Attention Overload

With all of his bluster, you notice the POTUS—
His hands may be small; his persona is large
But hiding behind him? Loose cannon Steve Bannon,
The racist and bigot who’s really in charge
And there in the shadows, Mike Pence’s offenses
Are under the radar—at least, that’s the plan—
Attending to Trump as the vaster disaster
Means Pence gets to play the Invisible Man [Read more…]

Looking for a quote…

I have tried all the usual quote sources, with no success. My recollection was that this was Abbie Hoffman… which means it could be any number of similar people, or a total failure of my recollection. Anyway, the gist is…

When you censor the freedom to say “fuck”, you censor the freedom to say “fuck the government”. or something vaguely close to that.

I remember this quote, very strongly. I also know that strong memories are not the same as true memories. So I am looking for help. And yes, I am also looking for the quote through my own sources. (and thus far failing, or I wouldn’t be writing this…)


and yeah, everything old is new again.