
  1. sam mirshafie says

    That is a fine looking periodic table, but if you like that, you would love Kalzium. It’s a small but powerful application for KDE. The upcoming version of Kalzium, which will be released about the time KDE 4 is released (end of the year), will provide beautifully rendered 3D views of thousands of molecules, among other things.
    I use it all the time for my Chemistry homework.

  2. Natasha Yar-Routh says

    Tres cool, thank you PZ. I would have plotzed for this back in high school and university.

  3. says

    PZ, thanks for the pointer to that awesome web page.

    Sam, thanks for the pointer to Kalzium. The version installed on my elderly system is elderly (0.9.3) but impressive.

    And of course, many thanks to the authours of these impressive tools; and to Dmitri Mendeleev for working it out.

  4. says

    Such a neat table, it makes you want to sing about it, but keep in mind that Tom Lehrer has you beat.

    I always liked Tom, since he’s a cool guy, and a confirmed Liberal. Lehrer, a retired mathematics prof at Harvard in the sixties, who did Comedy Club dates on the side. ‘The Elements’ is one of my favorite pieces he did, altho I’m surprised they never got him for plagiarism, having stolen these lyrics from the periodic table, albeit only up to Nobelium.

    It’s a rather simple tune, written in the key of C, and if anyone wants to memorize the lyrics, here ’tis:

    This also from Wikipedia: “Though Lehrer’s songs today are rarely played on the air, they have been posted on Internet video sharing sites such as ‘youtube’. Among the songs put to animation or even Star Wars clips are “New Math”, “Pollution”, and “The Elements”. “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park” in particular has more user generated videos than many top 40 popular songs.”

  5. Sven DiMilo says

    I’m surprised they never got him for plagiarism

    Are you joking? Because (as you know if you are joking) another of Lehrer’s best songs is about plagiarism (“Don’t let others’s work evade your eyes…don’t shade your eyes…it’s why god made your eyes…plagiarize plagiarize plagiarize!”), in which he impugns the good name of a Russian mathematician.

  6. Jsn says

    With apologies to any Yiddish speakers, I never considered “explode” as a possible explanation of “plotz”. The only other synonym I could come up with was a bit scatalogical unfortunately…

    Lehrer’s “I Got It From Agnes” and “The Vatican Rag” are also really good.
    “You can do whatever you want, if
    you’ve cleared it with the Pontiff…”

  7. Ichthyic says

    The only other synonym I could come up with was a bit scatalogical unfortunately…

    that’s my recollection as well.

    just to be absolutely clear (and far less subtle), the way I read the title was:

    “Mendeleev would shit his pants”

    …and I think it might not be too far off from being an accurate statement, given not only the functionality of that chart, but the fact Mendeleev would be looking at it on a computer screen.

  8. says

    I love it. Especially temp slide. My only question is what that is in? Kelvin? Celsius? Farenheit? I know it’s very cool as I discovered that Helium and Hydrogen have very low melting and evaporation points and that at temps above 5870, everything on the Periodic Table is a gas.

  9. Christian Burnham says

    It’s interesting to see that it’s now possible to have little windows pop up within web pages which you can open/close and move around.

    Surely it can’t be long before someone writes a mini OS that’s accessible within the browser. How many years before we can open up a browser window from inside a browser window? Let’s get recursive.

  10. June says

    “Plotzen” is probably from the German “platzen”,
    meaning to explode, break, burst, rupture.

  11. Jsn says

    plotz :pronunciation: (plots), key
    –v.i. Slang.
    to collapse or faint, as from surprise, excitement, or exhaustion.

    Hmmmm, that’s not what I would consider explosive behavior.

  12. foxfire says

    Thank you PZ! Utterly awesome! Yet another example of why you lead your students to the power of the Net.

    I adore this Blog!

  13. says

    Alright, I’ll be the whiner. It’s scant on its cataloged isotopes. I hope development will continue because it is a nice interface for looking at radionuclides, but the catalog needs to be expanded to be really useful.

    On the other hand, the phase information based on the temperature slider is very cool.

  14. Owlmirror says

    (Regarding plotz=explode) Don’t you get it? Mendeleev was a chemist. Almost all chemists blow something up at least once a week; even more often if they’re actually working with explosive substances.

    It was the sort of thing you expected in the Street of Alchemists. The neighbours preferred explosions, which were at least identifiable and soon over. They were better than the smells, which crept up on you.


    […] There were two signs of a good alchemist: the Athletic and the Intellectual. A good alchemist of the first sort was someone who could leap over the bench and be on the far side of a safely thick wall in three seconds, and a good alchemist of the second sort was someone who knew exactly when to do this.

  15. says

    Very impressive but…

    It uses that ghastly layout where the f-block (i.e. that containing the lanthanides and actinides) has been inelegantly ripped out and dumped at the bottom.

    The true periodic table looks like this.

  16. sam mirshafie says

    Christian Burnham: Interestingly, there are already many projects for web based operating systems. There’s a short list of projects in the Wikipedia article (which needs a massive cleanup), but there are many more. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about web based operating systems, but as you wrote, it’s a sign that the Web has matured over the last five years.

  17. says

    I previously whines about the paucity of isotope descriptions on the online periodic table. I WAS WRONG – THE ISOTOPE FUNCTION IS VERY COMPLETE (sorry about the noise, but that should be shouted). The problem was not the table, but the time I spent tweaking the table prior to commencing my whine. If you go to isotope mode, the slider which had controlled the temperature for the isotope phase display will change its function. That slider is then a switch between few-isotope mode and many-isotope mode. When the periodic table is switched into many-isotope mode, I am left with nothing to whine about. Hmmm, well, multiple decay modes and their relative probabilities would be nice, but I suppose when you’ve handed me the moon and stars I’ll moan that the geometry of space-time doesn’t quite suit my taste…

  18. Johnny Vector says

    #25: Click the “Wide” checkbox if th’ rippin’ out o’ th’ lanthanides ‘n’ actinides disturbs you. You’ll be wanting a 2.39:1 screen of course.

  19. says

    I still think we should posthumously award the 1916 Nobel in Chemistry to Mendeleev. I believe that’s the year it was never awarded. And he wasn’t considered, apparently, because all the bigwig scientists were German in those days.

    Owlmirror, whom are you quoting? It sounds like Terry Prachett.

  20. SEF says

    They don’t do posthumous awards. That was their excuse for not honouring Rosalind Franklin for being the real worker on the structure of DNA. However, a retrospective for a missing one might be another matter …

    That’s a fun periodic table though. My immediate quibble was that it appears to be assuming carbon in diamond form rather than graphite for the phase data.

  21. Owlmirror says

    Owlmirror, whom are you quoting? It sounds like Terry Prachett.

    But of course. Moving Pictures and Feet of Clay, respectively.