Conservatives: Gender is all about the penis. If you were born with a penis, you’re a man. If not, you’re a woman. These are the inevitable facts about gender encoded in the laws of biology. You can’t change that by just calling yourself by a different name or using a different pronoun, and I won’t submit to your linguistic fascism, not even if you attempt to enforce it through cancel-culture economic terrorism!
Also Conservatives: This no-dick, extruded-plastic root vegetable is a man: how dare you disrespect him by removing his proper title? Next you’ll be calling this nutritious, starchy gentleman “it”! FOR SHAME. Call him “Mister” or I shall boycott your company forever!
Awwwww… the wingnuts going all pretend-Librarian about a brown-skinned immigrant from S.America — provided it’s a plastic toy.
Maybe Hasbro could add a plastic codpiece to the various accoutrements to prove his maleness – which assumes, of course, that a woman would never wear a codpiece …
I found this thread amusing . . .
Response is an image of a vaguely angelic potato saying “FEAR NOT”.
Additional responses by various commenters:
This is nothing new: they’ve previously freaked out about ginger-person cookies.
What’s even more ridiculous is that Hasbro still sells “Mr. Potato Head” and “Mrs. Potato Head” toys. The only thing that got un-gendered was the name of the toy line that includes Mr. and Mrs. Seriously. Hasbro is officially renaming the MR. POTATO HEAD brand to POTATO HEAD to better reflect the full line.
@cubist: I just looked at the picture that’s on that page, and I predict that what they show on the Potato Head box will still cause conservatives to flip out. Because there is one picture with two male-coded potatoes (both have mustaches) and a baby, and another picture with two female-coded potatoes (one has the eyelashes, the other has a ponytail) and a baby. And I will bet a box of cookies that conservatives will point at those and scream that they’re advancing the gay agenda to wee innocent children and won’t someone please think of the children !1eleventy!
Conservatives: We gender the potato then complain about its gender identity.
They’re upset because potatoes in the ground don’t have gender.
Yup. Potato plants are generally monoecious – or hermaphrotic and able to self-pollinate with botanically perfect flowers.
Theytend not tofruitmind you and whenthey do they look like green tomoatos butare poisonous and theseed doesn’tgo true totype so can’t get more of same ideal spuds from them.
Thus using the tubers (which are stems) for vegetatative clonal propagation.