…and some people think I have a posse. I guess it’s my fault the Creation “Science” Fair had reduced participation, and Greg Laden and I can share responsibility for them hiding away their photos.
Someone asked about the reason for the pictures coming down, so I looked again and found your question. I think there were in the mid 30’s number of exhibits this year, down from the 50’s last year. Last year P.Z.Myers had blasted creation as usual and our fair in particular. A small group of young adults, I cannot say if they were inspired or incited by him, tried to steal one of the exhibits and ran into a bookstore where they were trapped and eventually gave it back.
Creationists, fear me.
I would not encourage anyone to steal exhibits from the fair — take photos, of course, and document the silliness, but I think seeing the lunacy exposed is a good thing for us.
*sigh* I should be used to this by now, but it keeps amazing me how low these people sink. Yeah, right. PZ Myers is telling “a group of young adults” to go steal little kid projects? HA!
What a disgusting piece of shit this guy is recklessly lobbing around baseless accusations like that. I’m sure that’s very “Christian” of him by fundy creotard standards.
Hey, PZ, you should photoshop up a picture of you, Dawkins, & Harris (& maybe Shermer, for that matter) dressed up in leather dusters, 10 gallon hats, the whole works. Like in the spaghetti westerns. OOO-eee-ooo, wah wah WAAAH!
The Phylogeny Posse, maybe?
Didn’t Sinclair Lewis once stand in a church pulpit and demand that God (if he existed) strike him down? Lewis escaped from that escapade unsmitten, so it appears that God is not very alert (which I think is typical of nonexistent entities). Otherwise I think the creator God would have zapped PZ in high dudgeon. I mean, because of all that evil and stuff. And the mocking and the doubting. And to which PZ cheerfully confesses.
Confesses. Is that even the right word?
I saw PZ stealing candy from babies the other day. It’s true! I swear it!
wait a minute.
didn’t someone in the earlier thread mention taking those horrid creationist DVD’s, going to the bookstore, writing a note warning people on the DVD’s, then returning them?
how much you wanna bet that the “exhibit” that was stolen and returned were those ridiculous creationist DVD’s?
ahh, actually, that was mentioned on greg’s site:
meh, doesn’t look like they left for the bookstore, though.
so it appears that God is not very alert
If you read the Old Testament, in particular Genesis, it is clear that God has phases during which he is not alert. I mean, he’s totally astounded that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. He’s kind of surprised that they did it when he wasn’t around.
Later, God gets so annoyed that humans are always doing things when he is not looking, things he does not like, that he takes away access to the Tree of Life … Mortality is god’s way of not having to pay constant attention.
So roughly speaking, mortality is to god what a VHS Player and a stack of Disney Movies are to a busy parent…..
If you read the Old Testament, in particular Genesis, it is clear that God has phases during which he is not alert. I mean, he’s totally astounded that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. He’s kind of surprised that they did it when he wasn’t around.
Didn’t God get mad at a fig tree once because he was hungry and he thought it had figs when it was out of season, or something like that? He didn’t know it didn’t have figs until he got up close to it? And then he jumped up onto a mountain with Satan and then rode into town on two donkeys? I forget how that story goes.
I forget how that story goes
I don’t know how it goes either, but I’m genuinely curious to see where you will take it.
I wonder how long it’ll be before PZ develops psychic powers, like those the woos say James Randi has. PZ’s, though, will let him stop creatures from being miraculously created just by thinking about it. They’ve certainly got enough evidence; I mean, when was the last time anyone saw a creature pop into existence inside PZ Myers’ Evilution Field?
I second interest in that story. God wrestling is one thing, but riding two donkeys is something else.
Awwwww… our PZ is all growed’-up and has his own vigilantes. *tears of joy*
You realize this means you have to change your profile to include membership forms for the PZ Posse (say it aloud! It’s cute!). You’re inspiring very petty theft amongst the masses.
Ok. On a serious note: DOES ANYONE BELIEVE that this blog inspired some teen-wanna-be-thugs to steal something from a creationist science fair? Why steal it? Camera phones, and such media, make stealing it unnecessary. Pictures make us laugh just as hard as the real thing.
I may have gotten a couple of stories mixed up with each other. This one is the Matthew 21 famous ride into Jerusalem:
Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set [him] thereon.
But, if one can believe the ass and a colt the foal of an ass, then one is not far from believing the Jusus jumping on the mountain, I can assure you.
god hangin wit his homy Satan suggests maybe the riding duo is somewhere in Job, maybe?
just make something up. I liked where you were going with it anyway.
started to sound like a “god and satan went into this bar…” type joke.
Okay, so god and satan walked into this bar, and god says to satan, “Have you heard the one about the ass and a colt the foal of an ass?” And satan says, “Well, if you’ve seen one ass and a colt the foal of an ass, then you’ve seen them all. How about the Jesus jumping on the mountain?” And god says, “Huh, if I told him once I told him a thousand times, stop jumping on the mountain!” So satan says, “Ooops, I think somebody is going to burn now. Whooooops.”
h, dn’t knw wht PZ mght d.
sn’t h th n wh sggstd brngng t th stl td bts nd brss knckls?
f crs, s lng s hs knd hv n pltcl pwr, t dsn’t mttr.
s lng s…
h, dn’t knw wht PZ mght d.
Couldn’t resist…
PZ has a POSSE
Excuse the lack of photo manipulation skills, hope it hasn’t been done before.
Let me be the first to say that I spelled PZ’s name wrong in that image.
I guess that’s the consequence of trying to MacGuyver together a humorous image with meager computer skills too late at night.
My sincerest apologies to Dr. Myers.
Like so many other bits of oddness and foolishness in Matthew’s Gospel, that story about riding on two animals at once arose from the evangelist’s desire to have an Old Testament prophecy come literally true. The original — from Elijah, IIRC — spoke of the Messiah riding into Jerusalem on a young burro, but it did so in the typical fashion of Hebrew poetry, saying the same thing twice with a slight variation.
darrell, I’d love to have that on a sticker, so I could put it next to the “Charles Darwin Has a Posse” sticker on my MacBook. ;)
The article mentions no tentacle slime or robot oil. Therefor, PZ Myer’s Posse cannot reasonably be blamed.
@darrell: Corrected it for you. Hope you don’t mind!
PZ Myers Has a Posse
I’m one of the people who “borrowed” the DVDs and added that little note to the inside leaf saying, “For more information on the fact of evolution, visit talkorigins.org.” As I noted at the time, it was the least ethically compromised solution we could come up with to help combat Hovind’s toxic nonsense. Given that the DVDs had a “take if interested” sign by them, it would hardly have been stealing if we had kept them, and they were not part of the display proper, so no one could say we stold, damaged, or defaced a display in any way. Even so, merely destroying the DVDs would have been an act of censorship, which I abhor even more than I do stupidity. By ADDING information, we avoided theft, we avoided censorship, and we avoided letting the worst brand of creationist idiocy going unchallenged. I wish that a perfect solution had occurred to us, but this was the best compromise we could come up with.
Didn’t God get mad at a fig tree once because he was hungry and he thought it had figs when it was out of season, or something like that?
That was Jesus, who isn’t God, except that he is, or not, or something.
I mean, he’s totally astounded that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. He’s kind of surprised that they did it when he wasn’t around.
Which brings up the fascinating philosophical conundrum, how can an omniscient being not be around, all the time, everywhere?
He was busy being omnipresent elsewhere. He may have been off in his vacation universe in the Caymans, or something.
It’s a sign of hubris to even ask those questions, you know. Cut it out.
Oh, he’s omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.
He’s just not very good at it.
Steve “Non-Omnicompetent” James
Perfectly imperfect.
Zeno: I dunno about Lewis, but I do know I would be wary about such a stunt. Not because of gods, of course, but because of some unhinged believer taking matters into his own hands …