So Many Magical Mysteries

Remember the audiobook snorings?  I chanced to look at the rest of the videos on that channel and a huge amount of it is devoted to the ostensible health benefits of urine.  Drinking it, soaking your feet in it like a vulture or a slender loris or a binturong*.

So here’s the mystery.  Is the thespian the piss drinker?  Or did he merely mirror videos produced by another content creator?  I could find out by playing a peepee video, listening to the man’s voice, seeing if it matches.  But I am not doing that, thanks.

*why nature so into water sports?  and why did i have this knowledge on tap?  i know not.

Still on Xitter?

Just today it was announced Xitter was planning to remove some functionality in the Block feature, which of course has all sorts of legal and market ramifications.  One could easily imagine the fuckhead is trying to do some should-be-illegal market manipulation again, I dunno.  But let’s say you’ve been scraping along in the land of rapists and poison honey, just to follow the sad desperate personalities who haven’t been able to extricate themselves from the garbage fire yet.  Maybe it’s worth getting an outside perspective on what your current user experience looks like, and decide if you still want to keep doing this.

D’Angelo Wallace made a video about trying to create a new Xitter account and not get overwhelmed with ragebait and right wing content.  Worth a look.  Although if you are a person who appreciates my quaint ableism policy that nobody in the internet is following these days, note that D’Angelo does use the mild everyday ableist lingo, and skip the video.  But also if anybody shouldn’t be on Xitter, it’s you.  Take care of yourselves, people.

Because the video has musk’s shit-eating face on the thumbnail, I’ll hide it below the fold.  Also content warnings for all the fascism, transphobia, and conversely liberal despair that is now typical of the internet.

[Read more…]

One Take Gang

I did a few videos in one take, low effort as possible, because I work for a living and I’m old and I just don’t have much sauce for this kind of thing at the end of the day.  But I do have a wee skosh of sauce, hence why I did anything at all.  So I used those videos for three days worth of blogpostery, but they got very little attention.  That’s fine, you gotta do you.

But it makes me wonder:  If I do video content, would you like to see it be higher effort?  Have editing, better lighting, whatever?  Or is video content just not a thing I should be doing?  I trust you will not answer these questions like complete savages, thanks.

Did We Not Link the Podcast?

Did we forget to promote the Podish Sortacast we did on plagiarism this morning?  Whoops here it is…  Like a joker, this link goes to the start of my poem in the video, not to the beginning of the video, so if you wanna watch us mumble and bumble from the beginning, scroll back. EDIT – maybe that didn’t work.  I’m too tired to figure it out.  It’s at, like, 56:25.

Levitate Me

What Else Is There? – Röyksopp ft. Karin Dreijer

This is a repost from my writing elsewhere.

Trigger warnings? Things that could bother people: the dark mood, time lapse photography of mold (eww), depiction of dead ducks that may or may not have been real, images of buildings falling apart in stormy weather.

This spooky jam is sung by Karin, who is not the lip-syncing floaty model in the video, but rather the tight-lipped weirdo in the ruff collar.  You probably know her from The Knife and Fever Ray.  Music is by Röyksopp.

I’m posting this because levitation.  People sometimes experience a feeling of floating in altered mental states.  Whether you’ve experienced that or not, there’s something about the feeling of it that resonates with a primal part of the mind.  It shows up in a lot of art – song, visual depictions, writing.  I found the use of it in The Lost Boys especially evocative.

I feel like the way an animal learns to move is by willing itself in the desired direction and flailing its body that way until muscle learning catches up to  desire.  In order to want to move the body at all, there has to be an inherent feeling in the mind that movement is possible, which exists before any knowledge of how to make movement happen.  (As always, I could be very wrong.)

Essentially, we’re all natural born levitators.  The only thing keeping us from being able to float towards our desires is physical constraints.  That’s no small limitation – psychic levitation isn’t real or possible, as far as anyone knows.  But the feeling is there.  And maybe the limits of our bodies are the reason evoking that feeling can be so eerie, melancholy, or abstractly powerful.

And on an entirely different note,

Float On – The Floaters

This song is the equivalent of a video personal ad for the singers.
I challenge you to invent your own additional verse for the tune.