Please enjoy once again the beautifully expressed thoughts of my friend Ian. (Posted with permission.)
We often quickly forget – perhaps because history focuses on the individual, rather than the conditions of a culture and society at any point in time and space – that no singular individual has themselves actually threatened the stability of of a country, or single handedly destroyed the moral and ethical fabric of a government.
This has never occurred in all of human history. We have no “supermen.”
Instead it has always been the hundreds of millions that stand behind a demagogue, and willingly do his bidding; willingly imprison, marginalize, institutionally enslave and murder the innocent.
Mobs of psychopaths; throngs of the fearful that turn as quickly as the undead into mindless monsters that violently consume anyone unwilling to submit to their narrow and bigoted view of existence; vast gangs of greedy, self-righteous insanely uneducated or willfully cognitively dissonant and yet mindful monsters that would be kings…. So many angry and poisonous weeds growing and choking out the splendor of human kindness…
It has never been just one man,… And if your only goal is preventing one man from becoming president while ignoring the hordes at his back….
I feel sad for you and the day you realize how short-sighted you were.
Fascism doesn’t knock at the door… It is a disease that you can’t see until half the body politik is coughing up blood.