Epic SkepTech

On 5-6 April, there will be a free conference in Minneapolis — SkepTech. I’ll be there (ho-hum, you say, so what?), but you should take a look at the speaker list. It’s going to be awesome! I just discovered that Zach Weinersmith will be there, which is awesome all by itself. Although if he does his talk naked…wait, less awesome, or more?

By the way, I think this is one of those free or very cheap conferences (although they do ask for donations). You should plan on coming. The snow will probably be all gone by April, and you won’t freeze to death as soon as you cross the border into Minnesota.

Yeah, I know, the Canadians will cross the border and strip down to bikinis and short shorts. Don’t let that discourage you, though.


  1. Rodney Nelson says

    Canadians will cross the border and strip down to bikinis and short shorts.

    The Horror! The Horror! The mind boggles at Canadians in short shorts.

  2. Tony the Queer Shoop (owner of the pink cotton ball of death) says

    I hear that Brownian fellow looks purdy in short shorts. Wonder whatever happened to him.

  3. says

    Yeah, I know, the Canadians will cross the border and strip down to bikinis and short shorts. Don’t let that discourage you, though.

    But you’ve never seen me rockin’ a bikini!

    Skeptic, indeed…

  4. MG Myers says

    This conference looks great! Kudos to the Campus Atheists Skeptics and Humanists (CASH) and Secular Student Alliance at St. Cloud State University (SSA@SCSU) for this undertaking!

  5. says

    Huh; there’s a computer security conference in Minneapolis the week after and I’m speaking there. Looks like a perfect excuse for me to come a day or two early and hang out!