OrcaCon is Awesome

I have it on good authority that OrcaCon 2017 (AKA OrcaCon 2, AKA OrcaCon the 2nd, AKA OrcaCon 2nd Edition) is thoroughly awesome. I am not in attendance, but someone I know is, and my friend’s pictures alone should wind up any gamer old enough to have played D&D in the 1980s: 


OrcaCon's 2017 front cover, produced in the style of TSR's early 1980s adventure modules.

OrcaCon’s 2017 front cover, produced in the style of TSR’s early 1980s adventure modules.


The Interior of the program for OrcaCon2 (2017)

The Interior of the program for OrcaCon2 (2017)

As you can see: objectively awesome. The “2nd Edition” bit is particularly well done, and likely responsible for the 80s feel. Will next year’s program use 3rd Edition/ early 90s styles and formatting? I don’t know, but I believe I know how to find out. If you live in the PNW, go there next year, and maybe take advantage of the Kickstarter early funding/ discounted tickets option.

If you’re lucky, who knows? You might even see someone looking particularly Crip Dyke-ish.




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