
  1. Suido says

    A male lead and it doesn’t even pass the Bechdel test. Scalzi isn’t white knighting hard enough.

  2. says

    I love watching when MRAs go up against Scalzi. They usually wind up looking very very silly, and I get a good laugh in the process. Is that schadenfreude? I think it must be.

  3. says

    Er… Is that Trent Max guy actually trying to pull a Lysistrata on feminists? Really? Does he actually expect women everywhere just stop being feminists just for the chance to date him and his buddies? Like, really? Such lack of self-awareness stumps me.

  4. 2kittehs says

    Did you see Kelly Sedinger’s comment?

    Post-credits easter egg: GUY: Hey, little general? It’s just you and me…little general? Hello?

    LITTLE GENERAL: Don’t touch me, dumbass.

    Just gets better and better. :D

  5. says

    the original Sandi @ 8:

    truely unimpressed.

    Your post would have been all the better if you explained why you were unimpressed, Sandi. What Scalzi did was to take someone very entitlement minded, and using the needle of mockery, poked holes in that entitlement. It might not embarrass Trent Max, but it will most likely make a few men think twice, and that’s a good thing.

  6. says

    I have no familiarity with Scalzi’s work, so perhaps that the main character is entitled escapes notice to those like me. I don’t care for bashing of either gender, and that’s what comes across in this work. Of course it could also be the fault of the medium, tweets lend themselves to one liner type humour better.

  7. says

    More from Trent Max:

    #heforshe is the best possible advertisement for #WomenAgainstFeminism. One has substance, the other is fluff.

    The #heforshe site features two key socialist catch words: solidarity and equality.

    #heforshe is a call for men to string themselves up by the but sack for #feminism. Many will.

    #Feminism has been attacking men for generations. Now #heforshe “needs my help?” Not a chance.

    #heforshe demands men’s help to advance feminism on terms set by feminism. Clueless manginas rush to join.

    I’m convinced we live in a matriarchy. Am I going to smash it? Nope. I will wait for it to disintegrate.

    That’s the nice stuff, and he’s a fan of the person who has these sites: one and two.

  8. says

    The original Sandi @ 11:

    I don’t care for bashing of either gender, and that’s what comes across in this work.

    So, you think Scalzi was just happily bashing on the men? Honestly, I think what Trent Max is doing is far more damaging to men.

  9. Funny Diva says

    Manfeels Park is on it this week also!

    I’d just read it, then from here checked out Jon Scalzi’s latest, as recommended. Ohhh, no wonder this was sounding familiar!

    Thanks for letting me know he’s back from his book tour!

  10. 2kittehs says

    the original Sandi, now unafraid

    Scalzi doesn’t bash men. He mocks misogynists and douchebags in general. This was mocking a turd who seems to think saying “I won’t date feminists!” is an effective threat. Not sure how you managed to translate mocking anti-feminists or misogynists into bashing men.

    Also: what Iyéska quoted from Trent Max. He deserves all the mockery he gets.

  11. says

    Sandi @11:

    I have no familiarity with Scalzi’s work, so perhaps that the main character is entitled escapes notice to those like me. I don’t care for bashing of either gender, and that’s what comes across in this work. Of course it could also be the fault of the medium, tweets lend themselves to one liner type humour better.

    First off, the “main character” is a guy that Tweeted some stupid anti-feminist bullshit (did you think Scalzi made up the Tweet?)
    Secondly, Scalzi wasn’t bashing men. He was mocking men who show disdain for feminists by saying they won’t date one. The fact that Max says “choose between us and feminism” means he doesn’t value equality for women and sees himself as something so damn special as to justify women throwing their concern for equality to the four winds just to be with him. It’s easy to see how that’s material ripe for mockery.
    The whole point is that men shouldn’t be opposed to feminism. Those that are, are clearly ones that many women are not going to be interested in. Men who are opposed to equality for women open themselves up to mockery (and, IMHO being insulted for the utter fuckwits they are, but Scalzi didn’t go there).

    Also, are you familiar with the phrase ‘punching up’ (or ‘punching down’)?

  12. Anthony K says

    I saw those boots at the store when I was shopping with my wife. They didn’t have them in my size, but I’ll go back to check.

  13. Anthony K says

    Heh. I doubt that. I’m more dishevelled than rocking. But I’d be in heaven with glittery boots, and that’s what counts.

  14. says

    For a five act play, it’s really short but it’s really good and now I’m trying to devise an appropriate comment as to what else is “really short.”

    That said, what’s the lotion for? I’m pretty sure I’ve never needed lotion for… that purpose.

  15. 2kittehs says

    Iyéska @22

    Oh, I loved that one. Scalzi really needs to get a pair of Doc Glitters, oh my yes.

    And wear them with his green P&P gown, as someone said there. Pictures. Must have pictures!

  16. Moggie says

    Did you see Joss Whedon’s one-act play?

    Woman: these gaming trends should be examined
    Woman: A valid counter-argument. Kudos!
    (Later they wed probly)

  17. says

    The lotion thing is afaik mostly an american (or circumcised penis) thing. Since with intact foreskin you usually will have enough lubrication under the skin to not need lotion.

  18. Moggie says

    Chris Kluwe replying to Scalzi in a thread which includes glitter boots? THIS IS A DANGEROUS LEVEL OF AWESOME YOU GUYS

  19. twas brillig (stevem) says

    Why get so butthurt presuming that Scalzi is mocking all men? Just because his main character is a fool and a male does not warrant the gross over-generalization of, “all men are fools”.
    Sorry to pick a fight… Just wanted to clarify the picture a little…
    That was an enjoyable reading of his 5 “act” play. I have trouble calling those “scenes”, “acts”; but I agree that to call it “a 5 scene play” would be awkward phraseology.
    Funny, for some odd reason, I read those scenes as if they were characters on Seinfeld; Neuwwwwwwman and Julia-Louise Dreyfuss in particular.

  20. twas brillig (stevem) says

    Why presume that Scalzi is mocking all men? Just because his main character is a fool and a male does not warrant the gross over-generalization of, “all men are fools”.
    Sorry to pick a fight… Just wanted to clarify the picture a little…
    That was an enjoyable reading of his 5 “act” play. I have trouble calling those “scenes”, “acts”; but I agree that to call it “a 5 scene play” would be awkward phraseology.
    Funny, for some odd reason, I read those scenes as if they were characters on Seinfeld; Neuwwwwwwman and Julia-Louise Dreyfuss in particular.

  21. frugaltoque says

    @Andrés Diplotti
    I think it’s more an attempt to “educate” the younger women – the ones on the fence – the ones PUAs prey on.
    Don’t be *that* girl, and all that bilge.

  22. David Marjanović says

    That said, what’s the lotion for? I’m pretty sure I’ve never needed lotion for… that purpose.

    Most Americans are circumcised because of the 19th-century panic about masturbation. The idea was that circumcision would prevent boys from wanking; it hasn’t, but it does make the glans cornify, so it becomes less sensitive and… typically requires much more stimulation.

  23. Kevin Kehres says

    @35 frugaltoque

    I’m sure it’s pretty much 100% mocking that one guy — and the legion of MRA/PUAs who think like that.

  24. frugaltoque says

    I thought he was asking what Trent was up to with his “I won’t date feminists” post. I’m assuming Trent was trying to sway the fence-sitters and the more malleable women from being tempted by feminism. He knows it won’t work on actual feminists.
    Although, the more I think about these guys, the more I imagine they’re a bunch of angry, incoherent bullies, impotently spouting off and expecting to change the world with their b.s.

  25. Kevin Kehres says


    You underestimate the self-absorption of guys like this. His hyper-inflated ego tells him that women will be horrified at the prospect of him “rejecting” them on the basis of their feminism.

    He’s not a deep thinker, this one. Not even with his little brain.

  26. anteprepro says


    I don’t care for bashing of either gender, and that’s what comes across in this work.

    Yes. Either gender. BOTH SIDES. Of course. Because there is no difference between mocking men and mocking women, because they are treated perfectly equally in our perfectly egalitarian culture. And of course, this piece is such an obvious insult of All Men, what with explicitly one person’s inane tweet.

    Jesus fuck, they say feminists are the ones with no sense of humor.

  27. octopod says

    To be fair, the twit in question said they were refusing to date feminists, not refusing to harass them in public in order to earn delicious Bro Points. :-/

  28. anteprepro says

    It’s official: I have been pushed to limit, so I am finally using my last resort. My nuclear option. I am withholding sex from all Republicans until the Republican party officially disbands. I warned you, but you didn’t listen, and it had to come to this. I am sorry. I am so sorry.

  29. Anthony K says

    Although, the more I think about these guys, the more I imagine they’re a bunch of angry, incoherent bullies, impotently spouting off and expecting to change the world with their b.s.

    If you read through his twitter, he’s whining about black-on-white violence and is a fan of Ayn Rand, so no need to imagine.

  30. Anthony K says

    To be fair, the twit in question said they were refusing to date feminists

    What are the chances a date with him would generally end with “I paid for your dinner and spent the whole time telling you how awesome I am (and how liberals suck), so you owe me sex now!”

  31. Anthony K says

    but it does make the glans cornify

    Great. Now I’ll never be able to look at my glans without wondering where we keep the cob forks.

  32. Who Cares says

    Never heard of Scalzi before but that guy is dangerous. I was seriously trying to crack a rib or two laughing. Especially after that link by Funny Diva (#17).

  33. Who Cares says

    It gets even better. I don’t know how I managed to not know of him seeing that at least 2/3 of my reading list is science fiction.
    Anyhow tomorrow I’ll skip over to the nearest bookstore and see if they have Old Man’s War. Just the back of the jacket synopsis makes it an interesting series to try.

  34. 2kittehs says

    I flipped open a copy of Locked In the other day – to a page that talked about kitties (kitties on the internet, I think, but nevertheless kitties).
