The ghastly MRA site AVoiceForMen has a post up in which it is claimed that India is a land of great privilege for women, where men are treated as beasts. Yeah, and the guy wielding a four-foot iron rod against a woman was just trying to give her what he thought she wanted.
Fortunately, our own Avicenna has a rebuttal. Those ‘privileges’ women have in India? They’re just necessary accommodations to protect them from a culture gone mad over groping. And the reason men are treated as beasts? Because they act like it.
I wonder, just how many of these “Real Men” (hah!) would go live in India. Let me guess…..0?
A lot. One of the other themes you’ll find in the MRA world is a contempt for American women — Asians are seen as more pliable and obedient. They’d imagine moving in as a rich American, buying a house and buying a couple of subservient women to fulfill their wishes.
Avicenna’s post is great. Everyone should read it.
My guess would be a lot. If you read them, which is not at all pleasant, it seems to be primarily American women who are the problem. Of course, other first world women come in for fire as well, they don’t leave out women in the UK or Canada. They do tend to idealize Asian women as being proper women, you know, submissive. Unless you make the mistake of bringing one to the U.S. – then she’ll get all infected and be a worthless bitch.
Any second now we are going to get the first of what will probably be several posts amounting to no more than:-
“But wot about teh meeeeeeennnnnz!!!” *MRA head asplode*
How anyone can look at the very serious social problems India has with reagrd to the horrific treatment of women, and go on to claim that those women possess some undue level of privilege in that society beats me. It just goes to show how comprehensively poisoned by their whiny, male-supremacist dogma the idiots over at A Voice for Anthropomorphic Excrement really are.
And the reason men are treated as beasts? Because they act like it.
PZ, Please stop this senseless demonizing of beasts!!
So the women are privileged because they get special seating on buses and special lines to buy tickets. Both of which to prevent sexual harassment from men. Yeah, that is real privilege there. A Voice for Men continues to prove their intellectual, professional, moral and ethical bankruptcy.
“And the reason men are treated as beasts? Because they act like it”
The guy saying women have it so much easier than men in india, or anywhere for that matter, is obviously a blind, misogynistic idiot. But saying indian men are treated like beasts because indian men behave like beasts? How is it reasonable to respond to blatant sexism with blatant racism?
“AVoiceForMen”? I’m sure the cringeworthiness of that name must have been pointed out by others. Reminds me of a group in Ontario (defunct now, I think) called The Society for the Preservation of the English Language. As though a few million Quebecois on a continent with several hundred million English speakers posed some kind of threat.
Truth in advertising would have them called “AVoiceForWhiners”. Which reminds me of a button an ex of mine had years ago; it said “Dead Men Don’t Whine”. Vicious, but funny!
Rob, if you’re not familiar with Paul Elam or JohnTheOther or the rest of AVFM, do some reading at manboobz.
That’s not what happened. In that particular culture, all the onus is on women to prevent or evade being abused, because men are considered to be unable to control themselves or their impulses. So, if a woman isn’t properly covered up or if she’s out at the wrong hour, or anything else, and ends up raped, beaten or dead it’s considered to be her fault. The men either couldn’t help themselves or hey, they did what was right.
This is the same sexist thinking which is prevalent in most cultures, however, it’s seriously magnified in India.
{Deep breath}
They need to meet my wife.*
*Actually, she probably doesn’t count having been born, raised and educated in the UK to Indian immigrant parents. She’s been corrupted by Teh Feminismz. Good. I like her that way. Corruption and Feminism FTW.
Yep. See, she was infected by all that first world feminazi propaganda.
Caine @10: That’s hilarious. Definitely worth bookmarking.
“How many men would you estimate are killed by feminists in Canada in January?”
We never know until the spring thaw!
I’m going to put this here, because this needs to be done *everywhere*: The “Don’t Be That Guy” Campaign.
They’ve definitely never met any bengali.
Oh noes, they has discovered my plan !
I bought that humongous snowblower thing for nothing.
Um… probably never met a Chinese women (not sure about other Asian culture).
Especially Shanghai women.
Actually, let me show you a few video about what Asian girls can do.
Now, imagine them as grown women.
@18, Kemist – have you met Pierre? You can find him at A Voice for Pierre. He had to deal with some MRA afraid of feminists killing men in January so I’m sure he’d be interested in your… ahem… plans.
It’s based on a true story, also. I swear, you can’t make this shit up.
@Rob Grigjanis
Not exactly sure about that society specifically, but regulators on language to maintain language purity are fairly common.
In fact, English is one of the few language that doesn’t have one.
WharGarbl, did you miss something? I said they “idealize” this moronic notion. I’m not fucking talking about reality. They aren’t reality based.
Yes, I know you’re talking about them “idealizing” the moronic notion.
Just want to add support to how far from reality those “ideal” are.
Plus, it’s fun watching asshole getting suplexed by someone they think is easy picking.
@19 Awesome.
*GROAN* Not more “elevator action”
I’m not sure why they’re complaining about men being treated as beasts since they seem to think we are beasts that can’t control our impulses, especially when it comes to sex. I mean, otherwise, their assertions that expecting (much less insisting) a man not to bother and harass people that have expressed disinterest or expressed zero interest in them is just beyond the pale would be little more than absurd blather meant only to excuse boorish behavior rather than the rational and evidence- based discourse they claim it to be.
WharGarbl @21: This wasn’t L’Académie Anglaise. It was a bunch of paranoid Anglo Canadians railing against bilingualism.
Petition to the Indian Government, and its official commission on sexual violence.
Has noöne here watched Fargo? There’s not supposed to be anything left come thaw.
Not without the help of a woodchipper, eh?
Sili @29: “Has noöne here watched Fargo? There’s not supposed to be anything left come thaw.”
Duh! Minnesota has a tropical climate. Poor bastards probably can’t use dogsleds after May. Hah!
End story.
Actually the “English is DOOOOMEEED!!” group was the Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada, or APEC. Prominent APEC member Jock V. Andrew claimed in a book he wrote that billinngualism was a plot to eventually make Canada unilingual French. APEC members were participants in the notorious Brockville flag stompiing incident of 1989, where the Quebec flag was stomped on in Brockville, Ontario. They’ve changed names several times since, but have all but disappeared from the public eye.
That sounds like a whole new language in itself. ;p
Reminds me of the Anglo Society of New Brunswick. I forget what year it happened, some time around 2000 I guess, but I remember an incident where one of their members tried to interfere with the Acadian Flag raising ceremony at Fredericton City Hall. I forget if they tried to steal it, or just stop it from going up. Anyway, they were, and are kind of a sad little group.
Fear. It drives people into much stupidity.
Tim @33: Thanks for that. Your memory is way better than mine.
As I said on the other blog: A voice for men? more like a voice for whiny boys.
PZ Myers writes:
One of the other themes you’ll find in the MRA world is a contempt for American women — Asians are seen as more pliable and obedient.
Hah-fucking-hah! They should meet the female side of my wife’s (Chinese) family. Yeah, they back their husbands up in front of anyone else. But I have never met a more strong-willed bunch of women in my life.
I’ve seen folks say that they think a lot of the MRA twits would go live in India. Perhaps for the social values but the actual living there, in massive crowded cities, where they can’t have their penis replacements, like SUVs and guns? I still think the vast majority would be far too cowardly to actually live in such a place. They may fantasize about a lawless land where they can drag women into their caves but I think the reality is that they enjoy the laws that protect their sorry butts.
They’re also exoooootic.
Interesting how it takes concerted social violence and ego destruction invested into a society to keep half its number risk averse, subservient and silent, labouring away without plaint, generation after generation. You’d think if it was a natural state for the female sex, it wouldn’t even be needed. Yet, there the violence is and there the rationalizations that excuse each and every measure to employ violence be.
And I don’t think they’d much like the way marriages work in India – as an arrangment between their parents and their prospective wife’s. I think most of them would be found wanting caste-, religion- and job-wise, at least when it comes to english-speaking women out of middle-class families. One of my friends, who emigrated to canada about 40 years ago, left India because he’d decided to marry a christian, something that his whole family and neighborhood disaproved of.
Indian society may be misogynistic, but it’s far from lawless and it’s highly hierarchical, and their places within it as white xian foreigners might not be as high as they wishfully think. Except maybe to extract an american passport for a poorer family.
Kinda like how it’s women who are so desperate to get married, and have babies, that we need to be constantly reminder of how much we really, really, really want that and how empty and pointless our lives are without it. Also, MAN SHORTAGE! TAKE WHATEVER YOU CAN GET!
Because we want it so much. That’s why the message has to be constantly reinforced.
“And the reason men are treated as beasts? Because they act like it.”
I think this article is a little racist… Im an Indian woman (now living in the US) and I know many good Indian men.
They are hardworking, often leaving India after marriage and working overseas, sending 80% of the money they earn back to their wives … Please dont tar all men with one brush.