$6672? MORE!

We’re still idling along, raising money for Light the Night and our battle against cancer. I promised another post on mechanisms of cancer when we hit $7500 — you don’t want me lying about, doin’ nothin’, growing fat(ter) on the government teat, do you? Make me work, reach our next goal.

The current sum doesn’t yet include the contents of the envelope that came in the mail today: 500 Hong Kong Dollars! Which I will exchange next time I’m near an airport.



  1. Trebuchet says

    Airport? Any bank in the country should be able to exchange that for good old US$, although they may charge you for it. Google tells me HK$500 is about US$64.48.

    Of course, getting donations from Hong Kong just proves you and all atheists are evil commie lovin’ traitors!

  2. grandolddeity says

    I “offered” about 250 Hong Kong Dollars already converted to U.S. I want to feel even better than I do, but then you’re cutting into my watka allowance. Let me find out if my cats (3) can come up with anything.

  3. says

    I can’t change money at my local bank. Not even Canadian money. The last time I tried, they told me it would take a couple of days to bring in that funny cash.

  4. grandolddeity says

    Okay, then. (draws deep breath)

    They (teh catz) said, if the “feline cephalopod” mutant from a recent post could be referred to as a (their words, not mine), “Pussopus”, they could come up with a matching 250 Hong Kong Dollars.

    In all fairness, it involves a year long reduction in their Little Lions treats distribution, so I’m inclined to think it’s a very serious (and generous) offer from teh catz. Ceiling cat approved, I think. Please, don’t be cavalier about this decision…I’m the one that has to break the news either way…pick up hairballs, repair shredded furniture etc, etc.

  5. grandolddeity says

    Isn’t Minnesota, like, partially part of Canada? All those islands and lakes and loons and mist. It’s like Brigadoon up there! How do they know where Canadia ends?

  6. Al Dente says

    Be happy you were sent currency instead of a check. A couple of years ago I did some work for a British company and they sent me a check (more precisely, a cheque) for £500 (about $800). If the check had been for dollars, it would have taken about 10 seconds to present it to the bank teller and get it credited to my account. But since the check was for pounds, it took over a week before the money was in my account.

  7. Suido says

    Sounds like you were trying to change cash the other way. Colour me surprised if any bank won’t accept foreign cash in exchange for the local variety. They do keep that in the tills, right?

  8. stevem says

    Minneapolis Airport should offer a “currency exchange” booth in the International Terminal. (or so it should)

  9. lesofa says

    The only way to donate besides that site is mailing cash? Because it declined all my credit cards for some reason.

  10. harbo says

    I’d hang on to it.
    If your house/senate vandals keep it up, it will be worth $1000 soon.

  11. says

    you don’t want me lying about, doin’ nothin’, growing fat(ter) on the government teat, do you?

    Mmmmh, to me that sounds like the perfect lifestyle.

    Ask yourself what a inveterately nefarious invertebrate would do (WWTTD?).
    Here is a devious idea: If you don’t cash it into your collection hat but pay it into Ophelia or Rebecca’s instead, you can delay having to work, push those two closer to sporting bright purple mohawks , appear magnanimous, and still achieve your goal of supporting the LLS too.

  12. David Marjanović says

    A couple of years ago I did some work for a British company and they sent me a check (more precisely, a cheque) for £500

    What? There are three countries in the world where checks still exist?