This was posted by the Trumpgrets Tumblr back on January 9th… I saw it then, but never thought to share it here.
It’s good to remember just how ignorant many in these United States are… (note: the caption and alt-text are copied from the specific Trumpgrets post)

facebook exchange where an anonymous user opines: i am not on obamacare. my health insurance is through the aca (affordable care act) which was what they had to come up with [after] obamacare crashed and burned as bad as it did. so i am going to be fine.
Partial transcript:
Black OP: One step closer to fixing this mistake, and only a couple weeks left of Barry’s regime. 2017 is looking up! *links to a C-SPAN article announcing that the senate voted 51-48 to repeal Obamacare*.
Red Commenter: Really cool of you to treat those of us who need the assistance provided by the ACA with such disregard. Really sells that whole underlying theme of republicans acting like vindictive c***s for every perceived “slight” at the hands of of democrats these past eight years. It’s a party that now openly celebrates the misfortune of others while simultaneously patting themselves on the back for making “progress”.
Black: Jesus where to start? First, we’re talking about Obamacare, not the ACA. Secondly, my health insurance is through the ACA, so I’m definitely not the kind of person to look down on others for needing help.
I’m just saying I’m glad this is finally happening because Obamacare was a failure from the start. Remember!! All of this was the brain child of liberals and they couldn’t even get the site to run right, so why should any of us have had faith that they could get socialized healthcare right? We didn’t and they couldn’t.
Again, it was a mistake that is finally being fixed.
Blue Commenter: Wait, Black. If you’re on Obamacare why the fuck are you celebrating the outcome of this vote? If the Republicans get what they want, you’ll lose your insurance.
Black: I’m not on Obamacare. My health insurance is through the ACA (Affordable Care Act), which was what they had to come up with after Obamacare crashed and burned as bad as it did. So I’m gonna be fine.
I’m not going to transcribe the rest because I don’t need to. That’s all the important stuff. The rest is just Blue and Red correcting and making fun of Black for not knowing that Obamacare and the ACA were the same thing. Black doesn’t respond past this.
Also, apologies for the gendered slur Red uses above. I censored it, but I can’t censor the picture as it’s not my own.
Any idea what the eejit is talking about with the claim “ACA (Affordable Care Act) [is] what they had to come up with after Obamacare crashed and burned as bad as it did”?
I’ve seen other examples of the ACA ≠ “Obamacare” delusion before, but this is — as far as I can recall — the first time I’ve seen anyone making that claim even attempt to describe the difference.
The NYT’s report on this phonemona, One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same (7-Feb) only speculated: “This confusion may affect the public debate over health care policy. If many people think repealing Obamacare would not affect the popular provisions of the ACA, they might not understand the potential consequences of the proposals being considered in Washington”, referring to “coverage through Medicaid and subsidies that help people buy private health insurance” (at least).