In terms of the queue, this post was written ten days ago? I had trouble sleeping, then fitful and shallow sleep, then passed out real hard and had heavy, sludgy dreams for an hour before the alarm got me. I was in a murky disgusting house with some fire damage, but stuff had just been moved in on top of it, crap like paper towels and housewares piled in the sides of halls waiting to collapse underfoot.
There were multiple tracks of things going on. Some girl child was crawling around on the floor trying real hard to seem disgusting and insane, eating cockroaches while leering at people and such. Mostly I ignored her. My late old sickly cat Mochi was there and I was trying to pet him. He was real playful, which I remembered he had been for a brief moment the day before he died, but for some reason the memory of his death didn’t stir a recognition of incongruence in the situation, of the fact I was dreaming.
Somebody had left a cat with the job of selling food services, with a little outfit and cardboard sign stuck around its head. The cat was trying to do this job, meowing to bring in customers (from the street? thought I was in a house), until it got something caught in its throat. It had eaten some of the food that was left with it to demo the goods – rice and eggs cooked with soft yolks – and I helped dislodge it with a kitty cat heimlich maneuver. I doubt I did it correctly. There is a correct way IRL to help a cat barf.
Before during or after this, I was hanging out with some guy talking about jobs and the feral child said she was giving up looking into work with my employer because she heard the job sucks. “Why would I want to do that?” I threw out some salary figures that could be impressive to a youth that doesn’t know better and she thought about it. Though by this time she was a hairless sphynx cat.
I asked the guy I was hanging out with, “Why can that cat talk, when the other two can’t?” (mochi and barfy) … About this time recognition of the mixed up details and the alarm converged and I woke up.
Years ago, my husband (then boyfriend) had a dream that he woke to find I had called off work sick. Then he realized, “You called off sick, but Momo didn’t! Oh no!” So we had to help our cat Momo get dressed in a little outfit and make sure she got on the bus, didn’t run away. I was a security guard so Momo was too in this world, and the outfit was scratchy blue polyester pants and collared shirt.
Anyway, cats should obviously get jobs and pay some bills. Skivers.
Before the following dream began, I was admiring a sexy man (seriously, and no rhyme intended). Then the dream was like this: Huge industrial area filled with water – if you see a cute anime girl swimming towards you, you are in danger, and if she reaches you, you are doomed because of a gigantic sea creature of some kind (a shark? something with tentacles?) and you will have to restart the loop. Above the water’s surface are a friendly but clueless AI represented by the form of a motherly-looking older woman and a simulated baby that the AI does not know is simulated. I woke up after the AI was about to give the baby an injection of some kind and I was saying that she didn’t need to because the baby wasn’t real. I also remember that while above the water’s surface, you shouldn’t step on metal because the water creature heralded by the anime girl would hear you. The AI helped me out of the water one time. In one “loop” I managed to lower the water in an area where the floor was not made of metal, so it was safe for me to step on it.
fantastic. why did this go to spam? glad i noticed it.