Time To Backtrack: “God’s Bullies” at 40 » « “Bad News In Threes” Already Happened: And one bit of good news Something Cool To See No fancy explanations, just QED. The image is described as “A simple and straightforward map of every brain function“ (link to the original, 4040 x 6116 pixels). I had to massively shrink it just to get this uploaded. Time To Backtrack: “God’s Bullies” at 40 » « “Bad News In Threes” Already Happened: And one bit of good news
Great American Satan says August 1, 2022 at 10:46 pm i can’t even with this, but glad to have you back!
Intransitive says August 2, 2022 at 3:30 pm Very much appreciated. I’m in a better head space than I’ve been in months.
Intransitive says August 2, 2022 at 3:30 pm If you mean my tiny copy, please go to the original at the link. If you mean the original, I have no clue. I’m still trying to figure it out myself.
i can’t even with this, but glad to have you back!
Very much appreciated. I’m in a better head space than I’ve been in months.
That’s convenient and useful. Thanks.
Um…cool…but how do I make any of it legible?
If you mean my tiny copy, please go to the original at the link.
If you mean the original, I have no clue. I’m still trying to figure it out myself.