blackflagbanner2I am excited to be contributing with many of my FtB colleagues on a new group blog, Freethought Resistance,  focused on anti-fascist activism in the age of Trump. PZ’s introductory post is here.

Here are links to my first three posts:

Aww. Our first troll.

Some thoughts on activism.

Petition to Mark Zuckerberg: Don’t censor human rights documentation.

Going forward, I will probably cross-post material to the extent that it’s appropriate; for some reason, no one seems very gung-ho about hosting my anti-squirrel activism over there. (?!!!)

I hope you will check out Freethought Resistance on the regular and participate to the extent you are willing and able.


  1. Hannah says

    I am a HUGE fan of your “Death to Squirrels” postings. I think they’re on point and HILARIOUS.

    I have lots of ideas about how to kill squirrels, but when I talk about these at parties, most folk move away from me fairly quickly. Anyway, if you’re keen to hear them let me know.