but… this sounds excessive, and rather traumatic to the children? Without warning, with a lot of yelling and violence… how is that creating a safer environment for the kids? How is this helping them?
South Carolina protesters decry police shooting
The article also includes the following list of controversial police shootings – which extends only to March 2014, and I’m certain they had to pick-and-choose to keep it short:
Also love one of the links at the bottom: “Will black Americans finally get a fair deal?” Um, no.
rq says
There was a press conference yesterrday: Mayor says police chief can’t answer questions because another agency is conducting the investigation of #WalterScott’s killing.
North Charleston Mayor said with a new grant, every city police officer will have a body camera. #WalterScott
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that the police stop shooting unarmed black men.
After several months of public outcry the video involving the shooting dead of Lavall Hall is being released to the public @deray @ShaunKing
Police said to Lavall, “get on the fucking ground or you’re dead.” #AskUsAboutLavall @ShaunKing @deray @Dreamdefenders
#LavallHall, killed while running from Miami Gardens officers, video released by family. Graphic. It is. The second half is a bit weird, as it’s form the rear-facing car camera so the action happens around the outer border, around the carseat. Action. The murder.
rq says
@deray Worried it may be only a convection on watered down charge. Ex. cop who murdered Oscar Grant on video was out in less then 2 years.
“@2015walterscott: Walter Scott since 9:30 a.m.
North Charleston City Hall
#WalterScott “
The #WalterScott memorial sits in an empty, grassy lot, two thin streets running alongside it. (With photos, this and the previous.)
Don’t shoot – this is a repost from December, worth re-reading, as it shows some examples of police forces trying to move away from the aggressive, military-type stance. Is it working?
And more at the link.
Fox’s Napolitano: Walter Scott Shooting ‘What People Said Ferguson Was’
I still don’t believe the official narrative.
South Carolina officer radioed in Taser claim six seconds after firing final shot – six seconds to figure out a story.
I’ll give them that CPR on someone bleeding out is not the best idea (just had first aid retraining), but (a) why lie about it and say they did and (b) they didn’t even try to administer any first-aid, not even stopping bloodflow. Isn’t a medical examiner the only person who can legally declare someone dead and beyond help?
Also, it seems entirely possible that the second officer didn’t actually see the planting of the Taser. In a way, I’d much rather believe that than that he did nothing about it… But. But.
<a href="
rq says
Ben Carson: SC police shooting an ‘execution’
That last quoted paragraph? More on that later.
Here’s a photo of Walter Scott in his graduation gown: #WalterScott. Let’s remember him like this, or in his Coast Guard uniform.
Protest held over South Carolina shooting
I like that qualifier, ‘the justice system was working in this case’. I get the feeling, though, that the department was kind of looking for a good reason to get rid of Slager. Not sure what gives me that impression, maybe the quick charges, but I get the feeling that if not over this (hopefully something smaller), he would have been put into the legal system from the other end somehow, eventually, anyway. Oh! This:
Worry for him is a thing.
In North Charleston, urgent promises of change to avoid ‘another Ferguson’ – or maybe they charged him so quick because of that.
I hate that last sentence and the context – I hate it. In essence it isn’t wrong, but ‘humane’? Really?
On our call, the SC protestors noted how racist the local website http://charlestonthuglife[dot]net is and wanted us to show y’all. #WalterScott I’m not going to cite anything from the website mentioned, enter at your own risk. Decontamination is that way, for whenever you re-emerge.
The Walter Scott Murder
rq says
Argh, I hope you can figure out what to do with the weird-looking link in the second-last link, the [dot] should be an actual dot, etc. Anyway. that comment is in moderation at the moment. We go forward.
St. Louis aldermen approve clearing homes for National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Guess who’s going to feel the impact.
This has been a bad deal from Day 1.
Lawsuit seeks receiver for McKee’s NorthSide properties, the link: Lawsuit seeks receiver for McKee’s NorthSide properties.
Here’s another for the hazmat suit: NYPD cops & ex-cops spewing racist slurs about #WalterScott & justifying murder even after vid – there’s a link following the text, but if you open the link, there’s an example of what can be found at the link. You have been warned.
Police chief ‘sickened’ by video; Andy Savage signs on as officer’s attorney
There’s a nice statement by Rev. Al Sharpton after this bit, if you want to read it.
rq says
Clorox fucked up on twitter. Wish we could bleach away our last tweet. Didn’t mean to offend – it was meant to be about all the[toilet][bath][wineglass] emojis that could use a clean up. I didn’t catch the original tweet, but it comes at a time when people of colour are waiting for the people-of-colour emojis to finally be available for use. And the apology sucks.
Protesting for #WalterScott at Cleaver and Prospect. #BlackLivesMatter
Videotaping the police? Be careful: you don’t just end up in prison. Eric Garner Videographer Goes On Prison Hunger Strike
More about videotaping at the Walter Scott scene:
#WalterScott’s brother says Santana is a hero. There were 3 brothers, 2 years apart. Walter was the middle brother. They were very close.
The youngest brother went to the scene of the shooting, wasn’t allowed to cross the tape. He fought & crossed the tape and broke down.
One of the brother’s was taking pictures with his phone on the scene and police took his phone. They knew that the original story was false.
rq says
“@deray: Trained To Kill. America. #WalterScott ” Cartoon of a police instructor in sunglasses standing in front of a room of recruits. The blackboard says: “I thought he had a gun”, and the instructor is saying: “This time I want you to say it with a serious look on your face.”
Too true.
Walter Scott’s mother: ‘Everybody loved him’
More at the link.
Another cartoon: Cop in shooting pose with black man running away. The cop is saying: “He doesn’t have his hands up.” And down in the lower right corner is written ‘If you run the tape backwards, he’s charging the officer’.
OOOooooOOOOOOoooooo, nice record! South Carolina Officers Cleared In 200 Shootings In Past 5 Years
rq says
Oooh, blockquote fail. Been a while.
Speaking of the other shooter, Man Who Filmed South Carolina Police Shooting Speaks Out
Walter Scott might still be alive if police had taken another black man’s claims about cop seriously (thanks, Giliell!)
All the signs of aggression and violence in Slager were there, and visible. Someone chose to ignore that.
Step away from Walter Scott for a moment, back to Ferguson: Ferguson Court Clerk who sent racist emails says they were funny and she feels like she’s been raped
… which is both at the link and in one of the comments above. The link has video of the actual interview, too.
You know who risks their lives everyday? The people that clean the windows on them big ass buildings downtown. Perspective.
I kid you a not, a police officer just told me privately that Officer Michael Slager would’ve likely been given an award later if not filmed. Ew.
Outrage and apathy as another unarmed black man is gunned down by police
rq says
This simple comic strip concisely explains the complexities of white privilege. Basically a series of panels showing black people getting screwed at all points in life.
Laughing Couples. Early 1900’s paintings of North Africans. #Africa Because I needed some paintings of laughing couples.
Nation Hopeful There Will Be Equally Random Chance Of Justice For Future Victims Of Police Abuse. The Onion.
Yuh, it’s written as a single paragraph. :/
Frank Ocean to Release Album in July
Off-duty #Chicago Police Det. #DanteServin is expected to stand trial tomorrow in the shooting death of #RekiaBoyd. Hoping to live Tweet.
The similarities in these pics make me sick.They show no remorse.They don’t try 2 save them. #WalterScott #MikeBrown Visual comparison between Darren WIlson standing over Michael Brown Jr., and Slager standing over Scott.
rq says
A series of reminders.
Remember, Darren Wilson said that Mike Brown reached for his gun and that’s why he killed him. This story reminds me of #WalterScott.
Remember, the Miami Gardens police said #LavallHall nearly killed them but the video shows Lavall running away. Reminds me of #WalterScott.
Remember, Zion police shot #JustusHowell twice in the back after encountering the police. Justus died. Reminds me of #WalterScott.
Remember, the LAPD said unarmed #EzellFord reached for the gun. The autopsy showed a muzzle print in his back. Reminds me of #WalterScott.
Remember, the STL Metro PD said #VonderritMyers reached for a gun. He was shot 6 times in the back. Reminds me of #WalterScott.
Remember, Utah police said #DarrienHunt lunged at them with a sword. But Darrien was shot 6 times from behind. Reminds me of #WalterScott.
The Mellow Monkey says
The Police Are America’s Terrorists
rq says
Hip-Hop Reacts to the Fatal Shooting of Walter Scott by Police Officer Michael Slager
A series of tweets, videos and images.
GoFundMe Shuts Down Campaign For Officer Charged With Murder Of Walter Scott
As mentioned, they went to IndieGoGo instead.
Similar but not the same, here’s one for the beating of Floyd Dent: MCHR Statement on Police Brutality and Misconduct
It’s a weird site to read (pale blue on white), but there’s more on two of the officers involved (Randazzo and Melendez, the Robocop) and on Chief Yost, plus a list of unanswered questions and other cases of police brutality in the region.
Noose found hanging from tree at North County school
Another noose on a school campus. What are these children learning??
Witness who recorded shooting of Walter Scott speaks out: Cop had control before he shot, with video.
A bad decision? Seriously?
Random happy – protestors getting engaged. OMG CONGRATS!! RT @cschredder: So this happened tonight…Congratulations to @Felonious_munk & @youthfullygrown !! Actually, just look at the happy faces and see the humanity.
rq says
Unlike Walter Scott’s Horrific Killing, Deaths By Police Are Rarely Recorded — They’re Not Even Counted by the Government. This sort of resonates with Mellow Monkey’s comment, above.
More at the link.
So @Indiegogo is replying with form letters saying they are reviewing the fundraiser for #WalterScott’s killer. Didnt take @gofundme as long.
South Carolina case spurs new calls for tougher scrutiny when cops kill
How Police Training Contributes to Avoidable Deaths – from December 2014.
Also more at the link, all written in large paragraphs.
Here, have a break: The Radical Vision of Toni Morrison
Lots more at the link. What a fascinating woman!
rq says
Oops, going to also quote this long bit from the Toni Morrison interview:
Transit coming to Ferguson – see attached document for details.
TIME’s new cover: Black Lives Matter. Cute little intro video/gif/vine that uses footage of Scott being shot.
Chicago Police Officer in Fatal Shooting of Rekia Boyd on Trial Thursday
So there you go, being charged means nothing. Or nothing much.
Missouri’s top court weighs law limiting municipal revenue from traffic fines and fees
The link has more.
“If you care anything about #WalterScott you shld do what Ferguson did… They now have [3] blk city council members”
Via Crip Dyke, Why I Hate Being Called Articulate
rq says
Missouri Legislature reluctant to require police body cameras
More waffling at the link.
St. Louis police launch new unit focused on community engagement
Discussion about planting evidence by self-described cops.
There is now video backing up witnesses’ claims that Phillip White was killed by police. Police let a K-9 maul him while unconscious.
I’m not going to share the video here. But in the video, the cop is clearly beating Phillip White while he’s limp, and sics the dog on him.
Protestors: “If you believe all lives matter but you can’t say black lives matter, there might be a problem there.” #WalterScott
rq says
Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint
No timetable for the review? Well then I won’t hold my breath.
James Baldwin writing about police brutality in 1966. Eerie. Some things never change it seems. Text attached.
As Video Exposes Walter Scott Police Killing, Why Is the Man Who Filmed Eric Garner’s Death in Jail?
Video, with full transcript promised for later.
Missing cams & audio-so why is #StuartFitzgerald facing prison? Unexplained use force @wusa9 That’s the guy pushed into the road by an officer of the law.
Ferguson’s election favored experience and organization
And a few candidates from this election are promising to run next time there is an opportunity. So that’s nice.
rq says
The Cops Hate Being Filmed. So Why Are They OK With Body Cameras? They are?
This one for Marcus Ranum, who was wondering about civilian oversight of cops in the other thread. ;)
More at the link.
16 witnesses said #MikeBrown had his hands up when he was shot. But there was no video like in the #WalterScott case.
Link at previous tweet: What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting?
But no video. No video. No video.
Low Post-Blackness: Race and the Status of the NBA
Veeeery interesting! More at the link.
This is okay for a cop/soldier to post on a social network ?
rq says
Moral Monday. April 13th. North Charleston. #WalterScott
And three more from PZ:
“start acting whiter”
“Why do they never try to save them?”
Sound advice
Mostly for the comments.
rq says
And a fourth from PZ: We can only bear it because we don’t see it.
anteprepro says
Repost from here: http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2015/04/08/start-acting-whiter/comment-page-1/#comment-930372
Regarding resisting arrest:
http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ardus05.pdf (see table 4 in appendix. Roughly a 3:4 ratio for black deaths during arrest: white deaths during arrest. Compare to arrest rates here: http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/aus9010.pdf. Confound is that the former has Hispanic group, also disproportionately killed, while the former has no Hispanic designation. But the arrest ratio, per table 1, for black to white is roughly 2:5. In main population, ratio of black to white is roughly 1:6. What does this mean? Black people are 2.4 times more likely to be arrested, and arrested black people are 1.8 times more likely to be killed during arrest. For a total rate of black people being killed by police at a rate over four times greater than white people. And that’s just a rough estimate using data that is likely an underestimate).
rq says
Thanks, anteprepro! :)
Saad says
Walter Scott had a passenger
Wait, what?
Why was the passenger detained? Did he see too much?
Saad says
Ugh, “he”.
I meant xe.
rq says
In comment 210, there’s mention of a younger brother at the scene (whose phone got taken away, ha) – I wonder if he was also the passenger, else how would he get there so fast?
Pteryxx says
IBI Times: Baltimore Police Used Stingray Phone Trackers Thousands Of Times Under Federal Secrecy
Because of speculation in the “Why do they never try to save them” thread about how cops would disrupt bystanders’ cell phones if they could:
That article at Wired:
rq says
Via blf, Police killing videos shock the world. So why do white Americans still trust cops?
Not enough white people killed by cops caught on video…?
Calling for citizen review board at N. Chas City Council @ 7, #BlackLivesMatter press conference @ 5 this evening. Be there!
This Black Trans Man Is in Prison for Killing His Rapist TW for graphic rape description
I skipped a lot out of that link, please read it all, though it is long.
Beyoncé, Kim, and the Politics of Celebrity Labor
Rhodes statue removed in Cape Town as crowd celebrates
Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn: Officers Are Depressed by the Current Climate
And some more on the Ferguson election: It Will Take More Than an Election to Heal Ferguson
rq says
Protestors target sanctuaries on Easter Sunday
GBI Releases More Details, Identity of Man Killed in Deputy-Involved Shooting
Valdosta is where Kendrick Johnson’s mysterious death (they found his body inside a rolled up gym mat) was ruled accidental, though there are signs pointing otherwise.
South Carolina cop barricades himself in home, commits suicide during armed standoff
So, while unrelated to Walter Scott, still an additional shock to the community. All of it.
rq says
S.C. Officer Justin Craven Faces Felony Charge For Fatally Shooting Unarmed Black Man In His Driveway
Satterwhite’s arrest record is mentioned, of course. Lots of traffic offenses, no known attacks on police officers, yet this time… the officer feared for his life.
rq says
Again via blf, Second officer in Walter Scott video sued over alleged attack on handcuffed man
And several from the Toronto Star, several:
Officer charged in S.C. shooting faced 2013 complaint
Sweat is incriminating now.
The Witness: Says he didn’t hear officer give any warning before he fired
North Charleston police shooting: profile of the victim
There’s more at the link. And they waited for a whole five (short) paragraphs before getting to his criminal past. Well done.
North Charleston police shooting leads to mandatory body cameras – funny how it’s so easy to implement once there’s a good reason, yet sometimes the process gets dragged on and on and on…
How many Americans die in police encounters? Fatal Encounters website seeks answer
rq says
Here’s a list, with overlap, from the CBC.
Los Angeles Police Department taught the Canadian way when it comes to using force AN example:
Not nearly enough.
Walter Scott shooting: Man who recorded video called ‘hero’ by family lawyer;
Walter Scott shooting: 5 civil rights voices on what needs to change (a nice selection of people);
Walter Scott shooting: South Carolina officer fired, charged with murder;
Walter Scott shooting: Michael Slager subject of prior excessive force complaint;
Body cameras: Can they reduce confrontations with police?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From Raw Story-
Struggling with racial biases, black families are increasingly turning to homeschooling
Ama Mazama of Temple University is the author of the original article from The Conversation.
She includes copious links throughout.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Thanks to Staten Island D.A. Dan Donovan, Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed the NYPD’s murder of Eric Garner, will remain in jail for an indeterminate period of time:
This, in a country where ex-police officer and eternal scumbag Darren the murderer Wilson got half a million dollars in donations.
This, in a country where the homophobic owners of a pizzeria received nearly a million in donations.
God fucking dammit. The priorities of so many people in this country are outta fucking whack!
rq says
Graphic New Video Backs Up Witness Accounts, Police Allow K-9 to Tear Apart Unconscious Man. It’s a graphic video, and I hope it also inspires some action on behalf of the PD against the arresting officers, because HOLY SHIT they are horrible people.
This one’s interesting, on white people’s response – maybe they’re getting it? After Ferguson, white public officials soften their response
The article also looks at a few other better responses to shootings and racist incidents. So maybe a change is in the air?
Officer made choice, not mistake, to kill Walter Scott.
The author also looks at the original police (and therefore media) narrative and how the initial response has not been as good as media says it has been – namely, before video came out, media were perfectly happy to follow the official police narrative, without even questioning if there is something more to it. As always, really. The author finishes:
Northside Developer McKee leaves city property taxes unpaid – this on those properties slated to be developed, even though the developer has no money. Basically, pushing people out of there for no reason at all.
Read more about developer tax shenanigans within.
47 years ago today, 100,000 march in funeral procession for Martin Luther King in Atlanta. Yesterday, really.
EXCLUSIVE: Ramsey Orta, who shot Eric Garner video, not released from jail despite posting crowdfunded bail. Tony already got this one, above. Just another source. I think I’ll have another article on this, but honestly, this is the meanest and most obvious bullshit ever. They got the money, and now it’s the court not abiding by the law. Fuck them.
rq says
Rekia Boyd! Before my time, as one might say – or at least, before this thread. Trial of officer charged with her murder begins. Rekia Boyd ‘Didn’t Have a Chance,’ Prosecutor Says on Opening Day of Trial
The best of luck and I’ll try to keep my hopes up.
More on the same: Opening statements begin in 2012 police shooting, with video.
So he is Hispanic, which means he is Latino. I find that an interesting sentence.
Ah, but also, note: no officers charged in 15 years of Chicago policing, and a Latino man shoots a young black woman, and suddenly there’s a trial (for a certain value of ‘suddenly’, of course, considering it’s been two plus years).
Protestors want a citizens review board with subpoena powers #chsnews #WalterScott
See, these videos re: #WalterScott show EVERYTHING the police say never happens: racial profiling, planted evidence, coverups, murder.
Dash cam video from Michael Slager’s patrol car released
Fucking… Where’s the danger, the reason to fear for one’s life? Gahds.
@deray There are now FIVE Indiegogo campaigns raising money for Slager, one saying “Blue Lives Matter”. WTF??
Fuck you, IndieGoGo.
rq says
Breaking: #WalterScott family attorney filing civil lawsuit against city of north charleston and officer Slager. #chsnews
WPIX EXCLUSIVE: Ramsey Orta, who shot Eric Garner video, not released from jail despite posting crowdfunded bail
Packed council meeting in North Charleston #walterscott #chsnews
SLED on #WalterScott shooting: “There were inconsistencies including what appeared to be multiple gunshot wounds in Mr. Scott’s back.” That’s inconsistencies with the official report and the video.
NOW: Call @dandonovan_ny’s office & demand that he cancel the bail hearing & release #RamseyOrta now: (718) 876-6300 Dunno, is anyone close enough to call?
the right to remain silent. american policing. #WalterScott Cartoon showing a black man lying in the street, with a police officer on the right, pointing his gun and saying “You have the right to remain silent…”
rq says
File under General Police Misbehaviour: Worcester police officer arrested after allegedly assaulting inmate
Editorial: Ferguson comes to South Carolina. The case of Walter Scott
*sigh* “Disturbing” Video Shows Man Being Beaten by Cops After Stealing Horse
More background at the link.
There’s also Floyd Dent to think of, also caught on video: Attorney: Inkster cops lied about drugs after beat down
IMPORTANT. On the crowdfunding: Indiegogo: Take down the Michael Slager fundraisers immediately! It’s a petition.
And some more on CopWatch and other apps that can be used to film and record police easily: Justice Through a Lens
Some nice options and advice there.
rq says
5 Lies Told By The Police #WalterScott (an infographic on the Walter Scott shooting).
Day 9: what the cicada said to the brown boy – @ClintSmithIII
#nationalpoetrymonth – swing through her previous poetry month entries (scroll up at the link), she has some fine stuff posted up and probably will have more. This one specifically, though, goes like this:
Get you some wings.
Here’s a series on Baltimore and surveillance, following up on Pteryxx’ 229.
Baltimore Police used secret technology to track cellphones in thousands of cases
Here it is: Baltimore Police Stingray non-disclosure agreement.
This was a link to an article about police trying to delete video evidence, but it seems to be down. Oh well.
worry. blackness. Cartoon of an adult black man hugging a small black boy, and both of them are thinking “I worry about him so much out there”.
rq says
His name was Desmond Willis and he was shot in front of New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood company by 5 officers and his body laid there.
Interlude: Music! Tyler, The Creator Has A Song Featuring Kanye West & Lil Wayne On New Album.
Witness Who Recorded Police Shooting Meets With Walter Scott’s Family During Emotional Reunion
Twitter: getting interns fired, one tweet at a time. “@Clorox: New emojis are alright but where’s the bleach. Picture link redacted, but that’s the original Clorox tweet. … For which they couldn’t apologize properly.
Q&A with DeRay McKesson ’07
Stuff on activism, tracking police violence, etc., etc.
rq says
Police say 25 yr old Desmond Willis lead officers on a car chase before crashing into a fence
Media and Politics 101. (Cartoon with four panels; panel 1- “Muslim shooter = 1.3 billion Muslims held responsible”; panel 2 – “Black shooter = gang related violence”; panel 3 – “Professional shooter = National hero (or collateral damage)”; panel 4 – “White shooter = lone wolf (or parking problems or emotional issues or…)”.)
hey, i’m just gonna tell you now there’s a good chance you might wanna skip this one – announcement for interview with Michael Slager’s mother. Wannabet, ‘he is such a nice boy and he’d never do something like that’ makes the script?
A+ LibTrolling: Make the defeat of the Confederacy a national holiday
Uh, okay, and all those confederate ‘heroes’ were fine upstanding citizens that were never ever white supremacists or slave-owners or…? Right?
Keep trolling.
It wasn’t just Walter Scott: The North Charleston Police Department has a shocking record of abuse allegations . Yeah, there was Givens, too, but as it turns out, a whole lot more…
Five incidents, all of them excessively and brutally violent, without any repercussions for the officers.
Protest is continuing outside nirth charleston city hall after city council meeting. #chs #chsnews
rq says
Interlude: Basketball. Though not much of an interlude.
Police report says it took four officers to place Thabo Sefolosha in handcuffs. #ATLHawks
Per NBA league source, #Hawks Thabo Sefolosha broke his right ankle during the incident in NYC. Out for season.
Thabo Sefolosha (black man in general vicinity of New York City police officer) will miss the rest of the season. (I love the wording on this one.)
ESPN: Don’t write Thabo “sustained injury while resisting arrest.” He denies R.A. After #WalterScott you can’t print police charges as fact.
Here’s a couple of articles on what happened:
Thabo Sefolosha Injury: Updates on Hawks Guard’s Leg After Arrest
Sounds like an overall eventful evening.
Video: Cops Throw Thabo Sefolosha To The Ground And Arrest Him
rq says
From Tony, Cryptic ‘Murder’ Letter Sent To Professor Teaching ‘The Problem Of Whiteness’
The letter is some freaky religious drivel. All because someone wants to discuss race issues.
Police Behaving Badly: Detroit police officers accused of robbing drug dealers
Abolish the Police, video at the site – be warned, that site is hard on the eyes!!!
SOURCE: Rev Al Sharpton will be speaking at Charity Baptist Church on Sunday. #WalterScott
Ah, but – Family of Walter Scott tells Rev. Al Sharpton to keep away; police release dash-cam video from cop Michael Slager’s cruiser, note first part of the headline.
Plus more on the dashcam footage and the family meeting Feidin Santana (the guy with the video). Also, I wish they’d use Slager’s mugshot, not his Coast Guard service photo. But at least they’re using Scott’s Coast Guard service photo.
rq says
The fuck… 1st 100 days sees 319 killed by cop. 19 since #WalterScott & I see a bad trend. Cop reports no details. #Every8Hours Note: this is killed by cop, unsorted by race or whether armed/unarmed. This is a grand total. It’s the beginning of April. 319. Last year’s entire total was somewhere over 1100. Looking to surpass that this year…
My fave photos from #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA Rally in Melbourne.
It’s time our country learnt to respect our first peoples – that’s from Australia (FYI), where racial issues are also rearing their head(s), what with Tony Abbott and shutting down reservations and being black and native in Australia being a ‘lifestyle choice’.
…to this very day. Picture of a headline from the 1960s: “Seven unarmed Negroes shot in cold blood by Los Angeles police”.
Grauniad on the dashcam, with transcript:Walter Scott shooting: police dashcam video shows him running from car
rq says
San Bernardino and the wild horse chase (that ended with a man’s brutal beating by cop): Sheriff Orders Immediate Internal Investigation Into Arrest Seen on “Disturbing” Video
It looked pretty clear to me.
Rare Trial Begins For Chicago Police Officer In Fatal Shooting Of Rekia Boyd. I hate how that ‘rare’ out front is so appropriate.
Interlude: Golf! The man who defied death threats to play at the Masters
Moral Monday. April 12th. Charleston. #WalterScott
80 Municipal Courts In St. Louis County Change Fees After Criticism
Protesters in South Carolina demand a review board to oversee police. Such a logical request, you’d think something like that would already be in place everywhere.
rq says
Worse Than Ferguson: A Week In St. Louis County’s Most Egregious Night Courts
And it just goes downhill from there. The problem is everywhere, not just Ferguson. NOT just Ferguson.
. @CNN is showing Slager’s crying mother?! What about #WalterScott’s mother?! Or family?
Slager’s mother said she hasn’t watched the video & “can’t believe her son would shoot an unarmed black man 8 times” #WalterScott
Well, believe it. Because your son murdered #WalterScott @cnn
That’s CNN.
Who’s paying for Michael Slager’s heavy-hitting defense lawyer?
That part at the end that they repeat? Now, I’m not sure if he was ever disciplined, but sure as hell there were complaints lodged against him. Surely that counts against a clean record, no?
South Carolina Police Shooting Seen as Crime Strategy Gone Awry
rq says
Walter Scott Shooting: No Warrant Over Child Support, Report Says. Well, that’s one less reason to have him killed, right?
Honestly, I feel kinda dirty posting that information like it matters. I think I’m going to avoid such detailed articles in the future, though I’ll probably post headlines.
And here is today’s front page of the SC @postandcourier. Friday. #WalterScott
Elsewhere: Watch & listen. Dash cam audio goes missing as deputy throws #StuartFitzgerald onto road. Audio returns later @wusa9
And still on a different subject: @deray @BlkBillClint Diallo’s killers got their convictions overturned too!
Pteryxx says
Rawstory: Prosecutors drop dozens of cases linked to Florida cops who fantasized about executing black suspects
Pteryxx says
rq #249, that source has now been updated to show Scott *did* have a bench warrant and owed more than $7500 (though how much of that is stacking legal fees, I’d wonder, and it shouldn’t matter in the first place ffs, but for the sake of accuracy there we go.)
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
11-year-old has criminal and felony charges against him for kicking trash can in school
Pteryxx says
two from Brittney Cooper at Salon: (apologies if they’re duplicates)
Black death has become a cultural spectacle
That was Wednesday and the news *still* hasn’t tired of running the shooting video over and over and over.
On the Atlanta black teachers: America is criminalizing Black teachers: Atlanta’s cheating scandal and the racist underbelly of education reform
rq says
Pteryxx @251
Thanks for that clarification. At work, so twitter-update-less. :)
Saad: Openly Feminist Gamer says
You’re too good, rq.
Came here to post about the Francis Pusok story that you already covered in #240.
Pteryxx says
Update on Ramsey Orta: according to Rawstory he might be released today, after the hearing about whether his bail fundraiser was acceptable or not was pushed up to Friday afternoon.
NY Daily News:
rq says
So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg
And again: Video: NBA Player Suffers Season-Ending Injury During Altercation With NYPD Officers. No new information.
Officer Michael Slager has been removed from general population and is now in isolation. #WalterScott No telling whether by request or due to threats.
Howard University RT @2LiveUnchained: #BlackLoveMatters #HowardUniversity
Howard students turn their backs to WBC #HUUnited #ThinkMoor #BlackLoveMatters #BlackOut
#Charleston @FergusonResp ACTION TODAY FRI 4/10 CofC Cougar Mall 1PM [link] #WalterScott Demonstration #BlackLivesMatter (poster attached).
rq says
I miss a lot of stuff. It’s up to you to figure out what that is. ;)
The Pohjoismaat – from one of PZ’s threads on Walter Scott, reposted here because it’s really interesting to watch. Again, it’s not all in English, but the important bits are. Learn some Finnish.
rq says
Oh, and this one’s itneresting on advertising, whiteness and art. How 100 Years Of Advertisements Created The ‘White American Woman’ It’s a statement both on feminism and on whiteness, a project by a black man.
More at the link.
And just for unfunsies: This is what white supremacy looks like: A party at the Bundy Ranch, a funeral in North Charleston. Via Tony.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I don’t like the tone of this article, but mostly because it does the negative clickbait version of ‘no one will look at this anyway so share it’ that just grates on my nerves. However. Most People Won’t Share this… because African Lives Don’t matter!
More in that vein – plus a bunch of scolding about how people use social media. But many good points, too.
And for completeness, Look at this redneck (PZ’s post).
Pteryxx says
HuffPo: One-Eighth Of South Carolina Inmates Were Jailed Over Child Support Payments. Walter Scott Was One Of Them.
rq says
In about an hour or two I’m going to post up a lot of stuff. I tried reviewing what I missed while at work today, but I’m too tired to go right through to the end – I’m assuming I got most of it, anyway. It’ll all be in a sort of reverse chronological order. Whee!
Today was Walter Scott’s funeral (some pictures from that).
Happy Saturday, right?
Lynna, OM says
Cross posted from the Lounge.
Forcing African American kids into the justice system, often with trumped up charges, is a specialty of the USA. Actions for which a white child would be forgiven, or for which a white kid would be offered treatment and supervision, those actions put kids with darker skin in the school-to-prison pipeline.
The authorities dealing with Kaleb, said that the need him to “man up.” They also said that “he needed to start controlling himself or that eventually they would start controlling him.”
rq says
From the funeral:
SC Sen. Tim Scott just arrived at Walter Scott’s funeral. #WalterScott
There are lots of folk here for the funeral. #WalterScott
And the press are behind this caution tape at the funeral. #WalterScott
And Congressman Sanford is here at the funeral. #WalterScott
And on Walter Scott,here’s the police incident report: as pdf. Not Slager’s, from another officer who arrived on scene later.
And on the day of his funeral, theyhad these headlines: Still wack. MT @deray: The @postandcourier updated the cover headline online.
L: original. R: updated. #WalterScott The one on the left says “When you’re behind, you’re behind”; the one on the right says “Walter Scott dogged by system that ‘criminalizes’ debt”.
rq says
National Bar Association wants second officer in Walter Scott shooting video fired, arrested. That’s the one not blinking an eye at the planted evidence.
STL county pulls on the 47 bus full of black ppl and demands that they all keep their hands up while they look for a suspect…
The officers (2) demanded for folks to shift around so that they could see, instead of walking on to the bus and actually searching.
People on the bus kept their hands up for damn near five minutes. This is the same dept. that came to Ferguson and gassed and shot at us.
Working on them there public relations, I see. 47 people on a bus.
Here’s the article: Walter Scott dogged by system that “criminalizes” debt
Walter Scott Had Bench Warrant for His Arrest, Court Documents Show – so yeah, he did have one. The article goes into detail about how much, etc., but as previously mentioned, I don’t think that’s anyone’s business, so the article is here for archiving.
rq says
South Carolina investigators say they thought fatal police shooting was suspicious before video emerged. Which is why the official narrative wasn’t questioned?
Different state, same racism: Report: Virginia Sends More Students to Cops Than Any Other State
Just to underline the confusion, here’s another article on the fact that there was no arrest warrant. Report: Walter Scott Owed Child Support, but There Was No Warrant Out for His Arrest. Interesting discrepancy.
Walter Scott shooting: Family asks Al Sharpton to stay away . It’s almost word-for-word same info as I posted yesterday.
Indiegogo removes fundraisers that supported S.C. police officer . FINALLY.
St Louis: The Northside Regeneration Project may not be finished by developer Paul McKee.
Money down the drain, is what it is. What would that area look like, if it had already received decent investments and improvements to infrastructure?
rq says
Belated notice: The Funeral of #WalterScott will be Saturday, April 11th at 11:00. via @WCBD
Also, there was a vigil for Walter Scott yesterday, I have some pictures, I think, but relatedly:
A mayoral candidate engages protestors after the vigil. #WalterScott Word is he was doing some victim-blaming and proposing seminars for black men on how to interact with police.
“I don’t know who this guy is. I’ve never seen him before. I’ll be voting for someone else.” – woman re: this mayoral candidate #WalterScott
VIDEO: NYPD Barge into Civil Rights Activist’s Home, No Warrant, Assault Underage Daughter. Well the NYPD PR department is also working overtime, I see.
And it goes downhill from there.
Be careful what you wish for. #reverseracism #lol #ponies Girl meets fairy, wishes she could talk to ponies. Pony whispers to her, “Reverse racism isn’t real, Debra”. Random but funny. I don’t know why.
Consent? White America’s Silence on Police Brutality Is Consent
We must do better, white people. A lot better. Be outraged before it’s in your backyard.
rq says
Here’s more victim-smearing: Walter Scott shooting: Victim was jailed in 1987 on assault charge
Horrible photo they use. But fuck. 1987. Almost thirty years ago, and they have to bring it up now.
Today with Reverend Dr. Allan Boesak #Ferguson2SouthAfrica.
The saddest thing I’ve heard today. If South Carolina cop is convicted of murder, it may be unprecedented.
Note bolded paragraph.
From the vigil: The protestors demanded an emergency city council meeting re: a citizen’s oversight board. It’s almost been 24 hours. #WalterScott
Speakers describe the brutality of the police they endure here in South Carolina. #WalterScott
“Raise your hand if you’ve been stopped by a North Charleston police officer.” Vigil. #WalterScott
This from elsewhere: Disturbing dash cam shows Virginia Beach cop repeatedly Taser seated 17-year-old in car. There’s a link there, worth taking a look. Isolated incidents.
rq says
Previous in moderation, so let’s have a humour break:
Tumblr got me bawling Two images to look at: first of a very finely done haircut of a parabolic line shaved into a man’s head, with the caption, “Barber: What you want, fam? Me: Let me get that “y = mx + b” Barber: Say no mo”; second image of tumblr responses, where the first is an extended lol; the second – “y’all uneducated ass niggas. How you gonna put a linear equation when this is clearly an exponential function???” followed by a “STAHP [crying emoticon] I love yall”, followed by “y=x^2 like a muffucka”. Math geeks rule.
San Francisco! SF Police Department’s Disturbing Texts Leaked: ‘All N*ggers Must F*cking Hang’ (Video)
Serve and protect.
RT if You Believe in Post-Modernism: Twitter and the Alleged Death of Literature
Fun read, actually. And educational.
Vigil. #WalterScott
Pleasure meeting Rev. Dr. Allan Boesak, survivor of the apartheid. He & his wife came all the way to #Ferguson to affirm our work. #Respect
How kicking a trash can became criminal for a 6th grader
The mind boggles. Constantly.
rq says
Share This Portrait of Walter Scott, artwork by Richard Pean.
Broken tail-light, go directly to cemetery.
Do not pass GO.
Do not collect $200.
#WalterScott – the new black monopoly (previous version had ‘Go to Jail’ on each square).
GOAT. RT @HaerWaveMedia: Man pays for $137 traffic ticket with 137 origami pigs, delivered in doughnut boxes.
#BlackLivesMatterCHS will hold a vigil tonight @ 6:30PM for #WalterScott. (Late information.)
In Baltimore in 2009, I pulled over for a traffic stop. It was 6am. The officer approached my car with his gun drawn. This ain’t a game.
A Former Black Panther-Turned-FBI Informant Brings a Camera Crew to Work, with video.
rq says
So offended that the white version of Blackish is called Happyish.
This is a repost, but the project continues and so do the photographs. Portraits of protesters aim for ‘stillness’ over chaos
Now let’s see some cops get convicted, too. Two women sentenced for hate crimes in slaying of black man
Yep, we saw that case before – the judge made an epic statement there.
Justifiable. Indictable. #WalterScott Justifiable: image of cop pointing gun; Indictable: same image of cop pointing gun overlaid by the focussing brackets of a recording camera.
Join the movement for Justice for #LavallHall. You can view the full video / sign up at link: Justice for Lavall Hall.
rq says
So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg. Seen the story. No new information.
NJ teacher suspended for having class write get-well cards to Mumia. Writing to political prisoners and raising socially conscious children is now a bad thing.
Another one for us white folk: White America’s racial illiteracy: Why our national conversation is poisoned from the start
I overheard some reporters say that the North Charleston Police Department is no longer answering the phone. #WalterScott
And apparently Slager’s personnel file has a note from 2010 of him being praised for his interactions with suspects. #WalterScott
A comprehensive bill on police brutality must include a section addressing the emergency crisis on how police handle folk w/ mental illness.
rq says
Referencing the witness who filmed Walter Scott’s murder, The police can’t police themselves. And now the public is too scared to cooperate with them.
I skipped a lot of good stuff in the middle there.
Prayer at the Memorial. #WalterScott
Civil Rights Attorney Says Cops Have Been Shooting Unarmed People in the Back for Years Comforting thought.
Video only.
Missing police cameras when deputy throws man on road. Yup, police recordings need to come from somewhere other than the police themselves.
Comforting, indeed.
Interlude: Fashion! The Agony and the Ecstasy of Kanye West
Lofty rhetoric, indeed!
“Being black in America you have to work twice as hard…” A bit of Chris Rock.
rq says
The media finally chose the right pictures to use #WalterScott Yes, I like that.
People of Color in European Art History presents 1800s week. So, for all those *ahem* scifi authors who declare there were no people of colour at such-and-such a time? Hello. They’ve got several centuries of PoC in art down the right side. Just click!
On April 11th: President Wilson Permits Segregation Within Federal Government
And: Eric Garner Bystander Ramsey Orta Released From Jail
So I don’t get it, was his bail the $100 000 or was it $16 250?
Mental Health Summit happening now. Black Humanity we need this now. Mental health & wellness. There’s a livestream link within, but hoepfully it connects to a recording as I think it is over now. :(
Dalillama, Schmott Guy says
The bail was $100,000. However, it is common practice in the States that arrestees pay 10-15% of the amount to a bond agent, who puts up the rest and will come after the arrestee personally if they fail to appear (See bounty hunter). This practice, and bounty hunting generally, is illegal pretty much everywhere else, and bail amounts are also typically much lower (or simply doesn’t exist).
rq says
… People do that? Wooow.
Here’s a story t olink to some tweets: Passengers on Metro bus asked to keep hands up during police search for suspect
So keeping people on a bus with their hands up and still is keeping them safe. Annnyway. There’s video at the link.
Pastors, community leaders unite in a march to stop violence in St. Louis
Tribute to Walter Scott: Walter Scott loved dancing, dominoes and the Dallas Cowboys. Just a quiet little tribute to him.
California sheriff suspends 10 deputies following brutal beating of suspected horse thief – doesn’t say with or without pay.
“This is not who we are.” More:
So, not the nicest person at all, but still a human being.
Repost? One-Eighth Of South Carolina Inmates Were Jailed Over Child Support Payments. Walter Scott Was One Of Them.
Yeah, I think it’s a repost of Pteryxx’ upthread.
But I’d like to add the comment that not paying child support is always painted in the worst of all lights – like someone was shunning their children and ignoring them, denying them care or something. But what if they’re trying but just can’t make the payments? That doesn’t make them a bad person and it really irks me that the media does this to them.
Chicago Prepares to Pay $5,000,000 to Family of Teen Shot 16 Times by Cop
rq says
Walter Scott: county sheriff punished with trash collection after dog attack on suspect – this isn’t that dog attack.
Soudns awfully similar to Phillip White in Vineland, except he died. More:
An ‘element of violence’ but ‘not a violent crime’. Imagine the discussion we could have about that.
There goes justice. Fla. Prosecutors Drop More Than 36 Cases Linked To Racist Cops
Oooooh, I totally misread the title. This is a good thing!
Iggy Azalea and a Culture of Appropriation
Some more at the link, including a series of tweets, some with photos.
Not going to cite from this, I think the title is enough for me. South Carolina cop charged in shooting is ‘wonderful person,’ mother says. Sympathy for the killer? Not so much. She says he looked so tired and worn… but as someone pointed out on twitter, Walter Scott looks so… dead.
2 months after his death, we are gathering to demand justice for #AntonioZambranoMontes. #pascoshooting
The Challenge of the Black Brunch Movement
National Action Network Panel on Brutality Has Emotional Response to SC Shooting
More at the link.
Families of slain victims of police violence from Chicago are here showing solidarity with Justus Howell’s family.
At the rally in Zion for #JustusHowell at the police station.
rq says
Oops, moderation.
Dante Servin waives right to jury trial. Judge Dennis Porter will decide fate in bench trial #RekiaBoyd
“Dante Servin could not serve enough years for me” – #RekiaBoyd’s mom
Michael Slager’s New Lawyer, Andy Savage, Has Defended Killer Cops Before
I wonder what creative defense he will come up with for Slager.
Officer Michael Slager’s Mother: ‘My Life Will Never Be The Same Again’ (VIDEO). Talk to your son about that, don’t complain to us.
I hate that she claims to be grieving like the Scott family, nowhere near it.
Man Bitten By Police Dog During Arrest Dies In NJ
I find it fishy that he knows the results before they’re in. Very fishy.
rq says
Here’s a list of black women killed for being black:
Tanisha Anderson died November 13, 2014, age 37, at the hand of Cleveland police.
Darnisha Harris died December 2, 2012, age 16, by police in Louisiana.
Alesia Thomas died July 22, 2012, age 35, at a hospital after having been kicked several times by an officer in Los Angeles.
Shantel Davis died June 14, 2012, age 23, from an “accidental” shot to the chest by a cop in New York City.
Rekia Boyd died March 22, 2012, age 22, from a shot to the back of the head by a cop in Chicago.
Shereese Francis died March 15, 2012, age 29, when 4 officers put their wieght on her back to handcuff her and tased her in New York City.
Aiyana Stanley-Jones died May 16, 2010, age 7, when cops did a raid and fired his gun after a flash-bang grenande went off in a Detroit.
Shelly Frey died December 6, 2012, age 27, at the hands of an off duty sheriff’s deputy in Houston.
rq says
Please read the new comment 278 when it comes out of moderation. It’s a short list. But altogether much too long.
The Fight For The Soul Of The Black Lives Matter Movement
Read the skipped bits at the link.Very interesting, very informative.
So. A while ago I posted a couple of links about Eric Harris, the man ‘accidentally’ shot by a 73 year old volunteer officer who says he mistook his gun for a taser. The police released the video from that case.
It is horrifying. The shooting itself, yes, but also the attitude of the other officers. Watch.
BREAKING:Video shows Tulsa man’s last moments alive after accidental police shooting.
WATCH: at the link here: Video shows Tulsa man’s last moments alive after accidental police shooting.
That’s what they have at that link (plus the video), but it’s worse than that.
I just watched the #EricHarris video and I’m speechless. I didn’t think I could still be speechless. The police are wild.
Unarmed #EricHarris is shot, says he can’t breathe. Officer replies, “Fuck your breath.” Eric dies.
The 73yo volunteer Tulsa officer thought he reached for his taser, but actually shot #EricHarris with his gun.
rq says
Next two comments will continue with Eric Harris.
Video of fatal shooting by reserve deputy shown at Sheriff’s Office press conference
Makes me want to scream. Kill a man, suffer no consequences.
Though there may be deeper reasons for it, in this case:
Sheriff’s Office: Reserve deputy who fired fatal shot was among ‘lots of’ wealthy donors in reserve program. Money talks louder than anything else.
I skipped the victim-blaming criminal record shit. Playing cop. I wonder if he really was qualified to be labelled ‘advanced reserve’, or whether his goodwill towards the police played a role in his classification.
BREAKING: Raw Video Shows Cops Shoot, Kill Subdued Man, Mock Him While He Lay Dying
rq says
Deputy Accidentally Shoots Suspect With Gun Instead Of Taser, Sheriff Says.
Once again, if you want the information on Harris’ criminal past, you can go to the link itself and read the last two paragraphs. Was he a law-abiding citizen? Probably not. Did he deserve to die like this? No.
And Raw Story on the subject: WATCH: Police release graphic video of Tulsa man as he was killed by cop who thought he pulled his Taser. No new information, just another chance to watch the video.
“Oh, I shot him! I’m sorry.” Then they continue to cuff him, get him no help, insult him, and let him die. He wasn’t resisting. #ericharris I’m not sure what he wasn’t resisting, if he was running from the police. But not providing adequate emergency health care? That’s criminal in and of itself.
Or, it should be.
They told him AFTER getting shot, AFTER the volunteer piece of shit said he shot him, “fuck your breath.” But we’re supposed to trust them.
rq says
Other things.
Unarmed Teen Shot By LAPD Cop Seeks $20,000,000 in Damages
Interlude: Music! Rapper Nelly arrested in Tennessee on drug charges. This got some responses on twitter from Ferguson protestors. Nelly was the one who asked if protestors had a plan back in August – these protestors were now wondering if this arrest is part of Nelly’s plan. Etc.
Ope, one more Eric Harris. Family of man killed by Tulsa County deputy has questions. This is prior to release of the video.
Out of history: “Unless an example is made of Emmett’s lynchers, it won’t be safe for a Negro to walk the streets anywhere in America”- Mamie Till.
How did we go from “I Can’t Breathe” to “Fuck Your Breath”? #BlackLivesMatter
rq says
Tribute video to the 147+ lovely people we lost.
We name them one by one, we won’t forget them.
#147NotJustANumber Youtube video link: 147NotJustANumber
They run texts from student tweets during the song. See if you can not cry.
You will be remembered. #147notjustanumber #GarissaAttack It’s a list of names.
#147notjustanumber: humanising the victims of Kenya’s Garissa attack. It’s a repost, but worth looking through again, for the links seeking to collect information on those killed.
rq says
Dear American cops: when you ‘accidentally’ shoot someone, you don’t curse him, you call the ambulance #EricHarris
#EricHarris was the 294th killed by cop April 2nd. Now cops have killed 322 in 2015 by April 11. That’s #Every8Hours
Think Walter Scott’s death is ‘another Ferguson’? Cops don’t.
I like how this deflects blame from police officers high on Authoriteh to the system – which, in a way, isn’t wrong. But police officers are perfectly capable of turning a blind eye to smaller infractions, or at least – not escalating them. Broken taillight? Guy’s going out for spare parts? Give a warning and let him go. That’s it.
So it’s not just the system, it’s all those police officers who believe in the system, esp. when it needs to be applied to black people. Changing the system would do a lot (i.e. decriminalizing some of the things mentioned and others too), but police attitude needs to be changed, too.
rq says
Maybe we need to call and demand answers from the Tulsa TSCO Reserves abt the circumstances? Force them to act. Contains a link to the website and contact info of TSCO reserves.
David Starkey attacks ‘victim status’ of ethnic minorities and disabled, accuses Baroness Lawrence of treating black people as victims . I mean, I can’t even, but apparently other people can’t even even more.
He’s also sexist and believes in a strict gender binary. Surprised?
This was linked to on the redneck thread by loopyj, but I’m going to put it here, too: Racism at Bass Pro Shop: A White Man’s Burden: The Story of Jorge Moran Let me highlight some of my favourite parts; note how careful he is with his language!
Uh, scratch that, wanted to excerpt more but the site seems to be weird about highlighting or else my browser is being annoying. But further in the interview, the interviewer asks him about racism he has encountered, and he deflects that well by saying that he’s white, he’s never encountered any racism, to which the interviewer then asks what is the worst racism he has ever witnessed. Also, he replies to questions about blacks being racist very well, too – questions that ask if black people can be racist.
And the story mentioned in the title is well worth reading, too. Very much so.
Another from the same site, so we’ll see how the citing goes. I mentioned a Clorox tweet? Here’s a piece of apologia for it: Clorox tweet racist or harmless tweet twisted to conjure angst? Regardless of intent, considering the new emojis coming out, I think people were perfectly justified in seeing a racial aspect to Clorox’ tweet. The comment at the page are few but similarly professional-victimhood tended.
I sense some chlorine-tinged cluelessness in the air.
Three from Mano Singham, on subjects already posted here:
Meanwhile, back at the Bundy ranch … Short, and with the obvious rhetorical question at the end.
When police act like organized crime syndicates
I guess snitching among police officers is as looked down on as it is among gang members, how’s that for a redundant sentence? ANyway, that’s regarding the Brelo case, where two people were shot dead in a car by a barrage of 137 bullets, 49 of which came from Brelo’s gun (15 of which he shot as he stood on the hood of the car).
An extra twist on ‘driving while black’
rq says
That previous was carefully counted to have sufficient links not to end up in moderation, but apparently today I suck. Eh.
rq says
More history: The Dangerous Myth of Appomattox
Ode to the myth of post-racial USAmerica, I suppose.
April 14 will be national day of protest against police killings, and April 15 national day of protest against poverty wages. Quite a week.
Never judge cause by protest participants. Many can’t leave work, travel, pay for childcare, etc. Measure protest support beyond visibility.
And PZ on Eric Harris: Malice and incompetence?
Pteryxx says
Talking about child support, re rq in #275 above:
But that selfish-deadbeat-dad narrative often doesn’t get applied to white men who are middle-class or above, who get to use the alternate narrative of crazy-b*tch-ex-out-to-get-me in the courtroom and media. Some white men who really do shun their children, strip their families bare, and run off to six-figure jobs in another state, still get away with it just by retaining a lawyer to do as little as possible, as long as it’s more than the abandoned wife can afford. Famous people also get the benefit of assumptions that any woman who divorces them must be a gold-digger. So, much like ‘welfare queen’ is a racist dogwhistle when more welfare goes to poor white people, I’d bet ‘deadbeat dad’ is used similarly, and to play into the narrative of black men as shiftless family-abandoners.
I agree that it’s stupid and counterproductive to arrest and jail people, causing them to incur even more costs and sometimes lose their jobs, over unpaid debts or child support. However those penalties also seem to fall extra hard on those who aren’t systematically privileged. I’ve heard plenty of survivors talk about their abusers getting arrested or even jailed for a few days, but who then go right back to their well-paying jobs without missing a beat, while the survivors themselves get fired for missing work due to court hearings or hospitalizations. How much of that has to do with race, wealth, and just having the right connections and being the Right Sort? If it’s anything like the disparities in traffic stops, quite a lot.
And as has been said repeatedly by better folks than me, a lot more black families would still have their fathers and providers if white legacy systems didn’t keep harassing, jailing, and killing them.
Pteryxx says
More on Tuesday’s upcoming day of protest against police killings: see the hashtag #ShutDownA14 (twitter link) and Stop Mass Incarceration here:
List of cities with events, being updated here.
From HuffPo Black Voices: Apps to help people document police abuse
More projects at the link.
Pteryxx says
At Daily Kos: How The Public Can Help Increase Good Cops In U.S. Law Enforcement Organizations by former federal agent and whistleblower Sandra Nunn:
rq says
Category: Complicit No More from Media Diversified via Giliell. For reading, a list. A sample:
Cuomo Cancels Meeting with Family Members of People Killed by Police
Kind of an asshole move, if you ask me.
Thousands dead, few prosecuted. On police-involved fatal shootings. Bleak.
More at the link.
How St. Louis Police Robbed My Family of $1000 (and How I’m Trying To Get It Back)
Lots more at the link.
New dash cam video released of Walter Scott shooting incident, from just after the shooting.
Here is the timeline based on the information that’s been released so far in #WalterScott’s murder. Everything seems to happen so fast.
rq says
Next up, a twitter monologue on whether video of these police shootings should be made public, a discussion that has been occurring. Questions of privacy and trauma arise.
If a cop kills me and it is recorded, share it. Please. Perhaps I need to put this on my driver’s license, like my organ donor sticker.
Think about all of the black people who have been killed this year and will never have a single march organized in their honor.
If it weren’t for that #EricHarris video, would we even be talking about his death? Not a criticism, just an honest question.
There are so many black people who are shot and killed by police that it is hard to keep up with all of the murders. Video is essential.
If death-by-cop videos become “normal” to us, that is on *us*, not the fact that the videos are being shared.
Cops who know they’re being recorded and kill us anyway because they *know* they can get off are the main problem, not the videos.
Then he speaks some on trigger warnings, trauma, anxiety and therapy. And then about authority and trust.
rq says
If cops were prosecuted and convicted for killing us, fewer cops would be captured on video taking our lives. That, to me, is the issue.
Anyone can say, “yes” or “no” about sharing these videos. What is the alternative? Not making them public at all? Trust “the authorities”?
I’m interested in hearing how to consume these death-by-cop videos beyond “share vs don’t share.” I think both arguments lack nuance.
Don’t get me wrong, “Trigger Warnings” help for those who need them. I’m just not sure they will always help us brace for the inevitable.
No way we can avoid these death-by-cop videos. Black people are the hunted. The videos are an extension of that white supremacist hate.
It’s easy to say “don’t share death-by-cop videos,” but what about the narratives pro-cop prosecutors and “authorities” can make about them?
So yeah.
rq says
Guy is yelling, “He shot me!” Man who shoots says “I shot him!” Cops say we didn’t call the meds because we didn’t know he was shot.
Video shows Tulsa man shot by deputy who meant to stun him. Another article on that. And yeah, they used Harris’ mugshot.
Walter Scott’s dad: Son’s shooting would have been swept under the rug without tape. And don’t we know it.
With video.
Interlude: Fashion Art! Kenyan-Born Model Malaika Firth Stars In Stunning Vogue Japan Editorial Shot By Giampaolo Sgura. Stunning photos. Stunning.
Hard to build community when you’re still building memorials.
Justice Department will hold community meeting on Baltimore police
How the Walter Scott Shooting Would Have Been Reported if the Video Didn’t Exist. Video only. :/
rq says
The fuck. Def not counting right tonight, that’s another for moderation. *sigh* Onwards!
Five Myths About Crime in Black America—and the Statistical Truths. Infographic.
Another way to look at it: hypervisiblity masks violence’s gruesomeness: hypervisible violence becomes invisible backdrop. black death isn’t a spectacle but a setting. Setting for what? The answer looms terrible.
The Simpsons turn black for artist’s hard-hitting response to Walter Scott police shooting
2.7 seconds
How 8 bullets pierced the nation
Did it really? Did it really pierce, did it penetrate? Finally?
Did it?
Background on both Slager and Scott within.
… Police behaving badly? Cop who ‘loves playing with dead bodies’ accused of pulling toes, ‘tickling’ feet and yanking the head of man shot dead by fellow officers as he lay in a morgue. Just going to leave that there.
Education, pressure, and poverty. And, of course, racism. Intersect! As sentencing nears for Atlanta teachers, many condemn their conviction
Two protestors were targeted and arrested by NYPD last night: @TatteredRose1 and @_TAhmad. This has to end.
Flooding streets in defiance of biz as usual more powerful than any review board, election.. #ShutDownA14 #EricHarris
rq says
That’s two in moderation for improper link counting.
I’m going to finish up tomorrow, won’t make much of a difference.
So many names.
So many names.
I can barely keep them straight anymore.
rq says
“We want justice, and we want justice now.”
FBI To Conduct Second Test In Hanging Death Investigation
Byrd family enlists Michael Brown case medical examiner. That guy got into some trouble eventually because of his assistant. I hope things are less controversial this time around.
Attorney: Family says they haven’t received enough information from police. They don’t believe #OtisByrd would commit suicide
Otis Byrd’s family has received autopsy results in hanging death
So right now it’s all the same, no conclusive (publishable) results, everything still under investigation.
rq says
And there might be traction on the initial demand from the SC protestors. #WalterScott
The SC protestors demanded that the North Charleston hold an emergency City Council Meeting to discuss an oversight board. #WalterScott
And a bus of Ferguson protestors just arrived in North Charleston. #WalterScott
Our past five #WalterScott front pages, as seen in @postandcourier newsroom in Charleston.
The family of #RamarleyGraham has asked for a twitter storm today to mark his 22nd birthday.
3PM, #ProsecuteNYPD.
Sharpton: In wake of Walter Scott death, North Charleston could set ‘new tone in policing’ nationwide
rq says
This… Walter Scott shooting: officer describes adrenaline rush in recording . Like a fucking hunt.
You can listen at the link.
rq says
Let me tell y’all this now. Prepare yourself for candidates to capitalize on police murders of Black people in a DISGUSTING way for 2016.
#Ferguson2SC at #WalterScott memorial w/ locals having convo about police, while scraps of “Crime” tape blow in wind.
And more Ferguson protestors have arrived. #WalterScott
Demonstrators practicing locking arms, staying calm during yelling #WalterScott #chsnews
DOJ Announces Initiative To Deploy Smartphone-Carrying Bystanders To Nation’s Streets (The Onion)
And this local pastor is talking about his time at the March on Washington. #WalterScott
rq says
Police now say the “officer” who killed #EricHarris was a volunteer officer and not on the public payroll. They call it a “Reserve Deputy”. In other words, refusing responsibility.
And there’s a great action planned tomorrow in STL. Mike. Kajieme. VonDerrit. Thomas. Antonio. LeDarius. Isaac.
Protestors from the College of Charleston are organizing, too. #WalterScott
Egregious example of gentrification: The Mary outside of a church in Bed Stuy was black for years. Now she’s been painted white. #Crazy
rq says
1. #RamarleyGraham was unarmed. #ProsecuteNYPD
2. #RamarleyGraham was not committing a crime. #ProsecuteNYPD
3. #RamarleyGraham did not run from the NYPD. #ProsecuteNYPD
4. The NYPD did not have a warrant to enter #RamarleyGraham’s home. #ProsecuteNYPD
5. The NYPD shot #RamarleyGraham in front of his brother & 6-year-old brother. #ProsecuteNYPD
rq says
Rally & vigil for #yuvettehenderson in #oakland
#emeryville home depot closed. Activists demand store release tapes of #yuvettehenderson
Shoppers locked in Home Depot- shut down when we drove up #JusticeForYuvette big caravan Home Depot locks us out
Police line on Broadway blocking protesters. #YuvetteHenderson #oakland
rq says
Man shot and killed during struggle with Indianapolis police
Same fucking story, new fucking date. Saaaame shit.
NBA Looking Into NYPD Arrest Of Thabo Sefolosha
Ezell Ford: When Bad Attorneys Happen to Good People
Fatal shooting by security guard proving a complicated case – in Toronto, Canada.
rq says
“I Shot Him. I’m Sorry.”
Activists want to meet w/Dotson. Gave him #BlackLivesMatter gift bag with coffee & coffee cup given #MondayMourning
Instead, Officer “Jones” was sent as a spokesperson to hear requests. #MondayMourning #BlackLivesMatter #ABanks
Todays #MondayMourning was at residence of SLMPD Police Chief Sam Dotson in #StLouisHills #BlackLivesMatter #Ferguson
I see PZ has already addressed this article: A DAYM Shame: Woman Killed in Police Custody While She is Shackled by Her Hands And Feet #NatashaMcKenna over in It’s not crazy to distrust the police. But here’s the article:
rq says
The Galveston Giant
More at the link. It makes for a nice break from all the killing.
‘The Wire’ Was So Real Police Made Creators Change the Plot
Back in New York: Holy Week: Black Lives Matter Protests Target NYPD Funding (PHOTOS)
There’s more at the link.
If We Can’t Prevent Wrongful Convictions, Can We at Least Pay for Them?
EJI had that horrific report on lynching. Here’s a bit of follow-up: EJI’s Report on Lynching Continues to Generate Conversation about Legacy of Racial Terror
We congratulate #Ferguson on electing three new leaders and salute the first African American woman to serve on the council, Ella Jones.
rq says
Former UNH Student Goes It Alone In Criminal Court, Wins ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict. Well done!
Very well done.
Police Training 101. Cartoon: American Law Enforcement – panel 1: “Reasons to shoot: 1. The suspect has a gun”; panel 2: “2. The suspect has a toy gun”; panel 3: “3. The suspect has NO gun”; panel 4: “4. YOU have a gun”.
The @ArtivistsStl, @tribex_stl and fellow activists would like to give you this @ChiefSLMPD
This morning the protest was held at STL City police chief Sam Dotson’s home. Photos via @tribex_stl
(White people) oppose living in 50% black neighborhood. With graph.
Resisting #FuckYourBreath since 1492.
rq says
A look at the life of legendary piano man, Herbie Hancock. For the music-lovers among us.
Via imdb, here’s The Spook Who Sat by the Door:
Going to have to find the book. Also, it turns out there’s a movie about the movie (fine, a documentary!), here: Infiltrating Hollywood: The Rise and Fall of the Spook Who Sat by the Door, and it’s comparatively recent (2011). Here’s the description:
rq says
My blockquote failed before the sentence “They keep remaking superhero movies”. Hope things are clear from there.
The 73-year-old reserve cop who mistook his gun for a Taser
So… police reserves, it’s a thing. Especially if you can pay.
While on Bob Bates, is this about the same guy? Excessive force lawsuit that also names on Bob Bates, Deputy Sheriff.
That’s a lot of legobabble for me, but if that is the same Bates, then yeah, he, too, has a record of excessive force on the job.
“Black people have to do better in order to be treated better” I guess “do better” means playing dead at this point. Included is a list of things black people shouldn’t do in order not to get killed. Basically, everything – with a name or sometimes more than one attached to each activity. Inlcudes things like Don’t carry a spatula (Sheretha Hall); Don’t sleep on the couch in your home (Aiyana Jones); Don’t let yourself get murdered by a cop purposely running you over (Tamon Robinson). Oh, and Don’t protest, even peacefully (everyone Black, ever).
AP Was There: Original AP report of Lincoln’s assassination
With graphic descriptions of the wound.
The Truth About Black Twitter
rq says
Should I stop linking to tweets?
… *thoughts*
Support Feidin Santana
Republicans looking forward to using less racism, more sexism. For a refreshing change.
Victims of Chicago gun violence memorialized in lifelike statues. They certainly have presence.
Image of North Charleston officer Michael Slager shooting man in back w/ Taser during 2014 traffic stop. #WalterScott
Julius Wilson, man who police say refused to get out of car and was tased by Slager, to talk. #WalterScott
Kendrick Lamar: Shapeshifter
Literary analysis follows.
rq says
Should I stop linking to tweets?
… *thoughts*
Support Feidin Santana
Republicans looking forward to using less racism, more sexism. For a refreshing change.
Victims of Chicago gun violence memorialized in lifelike statues. They certainly have presence.
Image of North Charleston officer Michael Slager shooting man in back w/ Taser during 2014 traffic stop. #WalterScott
Julius Wilson, man who police say refused to get out of car and was tased by Slager, to talk. #WalterScott
Kendrick Lamar: Shapeshifter
Literary analysis follows.
rq says
Black Death as Reality TV: Is Watching the Videos Too Much? Saw these videos contrasted with ISIS beheading videos, which are often deemed too inflamatory and traumatic to view.
Why We Should Keep Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks Off the $20 Bill – an opinion.
Food for thought.
Protestors from Knoxville, Tennessee have arrived in North Charleston. #WalterScott
Abe Lincoln pops up again! Abraham Lincoln would despise you all: Race, the South and the GOP’s most delusional fantasy
@delafro_ I hate that our black women are left to be forgotten. Smh. Attached picture to an article titled “Media Blackout when police kill unarmed African American women”.
rq says
Police Reform Is Impossible in America. Is it? Is it, really? Impossible, and not just extremely difficult and slow?
This: “helps white Americans dismiss their own criminal activity as incidental” recalls the ‘isolated incident’ arguments so often brought up.
The North Charleston PD is on the lot where protestors have gathered, in marked & unmarked cars. #WalterScott
They charged him! They charged him!!! Oklahoma Reserve Deputy, 73, Charged With Second-Degree Manslaughter in Stun-Gun Mix-Up: Tulsa DA Wish they’d stop using that smiley photo of him, though. Will this lead to justice for Eric Harris? Doubtful. Nice gesture, though, as gestures go.
North Charleston. Protest. Moral Monday. #WalterScott
rq says
Moral Monday. Protest. North Charleston. #WalterScott
The street has been shutdown in both directions. North Charleston. #WalterScott
Our very first political education & radicalization workshop is expected to begin during the first weekend of May. Stay tuned.
rq says
Press conference on Eric Harris: unfortunately I don’t have time to listen, but maybe someone does.
Oklahoma Deputy Sheriff Robert Bates Charged With Manslaughter in Suspect’s Shooting Death
There’s a video link at the link with more.
Tulsa DA: “The significance of the Eric Harris shooting is that we lost a really good person despite what people are saying”
@deray 2nd degree manslaughter only carries a $1000 fine in OK!!! Plus up to 4 years in jail, I hear. Sounds adequate? Hm.
Also, people still wondering what will happen with the officer who said ‘Fuck your breath’.
rq says
The DA is saying that the #EricHarris video was edited by the Tulsa Co. Police and that he’s waiting for the full video.
The DA also noted that he believes there is additional video that the Tulsa Co. Police chose not to release. #EricHarris
rq says
CORRECTION: I’ve been citing this person as the Tulsa County DA. They’re actually lawyers. Apologies for the confusion.
The lawyer noted that 3 officers had already subdued #EricHarris when Officer Bates approached and shot him in the back.
Contrast and compare: in his hand: type of gun used that killed #EricHarris
on table: gun type the sheriffs lied & said was used
Doesn’t look like a service weapon. Is it?
rq says
More people showing up at north charleston city hall #chsnews #WalterScott
5 protestors are entering City Hall to meet with the North Charleston Mayor. #WalterScott
Police violence getting worse says Berkeley Copwatch founder.
It’s an audio clip, at the link.
The death of Natasha McKenna in the Fairfax jail: The rest of the story
In other words, it’s a lot worse than it seems. She was tiny. Upset and fighting, it shouldn’t take 6 guards to subdue her. Esp. with a taser. Jesus.
This man was actually fighting the police –
Watch the video. The answer is quite clear to the eye.
Dr. Ben Carson to Launch Presidential Campaign on May 4
Saad: Openly Feminist Gamer says
rq, #318
It’s so blatant now that seeing people still in denial makes me just sad and hopeless. What can be done when people are this blinded?
rq says
From Grand Central to Port Authority now Penn Station, shutting it down for #RamarleyGraham. #ProsecuteNYPD
Shutting down New York City streets for #RamarleyGraham on what should be his 22nd birthday. #ProsecuteNYPD
Tulsa Sheriff’s Office misled public after Robert Bates killed Eric Harris, victim’s family says
Fox News Says ‘Minority Communities’ Need To be ‘Trained’ To be ‘More Sensitive To The Police’ – that’s Fox News.
Sheriff’s Deputy Who Accidentally Shot And Killed An Unarmed Man Charged With Manslaughter
Still no word on how those officers will be disciplined.
Deputy charged in Tulsa shooting
rq says
Prosecutors investigating fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police. Hey look, they’re using his graduation photo.
HPD officer fatally shoots robbery suspect
I’m kinda confused as to who exactly got shot.
Missouri pressured to halt execution of black man sentenced by all-white jury
Let’s have that stay of execution, Gov. Nixon, and hear things out to the end.
A Quick Thought About COPS , from the Daily Irritant.
rq says
North Charleston:
The Mayor of North Charleston cancelled the meeting with he protestors. They weren’t notified until the meeting was to begin. #WalterScott
The Mayor of North Charleston refused to meet with protestors as scheduled because today’s actions upset his family. #WalterScott
And I was told the Mayor of North Charleston’s son is the chairman of the Charleston County Council. #WalterScott
I’ve been told that the Mayor of North Charleston’s mother is particularly upset with the protests, thus his refusal to meet. #WalterScott
You know, some folk said the Mayor of North Charleston was untrustworthy but folk wanted to give him a chance. Now they know. #WalterScott
rq says
General police misbehaviour
Residents air concerns about Taser use during Gilmor arrests
Stingray Tracking Devices: Who’s Got Them?, via ACLU. THat’s the cellphone tracking technology.
Map and list of agencies at the link.
Plastic dolls spray painted black & hanging from tree in West #Baltimore has sparked concerns bc it’s near school. Unsure whether it’s art or protest or hooliganism.
White officer won’t face death penalty in South Carolina murder: prosecutor. IS ANYONE SURPRISED? Actually, I’m glad he won’t be facing the death penalty, but I’m disappointed that he won’t be facing the maximum possible penalty for his crime. If that makes any sense.
What about systemic racism? Isn’t that an aggravating circumstance?
City looks to settle police wrongful death suit (Baltimore)
Still no autopsy results for Trayvon Scott, man who died in Northern District custody in February, police said.
rq says
Freddy Gray, the most recent victim of @BaltimorePolice, in critical condition after 4 cops beat him while in custody.
OH OKAY. THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP, WHITE ACADEMIA. Which links to this tweet, In which the American Journal of Sociology informs us that “none of Fanon’s books are really books.”
Oh. Okay. Bit of highlighted text attached reads: “It should be noted from the outset that none of Fanon’s books is really a book. None was composed with care and long reflection, in successive drafts, for a clearly conceived audience.” Buh, is that how one defines ‘book’ these days? Serious? From the following ‘analysis’ of Fanon’s non-books, one might as well strike down half of white literature, too. Especially history books and science books.
Like what the hell.
rq says
Yesterday the CBC had more on Walter Scott and Eric Harris:
Reserve officer in Oklahoma charged with manslaughter in suspect’s shooting death;
Walter Scott shooting: Dashcam video shows officer questioning why suspect ran;
Walter Scott funeral: ‘I don’t think he ever met an enemy’;
Walter Scott shooting: Gap remains between dashcam, bystander videos
California Cops Beat Up Drunk Driver
And San Bernardino: “I Thought I Was Being Beaten to Death”: Man Assaulted by Deputies
I believe that is the first time I’ve heard the real victim being allowed to express that he feared for his life. First itme.
rq says
Baltimore! Rawlings-Blake to push for bills addressing police brutality complaints
It’s been a whole year. A Year After Kidnapping, Hundreds of Schoolgirls Remain Missing
Volunteer for Sheriff Is Charged in Killing After Mistaking Handgun for Taser. Repost? A lot of them have the same fucking title.
The #STL Board of Aldermen will hold a special session tomorrow to vote to establish a civilian review board. 10am in City Hall. – That’s today by now!
In Atlanta, the educators convicted of cheating were being sentenced (probably an article later, will be checking) today. WIth sentences like this: Michael Pitts sentenced to $25K fine, 20 years to serve 7. 2K hours of community service. #APS Others got similar. More later.
And I lost the most excellentest comment on that, about how you get punished more for advancing black youth than you do for killing them.
Here’s a sad music break: Soul singer Percy Sledge dies aged 74
rq says
This isn’t that comment, but it’s similar: Shoot unarmed man 41 times? NO JAIL TIME.
Choke a man to death? NO JAIL TIME.
Cheat on tests? 7 years in prison.
Yes, We Are Different by Susanne Frenzel. (Art.)
Some hearings for the torture victims were held in Chicago. Here’s a couple of comments from one man’s testimony: Darrell Cannon receives standing ovation as he is called to the stand. #RahmRepNow
Officer Peter Dignant said “N*gger, listen” and showed him a bullet, turned around and made motion of putting bullet in chamber. #RahmRepNow
The officers then broke his teeth & busted his lip,shoved the pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. They did this 3 times. #RahmRepNow Cannon called it Russian Roulette with a shotgun.
Rep. Hank Johnson blasts Congress for its silence and inaction on police shootings
The video is powerful.
rq says
Emanuel Agrees To $5.5 Million Police Torture Reparations Fund – I don’t know if that is anything resembling a suitable amount in a case like this, but it is a small positive step.
Volunteer for Sheriff Is Charged in Killing After Mistaking Handgun for Taser – the headline sounds familiar, but it has some odd information:
Or maybe all that was there all along but I didn’t see it. Too much sympathy for the shooter.
Teen records video of classmates taunting him as ‘dirty n****r’ — and now he’s afraid to return to school
Well, your kid learned it from somewhere, and yeah, I know kids learn things from pretty much everywhere, but apparently they never got the counter-education, either.
Another small bit of good news, regarding Floyd Dent! Officer Bill ‘Robocop’ Melendez fired for brutal roadside beating of Michigan grandfather
More, with video, at the link.
More art: Souls of Black Folk: E Pluribus Unum I by Karole Turner Campbell.
rq says
Black Lives Matter Activists in South Carolina Demand Reform After Police Killing of Walter Scott, with video.
Transcript available at the link.
Here’s something I learned via Deray on twitter, that South Carolina used to be rice-growing central in North America! Oh and guess what, they used slave labour. Here’s a book on the subject: Black Rice
The African Origins of Rice Cultivation in the Americas
Relatedly, The Original Gullah Festival
And more at that link.
Also, due to the rice slave-industry, the South Carolina population of black people was much larger than that of white poeple: South Carolina – African-Americans – Slave Population. In 1860, almost twice that.
Where rice wasn’t grown in South Carolina, indigo was grown. Indigo is essentially plant dye. This is why the SC flag is blue.
Origins of Black Carolinians. Lists the ethnicities and the regions from which slaves were taken.
rq says
We’re now treating dead Nazis with more respect than we do innocent unarmed black men. #EricHarris #WalterScott As per the attached headline ref. Gunter Grass.
Racial Gap in Men’s Sentencing
Is it too late? A Missouri Death Row Inmate is Waiting for the Phone Call That Decides if He Lives or Dies Tonight
All-white juries and the death penalty
And there was lots of protest yesterday – New York, Chicago, Ferguson, and more.
Brooklyn Bridge is essentially shut down Manhattan bound
More pictures as we go along.
City Of Chicago Moves Forward With $5.5 Million Reparations Package For Jon Burge Torture Victims – just another on that.
rq says
Anti-police brutality protesters on New York’s Brooklyn Bridge via @VeroAlbarella #BlackLivesMatter #ShutDownA14 Impressive photos.
Bay Area protesters denounce police killings, try to block freeways
Some 200 protesters have taken over #DaleyCenter since 3pm 4 #ShutdownA14 #Chicago
Sing I can hear my brother saying I can’t breathe- we ain’t gonna stop until our pplr free #ShutDownA14 #Stockton
All these people are being detained on Brooklyn side of Brooklyn bridge. NYPD refuses to give reason. #ShutDownA14
DePaul is in the house, singing the I Can’t Breathe song at #ShutDownA14 Chicago!
rq says
Chants of FTP- free the people- in Ferguson as protesters block intersection. #ShutItDownA14 – There’s a streaming link at the link, but I don’t think it’s active anymore.
Black Lives Matter protesters shut down San Francisco City Hall, Oakland freeway
@ Grand Army Plaza NYPD methodically netted & arrested more than I could count. Headed dif direction now #ShutDownA14
Flatbush & Atlantic, largest intersection in Brooklyn, shut down, all directions. #ShutDownA14
Everyone is being photographed as they are put in the van, and instructed not to give me their names. #ShutDownA14
rq says
Ferguson Commission has smallest crowd yet
Well, there was a scheduled protest, so charitably, people who would have shown up here may have been there. Still, hope the commission doesn’t lose any momentum!
Joseph Byars is the deputy sheriff who said “fuck your breath.”
Michael Huckeby is the deputy sheriff who kneeled on #EricHarris’ head.
Chicago To Pay $5 Million To Family Teen Shot 16 Times By Cop While Allegedly Wielding Knife
Jesse Williams Calls Out ‘Justify-Anything’ Americans Who Excuse Police Shootings
44% of unarmed people killed by Oklahoma police are black. 9% of Oklahoma’s population is black. (With link to spreadsheet.)
And here are 57 people killed by police in Oklahoma since May 2013. At least 20 are black. (With link to spreadsheet.)
rq says
Yo. Young people in Charleston, SC, just shut brunch down at a restaurant called High Cotton. No business as usual today! #BlackLivesMatter
Women killed by police in 2014.
Something not so heavy: 6 Great Black British Web Series To Look For in 2015
Season Four of Dear Jesus; Ackee and Saltfish (Season 1); Housemates; #SoHeSays; A Day in the Life of Daddy; and Season 2 of The Loft.
#RahmRepNOW #ReparationsNOW Burge Reparations Ordinance, Chicago. Document photographs at the link.
152 Innocents, Marked for Death
rq says
Eric Harris: Sheriff’s Office confirms names of deputies in video, says they didn’t hear gunshot
Okay. Here’s the thing: I don’t care if he was shot or not? If you’re holding someone down on the ground and they say they can’t breathe? The fuck you tell them ‘fuck your breath’? Injured or not that is absolutely callous disregard for human life. And look, they can’t keep their stories straight:
The guy kneeing #EricHarris’s head is Michael Huckeby. His father, Maj. Tom Huckeby, has worked for the sheriff’s office for about 25 years.
Commemorating CHM: White Supremacy Killed Lincoln
Denver Protesters Remix Mockingjay’s “Hanging Tree” for #EricGarner: lyrics at that link, listen here: Denver Protesters Remix Mockingjay’s Hanging Tree @ Cherry Creek Mall
The SC Supreme Court has intervened & has appointed a Circuit Court judge re: Officer Slager. #WalterScott
rq says
And here is Martin O’Malley on the protests, #WalterScott and race. Interesting. Watch the video here: O’Malley at National Action Network 4/11/15.
View from NewsChopper4 shows police response to protest that blocked Metro train. That’s a lot of police cars.
#ShutDownA14: Protesters against police brutality barricade Brooklyn Bridge
More at the link, with pictures and quotes from across the States.
15 Arrests in Protest That Disrupted Metro Service Near Downtown LA
Orange Confederate monument will include 32 rebel flags. Erm ssay what?
Just wow.
rq says
Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
rq @311:
I think the Tweets you post give many people the opportunity to learn from them, which is very important. As mentioned in the material you quoted at #311, this is stuff a lot of people would otherwise not be aware of. You’re helping to raise awareness of very important issues.
Additionally, this thread and its predecessors are a great trove of information regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement as well as the corrupt USAmerican criminal justice system. *And* you’re helping spread the voices of black people to places they wouldn’t necessarily have reached otherwise. Doing so demonstrates that you value black lives (that might be a minor point, but it’s one that I find important).
Lastly, while the Tweets are public-private conversations, you’re not a journalist writing articles about them. You’re sharing them with the people reading this thread. I think there’s a distinction to be made between civilians sharing Tweets and a journalist writing an article based on public-private conversations.
In a nutshell, no, I don’t think you should stop sharing the Tweets.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Apologies if this has already been posted.
From Daily Kos-
When do ‘isolated incidences’ of violence become systemic violence:
rq says
Goign to drop the usual links and heads up for tomorrow, I don’t think I’ll be posting at all, back on Friday. I’ll catch up then as much as I can (ha), but – I guess take a short break?
The man on deathrow waiting for word on the stay of execution? Sad news. Missouri Executes Mentally Ill Black Man Convicted by All-White Jury
Not a pride-inducing record.
The Curious Case of the Disappearing LAPD Investigations
Large crowd here at STL City Hall for the Civilian Oversight Board vote that has now been postponed.
Parent banned from campus after threatening elementary student with knife
Yes, she threatened a little black girl.
Video: Denver police officer suspended 30 days for shoving down man standing with hands in pockets (with video)
Press Conference re: Civilian Oversight Board. STL City Hall.
rq says
ArchCity Defenders saw problems with municipal courts before Ferguson turmoil
More at the link.
#STL Board of Aldermen now in session to consider controversial civilian oversight board of police.
Auction of Art Made by Japanese-Americans in Internment Camps Sparks Protest.
Cruel to benefit from such cruelty.
The Awkward Black Girl Who Is Going To Change Television
Interview with Issa at the link.
The FBI Informant Who Mounted a Sting Operation Against the FBI. For some itneresting reading.
Black measurements of ‘economic well being’ far behind whites: Congressional report. Because they needed a congressional report to know this for sure-for sure.
rq says
White parents in North Carolina are using charter schools to secede from the education system
This is post-racial America, folks.
The St. Louis Police Officers Union will oppose passage of Civilian Oversight Board today. Of course they will.
Post-Dispatch photographers win National Headliners
A couple of the iconic photos at the link.
Jaden Smith Has A New ‘Offering’ For Fans
For funsies!
Aaron Hernandez found guilty of murder by Massachusetts jury. Too bad he’s not a cop receiving the pointy end of Justice.
And here’s BuzzFeed on the same: Aaron Hernandez Guilty Of First-Degree Murder And Sentenced To Life In Prison Without Parole.
rq says
Madison students walk out, shut down East Washington to protest Tony Robinson shooting
I hope they do.
Other black people doing great things: Santonio Holmes Raises Awareness of Sickle Cell Disease
Driver’s License Suspensions Create Cycle of Debt. Quite impressive debt, actually.
Cops have killed way more Americans in America than terrorists have. Gives you pause.
Interactive map at the link.
Young revolutionaries figuring out different ways to let their peers know #BlackLivesMatter.
Today, the COB was perfected. No other amendments will be added. On the 20th the bill will be law. Yes.
rq says
Parkway North High School doesn’t want #BlackLivesMatter signs on campus b/c it’s not inclusive to all lives. Right. Way to go, educational facility.
These Veterans Help 8,000 Chicago Students Get To School Safely Each Day
Today is also seeing world-wide protest (at least, I understand it’s a world-wide event) for a higher minimum wage – in USAmerica, $15/hr.
Our City will continue to #FightFor15 because the minimum wage must keep up with the cost of living. (New York, FYI.)
There are about 500 people out here right now in Florida. #FightFor15
Pittsburgh #FightFor15
The #FightFor15 March continues in STL.
rq says
Going to leave you with this, read the attached text. On police and policing and systems. the word economy, man. how can you be so powerful and so level at the same time?
In short, police reform needs to come from above. Because hammers are useless for installing air conditioning. (Read the text.)
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
A primer on racism:
rq says
White Texas girls blame society for their racist rap about lynching black boys
She better grow out of that habit pretty damn quick. Even as a teenager, the whole ‘ignorance’ arugment or ‘no one was talking about it then’ is pretty weak and disrespectful and completely avoiding the responsibility.
a representation of a Black family where the wife isn’t lighter than her husband & the little girl isn’t biracial.
Incarceration rate for
France 96 per 100k
Russia 568 per 100k
America 700 per 100k
African-American 2285 per 100k
AA men 4749 per 100k
Chris Hayes on Laquan MacDonald. Police Shooting of 17 Year Old Laquan McDonald Revealed (youtube).
Kanye West: “Every Time I Say Something That’s Extremely Truthful Out Loud, It Literally Breaks the Internet”
With video.
3 supervisors refused to lie & say that Officer Bates, who killed #EricHarris, had been properly trained. The supervisors were transferred.
More on this next comment, but that’s a pretty (mildly) reassuring thing to know.
rq says
Sources: Supervisors told to falsify reserve deputy’s training records; department announces internal review
So all this trouble and one man’s life is worth some old white guy wanting to play with guns with the police. Fuck that shit.
Bratton: How the NYPD lost its way. What do you mean? Their PR is amazing!
Read more at the link.
Hunger strike launched for Loretta Lynch. I don’t have an update for this (yet).
I’d like to see Sharpton himself go on hunger strike for a bit.
Fired Inkster officer under investigation working for Highland Park PD – this regarding fired officer ‘Robocop’ Melendez, the one who had a major role in the beating of Floyd Dent.
Ah, we have a skeptic! It’s not his eyes that can tell him anything about Melendez (with regard to the video), but the court of law, which is of course absolutely pristine in function and therefore is the court should ever decide that Melendez is not guilty, well, all those other people are lying. Is that how it fucking works, Mr. Perkins?
Cop accused of brutally torturing black suspects costs Chicago $5.5 million
Has it been mentioned, are all his cases being reviewed?
Tasers used on more minority Guilford County students than whites
Some more at the link, but headline, seriously? ‘on more minorities than whites’? How about ‘only on minorities’, as per the information at your disposal? ANd 11 times is 11 times too many. I wonder what the guidelines say about tasing non-adult bodies, because I doubt tasers come in children’s and adult sizes.
rq says
Fight for $15 swells into largest protest by low-wage workers in US history
Oh, this one was good. In that ‘ungood’ sense of the word. Racist Posts on NY Cop Blog Raise Ire at Time of Tension
… And yet monitoring protestors, as was commented on twitter, is so easy for them. Funny how they can’t seem to find all those bad apples in their own midst when they’re clearly not doing much to cover their own tracks. I sense a lack of effort.
If you read that article to the end, some of the comments they describe are absolutely atrocious.
Worrisome. And fatal. Volunteer police officers in the US overwhelmingly allowed to use guns
Meet The White House’s New Chief Party Planner [Exclusive]
Yay! I hope she throws many a good bash during her time.
“Whether you write about Ferguson or a flower, it is powerful and speaks to what we do in spite of a violent history.” – @ClintSmithIII That’s the man who wrote ‘What the cicada said to the brown boy’, linked to and I believe cited above.
Cubans to open talks about US fugitives as ties warm . Uh-oh.
SOme background and more info at the link.
rq says
25 Writers on the Importance of Libraries. Includes at least one black writer of note (Toni Morrison):
List of people died in police custody, by police department. Since 2005 – it was the oldest year I could find in the list.
Some of those lists are disturbingly long.
Researcher: ‘Police shootings are on the rise’, with video.
I’ve posted informative tweets from him.
40,000 Maryland Ex-Cons May Soon Get Their Voting Rights Back. Nice.
Therefore, if the GOP is’nt harmed by more black voters, they shouldn’t worry about things like voter registration and fraud, too! Let them all vote! (Mwahahaha…)
Kansas bans welfare recipients from seeing movies, going swimming on government’s dime. Ah, the old ‘you spend my money how I tell you to’ game.
So going swimming and trying to attempt a more healthy lifestyle through activity is irresponsible. Got it.
Honestly, there’s going to be even more of) a health crisis among the poor, and the government will refuse any responsibility for pushing it that far.
Injured by the Baltimore Police Department. #FreddieGray Double surgery on vertabrae and voicebox, still in a coma. It has been heard that it took the police van half an hour to travel the three blocks to the station.
rq says
We are loving @Lupita_Nyongo on the Cover of Harpers Bazaar May issue/- we also remembered this quote ..
Why police who shot Walter Scott won’t face death penalty.
How Chicago Is Finally Coming To Grips With Its Dark History Of Police Torture
And just to confirm how this could havegone down, Everything The Police Said About Walter Scott’s Death Before A Video Showed What Really Happened. Warning: big stinkin’ pile of bullshit within.
And here, have a music: Watch Stromae’s Exclusive Performance of “Formidable”.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
about cops posting racist, violent, sexist bullshit with each other…
NYPD says:
Wait – the NYPD who infiltrates mosques on the basis of religion rather than only after reasonable suspicion is raised? The NYPD that continues stop and frisk after it’s clearly found unconstitutional? Is it THAT NYPD that said they can’t find out the names of people posting threatening things online?
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
I think a $4000/month lifetime pension for each and every survivor of Burge’s torture is fair.
Oh, is that not what they mean by a $4000/month Burge pension?
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
National Guard in Ferguson couldn’t tell the difference between enemy combatants and political protestors.
No word on the number of documents relating to Ferguson that listed “rain showers, partly-cloudy skies, and a 10% chance of thunderstorms” among the “enemy forces”.
chigau (違う) says
nothing to see here
move along
these are not the [fill in blank] that you’re looking for
rq says
Sorry a bit behind.
Color blind or color brave? It’s a TED talk, but it might be worth listening to.
Woman armed with knife shot by Robbinsdale police, officials say – more on this intermittently, including the protest in her name, as the police wouldn’t let her family visit at the hospital.
She was 18, with a knife, because she called the fucking cops to protect her because three other people were threatening her. There you go. Let’s trust the police.
New Music: Kanye West F/ Kendrick Lamar “All Day”
Jussum musick.
Mixed feelings. Fee to Be Charged for Video of South Carolina Shooting, Publicist Says
Bob Bates, who killed #EricHarris took officers, including the head Sheriff on international cruises, fishing trips. Typical southern ol’ boys network, as the clipped attachment mentions. I think there’s more of an article later.
Oklahoma Deputy Robert Bates Says He Had ‘No Desire to Take Anyone’s Life’. Yup, it’s a media apology, with his family in the background. Watch the video. It’s pathetic PR.
I’m so sorry for him, so sad that he has trouble sleeping.
rq says
8 arrested after protest at U-M Board of Regents meeting
How kicking a trash can became criminal for a 6th grader. We’ve seen the story before.
Audio at the link.
Last night #TaniaHarris, an 18 yo black high school student, was shot twice by Robbinsdale, Minnesota police. Thankfully, she’s alive.
Teachers More Likely to Label Black Students as Troublemakers – another repeating theme.
Parents of 8-year-old killed in Boston Marathon bombing want death penalty off the table. I just sort of wanted to put this here, too.
Sheriff’s spokesman: Parts of reserve deputy’s training requirements might have been waived
Yeah, and it doesn’t look good. For Bates.
rq says
I’m so sorry, Lucy. Let us know if we can do anything to support. Robbinsdale, Minnesota. #TaniaHarris. Apparently she recently gave birth. Which is (a) another child potentially without a mother (I hear they’re charging her for… something) and (b) will slow her recovery and possibly cause complications.
And despite laws preventing 1 in 8 black men from voting, Black men still voted at nearly the same rate as whites.
Here’s something more medical: The Racial Gap in Cancer Mortality Is Closing, but It’s Still a Problem
Denied Medication by NYPD, Epileptic Man Has Two Seizures in Custody: Lawsuit I’m tellin’ ya, that NYPD, real community-relations builders!
Here’s another look at that article posted by Crip Dyke above: Missouri National Guard Called Ferguson Protesters ‘Enemy Forces’
rq says
It’s absurd that they put Bob Bates on CNN with his entire family sitting behind him to humanize him. He “mistakenly” killed #EricHarris.
TRIGGER WARNING: audio from @elonjames From the night the National Guard chased us down residential streets, youtube link within. Take a look back.
CNN: National Guard Called Ferguson Protestors ‘Enemy Forces’ and ‘Adversaries’ – this again.
NYPD officials embarrassed and powerless as cop blog fills up with disturbing racist comments. Have some more reading on that. Wonderfully inadequate, their electronic tracking systems must be. I mean, honestly, it’s just so hrd to keep track of these things.
Why Desmond Tutu Thinks Bryan Stevenson Is “Shaping the Moral Universe”
From history: A Police Shot to a Boy’s Back in Queens, Echoing Since 1973
So many things in that story have not changed at all over the years.
rq says
Residents air complaints about police at Justice Department forum
This is an absolutely wonderful first step in Baltimore, and I hope it yields good results and further work in actually improving relations with the community as well as officer training, and a good sorting of those worthy of being police officers and those not. And systems in place to monitor things.
Of course, I’m not being too hopeful, but just a little bit.
Man dies in police custody in Hagerstown, stun gun used during arrest
If only he had complied… right? Right?
Oh this is interesting… looking for votes? Jeb Bush calls on Republicans to confirm Loretta Lynch
A bit late, but this happened: No child deserves to be struck down by bullets. Tonight we will make our stand. Please join us. #300MenMarch Addressing violence in the community, by the community.
And people talk about how black-on-black crime is never discussed. And other types of crime. Heh.
here’s another CNN on the NG in Missouri: Missouri National Guard’s term for Ferguson protesters: ‘Enemy forces’. Just want to say, I love this part:
That bit about ‘human intelligence’. Like what the hell does that even mean. Eh.
Basketball! Kevin Durant Says ‘Hell No’ When Asked About Watching 2015 NBA Playoffs. Just a break from killing and other violence.
rq says
I’m told that Bob Bates paid just $2,500 to get out of jail and posted it almost immediately.
Counter-terrorism police might be tracking your #BlackLivesMatter tweets
More at the link. This after saying well they can’t actually keep track of racist comments coming from officers. Whoops.
The heartbreak of a mother who saw her son die during a televised high-speed chase
There’s more at the link. And it is heartbreaking. With video. And, of course, requisite troubled past. Of the victim, who else did you think??
In 2012, Black women voted at the highest rate of any race or gender group. With graph.
@deray: There Was Video. Police Violence. Cartoon picture of a graveyard called ‘Small Comfort Cemetery’, where each grave is engraved with “There was a video of the shooting”.
Municipal courts ordered to turn over records to Post-Dispatch. Is that with or without the exorbitant fees?
And there was another shooting in Jennings, which is near Ferguson and Darren Wilson’s old PD location. And I will post more on that once I get through the tabs in between. There is video (bodycam) and it is not encouraging.
<a href="
rq says
Amnesty International USA Calls for Approval of Civilian Board to Oversee St. Louis Police
Musician and director FKA Twigs talks ‘Glass and Patron,’ behind the scenes
Ferguson Hires Lawyer to Negotiate with DOJ
Obama rips Senate over Lynch nomination: ‘This is embarrassing’
Here’s more on the young woman shot in Robbinsdale: Robbinsdale woman shot by police is charged with assault
rq says
Judge grants $10,000 bond to man shot by Atlanta police. Generous, yeah?
I like how flexible and versatile black men are supposed to be – while running away from cops, they are still somehow capable of reaching into their waistbands and pointing (rather invisible) guns at police in a manner threatening enough to warrant (near-)deadly force.
We’ll protest the Lantern Festival too. Don’t come to our neighborhood if you don’t want to see the memorial. Simple. Read the attached text – the community wants to take down the memorial to VonDerrit Myers because tourists may see it and find it… wanting.
Ballet! Youtube video: Misty Copeland On Changing the Face of Ballet | TIME 100
Solidarity Rally & March for #TaniaHarris, facbeook event (no sign-in needed).
55 years ago, today, SNCC was formed in Raleigh, NC. April 17, 1960.
Job opportunity! Work With BGD
Also available: part-time video content manager.
rq says
How Racial Injustice Is Now Driving the ‘Fight for $15’
More at the link.
Man, 18, fatally shot by Chicago Police in South Shore. Note: man, 18. When it’s white college students, they’re boys.
Did he deserve to die? Did he?
After demanding the family of Tania get let in, the police finally allow them in. Power of community. #TaniaHarris
I know this is ‘old’ news, but see some photos.
bail set at $50k for a girl in the hospital recovering from gun shot wounds at the hands of those who were supposed 2 protect #TaniaHarris
We’re at the hospital demanding that the family of Tania Harris be able to see her.
Robbinsdale PD made a blockade. For the photo.
African American Woman Who Received Pardon 60 Years After Execution. Oh gods, 60 years too late. Way too late.
rq says
Mark Kirk: ‘We drive faster’ through black neighborhoods, “but we totally don’t have anything against those black folk”.
Apparently it’s not his first such offense.
Drake Read All of Your Negative Coachella Reviews Already. For some fun.
Adrien Broner Makes Uncomfortable Joke With Cop During DUI Arrest: “You Could Have Shot Me With My Hands Up”. Some dangerous fun.
Activists in jail: Black Lives Matter Raising $90,000 Bail for Jailed Activist
More on that: Police say Black Lives Matter activist was not under surveillance prior to arrest
So yeah, the previous is outdated info, and some good news in there, too. Though I don’t believe the police.
TONIGHT! Re-visions: Black & Brown Resisting State Violence art & round-table discussion. 401 26th St Oakland. 6-9PM.
rq says
I’m generally not a fan of people arming themselves. This time is no different – but I can understand the sentiment. West Memphis NAACP wants black families to arm themselves
4 Years After a Revolutionary New Approach to Drugs, Here’s What’s Happening in Seattle. Something rather positive.
Okay, and it has a fucking obscene opening sentence. Enemies? Seriously? The rest is much better. More at the link.
1. RT @Yo_jonesy_: Pnh teachers in support of Black Lives Matter. Let the dialogue begin
2. RT @evster_: Parkway North staff who have signs in their rooms/spaces. 18 classrooms, y’all. #BlackLivesMatter
Fee to Be Charged for Video of South Carolina Shooting, Publicist Says. I know, we saw it above. But I like the addition of this part:
rq says
Broadway shut down as 100s march with #TaniaHarris’ family to the hospital to demand to see their 18yo daughter. Yeah, sorry I got all the Tania Harris tweets reversed.
Die in in shutting down both lanes of broadway. #TaniaHarris
Think some good thoughts! Kareem Abdul-Jabbar recovering after quadruple bypass surgery
FOr fucks’ sake… Cop in Aiyana Stanley-Jones shooting back on the job
Can’t get to this article, but it’s about eliminating racial income gaps in order to boost the GDP. It sounds good and it won’t load for me.
Did he really have to open his mouth? Disgraced Chicago cop Jon Burge breaks silence, condemns $5.5 million reparations fund
Some bits in between that really confirm that Burge is a terrible person.
And it’s frightening that there are people out there who think like he does. For real and without questioning themselves.
rq says
The name #PinkFloyd was chosen by Syd Barrett,
after 2 American blues musicians called Pink Anderson & Floyd Council. Did not know this.
Black Men Smile (by @blackmensmile) Cute shirts.
Please read this. If a Cop Is Recorded Killing Me, You Have My Permission to Share the Video
Uh… coach, spanking, first-grader? Georgia mom furious after coach’s ‘spanking’ chips first-grader’s tooth
Here’s a little good news. 2015 Commencement Speaker – Donna Brazile, at Spelman College.
Go black women!
Sources: Supervisors told to falsify reserve deputy’s training records; department announces internal review. I think a repost. Ah well.
rq says
Some hurt fee-fees on the line: ‘Chiraq,’ Proposed Spike Lee Film Title, Draws Backlash From Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
CMPD officer enters not guilty plea in Jonathan Ferrell case
Don’t be a black person looking for help. No indictment. I’m just hoping the trial will get somewhere.
A response to the Missouri National Guard’s opinion on protestors. Black protesters are not ‘enemy forces’
Love the rant.
STL County PD killed #ThaddeusMcCarroll in Jennings, MO. Press release attached. Tried to talk him down, didn’t work, blah blah, mental illness, *BAMBAMBAM*.
#ThaddeusMcCarroll had a knife. The horde of officers were all armed with guns. Knives and guns are not equivalent. Oh, and he ‘had access to’ a sword.
More next comment.
rq says
And here is the released bodycam footage of last night’s police killing of #ThaddeusMcCarroll. THe youtube link there: Tact Officer Involved Shooting . Listen real careful to the audio. Really carefully.
Man fatally shot by police in Jennings
That’s the official story.
Jennings, the St. Louis suburb where the latest police killing happened, is where Darren Wilson originally worked #Ferguson #STL
In July 2014, officers interacted with #ThaddeusMcCarroll and subdued him non-lethally as he experienced mental distress. Apparently this was impossible in April 2015.
Video Shows St. Louis County Police Kill Man Allegedly Armed With Knife and Bible
Again, listen to the entire audio, very carefully.
rq says
Some other things:
Rayford Logan noted btwn 1878-1920 a Black person lynched every 41 hours. Today police kill us every 28 hours. #ThaddeusMcCarroll
5PM Tonight
no signs, wear all black
Nostrand & Church Aves.
#Hoods4Justice New York.
Entered my home, no warrant, took my gun, TOLD ME IM NOT BEING DETAINED, then handcuffed me. Manassas City Police General police misbehaviour. More can be found at that person’s twitter account.
RT @deray: Building A Movement Against Police Brutality. NYC. Today 4/18. Details at the poster at the link.
Third funeral of an unarmed black boy I’ve been to. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. #NicholasThomas
After Walter Scott Shooting, Scrutiny Turns to 2nd Officer
rq says
#ThaddeusMcCarroll Comment on de-escalating abilities of de-escalating officer found within. Here’s another: Screaming “who are you going to stab tonight?” repeatedly is deescalation? It takes 2 min. before officer even tries to personally connect.
Man, 18, fatally shot by Chicago Police in South Shore. Man, 18. Whatever happened to teenager?
Controversial secret phone tracker figured in dropped St. Louis case
I suppose one can assume that it was used. Because why else?
Oprah’s Network Sues Man Accused of Posing as Celeb’s Nephew
Velvet Wade cleans up the crime scene tape the morning after her neighbor was fatally shot by police in Jennings.
rq says
Here’s a good one: Exonerated Death Row Inmate Meets the Former Prosecutor Who Put Him There
I hope Stroud can accept that and use his own remorse to work and advocate for change within the system.
Atlanta folk! Mising person! Sooo Twitter, my LB is missing. He was last seen a week ago in the downtown ATL area. PLEASE RT. We gotta find him. More specific info at the link.
What does gun violence really cost?
May the fight eventually turn into a vicctory for everyone.
So moved by @AoctaviusW’s My Lens Our #Ferguson
Thank you for doing your part by helping to preserve our history. I understand it’s a collection of photography – I’d love to get my hands on one.
On October 20th, 2014, a dash cam filmed Laquan, who was walking away, being shot SIXTEEN TIMES by one officer. Attached: the autopsy sketch of his injuries. So many bullet holes.
rq says
Affleck demanded PBS program hide his slave-owning ancestor
How would history compromise integrity? And why should he be embarrassed? He should accept his own history, and own it, and be outraged by it. Not embarrassed.
Charges against KC police officer in nonfatal shooting are dismissed
I have my doubts.
‘More than just child’s play’: University of Alabama SGA blocks new president from picking own staff. The significance? Here:
All of that sounds pretty nuts. What, he might hire some more black people? More progressive people? I’m so scared for you, university of Alabama folk. :P
Attorneys for Bob Bates in Tulsa now claim they believe his records from 2012-2013 were inadvertently destroyed. #EricHarris That story just gets better and better, don’t it?
they want us #oppressed but we #staywoke RT @ArlisDoNotChill The parts of Africa they don’t show you. Pretty pictures of Africa.
Around Easter, we saw some action under the hashtag #BlackChurch. Taking on Judaism next: To the #BlackShul, we need you. Statement attached; I hope it will come out in internet form soon so that I may bring it to you, but it’s the same sort of idea as before. Bringing the issues of Black America to the religious.
rq says
I’m memory of #MichaelBrownJr. Dedicated Tree 04/15. Located at January Wabash park 63135. 1/8 mile west on the path.
This red oak tree was dedicated to the memory of #MikeBrown today. I’ll have more on that story to come. (Uh, the tweeter, not me.)
Pictures at both links.
rq says
By any means necessary. In Florida, police are waging a war on black bicycle riders, investigators say
Check those statistics there. 79% vs. less than 25%. And baggy clothes? Serious? More:
Here’s the Tampa Bay news article on the same topic: How riding your bike can land you in trouble with the cops — if you’re black
Protest. Jennings. #ThaddeusMcCarroll
The Jennings officers have come out to say that we need to leave the street. #ThaddeusMcCarroll
#ThaddeusMcCarroll Protest, Jennings
Sather gate is shutdown to affirm the value of Black lives on this campus and worldwide.#BlackAtCalDay #Ferguson2Cal
rq says
The Guy Who Filmed Eric Garner’s Death Is Still Fighting To Get Out of Jail
The rest of the article is the story of arsenic in prison food and the like, we saw it before. Just for the update.
Mother of Eric Garner: The Recurring Nightmare of My Son’s Death
Wanted to put all of that up. There’s a 5 minute video at the link, too.
For the mothers that we are fighting for. Looking for donations to provide transportation for Mothers Against Senseless Killing (M.A.S.K.) to get to the Mother’s March in May.
Jennings Station rd 63136
FBI overstated forensic hair matches in nearly all trials before 2000
There’s more at the link. The entire justice system is so fucking one-sided. Impartial? Not at all.
Hundreds at Baltimore police station protest over man’s injuries during arrest.
Freddie Gray has since died.
More on this later.
rq says
Context as Crisis: The Street is a Book, on gentrification and changing cities.
A poem referencing the boat that went down in the Mediterranean today? yesterday? (timezones) with at least 700 people drowned. Hundreds of cockroaches drowned today.
An article on that drowning: #DontLetThemDrown: This is not a border enforcement issue, it’s a humanitarian crisis
Their lives should matter, too.
Reform of Baltimore’s Civilian Review Board Passes Md. General Assembly – that’s a small bit of good news.
That’s a nice way of putting it: not satisfied, but pleased.
#FreddieGray, 27, died today. He was killed by Baltimore City Police. A short synopsis of his detainment attached.
Neighbors offer accounts of officer-involved fatal shooting of Thaddeus McCarroll
The most painful part? That promise. This:
rq says
And here is a recent newscast re: #FreddieGray’s arrest. In it, check the police response. Graphic. No excessive force, basically. Uh-huh.
@deray Wait for it. “Mr. Gray’s injuries were caused by a pothole in the road during transport. Thankfully, the vehicle has been repaired.”
I’m sensing a theme here. I wish Bill O’Reilly would just wake up black one day, probably wouldn’t even make it to lunch.
@CerromeRussell @deray Arendt once asked her students what an appropriate punishment would be for Hitler. A: to be black in US for a day.
At a predominantly white church, Assata’s words makes it into the bulletin & out the mouths of those in the pews. For a declaration of faith, it’s actually pretty excellent.
So while media celebrates one cop who refused to kill a WHITE man begging to be shot to death: #FreddieGray #TaniaHarris #ThaddeusMcCarroll
rq says
Officers, city officials resign after new mayor elected – and PZ has already posted on this here, What is wrong with Missouri?
Flawed contract to feed inmates draws scrutiny
More on the Chicago reparations: Historic win for police torture survivors in Chicago
I actually find it sad that they couldn’t get the full $20 million. But as was said before, pleased – but not satisfied.
Baltimore. #FreddieGray. Must read. It requires a couple of extra clicks, but it leads to an attached email from a retired police van driver. In short, about the consequences of not seat-belting a person to be transported with the added factor of angry officers letting the transporting officer know that some ‘punishment’ is to be meted out via sudden starts and stops.
Via Saad, it’s nothing so openly racist as using the word ‘n*gg*r’, but once again, someone questions Obama’s values and intentions towards America. Christie: ‘We don’t know’ whether Obama cares about the US
rq says
Godsdammit I hate it when I forget to remove those sidebar copypastas. Sorry.
Let me know if this make sense to you #FreddieGray Highlighted bit from an article posted above, essentially- he got into the van uninjured, came out with an 80% severed spine. !!! (That 80% bit is later, not in that actual bit of information, but it’s important to know.)
“The Police is the biggest gang in this city” #FreddieGray Live Now #Baltimore #March2Justice
Photos from the funeral of #NicholasThomas yesterday. Unarmed. Shot & killed by police in Cobb County. via @ajc
RISE UP! It’s our day/We doin this for #FreddieGray – outside Baltimore Police Dept demanding justice! #March2Justice
The family of #FreddieGray has hired the lawyer Billy Murphy. If you know Baltimore, this is big. Statement attached.
@deray With more than 42 years of practice, He has been successful in over 90% of his state cases and 40% of his federal cases–4x better
rq says
Underage Drinking White Girl Let Go After Rock-Paper-Scissor Game With Cop [ Video] #CrimingWhileWhite, youtube video within.
Charleston police respond to Walter Scott protest during Sunday brunch at Hominy Grill
Vigil for #ThaddeusMcCarroll. 7pm. Tonight, April 19th. STL.
9200 Block of Riverwood Drive, 63136. Jennings.
Update: Teen Girl Recovering After Being Shot By Minnesota Police. There’s a gofundme link to her benefit in the comments, though I can’t confirm that it’s real.
Saving California Parks — With New Ideas and Tech
I think that idea is wonderful, tailoring the stories told to the audience – though I also believe that it would be important for white audiences to hear about the black people who share the history of the location. Extremely important.
rq says
Protesters are outside the Baltimore police Western District station demanding answers in Freddie Gray’s death.
Freddie Gray dies a week after being injured during arrest, a good article summarizing all the key points.
We Need You. #BlackShul
#BlackShul, police officer calling for backup
rq says
And people stop to read the signs and to learn more. #BlackShul
Pics from the solidarity rally for #TaniaHarris last night where we demanded that her family be allowed to see her.
Baltimore Police Commissioner Batts offered to talk with #FreddieGray’s family. The family declined.
Monday, April 20th. 9am. Baltimore City Hall.
Tuesday, April 21st. 3:30pm. Presbury & N. Mount Street.
Baltimore. Protest. #FreddieGray
More on this: Police, Officials Resign After Missouri Town Elects First Black Mayor
Safety concerns. Okay.
Something educational. NewsOne Now: How A Grand Jury Works [VIDEO].
Video at the link.
rq says
city wide / city divide: a culture of division, an event, a forum on race relations in STL.
The Ghost of Cornel West. There’s a great movie-like poster.
And there’s more and more and more at the link.
@tanehisicoates Ta-Nehisi Coates, Talk, 18 March 2015. “They made us unto a race, we made ourselves into a people” – youtube link at the link. A talk worth listening to.
Nothing to hide
More on Freddie Gray, via Grauniad. Death in custody of Baltimore man Freddie Gray sparks call for independent inquiry
Some get hired, some get fired. Town waiting for an eruption found it after firing its first black police officer
It all kind of goes downhill from there.
rq says
Neighbors say that the police had never come to the house for #ThaddeusMcCarroll before either. Media said the opposite.
#ThaddeusMcCarroll died on the grass, in front of the house. And here is the memorial. It’s heartbreaking.
We are here to say no more. #ThaddeusMcCaroll
Raw Story on this: Black suspect dies after Baltimore cops break his spine in ‘brutal’ police beating.
And one more on this: Officers, city officials resign after new mayor elected
150 cops, population 300: pay-to-play policing, from Tulsa to Kid Rock’s town
rq says
The Senate’s shabby treatment of Loretta Lynch
Appropriation? Or just assholery? Dear Slate: Black grandmothers have been making hot water cornbread like forever. The article linked is here: How to Make Delicious Cornbread With Just Cornmeal and Water.
In case anyone was wondering. Forget Steak and Seafood: Here’s How Welfare Recipients Actually Spend Their Money. WIth graphs.
This is just heartbreaking. We can’t even mourn RT @steenfox: Come on RT @BlackInformant: Mike Brown tree dedicated yesterday, decimated today.
Went back through my files found this picture of #ThaddeusMcCarroll from Aug. 17 on West Florissant Ave. He was a protestor.
rq says
Ben Affleck had slave owner censored from family tree in PBS’s ‘Finding Your Roots’: Sony emails
One more on the same: Hacked emails indicate Ben Affleck asked PBS not to reveal his slave-owning ancestor.
And just some sad news in general: KPFA Radio Host Wesley Burton Dies in Hit-and-Run.
Saad: Openly Feminist Gamer says
rq, 387
Thanks for that. That will come in handy.
Also, I love graphs.
rq says
I love graphs, too. Visual person here.
I’ll be doing the usual catch up in a couple of hours, hopefully there will be less killing and more graphs.
Ha. Doesn’t look good so far.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
From the NYTimes, by Dyson: Racial Terror, Fast and Slow
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Ah, police immunity to accountability and the violent entitlement that breeds: not just for US anymore: Indian anti-smuggling cops killed day laborers employed by others to harvest wood from protected trees. The employers who actually knew that this was illegal, commissioned, and then ordered the work were not, however, among the slain.
but it’s all good! The police were acting in self-defense!
Aren’t you just tired of the hyper-skeptical denialism of those cop-haters? Always basing their conclusions off things like “evidence” and “logic” and “video” and demanding “proportionality”! Jeez, don’t they realize that you can never empirically measure the single most important factor: the terror inflicted upon a single, innocent officer’s sensitive heart!
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Why do cops fear Black men?
They might become this guy.
Read the whole damn thing. Give that almost-great graphic some love (and hope that they fix the red-font text that concludes the left-justified factoids, which would make it perfect).
rq says
I can’t do this
The cop who killed Rekia Boyd wasn’t just found Not Guilty – the charges against him were dismissed by the judge.
Give me a minute. There’s more stuff to update, but that just came through.
And this is why even when a cop is fucking charged no one’s holding their breath for justice.
Slager? Damn sure he’ll get off on some minor thing with some minor punishment.
Fuck the system.
I don’t know how you USAnians do it, really.
I really don’t.
rq says
Freddie Gray dies a week after being injured during arrest. Yep, yer gettin that one one more time – can you imagine, these things used to happen, but you didn’t know about it… I didn’t know… Can’t amke up for lost time, but at least the stories get out there now. Sort of.
Memorial tree for Michael Brown cut in half, stone memorial missing. Like I said, this one’s just heartbreaking. It’s just a goddamn tree in a park with a small stone marker and they can’t let it be.
Officer refuses deadly force: ‘I wanted to be absolutely sure’
Y’all want to take a guess at the suspect’s colour of skin? Go on.
St. Louis County police losing officers at increasing rate – the good ones or bad ones, there’s no way to know, but maybe they can be replaced with people of integrity…
Read more about it at the link.
Deputy’s gun not on approved list or qualifying logs. Robert Bates, you lying asshole.
You rich, lying asshole.
Worth contrasting Dyson’s piece on West with Wieseltier’s bombastic “Decline Of The Black Intellectual.” Makes a strong case for diversity. (Dyson’s piece can be found above and is a pretty harsh critique of West.
rq says
The #STL Board of Aldermen meets this morning at 10:00. We will finally pass the civilian oversight board bill. Been a long time coming.
10 yrs ago, as a young reporter, I interviewed Alderman Kennedy about civilian review legislation. Today we pass it. Youtube video at the link.
Have a good news. Teen Who Lost Home in Hurricane Sandy Accepted to 7 Ivy League Schools – a very good news indeed.
Here’s another to sort of warm, sort of chill, the cockles of the heart. 7th graders find themselves, make sense of world through poetry
Freddy Gray’s charging documents – for reading and contemplating. Inconsistencies, strangeness, etc. … if it was all so simple, why is he dead?
Police report says Freddie Gray had knife, arrested ‘without incident’. So like i said, how did his spine get nearly severed, why is he now dead? Why?
rq says
The lawyer for #FreddieGray’s family has said that all involved officers have pled the 5th & are not cooperating with police investigators.
The former Baltimore City St. Atty fired a lawyer for prosecuting a police officer. The new St. Atty hired her back and made her a deputy. This is the environment within which we are calling on police officers to be held accountable.
City Hall protest for Freddie Gray now marching to nearby police headquarters
If youre curious abt the motivation for Dyson’s otherwise non sequitur knee-capping of @CornelWest. One word: access. Truth be told I don’t understnad 100% myself. But someone else might.
Yep, once more, with feeling: Black Man Dies After Police Break His Spine.
One officer charged, another cleared in video beatings – out of Detroit.
Ah, but the other guy…?
rq says
Speaking of Floyd Dent, New video shows bloody Floyd Dent in Inkster jail.
So if it isn’t about compliance, what is it, smart folk who say black people just need to comply with the nice police officer?
The prosecutor’s were notified of the #FloydDent beating on March 23rd. The beating occurred in January. Ho-hum, eh?
Meanwhile, in STl – At the Civilian review board meeting @search4swag . A few of these will be intermittnet.
In history: April 18, 1983: Alice Walker Becomes the First Woman of Color to Win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Yay! Is she also the last? I hope not.
@deray #FreddieGray was not brandishing the knife or threatening officers. Instead they “noticed” a pocketknife clipped to his waistband.
Oh, from Rekia Boyd’s trial. Judge about to make ruling on throwing out case against CPD detective. “This is a court of law it’s not a court of emotion” he warns crowd. More in a bit.
rq says
Rekia Boyd’s brother, Martinez Sutton, on trial being dismissed: youtube link: Rekia Boyd’s brother, Martinez Sutton, on trial being dismissed . Breaks the heart, it does.
It’s not even that Dante Servin was found not guilty, but that the charges were DISMISSED. #RekiaBoyd
Judge said his actions were beyond reckless. Then let him go. Not on first degree murder. A manslaughter charge. A word on that word ‘reckless’ in a moment.
Officer Who Killed Rekia Boyd Not Guilty of All Charges, Judge Rules
There’s a ‘judge’s verdict explained’ link within the link, if anyone wants to read that, too.
Watch The Official Trailer To Dame Dash & Kanye West’s New Documentary “The Secret to Ballin”.
rq says
And for fun, Shoutout to carefree black boys, too. Celebrate diversity.
The @stltoday Photography Staff really does deserve that Pulitzer. These images will likely be in history books. Check out those photos. *thumbs up*
1.5 Million Missing Black Men – where are they?
Graphs. But not happy-making graphs.
Ferguson makes an appearance.
‘They Should All Go Down’: Eric Harris’ Son Seeks Justice for Dad oh and I hope so too.
Cook County DA just announced that after he was beaten, Floyd Dent was illegally strip searched and assaulted in jail as well.
It’s absurd that the family of #RekiaBoyd was given $4.5 million for her wrongful death but NOBODY’s held accountable .
rq says
Police officers prosecuted for use of deadly force. More unhappy-making graphs.
Most of the officers white, most of the victims black.
Judge dismisses case against Chicago cop Dante Servin; Courtroom explodes.
They quote him, but by all the non-existent gods I’m not giving him platform until PZ expressly tells me so.
The 2015 Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs from the Post-Dispatch – nice!
Martinez told us that the officer who killed #RekiaBoyd told people he meant to shoot someone else. Today, he was found not guilty.
Martinez, #RekiaBoyd’s brother, just exited the building, surrounded by cops as people weep.
rq says
As the not guilty verdict was announced re: the officer who killed #RekiaBoyd, a fight broke out. 4 arrests, including Rekia’s brother.
A sympathetic legal rep is helping, trying to track arrestees, currently at 26th & California.
I’m wondering if these are some crossed wires, as we saw her brother speak andthere don’t seem to be any arrests.
Civilian oversight has been voted into existence. This is history. This feels amazing.
History was just made. 17 yes 8 no votes for BB208. STL has a civilian oversight board!!!!!!!
That really i some good news. A start, as it were.
Use of ‘African-American’ Dates to Nation’s Early Days
Just plain interesting, the things that happened in history, if you bother to look.
St. Louis Courthouse.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
(Oklahoma murderer) Bates got 16, 64, and 72? Perfect, just what the world needs, a 72-year-old Deputy Barney Fife who needs to rip off a few cylinders before he can get around to hitting what he’s shooting at. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be downrange of him. Seriously, imagine the whole encounter with Don Knotts playing Bates, and tell me you can’t see his part of it being perfectly Barney: accidentally shooting after drawing the wrong weapon, then shouting “Sorry!” and dropping the gun. It’s ridiculous.
Speaking as a former small arms instructor, I’m willing to bet that that third “qualifying” round was scored as generously as the instructor could score it, given he just met the required amount, and only on his third attempt. This man shouldn’t have been anywhere near the job he was doing, armed as he was. He was dangerously unqualified, and it led him to murder a man.
Pteryxx says
Responses on that timeline from concerned folks who can’t even keep up with the news or the hashtags… so many names. And it’s only April.
Screenshot at the link shows CNN headline “Baltimore police comment on suspect’s death”
Shaun King going on a rant that summarizes the dismissal of Rekia Boyd’s case Starts here: (Twitter)
Pteryxx says
Also via Shaun King, bystander video of Freddie Gray’s arrest shows him screaming in pain as he’s being dragged with his feet dangling, suggesting he was already injured before being loaded into the van. Daily Kos, Twitter with video links at both. The same video appears in previously cited news articles such as the Baltimore Sun.
Pteryxx says
re rq’s #380, the email from a retired police officer/wagon driver, received and posted by Justin Fenton of the Baltimore Sun: (Link to Fenton’s tweet)
Transcribing from the relevant portions of the screenshots:
Pteryxx says
Also from Justin Fenton’s timeline, quotes from the Baltimore press conference earlier today about Freddie Gray’s death: (Twitter start)
From another reporter at the conference: (Twitter)
So when he was being dragged and bystanders were yelling about his legs, his legs were actually not broken. Well that’s just peachy.
Pteryxx says
Might be a repeat, but worth reviewing: Baltimore Sun investigation into police brutality, September 2014.
Undue Force
Most of the rest of the article details specific victims’ cases, including a browseable list of settlements and injuries inflicted by police.
Pteryxx says
even more text from the Baltimore Sun article Undue Force:
Police Commissioner Batts, Deputy Commissioner Rodriguez and Mayor Rawlings-Blake all spoke at the press conference this afternoon. Before long we’ll find out if they back up their words.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Nope. There was Toni Morrison for “Beloved” in the late 80s, and Jumpah Lahari (sp? I’m not quite sure I’ve got the first name right either, but it’s something like that) who also won it, though I don’t know when. I only know about Lahari because of a friend up here in Canada who’s of Indian descent, but Beloved – everyone should know that. That was a big deal, almost as big a deal as The Color Purple, and the movie gave everyone a chance to know that, yes, this was a Pulitzer winner, pay attention!
There might be other women of color winners as well, but I don’t know them.
Of course, the Pulitzer is also a US award for US writers, so there’s not too many reasons for rq to know all that.
rq says
So some stuff that I didn’t get to last night because I thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep instead of finish the updates.
Thanks, Crip Dyke, for that clarification re: Pulitzer, I confess I just didn’t bother to check because it was late and I was sincerely expressing a hope that more black women have won the prize since Walker. I am pleased to discover that this is true.
Terry Kennedy is the alderman in the 18th and has been fighting for this civilian board for over a decade.
He was the main sponsor of the Civilian Oversight board that @MayorSlay vetoed and then took language to make an executive order, so a congratulations to him on the tentative progress.
The drug charges against #FloydDent have been dropped. That would be the ones absolutely unwarranted and most likely planted by officer Melendez, who has since been fired. Good.
#FreddieGray protests are planned for the next 3 days. Join us tomorrow morning, at 9am, in front of #Baltimore City Hall #JusticeForFreddie – which means due to my failure to post this last night, you may have missed out on one day of protests. There’s two left. :)
Video from yesterday’s #JusticeForFreddie protest; marching from Gilmor Homes to @BaltimorePolice Western District, youtube link at the link.
This’ll keep popping up from various sources. Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries Sustained While In Police Detention . I’m glad it’s getting around.
The current official story is that he was fine when they put him in the van and he was not fine when they took him out of the van, but some people have pointed out that he doesn’t look too fine in the video of the police putting him in the van – suggesting that he should have had medical attention at that point already, and that while not all of his injuries may have been caused by the (most charitably) negligent van ride, they were certainly aggravated to a life-threatening degree. Either way, these cops have got to pay.
rq says
Here’s another champion of the civilian review board in STL: @AntonioFrench rises to speak to civilan review legislation as a packed house looks on. Discussion underway.
And there’s a STL press conference with @jamalhbryant and other church leaders re: economic empowerment.
In Toronto, Mark Saunders, @TorontoPolice Union’s pick, has been named new chief. The beatings, racism, and killing will continue indefinitely. #topoli Just a note that things aren’t quite as rosy up north, either.
The Rekia Boyd dismissal: @deray I’m still trying to understand what “beyond” actually means here. Murder? (Ref. ‘beyond reckless’ as explained by the judge for throwing out the case.)
To which was replied, @Blueraydre @deray Yes murder. The judge is saying here that he is guilty of murder and the state should of charged it.
I’m still not exactly sure what that means – that the judge was unwilling to hear the case and/or convict on the lesser charge of manslaughter? Can’t the judge upgrade somehow (or does the law only work in a downward direction)? Even if the judge thought the charge should be murder, I’m disappointed in the result. One more cop getting off scot-free, because it seems doubtful that he’ll be going back to court on a harsher charge – and can he go to court once again on the same charge?
Detroit, Detroit… Detroit police officers seen beating suspect: Will they be charged? (+video)
So that’s Melendez, but funny, the article never mentions the other beating besides mentioning that it happened. So no, no word on the cahrges if any in the second case.
That I have found.
rq says
ART: A discourse on beauty and representation – the work of visual artist Brianna McCarthy. For the beauty of the art.
Love her style, the lines… beautiful!
Inside Ferguson With Photographers From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch – these are the Pulitzer winners, the article – from August 2014. Worth another look.
I completely understand why people become docile & stoic. It hurts too damn much to get up every morning believing the world will change.
Kanye West: “I Am Not What I Would Consider Truly a Musician, I Am an Inventor, I Am an Innovator”
Chicagos west side shut down for over 2hrs in response to cop Dante Servin being let off for murdering #RekiaBoyd
Justice For Tania Harris – Minneapolis, MN, vimeo video. She’s the 18-year-old that got shot twice in the pelvic area and is apparently recovering.
rq says
Missouri town elects first black mayor; 80% of the police, city attorney, water supervisor resign – DailyKos, Shaun King article.
Oklahoma Sheriff Apologizes to Family of Man Shot By Reserve Deputy – so Bates apologized, and now his boss apologized. We’re all good now, right? Right?
There’s a link to more.
Note the wording: ‘taken from you’. Not killed, murdered or any other such ‘strong’ language. Nope, Eric Harris was ‘taken from his family’. Too little violence in that phrasing to represent the situation that occurred.
A moment of silence for Rekia, right where she was killed
#RekiaBoyd #DanteServin
Shutting down intersection at Douglas
Watching this video on CNN and you can see that Freddie Gray couldn’t move his legs before he was put in the van. Fucking lying murderers. As I said, no conclusive stuff, but it’s been noticed.
Man who police say attempted suicide in Jennings jail dies; family calls for investigation
This is from October 2014. Just another mark against the police in the STL area.
rq says
Family of Freddie Gray, fatally injured while in Baltimore police custody, demands answers
The usual video at the link.
The Rekia Boyd Verdict Explained: Expert Says Judge’s Decision ‘Unusual’ –
#WJZ NOW: People marching have arrived at Western District @BaltimorePolice @cbsbaltimore #freddiegray
Freedom from Religion Foundation Awards $10,000 to Black Skeptics Los Angeles’ First in the Family College Scholarship Fund – a small positive bit of news.
Six Baltimore officers suspended over police-van death of Freddie Gray – with or without pay?
I wonder if that second passenger heard or saw anything, or would be willing to talk about it?
Parma residents react to loss of police officers
Now that is interesting. I’m very pleased with the residents’ reaction in general, though. But the computers? Whoa………….
rq says
Judge throws out charges against Chicago officer charged with involuntary manslaughter, facebook video of the judge’s decision.
Chicagos west side shut down for over 2hrs in response to cop Dante Servin being let off for murdering #RekiaBoyd
This past year, we’ve seen more American police execution videos than ISIS execution videos.
Baltimore Suspends 6 Police Officers in Inquiry in Death of Freddie Gray
They don’t know shit. What a police force.
Demand UNC hall named for KKK head be renamed #HurstonHall for Zora who studied there secretly, that tweet links here: Comments
Let’s get the KKK out.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
About the Oklahoma non-apology?
Yeah, there’s that. There’s also this other thing, a little thing, about the difference between
But let’s not quibble about semantics…
Pteryxx says
From the Guardian article in #415, emphasis mine: (link)
Knowing what “interviewed” can entail with this police department… I hope that other prisoner is all right. There’s no telling what sort of bargain may have been enforced on that person, whichever “side” they ended up taking.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I dug around and a found a list of African-American Pulitzer Prize winners:
I don’t think the list is comprehensive.
rq says
… And there’s a standoff with SWAT in Ferguson right now. Want to take bets on the outcome and race of the victim?
rq says
Standoff in #Ferguson
More armored trucks pulling on January. This is the second round #ferguson
Ferguson standoff enters its military phase . More later.
Activists: Bellefontaine Neighbors refusing to end ticket quota program
Trading football for teaching
I hope the teaching works out for him. And his students, obviously.
And a hearty congratulations: 2015 Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism – goes to Jelani Cobb!
rq says
Aldermen and staff across the street from City Hall preparing to swear in new and re-elected aldermen.
Aldermen being sworn in.
Aldermen sworn in. Poet laureate reads his poem on the 250th anniversary of the city. @kmoxnews
Makeshift democracy in action.
Breaking: @aclu_mo files suit against Pine Lawn for falsely arresting man critical of former Mayor Sylvester Caldwell.
Science Fiction’s White Boys’ Club Strikes Back – a fusion of sad puppies and racism.
I rather liked that.
rq says
Oh wait’ll you’ll hear this one, you’ll love it as much as I did: Think of all of the black folk who have bond denied for non-violent offenses. And Bob Bates kills #EricHarris on camera and is out for $25K. You ask, what?
Bob Bates, who killed #EricHarris, pled not guilty to manslaughter today. The judge approved his Bahamas vacation request. July 2nd hearing. Article on that in a moment, please be outraged with me for a moment. My outrage meter has been broken for the past little while.
Katie Hopkins and The Sun editor David Dinsmore reported to police for incitement to racial hatred following migrant boat column. Nice.
Now, if you never understood white privilege, think about Bates going on vacation to the Bahamas after killing someone. #EricHarris
AG Holder (@CivilRights), while you’re still around, please open and investigation into the Tulsa Sheriff’s Office. #EricHarris
Health and wellness. Crisis: How Sickle Cell Made Me Confront My Mortality
rq says
3 suspicious packages were dropped at 3 entrances of STL City Hall today. The building is completely evacuated.
Remember, the STL Metro Police made veiled threats about what they’d do if the Civilian Oversight Board passed. It passed yesterday.
Yeah, the Feds are much better: Feds to NYPD: Don’t be Racist
Here’s the link within: EXCLUSIVE: Proposed federal rules for NYPD training include Cop 101 advice like ‘don’t be racist’
Sounds like good, basic knowledge that… well, that should be obvious as is. But as we have seen, is not. Eh. May it teach many a young recruit to not be racist and to do their job well.
Two deputies reassigned in wake of fatal shooting by Tulsa county reserve deputy – but the article doesn’t seem to be available to me. From what I understand, though, the two officers were reassigned for their own safety.
The Violent Legacy of Chicago’s Police
rq says
Baltimore Police: Video Didn’t Capture Suspect’s Fatal Spine Injury
Should have called the paramedics, that’s for damn sure.
Suspicious cylinders, bag outside St. Louis City Hall were harmless, chief says
St. Louis City Hall evacuated after suspicious items discovered at entrances
Developer McKee Owes St. Louis City for Unpaid Taxes – and he’ll probably cost the city a lot more in the long run.
Some say this is linked to the bomb threat today: Board of Aldermen creates police oversight panel
rq says
Back to the standoff, Swat team is taking position but won’t let the mother try to talk him down. Where is the training #ferguson
I’ve not yet heard that a mental health professional is on the scene. Ferguson.
More and more They head in by the truck loads of swat They are geared and ready @search4swag #Ferguson @JDKnowlse
In other news, BREAKING: Justice Department opens civil rights investigation of police custody death in Baltimore. I believe that would be the death of Freddie Gray.
Detroit police officer who shot 7-year-old girl in botched raid returns to duty. Yes.
rq says
More from Ferguson: .@stlcountypd’s LtCol Troy Doyle prays with anxious relatives/friends of someone hurt related to #ferguson standoff
SWAT team has the vehicle on the lawn of 420 and 422 warford
Hearing the family is trying to get to him to talk him down but the police are not letting them in #ferguson
SWAT team now in the backyard
@Nettaaaaaaaa apparently they train their officers on how to deal with the mentally ill but DO NOT have the funding to hire such workers. Tragic.
@Nettaaaaaaaa they are supposed to have CIT( Crisis intervention training) officer on site for situations like this and #Thaddeus McCarroll.
rq says
Grandmother ID’d brothers as Lorenzo, 40 and Dennis Foster, 38. Says Lorenzo shot Dennis shot in face but heard Dennis should be OK. (1/2)
Bomb scare shifts Board of Aldermen meeting outdoors – which is kind of a nice idea anyway, to swear them in outside. But sad about the conditions for it this time.
Police involved in standoff after Ferguson shooting; search in St. John finds nothing
One more on post-racial Toronto: The Skin I’m In: I’ve been interrogated by police more than 50 times—all because I’m black
rq says
Beaten by San Bernardino deputies, Francis Pusok to get $650,000 from county. That’s the guy who stole the horse.
Suit says Pine Lawn police were used as a tool of political intimidation
More specific information on the allegations at the link.
U.S. Department of Justice opens probe into death of Freddie Gray
Also more at the link.
@FOX2now Standoff at Ferguson home ends without incident, shooting suspect taken into custody;
Again the man police allege shot his brother has been found and on his way to the hospital for mental help according to family. @kmov
Breathe a bit easier.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Students at Eastern Michigan University allegedly hold ‘red face’ party (video). The students also hurled slurs at an American Indian man who was offended.
I really hate that word- ‘allegedly’. I imagine it’s included in articles for legal reasons, but dammit, it so often reads like code for “this story may not be true”.
rq says
Tony – Agreed. They even used it in headlines after video of Slager shooting Scott came out – ‘Cop allegedly shoots man running away’, WELL IT’S RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN THE PICTURE. Annnyway.
That Dog Won’t Hunt: Cops Can’t Keep You Waiting for K-9s, Supreme Court Says
Can somebody please isolate Keith Richards’ longevity gene and give it to Her Eminence of White Light, the Notorious RBG?
rq says
“We are going to Shut City Hall Down Until All 6 Officers Are in Jail” Baltimore Now #FreddieGray
And here is @MayorSRB on the DOJ investigation re: the murder of #FreddieGray. She supports a review, for transparency, builds community trust, etc.
#WJZ NOW: What happened to #FreddieGray in police custody? Protestors and family want to know. What a crowd out there!
“Hell No We Won’t Go!” #FreddieGray
They’ve deleted all of the footage on @BmoreBloc’s camera. @BaltimorePolice are violating our 1st Amendment rights. Yah, that happened – surprise.
Baltimore officer suspended in Freddie Gray case accused of domestic violence – history of violence? You don’t say!
rq says
On gentrification and white flight – with a nice opening picture of a white and a black Jesus (Jesii?) Gentrification Is Not a Solution to White Flight
More protest pictures from Baltimore: After stop at Gilmor Homes, protesters are making their way from Presbury down N. Fulton.
Huge police presence at Western District, where a protest is planned for 5 p.m. MTA police officers assisting.
“No, the other one.” #BlackLivesMatter Read the attached. Basically, a reply to the question “Did you hear about the black man killed by police this month?” And it’s “No, the other one”. TOO MANY.
Here’s a look at all the stops the police transport van made with Freddie Gray in the back. Very small distance.
The protests continue. #FreddieGray
rq says
Copy of letter read at #Ferguson city council meeting calling for a permanent #MikeBrown memorial on Canfield Dr. Global impact, gravity of the work, etc. I hope it happens.
Apparently #Canfield Apt no longer want the Mike Brown memorial. Last week they requested that #Ferguson would help to get rid of it.
The woman who talked about the removal of the Mike Brown say she have been in talks with #Ferguson #Canfield and #MikeBrown family about it.
Protesters rally in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray
rq says
Wow, that previous blockquote is from this article: Freddie Gray in Baltimore: Another City, Another Death in the Public Eye, not the CNN article linked. That one reads more like this:
More at the link, sorry about the mixup!
O’Malley urges transparency in investigation of Baltimore man’s death in police custody
This Unarmed Black Woman Was Shot by the Police, So Why Aren’t We Marching for Her? On Rekia Boyd.
Important to read.
UNDUE FORCE – is this a repost? From Chicago, about compensation for families.
Police shoot and kill man in Lakewood lumber yard – that’s the latest.
Same old story, same tragic result. ‘He reached for his pocket’.
LAPD calls in the reinforcements. What could possibly go wrong?
I say, no.
rq says
Lakewood police fatally shoot man in lumberyard. Same info as above, no ID on the man yet. No name yet.
People lining up to support consolidation of @oaklandpoliceca complaints under Citizen’s Police Review Board. #oakmtg
Facing manslaughter charge, Tulsa reserve deputy heading to Bahamas. I know, I promised this article yesterday.
Ye gods I kind of hate him right now.
The guy the LAPD killed tonight had a knife, that he used on HIMSELF. The officers arrive and then kill him. America. “Suicide by cop”?
LAPD: Officers fatally shoot man who charged at them with a knife. The official story seems to dispute the previous statement – but how trustworthy is it, really?
N.J. trooper fatally shot suspect in Union as he drove towards him, authorities say
Stealing cars is now a capital offense, to be executed without trial. Good to know.
May be discretionarily applied by police.
Pteryxx says
NYT today: Baltimore Officers Suspended Over Death of Freddie Gray Are Identified
Also in the NYT today: At Supreme Court, Eric Holder’s Justice Dept. Routinely Backs Officers’ Use of Force
Pteryxx says
All I could find on Rodney Todd and his family (the eight who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in their home) are reposts of the original April 7 article in the Daily Mail. See #ToddFamily above. (Daily Mail link)
While I haven’t (yet) seen anyone blaming the Todd family for the illegal electric meter, to forestall that, I can say they may not have known about it. Meter theft rings will strip newer-model meters off the outside of houses and replace them with cheaper models, unnoticed by the occupants until the utility company notices a problem.
Pteryxx says
More details, or rather the lack of them, on the non-investigation of Lennon Lacy, found hanging from a swing set last August.
Daily Beast: Black Teen Hangs, Cops Shrug: No Evidence Collected on Lennon Lacy
rq says
New Ferguson City Council members sworn in; reform promised
Dunno, if Mayor Knowles isn’t going to get involved in reform, he definitely needs to resign.
Open letter to Pennsylvania governor and corrections head urges independent medical care for Mumia Abu-Jamal – seeks more signers
Anti-Police Brutality Activists Demand Answers To Freddie Gray’s Death
Audio also available at the link.
This is almost funny. F**K You, F**K That, and F**k CNN! Baltimore Protester Grabs Reporter Mic
ACLU Sues City of Pine Lawn for Police Corruption and Harassment, I think that’s a repost – here’s HuffPo on the subject: Tiny St. Louis County Town Used Police Force As ‘Bullies,’ Former Mayor Claims
1) Saggy pants, it’s the criminal fashion.
2) Publishing a mugshot in a fake newspaper? … What can I say?
rq says
Thanks for that bit on Lennon Lacy, Pteryxx. So little investigation. How little that life was worth to them…
rq says
Tangentially related, on how elite education remains out of the reach of some: How the Rich Get Into Ivies: Behind the Scenes of Elite Admissions
More at the link.
America. Cop viewed from the back, and on his belt hang: a hammer, labelled judge; a phone, labelled jury; and a gun, labelled excutioner.
Cop Can’t Park Confederate Flag Car At Washington Heights Precinct
“Sorry if we are not drowned” #Lampedusa #refugeestruggle
Down and out in Beverly Hills, Missouri: the tiny town that runs on police tickets – I think that’s the third definitive one about which articles have been written (Ferguson, Pine Lawn, Beverly Hills…). And several others have been mentioned. It’s not just one town, folks. It’s not.
I take issue with their ‘right to existence’ being questioned – the right to ticket so much, yes, and in one respect it’s an understandable reaction, trying to find finances in a crumbling economy. But is their right to existence, as such, really being questioned? And if not directly, does it come down to much the same thing?
At least three people were killed by police yesterday: in Lakewood, WA, Newark, NJ, and Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles. 4/21.
Yuh. Three. In one day.
rq says
Oy. Ran into a wall of moderation. Please look for a new comment 442 shortly.
Baltimore’s @MayorSRB reached out to #FreddieGray’s family to meet. The family declined.
Man shot and killed by police at Wal-Mart in Portsmouth. The appearance of Wal-Mart in police violence cases seems statistically relevant. Analysis, anyone?
So he charged? Oh, then shooting him was definitely the one and only true answer for this well-trained unemotional officer.
White people have been banned from an ‘anti-racism’ event at a British university | @laraprendergast Okay? So? There’s a linked article: White people have been banned from an ‘anti-racism’ event at a British university
So providing a space where those less heard can actually have a hope of being heard is now… reverse racism and a bunch of other reverse -isms? Or am I missing something here? Seriously, am I missing something here? I applaud Mustafa and I hope the event is successful.
Police union accuses clergy of “crucifying” officers. Excuse me, #FreddieGray is the one w/ injuries more like crucifixion @deray
That is a response to this: Man protecting cops who nearly severed #FreddieGray’s spinal cord off says not to “crucify” said cops. Via @deray, wherein the attached text quotes the union president saying, “I don’t know how leaders of a religious institution can crucify these officers without knowing all the facts of the case”, referring to the six officers involved in Freddie Gray’s arrest and… subsequent injuries. Because a pastor called for all six to be charged with first degree murder (they’ve got kidnapping and confinement, so why not, eh?).
Here’s the wreckless, out-of-control body camera bill that the mayor bravely protected the city from. I sense sarcasm, because the attached text simply says that all officers would have to wear body cameras.
rq says
That’s a second wall of moderation! What have I done? New comments 442 and 443 forthcoming.
Kind of random, but it seems appropriate here and other spaces: David Hume on, essentially, devil’s advocates: David Hume, in 1777, on randos. The tweet says randos, but the text within reads like it’s about devil’s advocates. Anyway, it looks like trolls have been around for ages.
Mural for Jennings School District by the late Thaddeus McCarroll, signed 8/7/2010.
Make This Crucial Call Today to Help Unseal the Truth on Torture, via Amnesty International.
They have a call-in script at the link, with phone numbers.
We filed an affidavit 2 oust McCulloch. The hearing is 9am Friday Apr 24 w/ Judge Walsh @ STL County Court. #Ferguson Link within: LAWSUIT FILED TO OUST FERGUSON PROSECUTOR. Anyone need a reminder about who McCullogh is? Here, have one anyway:
Here’s to success.
rq says
So. This is a satire site in Canada. … Is it still satire if it sounds utterly true? New Toronto police chief carded on way to swearing in ceremony. Or maybe I’m just gullible.
Anyway, the good news is, the new Toronto chief of police is black. But apparently the bad news is (as mentioned via tweet yesterday, see above) that he has union support, which… weeelllll, I’m inclined to think it’s not always the best support.
Also, I noted the description regarding his status as married, and with children – random observation, but… and I know women get that a lot… do black men get described in media articles via marital status and absence/presence of children more than white men? This is an honest question, because it’s the first it has sort of stood out to me, mostly in comparison with women… and thinking back on other actual cases, black men having children (whether within marriage or not) seems to be a thing that gets mentioned. Is it a thing? Or am I seeing things again?
rq says
… I think this is the kind of information that gets black boys killed. A Lakewood woman literally called police because she didn’t like that there were black people walking outside.
And not just boys.
rq says
Probably the last link for tonight:
The Disturbing Way America’s Legal System Turns People’s Bodies Into Weapons
So many dimensions to being black in America – how can a colour of skin seem so terribly threatening to some people? I know racism exists, I know it, but I don’t think I’ll ever understand, consciously, how it works, even as I fully admit that I definitely have unconscious racial biases of which I am not aware.
Sometimes it’s confusing. But I do know one thing: the world would be a better place without it. 100% convinced of that.
They identified the man shot in the lumberyard last night/yesterday. Man fatally shot by Lakewood police suffered hallucinations, family said. He had seven children. And he was harming himself. And then they shot him.
And he also had a criminal record, so what? Did anyone care enough to see that he got the professional mental health support that he needed? I mean besides his family – I mean trained professionals with whom he had contact (and he did, considering his encounters with police and health workers…). How did his life have so little value to those people?
The real possibility that Prosecutor Anita Alvarez deliberately tanked the Rekia Boyd murder case
And preparing for protest in Baltimore: The police have set up barriers trying to keep people out…only letting people who live there to pass. #FreddieGray
Sleep easy, my friends – as easy as possible.
rq says
Link = comment in previous, just to be clear. :P
Saad: Openly Feminist Gamer says
Police calls Baltimore protest a “lynch mob”
John Cotton: “Which one is the #LynchMob again?”
rq says
Updates will continue tomorrow, so there will be a bit of a gap. Sorry about that, travel is not conducive to maintaining a thread. :)
chigau (違う) says
Gee. Maybe I can actually catch up.
Thanks, rq.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Police officers can be killers, but they can also be rapists
rq says
Just as info. The QT has already been removed (or at least, what’s left of it – but there was talk of preserving ti. Can We Preserve the Ferguson QuikTrip?
With the Rekia Boyd trial just ended, this has been a theme (actually, it’s been a theme throughout): Silence on Black Female Victims Weakens Fight Against Police Brutality
And another along the same lines, No One Showed Up to March for Rekia Boyd Last Night
Photos at the link, too.
Oh, regarding terminology used by police unions, etc. (previously an article both on officers being ‘crucified’ and ‘lynched’). “Maybe I need to reword that,” FOP President Gene Ryan, says re: likening protesters to a “lynch mob.” Yes, maybe.
Freddie Gray’s lawyer just wants to get his case closed
‘By Blood’ Tackles the Untold Legacy of Slave-Owning Cherokees
rq says
how Watermelon became a stereotype of Black ppl. I never knew where it came from. Short version: free black people grew and sold watermelons, which became a symbol of freedom. White people used the symbol to say free black people are lazy because they don’t work as hard as slaves.
Days of protest after Freddie Gray’s death – days and days.
There’s a day-by-day recap with picture and short video.
Meet the 79-Year-Old fighting to save her St. Louis home, neighborhood from possible bulldozing
But it’s a ‘bad’ neighbourhood, lots of abandoned lots, much better to redevelop it into… something else! Yeessss,,, that’s right.
Racist caricatures of black people exists beyond Europe and was also dominant in Mexico’s past. This is Memin Pingiin. “Cultural context” and all that. Eh.
Gregory Pardlo, Pulitzer Winner for Poetry, on His Sudden Fame
Congratulations! More on him and his poetry at the link.
Hundreds in Baltimore protest Freddie Gray’s death in police custody
rq says
And more: Protests grow after Baltimore man’s death in police custody
The importance of being represented: I’m so grateful to see @Nettaaaaaaaa at #AAG2015. Black women like her keep me going. Even when I want to quit.
I may miss the article on this: Editor’s note:
It happened to journalists in AMerica, too, at a similar convention: Counterterrorism Conference Kicks Out Intercept Journalist
Michael Brown’s Family Suing Ferguson City for Teenager’s Wrongful Death
rq says
The next couple of comments from the protests in Baltimore on Wednesday. With pictures.
Like in NYC, there are uniformed officers in the protest crowd. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Nearly all of the officers out here are black. It’s a different feel, for sure. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Scene outside the West District police station. Barriers erected today. Heavier police presence #freddiegray
More plastic bottles being thrown police bulking up the line:
Police got bored and callled in the cavalry. #FreddieGray
RT @CFPalerts: Baltimore, MD *Protests* crowd continuing to gather, MLK and Penna Ave #FreddieGray
rq says
Baltimore protestors shut down Inner Harbor. #FreddieGray #Justice via @AntTheKing
And there is apparently another protest happening right now in Baltimore blocking traffic downtown. #FreddieGray
Protestors make it to police station and shut down street. #FreddieGray #Baltimore
Protestors make it to City Hall. #FreddieGray #Baltimore
No Sign of the #FreddieGray Rally Subsiding at 7:45pm EDIT
Baltimore Staying Strong for #Justice
Police are ready positioned to block entrance to 83: (They wanted to march out onto the highway.)
rq says
Malik Shabazz of National Black Lawyers for Justice calling for 10,000 to show up Saturday #FreddieGray #Baltimore
5 of the 6 officers involved re: #FreddieGray have provided statements. There is one lone officer not cooperating. Baltimore.
Now marching through the neighborhood. #FreddieGray
Moment of Silence. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
I’ve been to many cities in protest. And I’ve never seen 3 helicopters like this before. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
And now I’m going to go see what happened while I was in transit.
Pteryxx says
(Have a bucket handy.) Full text of the Baltimore Police Union “lynch mob” statement re the death of Freddie Gray. Text from a diarist at DailyKos, and image of the press release on Twitter.
Ryan’s absolutely right in saying maybe he needed to “reword that” lynch mob reference. It’s the iceberg’s peak of clear racism poking through an otherwise civil-and-polite sea of minimizing, dogwhistling, cop-worshiping, power-tripping contempt.
Briefly fisking some of this pile:
Even if there *were* evidence of criminal activity (such as Freddie Gray’s broken neck, say) they’d still support criminal officers.
They are literally shameless.
Protests have been peaceful *to date*. But those protests could mysteriously turn violent at any moment, because protests are just so darned volatile, while police *at* protests are just a neutral uninvolved part of the landscape.
Oh no not the rhetoric, anything but that.
All citizens matter, redux (see first paragraph). Folks on Twitter are pointing out that Freddie Gray was being hauled off and imprisoned before getting a chance at due process.
Because when *those* citizens claim to be innocent, *they* can’t be trusted, unlike those law enforcement officers who humbly remind us that they are citizens too. Nope, *those* citizens have “personal issues” with law enforcement harassing, brutalizing, and killing them. Personal. Issues.
Not full diligence… appropriate diligence. Where “appropriate” has about as much meaning as “without bias” in this statement.
And they think *they’re* tired of hearing it “time and time again”.
Defending. Not the cost incurred by the victims and their families in bringing these fact-free, lying cases.
For “proper” see “appropriate” and “without bias” above.
Perhaps instead of “lynch mob” he could have used the phrase “gold digging”.
Note that this is a backhanded diss at the Baltimore Sun’s investigation of brutality cases, cited in #408 above. Excerpts:
And the close of the press release:
Given how often their internal investigations exonerate officers, and how rare it is for police anywhere in the US to face any charges at all or even discipline beyond a token wrist slap, they have every reason to be confident. They just had to rub it in.
rq says
“Full faith in the actions of the Officers involved” (note capitalization). Sure gives me faith in the Baltimore PD, that line.
rq says
This is kind of going to be reverse chronological order (the tweety bits) for some of the time, just more photos of protest in Baltimore. For Freddie Gray.
But I won’t be sorting too much, so they’ll show up randomly amongst everything else.
Whenever city officials declare “This is not Ferguson” the fuckery is not far behind. Watch what is happening in #Baltimore #FreddieGray
Occupying space. United States Courthouse. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Everybody at City Hall. Just one man at Baltimore PD right now. #FreddieGray
Someone at NYPD HQ is frantically editing the @Wikipedia page for Douglaston, Queens right now. @NYPDedits: See attached edit record.
Even the Baltimore City Public Defenders are here protesting. #FreddieGray
The president of the Baltimore City Council is here. Protest. #FreddieGray
rq says
Well, that was definitely a random showing. :P
Grand Jury Clears Dallas Officers in Fatal Shooting of Mentally Ill Man Armed With a Screwdriver
5 Ways To Support An Ex-Offender. 1) Listen; 2) Share your own story; 3) Don’t assume you know their struggle; 4) Help identify skills and passions; 5) TREAT THEM AS HUMAN BEINGS. My paraphrasing.
These officers are blocking another street that leads to the police headquarters & Legal Aid. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
The police presence at this rally is obscene. Like, this is crazy. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Saturday. Protest. Baltimore. #FreddieGray – 1PM at hte police station.
How the NYPD Is More Humane to Coyotes Than African-Americans. Funny how this kind of comparison can be made. Yeah, funny, that’s exactly the word I’m looking for.
rq says
Senate Makes History By Confirming Loretta Lynch As U.S. Attorney General, which is nice. First African-American woman to be US Attorney General! She’s not perfect (her opinions on drugs have been cited), but I think overall a good thing.
Not just Adam Sandler movies. Actors quit L.A. ‘Ferguson’ play, question writer’s motives
But he just wants to tell the truth. Of some kind.
Brown family files 44-page lawsuit against Darren Wilson, the police chief, and the city of Ferguson
BREAKING: City workers sent home early today ahead of Freddie Gray demonstration
Baltimore City has implemented its liberal leave policy today to allow city staff to get home before the #FreddieGray protests begin.
One more for Loretta Lynch: Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch as Attorney General After Long Delay.
rq says
There are 2 Baltimore protests at 3pm today: City Hall and N. Mount/Presbury. #FreddieGray
Art: Look at this powerful image. “@deray: This Stops Today by Erik Ruin. ”
Explosive 2009 report from Tulsa reveals deep corruption concerning Deputy Bob Bates
From March, an interview with two protestors: Citizen Journalism and Documenting the Ferguson Protests . It’s an hour and 23 minutes, but I think worth a look.
And here’s one that says black transwomen posing nude is not empowering, specifically re.: Laverne Cox. Laverne Cox’s objectified body ‘empowers’ no one. I don’t want to cite much from that article, as it is full of transphobia and, more subtly, racism, but honestly? The photo is pretty darned hot, and Cox herself was a full participant in the photoshoot with agency, and apparently had a great time doing it. Here’s an excerpt from the writing:
Really, fuck you, author of that piece, you don’t get to define transwomen and how they allow themselves to be portrayed if their other choice is to abide by media portrayals and society’s disapproval. Go, Laverne. I think it really is radical and awesome and all those other wonderful bits that let others identify with Laverne and see a positive image.
rq says
Welcome to @MayorBartlett ‘s town. #Tulsa – come for the oil, but stay at your own peril.
Is the online surveillance of black teenagers the new stop-and-frisk?
More at the link.
The Christian Pastors just joined the Muslims at the protest! #FreddieGray #blacklivesmatter #baltimore
And the Maryland Transportation Police are here. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Protesters now walking through traffic down S.Calvert st #FreddieGray
The Mine-Sniffing Rats of Africa –
rq says
#Baltimore PD – no lynch mob ever called for justice and imprisonment – lynch mobs called for murder and death. #FreddieGray
Indeed: Sick irony clearly lost on Baltimore Police Union as it calls peaceful protestors a ‘lynch mob’
I want that flag ! “@deray: Out For Justice. #FreddieGray “ – it’s an American flag in the colours of Africa.
Police Chief #VickiYost Resigns Following Officer’s Beating Of #FloydDent! #BlackLivesMatter – there’s a link in that tweet that seems somewhat disconnected: Why I Disbelieve @MzzzMariah and the White Castle Incident Narrative. It’s another troll-post, and it’s interesting to read but the post really, really misses the point towards the end. See here:
Person involved in work on racism hesitant to call the police? Yah, I can see how that works. If you understand how race and policing are intertwined.
The Police Homicide Rate for black men is higher than the U.S. homicide rate in 17 of the 100 largest cities. Wild.
rq says
I just ran into @SenBillFerg, State Senator for the 46th district. He’s talking to @sincerelycrys_, a resident. It’s good to see politicians engaging with protest – as long as it’s not just PR, and that good work comes from it. Also understanding.
Los Angeles: The Police Chief and His Case of Convenient Integrity
So, what IS different about this case?
The street is opened today, and the vibe is less tense as a result. Yesterday was a bottleneck. #FreddieGray
In fear of the protestors, the police blocked the I-83 on ramp. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Heavy police presence by City Hall and in front of the police headquarters. No protestors. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Baltimore Police wrestle down John Patterson b4 arresting. Couldn’t make out what happened. #FreddieGray
rq says
A recurring theme – sexism: everybody does it. Your hypocrisy is showing. TL be up in arms when BM get popped by the cops. BW allege sexual assault, “she did something wrong?” Fuck you.
Native Actors Walk off Set of Adam Sandler Movie After Insults to Women, Elders. Just wow. ANd yeah, I’m glad they’re speaking out and I’m surprised at the production team’s reaction – basically, stop being so sensitive. o.o
There will be a special meeting of the Anti-Racist Collective tonight at 7pm at Yeyo Arts at 2907 S. Jefferson.
Well, it happened, sorry for the late notice.
#FreddieGray march on Pratt. Many honking in support. Dare I say most. BMore knows what this is bigger than traffic.
Fox News bypasses many enthused ppl in cars to stoic man. His answer disappoints: “They have a cause.” #FreddieGray Haha, take that, Fox News.
And here is the latest press release from the Baltimore Police Dept. 4/23. #FreddieGray See attached. Basically, nobody gets to see or photograph the inside of the police van until… well, until a full and complete investigation (and probably an update to appropriate standards) is complete.
rq says
Officers block the entrances to all Harbor stores. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Bassey Ikpi, famous poet and Nigeria’s best-kept secret.
A follow-up to an earlier article on the same: Smoking Gun: Prosecutor Anita Alvarez deliberately undercharged officer who killed Rekia Boyd
New Kinloch mayor blocked by police from entering city hall
Just wow…
It is now being reported that #FreddieGray was not seat belted when placed in the back of the Baltimore police transport can. More on this later, I think.
EVERYONE! Watch my boy @ClintSmithIII deliver his amazing poem :
“How to raise a black son in America” The youtube link within: Clint Smith: How to raise a black son in America
Five-minute TED video worth watching.
rq says
#WJZ NOW: City Hall packed with media as @MayorSRB is scheduled to meet with faith-based leaders. @cbsbaltimore
Disposition issued today in knife charge against #FreddieGray from morning of arrest: “ABATED BY DEATH.” (document attached)
BREAKING: Baltimore mayor: ‘I want answers’ to why police policies not followed in Freddie Gray death. She doesn’t seem to be particularly trusted by activists and protestors so far, though.
.@mayorsrb calls police’s handling of #FreddieGray “unacceptable”
Oh and this. Something that (a certain type of) white people do respond to: This is the all white crowd gathering in Valdosta to protest #EricSheppard & black organizers in Valdosta. Y’all.
HOLD UP! A Black man (#EricSheppard) walks on a replaceable flag & all these white folks show up to protest it?! #vsu
But black men and girls and boys and women shot down by police, no, no outrage there.
rq says
Some heartbreak ahead. Boy who gave toy gun to Tamir Rice: ‘It feels as if I’m the one to blame’
Wait, the city is suing him? For giving a friend a toy gun? There’s video at the link –
Here’s the NYT article mentioned: The Hole Left by Tamir Rice’s Death
rq says
Someon’es blockquote is broken.
#FreddieGray Funeral Arrangements. Baltimore. Monday, April 27, New Shiloh Baptist Church. 10 – 11 AM are public hours. Hour.
When you hear about the killing of #WalterScott in North Carolina, think about #CaryBallJr. #JusticeForCaryBallJr – honour student, emerging scholar, shot by police with his hands up. At least 25 shots fired at him.
Background check. Yep. Background check: Looking at McCulloch’s prosecution history
It’s an article from last September, worth a re-read, esp. with the new suit against him. More on that later.
Protesters take to Baltimore’s streets for a fifth day. They did say at least five days.
A black sgt responds to protester asking why he’s a cop: “Shooting on Harlem Ave? Someone’s gotta be there for that family too” #FreddieGray
White supremacy and policing, an article from 2003: The Avant-garde of White Supremacy
Read all of it.
rq says
I promised more McCullogh. Here’s a twitter commentary on the upcoming case against him (not really a suit, sorry for the bad vocab upstream).
Members of @OBS_STL have filed a case in circuit court to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate grand jury proceedings.
McCulloch failed to fulfill his duties by acting arbitrarily and in bad faith during the grand jury proceedings investigation Darren Wilson.
Two judges who were appointed this case recused themselves because of named plaintiff-Bob McCulloch.
The law is the law but TWO judges don’t want to do what is right by the law so they have stepped down. THAT IS NOT ACCOUNTABILITY!
Pteryxx says
More on the suspicious non-prosecution of the officer who shot down an alley and killed Rekia Boyd, from Shaun King at Daily Kos.
Rekia’s family asked for first-degree or second-degree charges and were refused. Several voices, including attorneys, have suggested that prosecutor Anita Alvarez intentionally botched the case by undercharging Officer Servin. Chicago Sun-Times:
Attorney Sam Adam Jr. speaking to the Sun-Times:
Shaun King points out a recent, similar case in which Alvarez argued *against* recklessness, exactly as she should have done for Rekia Boyd.
The full case is here on Scribd: 1110028_R23-2
rq says
Attorneys have filed a motion to dismiss this case but there is precedence and proof the allegations made in the complaint are valid.
Remember witness 41. It was proven she was not on the scene but she was still allowed to testify before the grand jury.
McCulloch explained the rules of the grand jury based on a law that had been overturned by the Missouri Supreme Court.
If a special prosecutor confirms misconduct, McCulloch will be removed from his office. That is what accountability looks like.
rq says
… And the article against Laverne Cox was debunked beautifully in Playboy: Laverne Cox Gets Naked, Exposes Radical Feminist Exclusionism. Absolutely brilliant.
It really is a beautiful, beautiful photo.
Updates continue tomorrow. That’s a rather nice-ish (nice because of that article and response, -ish because of what led to it) note with which to end.
rq says
Ferguson interim city manager resigns for permanent position – article on this later, but she’s the one who took over from the previous manager (Shaw?) who was in charge during all the racist emailing that got dug up (which isn’t to say that was the only racist emailing, etc.). Anyway, the press release is attached.
Baltimore police official: #FreddieGray should have received medical attention before he was ever put in the van;
‘There are gaps where there are no witnesses & no CCTV coverage,’ of #FreddieGray arrest, police commissioner says. Which means excuses will be made for those time periods, where some self-inflicted or accidental injury may have occurred. Great.
White activists to hold #BlackLivesMatter demonstration in downtown STL as response to white supremacist rally, document link: Anti Racist Collective Press Release
So proud to announce that every high school in the U.S. will receive a FREE copy of Selma. Go team Selma! @AVAETC A great idea. Now if only there was a way to ensure that they play it to all students at some point in time.
rq says
No ‘lynch mobs’ here
Ministerial alliance says Batts should resign in wake of Freddie Gray case. Batts disagrees, of course.
(Protest tweets will once again be reverse chronological or no particularly logical order, FYI.) Now at #LexingtonMarket #FreddieGray
Thank you, Eric Holder. History will be very kind to you.
Ferguson’s interim city manager is stepping down
Baltimore. Protest. Today.
rq says
Ferguson’s interim city manager resigns. Same story.
I wish there were more black reporters at local MSM newspapers. I’ve met so many reporters that write only from a lens of privilege.
Are you a Black photographer? @visualg_nius has started BlackStock, a Black stock image company. See him for details.
I’m disappointed in the Baltimore NAACP jumping on the “outsider agitator” bandwagon. Perhaps they’ll disown the outsider MLK soon, too.
The only outside agitators we’ve seen are the BPD cops who commute from Carroll Co. & PA. Oh and the Feds taking pics at the Western.
Greeting business in the harbor #JusticeForFreddieGray #FreddieGray #ShutItDown
rq says
Did these four vacationing Swedish police officers just school the NYPD? Interesting to watch – very calm officers. No undue piling on. It’s possible they could have released the man on the floor to let him sit up, but many details about the situation are lacking. All I know is nobody got killed. :/
Anthony Batts of @BaltimorePolice says demonstrators will have their rights protected, city has experience with protests #FreddieGray
Attention #stl the white power rally is Saturday (today) at noon at the Old Courthouse downtown – response of anti-racist groups can be seen above.
Missing woman in Baltimore – Please Please yall. RT this. Anything could help. With contact information within.
Video from 2013 shows biking man shot four times in the back by Florida police
How Slavery Gave Capitalism Its Start – big article.
Pteryxx says
Storify of Shaun King about the Rekia Boyd lack-of-case: Storify link
Twitter conversation on deray’s stream about the names they just can’t forget. (Deray’s tweet)
Responses, all from different people:
rq says
Eric Holder bids final farewell, heralds ‘Golden Age’ at Justice Dept.
Good-bye, Eric. Stay in touch.
Not a precedent. 10 Years Before Freddie Gray, Baltimore Police ‘Accidentally’ Snapped a Perp’s Spine
#FreeAmerica. Another unique flag, this one with the stripes turned vertical like prison bars.
Whose street OUR STREET #JusticeForFreddieGray #FreddieGray
Great-Great-Grandfather Sues Maryland Sheriff’s Deputy for Backyard Attack
Oh, just listen to that violent rhetoric!!! Just like a lynch mob! Innit.
rq says
Freddie Gray police backtrack over possible explanation for death. Ah, the good ol’ ‘changing-the-story’ line.
Yup, a touch worried for that man…
Out of the annals of history: Police Killing of Unarmed Man Agitated New York … in the 1850s
Note the amazing parallels with similar incidents occurring today. History, repetition, etc.
The “Black Israelites” in Chinatown, Washington, DC., are #HotepTwitter in real life. “Hotep Twitter” is a term I have become familiar with, though I don’t claim to understand the full depth of the term. Amongst other things, the biggest proponents of hotep twitter seem to be black men full of misogyny, stereotypical gender roles, homo- and transphobia… so kind of like black MRAs with the added factor that to them, African (black) history begins and ends with Egypt (hence the ‘hotep’). This is probably an incomplete and flawed understanding, but the online definition of the term wasn’t too clear and I’m working from my observations of the application of the term (to whom and why). Too scared to ask about it directly. :/
Pteryxx says
re slavery and capitalism article quoted in #480:
According to another book, Slavery by Another Name, slave labor didn’t end with formal emancipation, but just transitioned into forced labor and convict labor with basically the same financial benefits. Many “self-made” businessmen of the south made their fortunes by renting black laborers who’d been conveniently collected by local police whenever demand was high.
The 90-minute documentary version can be watched for free at PBS: Slavery by Another Name
and the About page:
So capitalism needn’t have suffered greatly from the end of slavery, if slavery for all practical purposes didn’t end.
The Mellow Monkey says
rq: 7 Ways To Identify A Member Of Hotep Twitter. This is a good primer, from a Black feminist perspective.
rq says
The Mellow Monkey
Thanks for that, that was extremely helpful. :)
Politico event we worked so hard to put together w Bryan Stevenson, Celia Munoz, John Legend & Michelle Alexander, and a couple of tweet-quotes about the panel:
“We are more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.” – Bryan Stevenson
I hope to learn more about the #FreeAmerica initiative that @JohnLegend is leading. (Turns out he’s been doing a lot of research about mass incarceration.)
“The uprising in Ferguson shows the power of young people.” – Michelle Alexander #FREEAMERICA
They just won’t give up: Nine Months After He Filmed Eric Garner’s Killing, the Cops Are Trying to Put Ramsey Orta Behind Bars
This one only barely touches on race (as it focusses on gender), but the small mention (cited below) is quite telling. Contingency and Gender
There’s a couple of links within that paragraph examining the race aspect a bit closer.
rq says
Baltimore Protest Details 4/25:
1pm – City Hall
3pm – Gilmor Homes
4pm – Marching
5pm – City Hall
When you hear: “What about black on black crime?”, a flashcard with information to explain away that myth. Addresses several issues like white-on-white crime, overcriminalization of blakc-on-black crime, and its dissimilarity to police brutality. That’s a very badly worded synopsis.
The 45-minute mystery of Freddie Gray’s death
There’s an interactive version of that article here: THE 45-MINUTE MYSTERY OF FREDDIE GRAY’S DEATH.
Isaiah Washington: A Silicon Valley Hotel Racially Profiled Me ‘For Being An Uppity Negro With A Cigar’
It isn’t enough to be respectable and famous. You gotta act the part, too, apparently. :P
Billboard in Baltimore. Black lives matter. #FreddieGray
rq says
There’s an art action at Baltimore City Hall from 4-5pm, too. #FreddieGray
Faith communities: are you willing to be led? are you willing to tell the truth about faith and justice? – @deray #CTSselma
ARC standing on the steps of the Old Courthouse (that’s the anti-racism folks in STL).
Protestors chanting: “Tell the truth and stop the lies. Freddie Gray didn’t have to die.” #Baltimore #FreddieGray
Jail Support Number (443) 814-9160 #FreddieGray @Bmore_United @BmoreBloc @LBSBaltimore
(More pics and tweets from this event in a bit.)
3 mile #BlackLivesMatter march in Dallas, Tx. #JusticeForJasonHarrison @deray @YourAnonNews
rq says
More from STL:
Anti Racist Collective Downtown Saint Louis Old Courthouse
Police prepping to evict white #BlackLivesMatter activists to make room for Aryan brotherhood. #whitefolkswork
Wonder how that black cop feels knowin that they are kickin #BlackLivesMatter protesters out so the Aryans can take up space #whitefolkswork
It’s was nice having @handsupunited_ on @North_Campus today. #collaboration
“Sometimes you have to stand, when everyone else is sitting. Sometimes you have to speak, when everyone else is quiet.” -Bryan Stevenson
Here, have a music: Kwabs – Perfect Ruin [Official Video] To be honest, I didn’t see much of the video, as I was clicking through twitter pics of the Nepal earthquake while listening. The title was very appropriate.
rq says
Collection of photos mostly from Baltimore, some from STL (tried to sort) but then I’m clocking out for tonight. I hope the police remain calm and peaceful and don’t instigate any violence.
.@CNN & @BaltimorePolice, w/ local kid walking by. Says he’s been arrested for running from cops. he’s 11.
And the Legal Observers are here. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
The intense police presence out here will only serve to provoke everyone. Baltimore learned nothing from the recent past. #FreddieGray
Baltimore PD. no name tags. #FreddieGray
Barricades, cement blocks and way more police then protesters. #FreddieGray
Riggs. #FreddieGray police and police buses.
rq says
And the Baltimore County Police are present too. #FreddieGray
I am disgusted by the display the police are putting on today. So excessive for black people simply STANDING by each other #FreddieGray
And the Bloods and Crips are walking side-by-side today at the protest. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
And with every street shutdown, the drivers were chill. They, too, are outraged by this corrupt police. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Protest. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
If this isn’t a visual. The dreamers (word to @tanehisicoates) The police state. And the people. #FreddieGray
rq says
Protest. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Pennsylvania Avenue. Protest. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
And here’s the STIL bit:
White supremacy group held a protest in Downtown STL today. City police removed anti racist white protesters.
That natl parks dept is evicting #BlackLivesMatter demonstration in favor of white supremacists. Happening now downtown STL
They yell “Hail Darren Wilson” and “Black lives don’t matter!” White anti racists counter with chants mail horns. I can’t fucking EVEN. Can you??
@Nettaaaaaaaa damn we had the a similar situation in Bloomington in March smh. They just need to gtfoh
rq says
Ah, the pen-final comment of the night ended up in moderation, how fitting. Eh. ‘Night.
rq says
It’s true. This little girl made this sign on her own. Was her idea. More accountability, less power.
I think there are approximately 4,000 people here today in protest. Baltimore. #FreddieGray Other estimates at 2500. In other words, a lot.
In my opinion, one of the best descriptions of privilege: “Privilege isn’t wealth or having it easy: it’s what you don’t have to deal with”
@JustSlyRed #AlterConf
Baltimore Police. Riot Gear Ready. #FreddieGray
I’ve been told that the Nation of Islam facilitated the gang truce today.
This shutdown in Baltimore may just be the most artfully executed organic protest I’ve seen since August. #FreddieGray
And then it went bad – so be prepared.
rq says
Here’s a preview: #Baltimore
But before that.
Baltimore City Hall. #FreddieGray
From Above the
#JusticeForFreddieGray Rally
by @rousseau_ist of @DCMediaGroup
Overheard someone say that ppl hacked the police lights. And by the looks of the traffic, believable. #FreddieGray * Traffic lights, not police lights.
Long row of cops at the western district while protesters are downtown. Gearing up for? #freddiegrey @deray
Baltimore. #FreddieGray police in riot gear.
rq says
State Troopers escort people across the street. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Standoff. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Police in helicopter just announced dispersion order. #FreddieGray #Baltimore
Police have us surrounded on all sides. Bus just pulled up. Think they’re about to gas. (As far as twitter is concerned, there was no tear gas. As far as mainstream media is concerned, nothing at all happened – Lost the tweet, but on CNN they said anyone who wants to know more about the protest should check the internet. Journalism at its finest.)
You begging blacks to respect private property but not begging cops and courts to respect black lives and black humanity. Some windows on cop cars were broken – not hearing any news about anything else, but there may be other property damage. Does it matter, in context?
Yall worried about how we “look”. We are laid out in the street dead then handcuffed in cold blood. That’s how we look.
rq says
Police made push, some protesters ran, others held. Now another line between the two in intersection. #FreddieGray
Still more police back up arriving. There aren’t that many protesters now, but they’re still holding Light and Pratt.
On the corner it’s getting heated again, with protesters yelling and pointing at cop line. #Baltimore #FreddieGray
#FreddieGray protests have completely shut down #Baltimore #BlackLivesMatter
Standoff. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
Baltimore City right now feels like Ferguson felt in the fall. Mourn your idea of America. #FreddieGray
rq says
As protestors smash cop car windows in Baltimore, remember: they’re protesting cops who severed a man’s spine, killed him. That came first.
The concept of outside agitators is ironic because less than 30% of Baltimore police officer live in the city – the linked article: More than 40 percent of city employees live outside Baltimore. Ha.
Apartheid was “legal”
Slavery was “legal”
Colonialism was “legal”
Legality is a construct of the powerful
Not of justice
And notice how the language is always “riot” when it’s black people. Last month? The white college kids? “Upset fans”
I just want my people to be free. Free to be angry. Free to be safe. Free to fight back. I don’t care about property.
rq says
Horses. Baltimore. #FreddieGray
@Nettaaaaaaaa is [100]: “Every unmentioned black body ever killed on American soil by state violence?” #BlackLivesMatter The attached is a reply to those comments that tell protestors to remain ‘peaceful’ and to practice non-violence.
White People Rioting for No Reason – an illustrative article for comparison.
There was a baseball game in Baltimiore last night. After the game, the told people to remain inside due to protest outside. This announcement on the Camden Yards scoreboard just now. #Orioles #RedSox #FreddieGray protest;
Fans are not being allowed out of Camden Yards. #Orioles #RedSox #FreddieGray
Gates at Camden Yards just reopened for fans to exit. #orioles #Redsox #FreddieGray
rq says
Baltimore is 64% black. 100% of people killed by Baltimore police department last year were black. #FreddieGray
Re-read In Defense of Looting.
Tonight I stood with Fredricka Gray, twin sister of #FreddieGray, calling 4 peaceful protests w/@jamalhbryant – I understand the protests Were peaceful…
Freddie Gray death: Protesters damage cars; 12 arrested
Vaguelycomic interlude: Obama jokes about his fourth-quarter ‘bucket list’ at WHCD
Don’t just RT the one photo it was a positive week despite today :::: #BaltimoreProtest #ripfreddiegray #DVNLLN