I keep hoping fox news will “jump the shark” and then disappear. But it looks like they keep jumping the shark all the time and nothing happens. It is pathetic for a news show to have someone from duck dynasty as their expert.
Although he isn’t doing a bad mullah impersonation. As long as he doesn’t speak.
It’s so difficult for me to tolerate Sean Hannity. He’s the only person on TV that I truly do my very best to avoid hearing or seeing.
I had a beard once. Then I shaved it.
See? I can say vapid comments that contribute nothing to the discussion. Why don’t I get invited onto these shows?
You’re fucking kidding me, right?
You know how people are having a hard time telling the difference between right-wing racism and satires of right-wing racism? This is why. The right-wing is so ludicrous that the satire can’t be over-the-top enough to distinguish itself from what it is satirizing.
Jesus, WTF is wrong with these people? Don’t get me wrong, if you like to watch Duck Dynasty, whatever, I’ve got my stupid silly TV pleasures too. But I’m not about to consult anyone on Hoarders on national policy.
You guys know what the inevitable next step is? Phil Shitforbrains running for office.
Next on Hannity: Homer Simpson provide his insights into nuclear power and healthy diets
throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamblesays
By god ‘n hallelujah, finally we have an expert on religious fundamentalism to tell us how bad the ‘not us’ people are!
throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamblesays
I’m still not clear on the sequence of events though.
Was Phil Robertson invited onto the show because Fox knew their viewers would agree with everything he says, which fits their conservative agenda so well?
Or will the conservative viewers adopt the viewpoints of Phil Robertson because he is a conservative on Fox News?
throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamblesays
He was invited on the news because he generates ratings and ad revenue. They don’t hesitate to invite liberals on and make fun of them but they have to mix it up a bit.
How are these idiots not laughed right out of the Overton Window. Good Lord, is there lead in the drinking water of every Red State?
The depth and breadth of the Duck Dynasty cult is truly baffling. Count on Fox News to constantly give the clowns a “serious” political platform.
Just what I needed, the opinion of a provincial, racist, homophobic, redneck religious extremist on the problem of religious extremists. And, as a bonus, I get to here Phil Robertson blather about something.
Crimson Clupeidaesays
Symbolically defenestrate them through the Overton window?
I’m trying to figure out what that would look like. :)
Thomathy, Such A 'Mosays
Don’t get me wrong, if you like to watch Duck Dynasty, whatever, […]
No. People who watch Duck Dynasty are bad people, endorsing a bad thing. They don’t get a ‘whatever’, they get a ‘Don’t fucking engage with me, ever’.
The only way this segment could have been improved would have been to have one of the men from TLC’s new show My Husband’s Not Gay, because, yes, TLC can lower the bar on A&E and a gay, white Mormon faking it with het marriage might be even more irrelevant to a discussion on Islam than Phil Robertson. Besides, they might get some entertaining interplay between Phil and the sad, Mormon ‘not’-gay man.
twas brillig (stevem)says
sambarge wrote @4:
You know how people are having a hard time telling the difference between right-wing racism and satires of right-wing racism?
I.E. Poe’s Law.
or a corollary thereof (‘right wing’ substituting for ‘religious attitudes’)
Fox News continually demonstrates that the slang term Faux Noise is a much better name for that “network” that turns real news into fake noise.
You guys know what the inevitable next step is? Phil Shitforbrains running for office.
Yeah, their clean-cut but just as horrible TLC counterparts, the Duggar family, are hugely involved in politics in North Carolina. These ultra conservative families get popular reality shows (and I’m sure some of their popularity is derived from liberals or more moderate people tuning in to laugh at them), and it lets them get their grubby, bigoted feet in the door in politics.
Agreed and endorsed. I’m sick of this notion that we own time, attention, and forgiveness to truly awful human beings.
What a Maroon, oblivioussays
I keep hoping fox news will “jump the shark” and then disappear.
Won’t happen. Fox News was born on the other side of the shark.
Having an opinion that you feel very strongly about, preferably very angry about, makes you just as much an expert as any “scientist” or “professor”. And the more “facts” they use against you just proves how much more you are in the right.
I’m not watching the video, but I doubt Duck-boy is any more embarrassing than the ‘anti-terrorism expert’ the had on a few days ago who claimed that cities in the UK, including Birmingham, were ‘no-go areas’ for non-Muslims and existed under shariah law, forming a caliphate within the country.
It is pathetic for a news show to have someone from duck dynasty as their expert.
Fox ain’t news: fox is porn: that’s why you find so much circle jerking on it.
Next, Hannity asks Robertson for his expertise on which razors deliver the closest shave.
Well, I guess he is an expert in religious extremism in a way…
@15 Having never watched the show, I assumed it was standard low-brow reality-show fare, follow idiots around, laugh at their idiocy. No? What’s so bad about it, in a moral sense, that warrants your blanket condemnation of the people who watch it?
Libertarian expertise is easy come by. All you need is a gun and some Jesus, and you’re Fox-ready, no matter the topic. Next week, Honey Boo Boo debunks plate tectonics.
fox news is not news it has no intention of being news it is just a rating device to sell eyeballs to advertisers and does that by looking like a news program. It is about the money only
The people who like fox news do not want real news like in real information about the world around them outside their own door. They want the news to fit the other TV programs they watch. They want some emotion some gossip some filler and pretty faces they do not want to learn anything, they do not want to think very much about anything. So they just get the reassurance they need from Fox
I despair we are going off the cliff of collapse, chaos, and authoritarianism with the majority of the population with their eyes and ears shut tightly.
uncle frogy
It is pathetic for a news show to have someone from duck dynasty as their expert.
You have to look at it from their perspective. They aren’t interested in telling the truth and reporting the facts, so it doesn’t matter *who* they bring on as an expert on a given subject.
Janine the Jackbooted Emotion Queensays
Next, Hannity asks Robertson for his expertise on which razors deliver the closest shave.
Before they started playing bearded reality show jackass, the Robertson men were a bunch of clean shaven nouveau riche assholes. They are playing roles for TV. But the real people are horrid.
I had a beard once. Then I shaved it.
See? I can say vapid comments that contribute nothing to the discussion. Why don’t I get invited onto these shows?
You want to be invited to a FOX show?
scienceavenger @5:
You guys know what the inevitable next step is? Phil Shitforbrains running for office.
How about a Bain Capital/Duck Dynasty ticket in 2016?
Larry @6:
Next on Hannity: Homer Simpson provide his insights into nuclear power and healthy diets
Yeah, that would happen. Even FOX News knows that Homer is neck-deep in woo. They’d *never* invite someone like that on one of their shows. Nosiree.
What a Maroon @19:
Won’t happen. Fox News was born on the other side of the shark.
The way they prey on the gullible, I think Fox News *is* the shark. They certainly think they’re a cut above other news outlets…almost like they’re at the apex.
I really cannot figure out how, even if you are a far right person, one could take a news network seriously when it brings out celebrities to discuss issues, rather than people that have some actual knowledge on the topic. How can anyone see it and not wonder why in the world they would bring him on to discuss this.
@32 What’s deliciously ironic about your point is that it is the far right more than anyone else who decries deference to “the Hollywood elite”. Apparently they don’t feel that way about the Hollywood cellar dwellers.
@33 scienceavenger:
I’d say sewer dwellers, not cellar dwellers. The DD guys are so low their about to hit the core.
Ah, but the appeal to some people of Robertson appearing to discuss an issue like this is that he’s “Just folks, just like me!” He’s “the common man” and what he says is “common sense,” not the product of academics in their supposed ivory towers, and he’s not a member of the supposed liberal elite.
Won’t happen. Fox News was born on the other side of the shark.
[Bane voice]
“Oh, you think I have jumped the shark? You may merely jump the shark; I was born on the other side, moulded by it.”
But it looks like they keep jumping the shark all the time and nothing happens.
what’s that tell you?
Fox News was born on the other side of the shark.
designed that way, and the people who put it together still have plenty of money to keep it going that way, indefinitely.
sorry, but propaganda is hardly going to simply go away because it’s overused.
just like me!” He’s “the common man” and what he says is “common sense,” not the product of academics in their supposed ivory towers, and he’s not a member of the supposed liberal elite.
except of course, he isn’t. and he comes from a NE liberal elite family, and the entire duck dynasty thing was a formula designed to sell to rubes, which has worked out spectacularly well for him.
Yeah, much of what Robertson does is merely an act he and his family appeared to have cooked up. (I have my suspicions that Willie Robertson wears that bandanna all the time to hold a wig in place.) But the old man is from Louisiana, and his family was dirt poor when he was a kid. On the other hand he has a master’s in education and worked as a teacher after college, so he’s not exactly Joe Workingman either.
JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitternesssays
@15 Having never watched the show, I assumed it was standard low-brow reality-show fare, follow idiots around, laugh at their idiocy. No? What’s so bad about it, in a moral sense, that warrants your blanket condemnation of the people who watch it?
You mean besides supporting the homophobic “get ’em[girls] while they’re young so you can mold them into subservient wives” racist fucking family? And that’s for people laughing at them, they’re main fan base is people who agree and actually like them, which would make them racist, homophobic and sexist as well.
You mean besides supporting the homophobic “get ‘em[girls] while they’re young so you can mold them into subservient wives” racist fucking family?
Jesus, so much for my “harmless bumpkins” image. Nothing prompts me to hit “fast forward” like their stupid faces, so I’ve heard precious little of what they’ve said. Glad to see it was warranted. Dick Dynasty indeed.
Stop criticizing Hannity! Despite his reputation he is totally smart and cool. He has the endorsement of our pope because he criticizes the evil Muslims (I don’t know though if the praise includes the pro-torture statement at the end of the clip).
[Warning: This comment might contain traces of sarcasm]
Pianoman, Church of the Golden Retrieversays
It’s not just the beard. I’m pretty sure Robertson hooked up with his wife when she was like 14 or something. So he has that in common with them also.
David Marjanovićsays
He was invited on the news because he generates ratings and ad revenue. They don’t hesitate to invite liberals on and make fun of them but they have to mix it up a bit.
…for a definition of “liberals” that includes people just barely to the left of them.
Good Lord, is there lead in the drinking water of every Red State?
Generally, the limits on what’s allowed to be in drinking water in the US are scarily high. No wonder most of it tastes seriously bad.
I keep hoping fox news will “jump the shark” and then disappear. But it looks like they keep jumping the shark all the time and nothing happens. It is pathetic for a news show to have someone from duck dynasty as their expert.
Although he isn’t doing a bad mullah impersonation. As long as he doesn’t speak.
It’s so difficult for me to tolerate Sean Hannity. He’s the only person on TV that I truly do my very best to avoid hearing or seeing.
I had a beard once. Then I shaved it.
See? I can say vapid comments that contribute nothing to the discussion. Why don’t I get invited onto these shows?
You’re fucking kidding me, right?
You know how people are having a hard time telling the difference between right-wing racism and satires of right-wing racism? This is why. The right-wing is so ludicrous that the satire can’t be over-the-top enough to distinguish itself from what it is satirizing.
Jesus, WTF is wrong with these people? Don’t get me wrong, if you like to watch Duck Dynasty, whatever, I’ve got my stupid silly TV pleasures too. But I’m not about to consult anyone on Hoarders on national policy.
You guys know what the inevitable next step is? Phil Shitforbrains running for office.
Next on Hannity: Homer Simpson provide his insights into nuclear power and healthy diets
By god ‘n hallelujah, finally we have an expert on religious fundamentalism to tell us how bad the ‘not us’ people are!
I’m still not clear on the sequence of events though.
Was Phil Robertson invited onto the show because Fox knew their viewers would agree with everything he says, which fits their conservative agenda so well?
Or will the conservative viewers adopt the viewpoints of Phil Robertson because he is a conservative on Fox News?
I’d like that last post stricken from the record…
Some kind of mental fog today.
He was invited on the news because he generates ratings and ad revenue. They don’t hesitate to invite liberals on and make fun of them but they have to mix it up a bit.
How are these idiots not laughed right out of the Overton Window. Good Lord, is there lead in the drinking water of every Red State?
The depth and breadth of the Duck Dynasty cult is truly baffling. Count on Fox News to constantly give the clowns a “serious” political platform.
Just what I needed, the opinion of a provincial, racist, homophobic, redneck religious extremist on the problem of religious extremists. And, as a bonus, I get to here Phil Robertson blather about something.
Symbolically defenestrate them through the Overton window?
I’m trying to figure out what that would look like. :)
No. People who watch Duck Dynasty are bad people, endorsing a bad thing. They don’t get a ‘whatever’, they get a ‘Don’t fucking engage with me, ever’.
The only way this segment could have been improved would have been to have one of the men from TLC’s new show My Husband’s Not Gay, because, yes, TLC can lower the bar on A&E and a gay, white Mormon faking it with het marriage might be even more irrelevant to a discussion on Islam than Phil Robertson. Besides, they might get some entertaining interplay between Phil and the sad, Mormon ‘not’-gay man.
sambarge wrote @4:
I.E. Poe’s Law.
or a corollary thereof (‘right wing’ substituting for ‘religious attitudes’)
Fox News continually demonstrates that the slang term Faux Noise is a much better name for that “network” that turns real news into fake noise.
Yeah, their clean-cut but just as horrible TLC counterparts, the Duggar family, are hugely involved in politics in North Carolina. These ultra conservative families get popular reality shows (and I’m sure some of their popularity is derived from liberals or more moderate people tuning in to laugh at them), and it lets them get their grubby, bigoted feet in the door in politics.
Agreed and endorsed. I’m sick of this notion that we own time, attention, and forgiveness to truly awful human beings.
Won’t happen. Fox News was born on the other side of the shark.
Having an opinion that you feel very strongly about, preferably very angry about, makes you just as much an expert as any “scientist” or “professor”. And the more “facts” they use against you just proves how much more you are in the right.
He’s after the job of Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla.
I’m not watching the video, but I doubt Duck-boy is any more embarrassing than the ‘anti-terrorism expert’ the had on a few days ago who claimed that cities in the UK, including Birmingham, were ‘no-go areas’ for non-Muslims and existed under shariah law, forming a caliphate within the country.
Fox ain’t news: fox is porn: that’s why you find so much circle jerking on it.
Next, Hannity asks Robertson for his expertise on which razors deliver the closest shave.
Well, I guess he is an expert in religious extremism in a way…
@15 Having never watched the show, I assumed it was standard low-brow reality-show fare, follow idiots around, laugh at their idiocy. No? What’s so bad about it, in a moral sense, that warrants your blanket condemnation of the people who watch it?
Libertarian expertise is easy come by. All you need is a gun and some Jesus, and you’re Fox-ready, no matter the topic. Next week, Honey Boo Boo debunks plate tectonics.
fox news is not news it has no intention of being news it is just a rating device to sell eyeballs to advertisers and does that by looking like a news program. It is about the money only
The people who like fox news do not want real news like in real information about the world around them outside their own door. They want the news to fit the other TV programs they watch. They want some emotion some gossip some filler and pretty faces they do not want to learn anything, they do not want to think very much about anything. So they just get the reassurance they need from Fox
I despair we are going off the cliff of collapse, chaos, and authoritarianism with the majority of the population with their eyes and ears shut tightly.
uncle frogy
karmacat @1:
You have to look at it from their perspective. They aren’t interested in telling the truth and reporting the facts, so it doesn’t matter *who* they bring on as an expert on a given subject.
Before they started playing bearded reality show jackass, the Robertson men were a bunch of clean shaven nouveau riche assholes. They are playing roles for TV. But the real people are horrid.
mkoormtbaalt @3:
You want to be invited to a FOX show?
scienceavenger @5:
How about a Bain Capital/Duck Dynasty ticket in 2016?
Larry @6:
Yeah, that would happen. Even FOX News knows that Homer is neck-deep in woo. They’d *never* invite someone like that on one of their shows. Nosiree.
What a Maroon @19:
The way they prey on the gullible, I think Fox News *is* the shark. They certainly think they’re a cut above other news outlets…almost like they’re at the apex.
I really cannot figure out how, even if you are a far right person, one could take a news network seriously when it brings out celebrities to discuss issues, rather than people that have some actual knowledge on the topic. How can anyone see it and not wonder why in the world they would bring him on to discuss this.
@32 What’s deliciously ironic about your point is that it is the far right more than anyone else who decries deference to “the Hollywood elite”. Apparently they don’t feel that way about the Hollywood cellar dwellers.
@33 scienceavenger:
I’d say sewer dwellers, not cellar dwellers. The DD guys are so low their about to hit the core.
Ah, but the appeal to some people of Robertson appearing to discuss an issue like this is that he’s “Just folks, just like me!” He’s “the common man” and what he says is “common sense,” not the product of academics in their supposed ivory towers, and he’s not a member of the supposed liberal elite.
[Bane voice]
“Oh, you think I have jumped the shark? You may merely jump the shark; I was born on the other side, moulded by it.”
what’s that tell you?
designed that way, and the people who put it together still have plenty of money to keep it going that way, indefinitely.
sorry, but propaganda is hardly going to simply go away because it’s overused.
except of course, he isn’t. and he comes from a NE liberal elite family, and the entire duck dynasty thing was a formula designed to sell to rubes, which has worked out spectacularly well for him.
america is very, very gullible as a whole.
Yeah, much of what Robertson does is merely an act he and his family appeared to have cooked up. (I have my suspicions that Willie Robertson wears that bandanna all the time to hold a wig in place.) But the old man is from Louisiana, and his family was dirt poor when he was a kid. On the other hand he has a master’s in education and worked as a teacher after college, so he’s not exactly Joe Workingman either.
You mean besides supporting the homophobic “get ’em[girls] while they’re young so you can mold them into subservient wives” racist fucking family? And that’s for people laughing at them, they’re main fan base is people who agree and actually like them, which would make them racist, homophobic and sexist as well.
Stephen Colbert (the act) will be sorely missed.
Jesus, so much for my “harmless bumpkins” image. Nothing prompts me to hit “fast forward” like their stupid faces, so I’ve heard precious little of what they’ve said. Glad to see it was warranted. Dick Dynasty indeed.
Stop criticizing Hannity! Despite his reputation he is totally smart and cool. He has the endorsement of our pope because he criticizes the evil Muslims (I don’t know though if the praise includes the pro-torture statement at the end of the clip).
[Warning: This comment might contain traces of sarcasm]
It’s not just the beard. I’m pretty sure Robertson hooked up with his wife when she was like 14 or something. So he has that in common with them also.
…for a definition of “liberals” that includes people just barely to the left of them.
Generally, the limits on what’s allowed to be in drinking water in the US are scarily high. No wonder most of it tastes seriously bad.