I’m wandering off in the UK, and I have no idea how much net accessibility I’ll have…so I’ll just set up an open thread and let you all chat away. If I can, I’ll try to put up travel photos now and then.
I saw Jesus camp this weekend. Oh my. It’s some crazy, frightening stuff, and I highly recommend it for your halloween scary movie fix. Ted Haggard responds to the movie claiming it’s a small, fringe group of extremists. But the woman who’s the main subject of the documentary thinks it’s great .
Peiper: have you actually seen Dawkins? He’s much better in person than his reputation would have you believe. A lot of people have bought into the “Dawkins is far too sure of himself” line of argument, which doesn’t really jib with what Dawkins himself actually says.
He doesn’t really make for much of a bugbear. And I really dislike the idea that atheists need to smother their more outspoken proponents. That smacks of intimidation, and is the sure path to marginalization. “Oh, I’m an atheist, but Dawkins is positively religious about his atheism!” Well actually he isn’t.
More generally, the “let’s not piss off the wackos” attitude is a huge part of why the wackos have been running things for the past five years. The wackos are going to be pissed off. That part is not negotiable. Deference borne of fear of wackos only makes atheists (and/or leftist) look weak.
I have come to the conclusion that wackos NEED to be angry at somebody, or they die. Without an outside group to hate, they would have to direct all that rage at themselves and commit suicide.
G. Tingeysays
“Deference borne of fear of wackos only makes atheists (and/or leftist) look weak.”
How true these words are – even today!
Here deference to “the muslims” and “we must respect people’s religious beliefs” are the problem – or rather another aspect of the same problem.
I hope you brought a lot of money. I was just over there and everything costs about twice as much as it should.
steve ssays
“I want to see them as radically laying down their lives for the gospel as they are in Palestine, Pakistan and all those different places,” Fisher said. “Because, excuse me, we have the truth.”
“A lot of people die for God,” one camper said, “and they’re not afraid.”
Yeah, that’s what I want to see. More Palestine type behavior around here.
When the cat’s away…
Party at Pharyngula! Woo-hoo! Look, I’ve found the world’s worst priest joke:
There once were two priests, father Dick and father Ray.
One day after a very long mass, the two priests decided to hit the showers, halfway through there showers the priests realized that there was no soap.
So, father Ray says to Father dick “I have extra soap in my room, I’ll go get some”.
So he leaves to fetch the soap and doesn’t bother to get dressed becuase who would still be in the church at such a late hour? So he comes back from his room with two bars of soap and is walking down the hall when suddenly he hears voices coming around the corner, so with his quick thinking he froze to the wall, stiff as a statue.
The voices turned out to be that of three nuns, who, when saw him standing there like a statue stopped to look at and admire him complimenting at how realistic he looks and what a nice body he has.
When suddenly one of the nuns reaches out and grabbed his penis.
Startled, he dropped a bar of soap, with this the nun said “Oh look, a soap dispencer”, wanting to test the first nuns theory the second nun reaches out and also grabs his penis, again he drops a bar of soap.
With this the nun says “Yes it’s true, it is a soap dispencer”.
Wanting to get her share of soap and excitement too, the third nun reaches out and grabs his penis.
But nothing happended for he was all out of soap, so she goes on yanking and pulling his penis for the next few minutes until, to her delight, she squeals “Oh! Look, handcream!”
I have seen Dawkins, he always starts out nice, and then gets more and more enraged. He makes the most dismissive comments, and then at the end apologizes for getting carried away.
Its always the same sthich, cause I have seen him do the same things on videos.
And this guy is a professor of “Public Understanding” of Science.
The fool will help you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, which is a British thing..
The Cure rocks!….well, in their own special way
Wish I was going back to England for a bit. I loved the Tate Modern, and now I find out they have a giagantic installation which is basically a hyper-velocity schoolyard slide:
The reason the nuns were searching for a dispenser is because they’d been in the bath. One asked, “Wears the soap?” and the reply was, “Yes it does, rather.”
“I hope you brought a lot of money. I was just over there and everything costs about twice as much as it should”
That’s because of the weak dollar ….
Thanks to the Iraq war and the lunatics who started it……..
Nah, it’s because we charge yanks double. Doesn’t everybody?
Peiper: have you actually seen Dawkins? He’s much better in person than his reputation would have you believe. A lot of people have bought into the “Dawkins is far too sure of himself” line of argument, which doesn’t really jib with what Dawkins himself actually says.
And if anyone wants to see this for themselves, many parts of his multi-part series “Root of All Evil” can be seen on either YouTube or Google Video; just go there and search.
And BTW, Dawkins said, on CBC Newsworld’s Big Picture, which showed part 1 and had a discussion after with many relgious people, including extremely conservative ones, that the title was at the insistence of the producers, who felt (and you know this is so) that a more nuanced title just wouldn’t work in terms of getting interest.
The state board that defines public school curriculum has rejected right-wing efforts to include ID in Michigan science classes.
Can I get a “woo hoo”?
p.s. in the interest of full disclosure: the ID campaign has the enthusiastic support of Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos (R-Awmay), and of his wife Betsy DeVos, the head of the Michigan Republican Party.
If Dick DeVos would only switch positions, he could be known as Evo DeVos.
Junk Junglesays
I would just like to make the observation of the banner atop Mt. Pharyngula. It’s a bat flying in front of a moon…BRILLIANT!
: Brilliant!
Since this is an off-topic thread, I thought you might be intereseted to know that one of the favorite books of Linus Torvalds is Dawkin’s “The Selfish Meme”. Someone asked a bunch of great programmers some basic questions and posted their answers here. The same questions would be interesting if posed to well-known bioligists.
I hate the Cure.
For the record.
Sean goes to confession and tells the priest, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned…I’ve been with a woman”.
The priest responds, “Is that you, Sean? Was it Mary O’Donohue?”
“It’s me, Father, but I won’t say who it was.”
“Was it Eileen Sullivan?”
“Father, I won’t say.”
“Was it Maureen Fitzpatrick?”
“Father, please! I won’t say.”
The priest gives Sean his penance and send him on his way. On the way out, Sean runs into his friend Mike who asks him, “What did he give you?”
Sean replies, “Three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three sure things.”
Ha Kyong Won
Yongbyon, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
October 9, 2006
Um, I’m not sure what the conventions are in the absence of an easy way to make superscripts, or what they might be for mathematical expressions in DPRK, but I’m pretty sure energy is not equal to half of mass times the speed of light in a vacuum.
E = m(c)^2 is more in line with what I’ve seen.
Your point, of course, is “what do you think of North Korea’s shiny new Nuke?”
Personally, I think Dear Leader is a dangerous lunatic, and now he has The Bomb. Great. Now what?
Rainbow Serpentsays
Ah, “Just Like Heaven”… They sure don’t make ’em like they used to. Pure pop perfection. That fact that the good Dr. is a fan just makes it that much better.
My own mother would probably disown me for the fit of shameless blog-whoring that is about to follow, but the combination of an open thread regarding a visit to the UK, mention of Richard Dawkins and four pints after work has weakened my resolve.
I’m off to see Dawkins read from The God Delusion in Birmingham tomorrow. Meeting the bloke is enough to get me flapping buffoonishly, as I can thank The Blind Watchmaker for inspiring me to take a biology degree, something I’ve just started blogging about at Back Off, Man. Exponentially ratcheting up the delirium however is the fact that in The God Delusion he quoted something I wrote! Plus he called me eloquent, something that can be safely filed under ‘Can die happy now’.
Like organ stops, Dr Wilkins. Britain is noted for them in October.
Oh, PZ, that Cure video made me so happy. And it raises your geek cred, as well. May you have a fine wander.
If you’re at a loose end in London at any point and feel the urge to eat cephalopod in a fine pub with excellent beer, my local does superb tentacles in chorizo sauce and keeps splendid Old Speckled Hen, Landlord, Bombardier and whatever guest ales they’ve got in at the time. It’s also very reasonable, for London.
(It’s the Oxford in Kentish Town, about fifty yards down from the tube)
Will Von Wizzlepigsays
… I watched the whole video…
…waiting to see a squid, or octopus, or cuttlefish, or something vaguely Pharyngula.
There was no such creature- however, the band’s hair looked a bit squiddy.
Here’s a flamboyant cuttlefish video on youtube to make up for it…
I think you just got wooshed. I believe the mistaken equation was intentional…
Either that, or my sarcasm detector needs to be adjusted.
Speaking of cuttlefish…..I think it is the Indian music turning them on!
And The CURE??!!
R O'Briensays
Dwkns s fll f xcrmnt; nly Pz s lwr n th ttm pl f bnxs, thstc cdmcns. (H s th nfmm f th st, f y wll.) Hs ndrsmnt nd 10 pnc wld nt gt y gmbll frm gmbll mchn.
Ahh, its our relevant mudslinger. Found anything intelligent to say yet, Robert?
His endorsement and a 10 pence would not get you a gumball from a gumball machine.
What is “a 10 pence”? I assume you mean either “10 pence” (a sum of money worth one tenth of a pound) or “a ten-pence piece” (a coin with a calue of 10 pence), but as written, it makes no sense.
Replace it in that sentence with “a 10 cents”, and you may see how clumsy it is.
I…like the Cure, but…as an MTV-deprived child, I’m not sure I’ve ever actually seen a video. I’m with Diane on this one. Holy…Freaking…Hair.
That video takes me back a ways, to when I was on a school trip to Berlin. The Cure were playing there. Looking back at the poster that caught my eye, it must’ve been the Seventeen Seconds tour.
Alas, I’d never heard them before, and as a student didn’t have the money to risk it on unknown bands.
And for the record, their best album is Pornography, with either The Top or The Head on the Door in second place.
What is “a 10 pence”? I assume you mean either “10 pence” (a sum of money worth one tenth of a pound) or “a ten-pence piece” (a coin with a calue of 10 pence), but as written, it makes no sense.
Replace it in that sentence with “a 10 cents”, and you may see how clumsy it is.
Thanks dude. I was replacing “a dime” in the original saying (in an effort to be culturally sensitive :D), hence the confusion.
Ye gods, it’s a sub-Jsn. Strangely enough I was reading the discussion page of PZ’s wikipedia page the other day (on a whim after recalling a comment round these parts wondering how long it’d take the resident donuts to start vandalising it), and the two names that kept springing up were Jinx and this character. The former, at least, has a certain lovable desperation.
N, ws nhppy tht thy cnsprd t spprss rlvnt dtm cchd n bjctv lngg bcs t mks Pz lk bd.
At last, a semi sensible answer.
And in answer to it, I wonder if you understood the critiscisms of what you were suggesting. Have you looked at other peoples entries and seen how such things are done on them? In order to make your case, it would help to have some other examples of what you are trying to do.
John Wilkins says
So, will there be any nipples?
Hungarian Tourist says
My nipples explode with delight!
J. Peiper. says
Spkng f trvlng, yr bddy Rchrd Dwkns wll b n Lwrnc Knss Mn th 16th/
Jst n tm t njct sm nw lf nt th D crwd.
Thngs wr gng sth, nd nw K s brngng Dwkns fr n nt rlgs rnt, dsgss s scnc, t njct sm nw lf nt th Dsts.
f thy ply thr crds rght, ths s jst wht thy nd bfr th lctns.
s lng s w hv ppl lk Dwkns, w cn b sr f th flr f thsm s scl frc.
Crry n!!!
flame821 says
May I assume this is one of those “don’t feed the troll” moments?
dveej says
DoubleD says
E = (mc)/2
Ha Kyong Won
Yongbyon, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
October 9, 2006
Bokanovsky Process says
KU’s also brining in Behe. I’ve got my eggs – how ’bout you?
mike says
I saw Jesus camp this weekend. Oh my. It’s some crazy, frightening stuff, and I highly recommend it for your halloween scary movie fix. Ted Haggard responds to the movie claiming it’s a small, fringe group of extremists. But the woman who’s the main subject of the documentary thinks it’s great .
RickD says
Peiper: have you actually seen Dawkins? He’s much better in person than his reputation would have you believe. A lot of people have bought into the “Dawkins is far too sure of himself” line of argument, which doesn’t really jib with what Dawkins himself actually says.
He doesn’t really make for much of a bugbear. And I really dislike the idea that atheists need to smother their more outspoken proponents. That smacks of intimidation, and is the sure path to marginalization. “Oh, I’m an atheist, but Dawkins is positively religious about his atheism!” Well actually he isn’t.
More generally, the “let’s not piss off the wackos” attitude is a huge part of why the wackos have been running things for the past five years. The wackos are going to be pissed off. That part is not negotiable. Deference borne of fear of wackos only makes atheists (and/or leftist) look weak.
Baratos says
I have come to the conclusion that wackos NEED to be angry at somebody, or they die. Without an outside group to hate, they would have to direct all that rage at themselves and commit suicide.
G. Tingey says
“Deference borne of fear of wackos only makes atheists (and/or leftist) look weak.”
How true these words are – even today!
Here deference to “the muslims” and “we must respect people’s religious beliefs” are the problem – or rather another aspect of the same problem.
The Disgruntled Chemist says
Glad you got over there safely, PZ. Have a great trip!
Brock Tice says
I hope you brought a lot of money. I was just over there and everything costs about twice as much as it should.
steve s says
Yeah, that’s what I want to see. More Palestine type behavior around here.
George says
When the cat’s away…
Party at Pharyngula! Woo-hoo! Look, I’ve found the world’s worst priest joke:
There once were two priests, father Dick and father Ray.
One day after a very long mass, the two priests decided to hit the showers, halfway through there showers the priests realized that there was no soap.
So, father Ray says to Father dick “I have extra soap in my room, I’ll go get some”.
So he leaves to fetch the soap and doesn’t bother to get dressed becuase who would still be in the church at such a late hour? So he comes back from his room with two bars of soap and is walking down the hall when suddenly he hears voices coming around the corner, so with his quick thinking he froze to the wall, stiff as a statue.
The voices turned out to be that of three nuns, who, when saw him standing there like a statue stopped to look at and admire him complimenting at how realistic he looks and what a nice body he has.
When suddenly one of the nuns reaches out and grabbed his penis.
Startled, he dropped a bar of soap, with this the nun said “Oh look, a soap dispencer”, wanting to test the first nuns theory the second nun reaches out and also grabs his penis, again he drops a bar of soap.
With this the nun says “Yes it’s true, it is a soap dispencer”.
Wanting to get her share of soap and excitement too, the third nun reaches out and grabs his penis.
But nothing happended for he was all out of soap, so she goes on yanking and pulling his penis for the next few minutes until, to her delight, she squeals “Oh! Look, handcream!”
I bet you can’t top that.
mothworm says
I so love that you’re a Cure fan.
Chet says
I have seen Dawkins, he always starts out nice, and then gets more and more enraged. He makes the most dismissive comments, and then at the end apologizes for getting carried away.
Its always the same sthich, cause I have seen him do the same things on videos.
And this guy is a professor of “Public Understanding” of Science.
The fool will help you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, which is a British thing..
Steverino says
The Cure rocks!….well, in their own special way
DrNathaniel says
Wish I was going back to England for a bit. I loved the Tate Modern, and now I find out they have a giagantic installation which is basically a hyper-velocity schoolyard slide:
I want one.
Ken Cope says
“Oh! Look, handcream!”
The reason the nuns were searching for a dispenser is because they’d been in the bath. One asked, “Wears the soap?” and the reply was, “Yes it does, rather.”
Umilik says
“I hope you brought a lot of money. I was just over there and everything costs about twice as much as it should”
That’s because of the weak dollar ….
Thanks to the Iraq war and the lunatics who started it……..
Don says
Nah, it’s because we charge yanks double. Doesn’t everybody?
Where’s the soap?
Umilik says
“I hope you brought a lot of money. I was just over there and everything costs about twice as much as it should”
That’s because of the weak dollar ….
Thanks to the Iraq war and the lunatics who started it……..
QrazyQat says
Peiper: have you actually seen Dawkins? He’s much better in person than his reputation would have you believe. A lot of people have bought into the “Dawkins is far too sure of himself” line of argument, which doesn’t really jib with what Dawkins himself actually says.
And if anyone wants to see this for themselves, many parts of his multi-part series “Root of All Evil” can be seen on either YouTube or Google Video; just go there and search.
And BTW, Dawkins said, on CBC Newsworld’s Big Picture, which showed part 1 and had a discussion after with many relgious people, including extremely conservative ones, that the title was at the insistence of the producers, who felt (and you know this is so) that a more nuanced title just wouldn’t work in terms of getting interest.
Sean says
Theakston’s Best Bitter and Old Peculier!
I envy you, in the land of good ale…
DoubleD says
“… now I am become Seth, enjoyer of girls…”
Kim Jong-il
Yongbyon, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
October 9, 2006
SteveInMI says
Good news from Michigan!
The state board that defines public school curriculum has rejected right-wing efforts to include ID in Michigan science classes.
Can I get a “woo hoo”?
p.s. in the interest of full disclosure: the ID campaign has the enthusiastic support of Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos (R-Awmay), and of his wife Betsy DeVos, the head of the Michigan Republican Party.
George says
If Dick DeVos would only switch positions, he could be known as Evo DeVos.
Junk Jungle says
I would just like to make the observation of the banner atop Mt. Pharyngula. It’s a bat flying in front of a moon…BRILLIANT!
JScarry says
Since this is an off-topic thread, I thought you might be intereseted to know that one of the favorite books of Linus Torvalds is Dawkin’s “The Selfish Meme”. Someone asked a bunch of great programmers some basic questions and posted their answers here. The same questions would be interesting if posed to well-known bioligists.
CCP says
I hate the Cure.
For the record.
melior says
Sean goes to confession and tells the priest, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned…I’ve been with a woman”.
The priest responds, “Is that you, Sean? Was it Mary O’Donohue?”
“It’s me, Father, but I won’t say who it was.”
“Was it Eileen Sullivan?”
“Father, I won’t say.”
“Was it Maureen Fitzpatrick?”
“Father, please! I won’t say.”
The priest gives Sean his penance and send him on his way. On the way out, Sean runs into his friend Mike who asks him, “What did he give you?”
Sean replies, “Three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three sure things.”
TheBrummell says
E = (mc)/2
Ha Kyong Won
Yongbyon, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
October 9, 2006
Um, I’m not sure what the conventions are in the absence of an easy way to make superscripts, or what they might be for mathematical expressions in DPRK, but I’m pretty sure energy is not equal to half of mass times the speed of light in a vacuum.
E = m(c)^2 is more in line with what I’ve seen.
Your point, of course, is “what do you think of North Korea’s shiny new Nuke?”
Personally, I think Dear Leader is a dangerous lunatic, and now he has The Bomb. Great. Now what?
Rainbow Serpent says
Ah, “Just Like Heaven”… They sure don’t make ’em like they used to. Pure pop perfection. That fact that the good Dr. is a fan just makes it that much better.
Ben says
My own mother would probably disown me for the fit of shameless blog-whoring that is about to follow, but the combination of an open thread regarding a visit to the UK, mention of Richard Dawkins and four pints after work has weakened my resolve.
I’m off to see Dawkins read from The God Delusion in Birmingham tomorrow. Meeting the bloke is enough to get me flapping buffoonishly, as I can thank The Blind Watchmaker for inspiring me to take a biology degree, something I’ve just started blogging about at Back Off, Man. Exponentially ratcheting up the delirium however is the fact that in The God Delusion he quoted something I wrote! Plus he called me eloquent, something that can be safely filed under ‘Can die happy now’.
Peter McGrath says
“So, will there be any nipples?”
Like organ stops, Dr Wilkins. Britain is noted for them in October.
Skeptyk says
Oh, PZ, that Cure video made me so happy. And it raises your geek cred, as well. May you have a fine wander.
rupertg says
If you’re at a loose end in London at any point and feel the urge to eat cephalopod in a fine pub with excellent beer, my local does superb tentacles in chorizo sauce and keeps splendid Old Speckled Hen, Landlord, Bombardier and whatever guest ales they’ve got in at the time. It’s also very reasonable, for London.
(It’s the Oxford in Kentish Town, about fifty yards down from the tube)
Will Von Wizzlepig says
… I watched the whole video…
…waiting to see a squid, or octopus, or cuttlefish, or something vaguely Pharyngula.
There was no such creature- however, the band’s hair looked a bit squiddy.
Here’s a flamboyant cuttlefish video on youtube to make up for it…
lazybratsche says
I think you just got wooshed. I believe the mistaken equation was intentional…
Either that, or my sarcasm detector needs to be adjusted.
kmiers says
Speaking of cuttlefish…..I think it is the Indian music turning them on!
And The CURE??!!
R O'Brien says
Dwkns s fll f xcrmnt; nly Pz s lwr n th ttm pl f bnxs, thstc cdmcns. (H s th nfmm f th st, f y wll.) Hs ndrsmnt nd 10 pnc wld nt gt y gmbll frm gmbll mchn.
guthrie says
Ahh, its our relevant mudslinger. Found anything intelligent to say yet, Robert?
beajerry says
Here there be squid:
DianeAKelly says
The hair! The enormous, improbable 80s hair!
wintermute says
What is “a 10 pence”? I assume you mean either “10 pence” (a sum of money worth one tenth of a pound) or “a ten-pence piece” (a coin with a calue of 10 pence), but as written, it makes no sense.
Replace it in that sentence with “a 10 cents”, and you may see how clumsy it is.
rrt says
I…like the Cure, but…as an MTV-deprived child, I’m not sure I’ve ever actually seen a video. I’m with Diane on this one. Holy…Freaking…Hair.
Ken Cope says
I didn’t know Dream of The Endless made music videos. I like him better with white hair.
arensb says
That video takes me back a ways, to when I was on a school trip to Berlin. The Cure were playing there. Looking back at the poster that caught my eye, it must’ve been the Seventeen Seconds tour.
Alas, I’d never heard them before, and as a student didn’t have the money to risk it on unknown bands.
And for the record, their best album is Pornography, with either The Top or The Head on the Door in second place.
R O'Brien says
Thanks dude. I was replacing “a dime” in the original saying (in an effort to be culturally sensitive :D), hence the confusion.
Ben says
Ye gods, it’s a sub-Jsn. Strangely enough I was reading the discussion page of PZ’s wikipedia page the other day (on a whim after recalling a comment round these parts wondering how long it’d take the resident donuts to start vandalising it), and the two names that kept springing up were Jinx and this character. The former, at least, has a certain lovable desperation.
R O'Brien says
Yh, Pz hs sm dtfl sycphnts wh hv ppsd my ttmpts t pst hs pblctn rcrd.
guthrie says
Sure, your just unhappy that people disagreed with you. Have you found an argument you can win yet?
I note you stood by whilst badgerpatrol slagged off PZ.
R O'Brien says
N, ws nhppy tht thy cnsprd t spprss rlvnt dtm cchd n bjctv lngg bcs t mks Pz lk bd.
guthrie says
At last, a semi sensible answer.
And in answer to it, I wonder if you understood the critiscisms of what you were suggesting. Have you looked at other peoples entries and seen how such things are done on them? In order to make your case, it would help to have some other examples of what you are trying to do.