Well, I suppose that congratulations are in order for ichthyic’s victory over the inanimate carbon rod, but I hope everyone realizes this is only going to discourage the inanimate carbon rod from ever writing another one of its brilliant comments.
And that’s just sad.
Or the carbon rod will redouble its efforts.
I think I can predict with confidence that the rod will post twice, maybe three times as much as it did previously.
Ah, just noticed this; been a bit busy of late actually trying to catch up on some periodical reading.
thanks much, all.
For anyone interested in sharks, I did post a thread recently over on ATBC where I talked a bit about some of the things I used to work on with our cartilaginous friends (fiends?).
Also, as promised, I’ll create a thread where those who voted for me can enter their favorite bit of bad sci-fi for consideration.
(remember, that’s through the gate, right at the squid pits, and straight on from there).
ITMT, since I often find myself listening to Green Day when I read the screeds of creobots on the web, I also find I can’t really express my thoughts about american creationists any better than they have:
Don’t want to be an American idiot.
Don’t want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind f*ck America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow.
For that’s enough to argue.
Well maybe I’m the fa**ot America.
I’m not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along to the age of paranoia.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow.
For that’s enough to argue.
Don’t want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It’s calling out to idiot America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn’t meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow.
For that’s enough to argue.
You forgot the “, OM”, Ichthyic.
Kseniya, OMsays
Three Cheers for Ichthyic! Yaaaaaay!
Ok, I’m only allowed one Cheer. But it was loud!
You forgot the “, OM”, Ichthyic.
yeah, too late to go back and edit.
oh well.
frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t grab this one.
You forgot it again!
For a person who proved more popular than an element necessary for life, you’re awfully circumspect about the whole thing. You’ve won bragging rights, man! Use them!
“Awwww, they were just going to show some closeups of the rod..!”
Congratulations, Ichthyic!!! I always look forward to your insightful comments.
Ichthyic, OMsays
You’ve won bragging rights, man! Use them!
SHHHH! would YOU want to brag to the almighty carbon rod??
You’ll have to wait a few weeks before you can nominate the stick for a molly.
Christian Burnhamsays
Icthyic has been mollified.
Right on ATBC Boy!
So THIS is what it feels like to know a Noble Prize winner…
Torbjörn Larsson, OMsays
Congrats, Ichthyic!
Don’t let the carbon rod divert you from your bliss. Repeat after me: OM, O-M, O-O-MM, O-O-MM,…
Torbjörn Larsson, OMsays
Congrats, Ichthyic!
Don’t let the carbon rod divert you from your bliss. Repeat after me: OM, O-M, O-O-MM, O-O-MM,…
Tristan Heydtsays
Pssh, an inanimate carbon rod only goes for 200, 300 influence, tops… even at peak server hours. Hardly fair competition.
He handily beat out the inanimate carbon rod,
Wow, did you get to see the rod!
Congrats ichty… ichy ….ichthe …. fish guy!
Green Day has lyrics like that?
Huh. Go figure. I made a conscious decision to avoid their music like the plague way back when they were still in ascension. Caught an interview with them on television, where they made a giggling monosyllabic rant about how they never read, books are a waste of time, and now they are rich so it does not really matter anyway.
I choked down my rising bile and started ignoring them as best I could. Are they presenting a more intelligent persona these days?
I don’t know, there’s something fishy about that one.
(Ha! I said it first!)
But seriously, congratulations!
“He handily beat out the inanimate carbon rod, fortunately.”
Oh yeah? Well, I demand a recount!
Car-bon rod! Car-bon rod! Car-bon rod!
yay, ichthyic! see you in Hell…
Well, I suppose that congratulations are in order for ichthyic’s victory over the inanimate carbon rod, but I hope everyone realizes this is only going to discourage the inanimate carbon rod from ever writing another one of its brilliant comments.
And that’s just sad.
Or the carbon rod will redouble its efforts.
I think I can predict with confidence that the rod will post twice, maybe three times as much as it did previously.
Ah, just noticed this; been a bit busy of late actually trying to catch up on some periodical reading.
thanks much, all.
For anyone interested in sharks, I did post a thread recently over on ATBC where I talked a bit about some of the things I used to work on with our cartilaginous friends (fiends?).
Also, as promised, I’ll create a thread where those who voted for me can enter their favorite bit of bad sci-fi for consideration.
(remember, that’s through the gate, right at the squid pits, and straight on from there).
ITMT, since I often find myself listening to Green Day when I read the screeds of creobots on the web, I also find I can’t really express my thoughts about american creationists any better than they have:
You forgot the “, OM”, Ichthyic.
Three Cheers for Ichthyic! Yaaaaaay!
Ok, I’m only allowed one Cheer. But it was loud!
You forgot the “, OM”, Ichthyic.
yeah, too late to go back and edit.
oh well.
frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t grab this one.
You forgot it again!
For a person who proved more popular than an element necessary for life, you’re awfully circumspect about the whole thing. You’ve won bragging rights, man! Use them!
“Awwww, they were just going to show some closeups of the rod..!”
Congratulations, Ichthyic!!! I always look forward to your insightful comments.
You’ve won bragging rights, man! Use them!
SHHHH! would YOU want to brag to the almighty carbon rod??
I’m not taking any chances.
well, just this once…
Is the carbon rod smarter than this stick?
I apparently am not, since I missed the entire freakin’ title of the post in big bold letters up there.
Creepiest. Stick. Ever.
You’ll have to wait a few weeks before you can nominate the stick for a molly.
Icthyic has been mollified.
Right on ATBC Boy!
So THIS is what it feels like to know a Noble Prize winner…
Congrats, Ichthyic!
Don’t let the carbon rod divert you from your bliss. Repeat after me: OM, O-M, O-O-MM, O-O-MM,…
Congrats, Ichthyic!
Don’t let the carbon rod divert you from your bliss. Repeat after me: OM, O-M, O-O-MM, O-O-MM,…
Pssh, an inanimate carbon rod only goes for 200, 300 influence, tops… even at peak server hours. Hardly fair competition.
He handily beat out the inanimate carbon rod,
Wow, did you get to see the rod!
Congrats ichty… ichy ….ichthe …. fish guy!
Green Day has lyrics like that?
Huh. Go figure. I made a conscious decision to avoid their music like the plague way back when they were still in ascension. Caught an interview with them on television, where they made a giggling monosyllabic rant about how they never read, books are a waste of time, and now they are rich so it does not really matter anyway.
I choked down my rising bile and started ignoring them as best I could. Are they presenting a more intelligent persona these days?
Sean, people have a tendency to mature as they get older. Even Billy Joe Armstrong.
Congrats to the Fish, OM; condolences to the rod.
Icthyic has been mollified.
Posted by: Christian Burnham | June 26, 2007 08:44 PM
Trust me–he hasn’t.
Congrats to Ichthyic on getting the Molly!
Next up, we gotta get him a guppy.